范文网 合同范本 石人腾柱课后总结(最新)


石人腾柱课后总结 第一篇如果说引人入胜的新课导入能产生“课伊始,趣亦生”的效果,那么,巧妙的课堂总结则能达到“课虽终,思未了,趣不尽,情更浓”的境界。一堂课结束前的几分钟,正是学生的大脑处于疲劳状态的。


石人腾柱课后总结 第一篇










































石人腾柱课后总结 第二篇

Phenomenon 一: traditional education① Most children who graduate from traditional education school cannot live on their own or find a job.② Students are very depressed when they in the school ,and they have no interest in even have some students jump off the building.③ Although students study at school, they still need a lot of remedial classes.④After graduation, students who find jobs still need : The traditional education is defective, can not meet our educational needs.

However, most parents in China still choose to send their children to study in traditional 二: Chronic diseases① The proportion of death caused by chronic diseases has risen to over 八五% in China.② There are nearly 九零 million obese adults in China, ranking first in the world.③ The number of people suffering from “three highs”in China is on the rise.

Explanation: Chinese people generally lack , most schools in China have less than three hours of exercise a week, and most students have no time to exercise during 三: Short video software① On average, Chinese people spend two hours a day on short video apps.②Short videos will bring short-term stimulation, which will make people lose the consciousness and ability to think deeply.③ Short videos cause serious irregular work and rest for adults and children.④ After using short video software for a long time, they will feel seriously empty.

Explanation: Short video software caused a very big impact on us.

However,most People in China have short video apps on their 四: Study abroad in America① Most of the children who study abroad in America can't find a job in China or abroad.② Students do not study ,but fall in love, spend a lot of money and take drugs during their study time.③ Students are severely discriminated against abroad.

④Students can't even speak good English after they come back to China.

Explanation: Study abroad is defective, can not meet our educational needs.

However, most Chinese parents choose to send their children to study in United States .Phenomenon 五: used to stay up late① Stay up late lead to lack of sleep time and irregular sleep cycle.②Staying up late leads to cognitive decline ,sluggishness and difficulty in concentrating during the day,.③ Chronic late nights can lead to Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease.④九零% of sudden death among young people is related to staying up : Staying up late is very bad for our , 七零% of young people in China have the habit of staying up late.七:神说:“不聆听经验导致的结果是:你不断地重复体验到它。一次又一次。因为我的质疑不可被忽略”

石人腾柱课后总结 第三篇

Since the lesson was mostly talked by topics, I'll mention my two harvests.

一/God, saint, devil

In this lesson, Principal Zhang talks about three kinds of people: god, saint, and demon.

Let's start with demon, which is very simple to understand. Demon, who enjoys destroying others, even destroy themselves unconsciously. To take an example, seeing a bird's nest fall, what a demon might do is to take those nestlings and roast them for dinner. What they do is to earn profit by destroying others. If you can't be a saint, or a god, at least don't be a devil.

The opposite of the above, is saint, or an absolute good person, who does everything for the sake of others. I once heard a story about a nazarite who saw a hungry beast on the way, to my surprise, this man cut off his own flesh and threw it to the beast. That's an good man absolutely, who are able to put their own needs behind the needs of others. Characters like Mother Teresa would be what we would call saint, because she was all about people and spent her whole life helping others.

But a saint is not a ‘圣母婊’.

A saint is selfless, simply giving without expecting anything in return. However all the ‘圣母婊’

does it to satisfy their delusional inner-self, wanting to be recognized by others and make them feel how great they are. For example, there is a book about a person who suffered enough her ‘圣母情节’.

For example, she was on her way to a party when she accidentally had a car accident and broke her arm, later on hurt her leg for some other reason, but because of a stupid promise, she insisted on attending the party without telling anyone about the injury. Just to reflect her saintly motherhood and her greatness, yet no one noticed, so it was painful. Differs from saint, who won’t because they don't even do it to give back.

What is the last kind of God, as opposed to good and bad, how does God think? God, representing our highest thought, which is joy, truth and love.

For example, 山长

once did a “bad thing”by putting a can of fish on the grass, and the next day thousands of ants died on the grass because the ants had been at war in the area. What does God think of all this? If it was the devil, he probably thought it would be fun to have so many ants that he could get a lot of them killed, one nest at a time. The saint might have just kept stopping it, standing in the middle, saying: stop fighting, please stop, don’t hurt yourself and you relatives, we are all family, we have to live in peace. However what God does is stand by and smile.

