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托福独立写作没写总结 第一篇通过上面的原文关于我们可以清晰地看到,托福综合写作的评分主要从以下三方面进行评估。一. 内容:五分标准在内容上一点折扣都不能打,必须完整又正确地写出听力部分的所有细节,并且。


托福独立写作没写总结 第一篇


一. 内容:


二. 结构:

综合写作的结构从大方向上来说是没有问题和难度的,一般采用四段式,第一段Introduction, 接下来三段分别写出听力反驳阅读的三个方面。那么难度在哪里呢?同学们务必要有的意识是段落和段落之间的过度和衔接是否有效,是否正确,是否容易让人理解。这就需要同学们把连接词或者写作模版提前准备好,使句和句,段与段之间的关系有逻辑地清晰地表达出来。

三. 语言:






让步段落 +重申自己坚持原观点


Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to (ex:people's success) as (ex: education).Despite various responses people may have on the topic that ( ex:which thing should the education aim at).I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that for careers should have primary consideration.)

Asked what...will do to ..., some (ex:teachers) may answer: . Admittedly, plays a vital part in (ex:person’s success and happiness).But actually, I think that...

适用于agree or disagree的问题 。

Adj(Marvelous) as it looks at first sight, (ex:modern technology) does not (ex:help students learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency ) in most cases; or it could work towards the opposite direction which led (ex:students to lose their initiative to learn and explore.)

一上来直接问题的转述:(ex:Can we know a person through the types of friends he has)?

当然,可以转述为 Asked ,

Different people will give different answers to this question from their own characters, emotional concerns and even educational , when it comes to me, I firmly believe that...

这个适用于所有问题。。观点对比型(live in small town or live in big city?)

甚至来个简单的, I support the idea that...


+To better illustrate my point of view, I list several reasons as follows.


支持段落一:To begin with,.... 中间需要举例一下:For instance,

支持段落二:Furthermore,... 中间有需要的话再举例一下 There is no better illustration than the example of...

支持段落三,:没有让步段落了就 Last but not the least, 有让步段落就 In addition,...

让步段落:Admittedly, Granted, I tend to agree(concede) that: in some cases(conditions), it may be true that....These cases, however, are rare and therefore are too weak to convince me to walk away from my position .

(When the advantages and disadvantages of X and Y are carefully examined, the most striking conclusion is obvious that…… ) I still firmly believe that.


All in all, for the reasons listed above, we can safely conclude that...





学沫版: More and more people begin to ridebicycle.

学渣版: A growing number of people begin tocycle.

伪学霸: Cycling attracts more and more people.

学霸版: Cycling is adding its appeal for manycitizens.

学神版: Cycling gains its popularity.


一. Spawn v. 产卵,滋生

二. Attribute v.归因于

三. Draw on 借鉴

四. End up doing something 最终会...

五. Reflect on 认真思考


一. 这样的做法会产生很多社会问题。

二. 成功很多情况下是由于团队的共同努力。

三. 借鉴历史的教训十分重要。

四. 如果不保护环境,人类最终会灭绝。

五. 认真思考过后我发现这个观点是不成立的。


一. This conduct would spawn a lot ofsocietal problems/

二. Success, in most cases, can beattributed to the team’s concerted efforts.

三. It counts to draw on history.

四. Human beings would end up being extinctif they did not protect environment

五. Reflecting on this statement carefully,I found it unconvincing.



Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth. Natural resources are being depleted and pollution is being created as a result of development of technology. Natural areas are being damaged as a result of urban expansion to populate more people.

First, we harm the Earth by using more and more natural resources. If we fell too many trees at one time to build

houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees before they grow to maturity, they can hardly grow back in time. As worrisome as overcutting of trees is overfishing. With improved technology and greater drive for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted, reducing the biomass of some fish to the verge of extinction. Whaling seems a most irksome issue. While most countries argue against it, some countries go whaling to extremes. We often take it for granted that we have unlimited natural resources and use them in a wasteful manner, bringing about great losses.

Second, we damage the Earth by producing pollution in all forms. Factories pollute water and the air. Vehicles pollute the air. Nuclear-related and electronic products are playing an increasingly big role in polluting the air, especially when we dispose of related waste carelessly. We take it for granted that Nature can help clean everything, but it can not.

Third, expanding towns and cities are taking up more and more land. As populations flood to cities, new houses and stores have to be built to accommodate their needs. Land that was good for farming has now become factories and apartment buildings. We seem to take it for granted that we have unlimited land, but we do not.

In summary, human activity seems to be going at the expense of the Earth in various ways. However, our survival depends on the Earth, including natural areas and natural resources, so we have to venerate the Earth.

托福独立写作没写总结 第二篇




In this day and age, the issue whether [一] has caused a hot debate, dividing people into two camps with opposite opinions. Despite the fact that some people tend to hold a positive attitude, arguing that [二], others view it differently. Weighing both sides of the argument, however, I find it hard to escape the conclusion that [三]. Reasons and examples that could explain my stance are as follows.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In modern times, grandparents cannot give their grandchildren useful advice because the world of today and the world of 五零 years ago are too different. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


In this day and age, the issue whether grandparents can still offer their grandchildren valuable advice has caused a hot debate, dividing people into two camps with opposite opinions. Despite the fact that some people tend to hold a positive attitude, arguing that basic principles of life hardly change, others view it differently. Weighing both sides of the argument, however, I find it hard to escape the conclusion that grandparents can still give us some useful advice. Reasons and examples that could explain my stance are as follows.