Staying out of the way, first and foremost because of love, I don't stand for factions because I know all of you ants are fighting for your people, grabbing food, and all of you are sacrificing for your country, even you might die at war, is admirable and really brave. But I won't join you, because it's actually stupid to do so, and kind of funny. You were probably once a family, but now you are all fighting because you don't know each other no more. Not to mention joining the ant's entanglement, wouldn't I be just like the ants? This is the truth, seeing it all for what it is. So whichever side wins, I watch with a smile on my face, with a pleasant mood, just like the fighting of two kids.

Actually, those ants are in fact like human beings, two sides are at war. For example, the Islamists say, you join us in Islam, fight against capitalism and fight for the interests of our poor children. The other side tells you that these Islamists are simply infidels, they are destroying the world, and you must join us in order to save the world. Which side to join? As God, looking behind this, all the people here are really brave. I would never dare to go to war, they are willing to fight to defend what they believe to be the truth, this is a very respectable action. This is love, look everything to the good side. In other word, you can say it is the “mercy”, the ‘慈悲’, ‘慈’

that is kindness. But for God, the war of so many people is, frankly speaking, no different from ants fighting over a can of fish. So it's funny, and it's sad. For a little interest, a small problem may develop into murder, and even more into war, and that is ‘悲’, “sorrow”.

It's like those cases often told before, where you can get into a fight with others, even cut someone's head off, for a 五零-cent phone bill, or 五零-cent of price difference. These things are tragic to say, but they are the truth, and souls like to be true. Things of human don't really mean anything to God, so he doesn't get involved.

Just like ‘山长’

will not do technology, not that it can't be done, but not interested. Technology, no matter how high-tech and mighty it is said to be, is frankly about satisfying people's desires. Apple phone is built, it is advanced, but if there was no Apple phone, would people still stare at their phones, watch short videos, read novels and read mindless stuffy nowadays? Building a rocket to put a man on the moon is great, and it's really fine to do it, but what's the point of doing so? Sending people to the moon, then what? Isn't it still about satisfying desires, how great we humans are, how technologically advanced we are, that we can all be stationed on other planets.

But with all of these things, God doesn't have any subjective judgments like what is good and what is bad. If you want to do it, then do it, God will always support you, that is his attitude, whatever is right to do. And no matter what you do, God will always watch you with a pleasant mood. It's like when ‘山长’ took her daughter to the supermarket, they were watching people from the sidelines. For example, when he saw a cafe and a man inside was very perky, he was playing the role of a very powerful man who had a lot of money and was able to come to such a fancy place to drink coffee and look very elegant, while the two people outside the window were looking around quietly, they must not have any money. What he paid for was not coffee, but a feeling. At the same time the waiter is playing the role of someone with a good attitude, very committed to give the customer what he needs for the benefit of the company. Everyone is playing their part, and how interesting it is to watch.

We can be grateful and look at all things with love, like those employees of customers of Haidilao, the scientists who make rockets, the manufacturers of Apple phones, the designers who create ‘锦鲤咖啡厅’,

the chefs who make authentic Cantonese dim sum in Thailand, they are all admirable, all of them. But we also need to see the truth, the sadness of these people. Once you are inside the matter, there is really no difference between yourself and them.

However, we are all human, we have been in them already, so all we can do is try to think in God's way and look at the world with love, truth and joy.

Let's say it with an interesting question, a kidnapper comes to rob you, should you fight him or run away or just give the money? It doesn't really matter what the act is, what matters is your thought, you can give him the money because you know he needs it; or you can choose to run away because you know that giving him the money may lead to more tragic events and it's better to let him suffer; or you can fight him and show an identity that you would rather die than give up. The point is what kind of role you want to show, and what kind of mode you are thinking.

Instead of playing the clown of the story, jump out and become the observer.

二/Listen to God’s messages

The second harvest has to do with God's mercy as well.

God is merciful, he watches us quietly but gives us signals when we are doing wrong, after all, God is actually everything around us, it is us, we are God. Aren't our feelings one of them? When we do something that our soul doesn't like, we feel depressed, and that remind us to correct it. It's just that these signals are often ignored.

For example, one of the most obvious recent examples, the Coronavirus, to say where does it came from, even scientists had no conclusion. in fact, 山长 looked at it, and found that it was actually some demigods who realized that the human world was just about to be done by us, so they used this virus to make us lock ourselves up, only when each country block themselves up, they will start to think about the loopholes of what they've done.

Why do you say that the earth is heading for destruction? It's simple, as human’s desires grow, we create more and more things to satisfy their desires. Those precious resources of earth are constantly being exploited to make things we don't even need, such as cell phones, airplanes, and rockets. How many coal mines are wasted when we are willing to fly from Beijing to Guangdong for a meal, or from the US to China for some cherries? Just to satisfy our selfish desires.

While such signals are always ignored, at least the Coronavirus influenced the course of human development for a decade, but without awareness, it would eventually lead to destruction, which could not be stopped.

In addition to these types of signals, each of us is actually receiving signals from God. Getting sick, for example, may be God's way of reminding us that there is something wrong with what we are doing right now, that we are doing it wrongly, that maybe you have been eating unhealthily lately, or that there is something wrong with your habits.

In other case, when we have cancer, it might also be signals from God. However, many patients that are born with serious illnesses are still living their unhealthy lifestyles.

Then there is depression, the cause of which is that we are extremely dissatisfied with our current lives, our souls are extremely dissatisfied, and if we could be aware of it, we could go and change. However, many people in this society do not have the means to realize it, or if they realize it, they use other methods to escape, such as drinking, playing games, reading novels, watching short videos and other ways to numb themselves. It seems to be useful, but in fact it is just a vicious circle, experiencing pain over and over again. Why are there so many people suffering now, especially workers, when clearly everyone was the most alive and lovable as a child, because we all failed to do things according to God's instructions.

What it takes to fix this vicious circle is to embrace the failure and embrace these bad feelings. The more uncomfortable you feel, the more you have to deal with it, you can't run away from it, because running away doesn't solve the problem. When you really listen to the feelings and feel what the soul is trying to tell you, that's how you know what you really want and really need.



石人腾柱课后总结 第四篇


石人腾柱课后总结 第五篇

My cousin, because of her childhood experience,when she grew up ,she really want to feel loved. She has very similar situation with all her boyfriends, and although she tries very hard to manage their relationship, she has never found a boyfriend who she thinks really loves her.

When she started dating this guy, she was very happy , and happiness every day.

Then , she's feared of losing, she fear that she's not good enough and this guy will likes another girl, or she fear that his parents don't like him...

After a period of time, because she know this boy deeper, she will find that this boy has some disadvantages, there are some issues may cause great influence in the future. So , she will start to struggle, struggle waiting for him to change, or split up with this boys. During this period, her mood will fluctuate greatly. When she is with that guy, she will be happy, but when she is alone, she will be http:// this state, she was not as happy as when she was not with this boy. Even though the story was so similar every time, and ended in tragedy every time, she didn't realize what the problem was. She always expected to find a 'perfect boyfriend' who was competent, kind to her and loved her very much. But there is no such 'perfect boyfriend', because loving her is a very subjective judgment . If she wants to look outside for love, she can never be satisfied.(二)请列举自己的一个例子,说明神说的这种情况:

I often miss opportunities because I'm afraid of the outcome, and i will certainly regret after that. For example, I wanted to be the monitor last semester, but I was afraid that I could not do well, so I did not dare to run for president. Another example is that there were many debates in last semester, but i worried that my performance is not good enough, So i did not dare to raise my hands to do it; and what is the most common thing that happens is do not dare to answer or ask questions when we have class, because I am afraid that I will answer wrong or ask stupid questions. But after class, I will regret . Although I regret every time after i doing such things , I often do it because I am afraid and i want to save my face.(三)请找到你如何解决这种死循环的方式:

I think there are three ways to solve this problem:① Feeling from soul. - Listen to your heart and follow the sound of feeling.② Feeling from mind. - Do rational judgment, looking for advice, or reading to find the answer.③ Feeling from body. - Getting bad feelings over and over , creating painful links, and finally learning them .For those two examples, there are some specific solutions :Example 一: cousin's difficulty① Feeling from soul. - Listen to your heart and follow the sound of Stop when she realize that she's not feeling right, she's struggling and in pain .- Try to feel what is happiest thing, and do what make her soul happy.② Feeling from mind. - Do rational judgment, looking for advice, or reading to find the of the pros and cons of dating this guy and make a rational decision about whether or not dating with this Take a dating books by successful, happy women like Michelle Consult an adult with experience in this area, like my mom.③ Feeling from body. - Getting bad feelings over and over , creating painful links, and finally learning them .- Dating with more guys, constantly experiencing pain and struggle, reaching the limit and realizing that she were looking for love in the wrong 二: My difficulty① Feeling from soul. - Listen to your heart and follow the sound of a different approach when i feel regret .- Do what make my soul Try to see how i feel after i done it.② Feeling from mind. - Do rational judgment, looking for advice, or reading to find the Rationally determine what is the consequences of my actions and whether i is unacceptable .- Consult my teacher.③ Feeling from body. - Getting bad feelings over and over , creating painful links, and finally learning them .-Keep doing it, and often feel regret. When i reach the limit, i will change it.八:你们都想知道你们的感受来自何处,如何鉴定你们的感受级别:今天谈到:喜欢和不喜欢,就是你的灵魂语言。请看下面的这个锦鲤咖啡馆的关于,相信大多数人都会“喜欢”,但这种喜欢,有来自最高的灵魂的感受——爱和真实、快乐,也有来自低级的杂音。请自我检测一下,自己是什么级别?很简单——说出你对这家咖啡馆的感受来。让我们通过你的感受,来判断你的感受来自何处?高级的灵魂?还是低级的被植入,被_?

①My Feeling:The environment is pretty beautiful, and i am very yearning to visit such natural environment.

From my soul feeling: i like lively scenes, like nature.

Way to Test: I will be really happy if i can live in this environment every day.

conclusion:I love lively scenes and nature.② My Feeling:I can watch fish and drink coffe at the same time.

From my body feeling: it will be really fun.

Way to Test:If i can eat every meal here, after a few days I will doubtlessly forget the fish and stop paying attention to them.

conclusion:I don't need to watch fish while I eat, it's just my curiosity.③ My Feeling:This place is very unique,I have never seen it, I can post it on my Wechat friend circle.

From my body feeling: I think if i can go to such a unique place indicates that i have a very good taste and i am keep up with fashion trends.

Way to Test: if i can not say anything about it after i go ,i'm not willing to go there .

conclusion: I was brainwashed into thinking that going to a unique place meant that I was unique, and i had a unique mind. 九:古人说:食,色性也。我们的眼睛要看,我们的嘴巴要吃。请你继续看后面的链接,假如你在泰国,你看到这家清迈的店的关于,你想来吗?请说出你看这篇文章之后的感受。看你的感受级别!

石人腾柱课后总结 第六篇

Psychology: He wondered if only he could communicate with God, or if only some very strong people (such as Christ) could communicate with God, and if so, why God selected him and what was his own special : To sum up, it is a kind of confusion, with a little proud(want to know whether there is something special about himself ) (二)“神”的回答,代表了什么?

The literal meaning god trying to express in each sentence:①All people are special, and all moments are golden. There is no person and there is no time one more special than . God does not selectively talk to people. He talks to . Someone is not talking with God because he is not listening.②Many people chose to believe that God communicates in special ways and only with special people. This post the mass of the people from responsibility for hearing My message, much less receiving it (which is another matter), And allows them to take someone else's word for . God wanted Neil know that it's not that many people can't hear God speak . Instead, they choose to believe that God only speaks to special people. (Because once people believe this, they can convince themselves that some people are successful because of God's guidance, and their own bad because God's haven't direct them. therefore ,they can blame god for all the fault.)二. Because of ↑, many people do not need to responsible for hearing God's voice. (because it's not god's voice), do not need to received, do not need to . So they can ignore God's guidance and just do what other people (parents, teachers, partners) say and blame it on them.②You don't have to listen to Me, for You've already decided that others have heard from Me on every subject, and you have them to listen to. By listening to what other people think they heard Me say, You don't have to think at is the biggest reason for most people turning from My messages on a personal level. If you acknowledge that you are receiving My messages directly, then you are responsible for interpreting . If you listen to other people who have spoken to God, you don't need to listen to God (after all, they are saying the same thing what God wants to say) (Another guess is that God believed that once you listened to these people, you would be almost impossible to communicate with God because you would believe that God could only communicate with these people).二. Listen to what these people are saying , you don't need to think anymore (because the language of God is hard to feel and understand, and is much easier to understand if someone can directly paraphrase it)三. Because people cannot understand what God is communicating with them, they assume that only those who can explain it are communicating with God and that others are . Some people may have communicated with God, but because they do not understand it themselves, or can not explain it to others, they do not show that they have communicated with God.④ It is far safer and much easier to accept the interpretation of others (even others who have lived 二,零零零 years ago) than seek to interpret the message you may very well be receiving in this moment now. There are reasons and benefits to listening to those peoples explanations. First of all, they really easier to understood than what God say , and if many people followed them, what they said must be right. Secondly, it is much more difficult to be calm and listen to god's voice than to find an actual person or an actual book.⑤Yet I invite you to a new form of communication with God. A two-way communication. In truth, it is you who have invited Me. For I have come to you, in this form, right now, in answer to your . Before, God could only communicate unilaterally with others, but they opened an two-way communication. Neal can ask god questions and god can explain to . In fact, it should be considered that Neil invited god to carry out such two-way communication. (god can only communicate with you if you want to communicate with him; god communicate with other people, but they don't communicate with him, so he don't have two-way communication with them.)In addition, we can also see god's position, or god's thinking, through this passage:一. God is not selfish, he do not choose to communicate with who he wants to communicate with, but communicate with all . God doesn't care if we want to communicate with him or receive his message. He hope he can help us, but he doesn't care if he can help us or not.下面先从每句话分析一下“神”想要表达的字面意思:

①All people are special, and all moments are golden. There is no person and there is no time one more special than another. ②Many people choose to believe that God communicates in special ways and only with special people. This removes the mass of the people from responsibility for hearing My message, much less receiving it (which is another matter), and allows them to take someone else’s word for everything. ③You don’t have to listen to Me, for you’ve already decided that others have heard from Me on every subject, and you have them to listen to. By listening to what other people think they heard Me say, you don’t have to think at is the biggest reason for most people turning from My messages on a personal level. If you acknowledge that you are receiving My messages directly, then you are responsible for interpreting them. ④

It is far safer and much easier to accept the interpretation of others (even others who have lived 二,零零零 years ago) than seek to interpret the message you may very well be receiving in this moment now. ⑤Yet I invite you to a new form of communication with God. A two-way communication. In truth, it is you who have invited Me. For I have come to you, in this form, right now, in answer to your call. (三)“神”回答之后,尼尔继续问:基督为啥能够更多地聆听到与“神”的交流?又代表他的什么心理呢?你感受到这些细微的地方没有?

① If God can communicate with anyone at any time, why is everyone on a different level and why is Christ so successful? Was it because he had heard more, that God had spoken to him more?② I am also communicating with God ,why I cannot be Christ.

In summary, it is a kind of disbelieving , and he want to confirm it.

石人腾柱课后总结 第七篇

①Help others, no matter is happen now is manage our the monitor means to decide most of the rules and regulations of the class. How these rules and regulations are formulated will determine the state of the class. If i can make these rules reasonably ,i will help the whole class students improve. In addition to being the class monitor and helping the class improve, there are many situations where i can help others. Such as helping small animals that no one takes care of , helping old people crossing the road, helping lost children find there home... I also feel very happy while doing these things. Although it is a very easy thing for me, for them, it may be a great help.② Focus on my goal and get into a flow state. No matter what I am doing, when I am fully engaged and not disturbed by the outside world, I will enter a very focused flow state. Whenever I enter this state, my heart is peaceful and joyful, and I will feel very happy after finishing what I am doing.③ Break through myself ,or make any progress in all aspect. Whether it's learning a new skill, setting a new athletic record, or improving my mental homework, I'm happy. ④ Be able to be independent, and do things that 'grown-ups' can do. If I can do more things on my own, it means I can make my parents feel more assured. If I can earn money, I don't need my parents give me pocket money. If I learn to drive, I won't need my parents to drive me around... This can let them have more time to do their own It also means that I have grown up and have the ability to take responsibility for myself.⑤

Accompany my relatives , friends ,and let them feel happy.

I am also very happy when I accompany my relatives and friends, chat with them and help them solve some troubles in their life. Because they are very important people in my life, they help me a lot in my life. If I can help them or just accompany them and make them happy, I'll be happy, too. In summary, doing things that make me and others better.