It is important or beneficial for sb. to do A in order to X. This is because A 对于 X 的重要性或者好处。Conversely, 如果不做 A 对于 X 的坏处。A good case in point is Eg一's experience. 二-三 句阐述例子。The story of Eg一 perfectly illustrates the importance of A.

当然了,这只是一个非常理想的情况,如果由于某些原因不能保证正反说理和例子同时存在,可以酌情去掉。比如没有例子可以只有正反说理,只不过各说 二-三 句即可。类似的,如果没有反面说理,可以例子或者正面的说理多说一句。极端情况下,主题句和说理都不会写,那直接上例子呗。


Agree or disagree, it is better for children to choose the jobs of their parents.

It is important for us to choose a job that suits our interest in order to distinguish ourselves in a particular field. This is because not only can we have much higher work efficiency by devoting ourselves to a job that interests us,but we are also more likely to come up with innovative ideas. Conversely, following in the footsteps of our parents without thinking of what fascinates us is likely to lead us to nothing but mediocre life. A good case in point is Kobe, a shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association. He is one of the most influential basketball players in the history of NBA, not solely for his success in leading the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships, but for his courage to choose a career that he is obsessed with. The story of Kobe perfectly illustrates the importance of personal interest in one's career development.

following in the footstep of sb

他是一名医生,希望他的儿子能步他的后尘。 He is a doctor and expects his son to follow in his footsteps.

她步她父亲的后尘,在电视台工作。 She works in television, following in her father's footsteps.


他很小时就在英国戏剧界崭露头角。 He distinguished himself in British theatre at a very early age.

作为运动员她已享有盛名。 She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.




I recognize that there are some people who may still be reluctant to take my side after reading my reasons and examples above. There are some of my detractors who may say that [一]. However, I insist that [二], so this argument does not weaken my point.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Educating young people about healthy food is important and should not be the job of families alone; it should also be the responsibility of schools to teach their students about healthy eating. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I recognize that there are some people who may still be reluctant to take my side after reading my reasons and examples above. There are some of my detractors who may say that it is the school's responsibility to impart knowledge to students, not to teach them to develop healthy eating habits. However, I insist that only when students have a proper diet can they have enough energy to study, so this argument does not weaken my point.



In conclusion, based on my reasons and examples, we can clearly see that [一].


Foods and drinks that contain high levels of sugar, salt, or fats have harmful health effects when consumed in great quantities. Some people believe that governments should make these unhealthy foods and drinks more expensive by taxing them. The tax (money paid to the government) would discourage consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks and raise money for future health-care costs. Other people believe that consumers buying foods or drinks should not pay any additional tax, even if the food or drinks are unhealthy. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.

In conclusion, based on my reasons and examples, we can clearly see that a government has every reason to tax unhealthy foods and beverages.

have every reason to do sth这个短语大家可以常用,其实也可以加入到结尾模板中来,这个短语还是很地道的。













I firmly believe that with the advancement of technology, especially artificial intelligence, many of the jobs we do now will be replaced by machines, so people will gradually become less stressed. At that time, people will naturally have more time and energy to focus on their health, which means that it is unreasonable to claim that the most essential improvement on people's quality of life has already taken place.




I believe that as society develops further and people's living standards continue to improve, more and more governments will focus on people's health(这里强调将来改进的空间), rather than just emphasizing economic development. And in the future, economic development will no longer be at the expense of the environment, but will rely on the constant innovation of high-tech companies. So, in this respect, it is hard to say that the most important improvements have already taken place. (扣题)


Contaminate: to make something less pure or make it poisonous


Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.

Discharge: to send out a substance, especially waste liquid or gas


Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged daily by the factory.

Outrage: to cause someone to feel very angry, shocked or upset


Local people were outraged at the bombing.

Bow: to do what someone else wants you to do, usually unwillingly


Eventually the government was forced to bow to public pressure and reform the tax.



To sum up, based on my previous reasons and examples, there is every reason to argue that 这里融合题目, which greatly weakens the given statement.


开头段(一零八 words)

背景+争议+立场+过渡 开头基本都是这个套路。虽然看起来很low,但并不影响我们拿满分。

第一个理由(二零一 words)

我上来就抛出了one-week orientation的三个坏处:时间短无法很好的了解大学、针对性不够强、有些学生人多的场合不敢提问。这几个点写完之后实在是没啥话说了,我就编了个例子。其实大家能看出来这个文章写的挺仓促的。很多老师在讲课的时候一般是不推荐同一个主体段给出多个理由的。但是如果真的遇到了没啥特别好的想法的题目,这么写也是不错的选择。多写几个理由又不用展开能很好地减少我们的压力。


第二个理由(二零二 words)


说完好处之后我又回到上一段编的例子。例子的最后又是有个套路。所有例子的结尾我们既可以像上一段那样说我的经历不是孤立的,也可以像这一段一样,来一个跟过去相反的虚拟。因为我们支持的是b,那我们就可以说如果当时我做b的话,我就会更成功。或者如果当时我没做b的话我不可能这么成功。最后一个句子应该是少了一个had,因为跟过去相反的是主句would have done从句had done的结构。偶尔有个错看来是不影响满分的,别太多就行。

结尾段(三二 words)


Based on the above reasons and examples, it is clear that 这里重申立场.














托福独立写作没写总结 第三篇



独立写作是指在考试中,首先会给出一个具体的观点,之后你需要对这个观点结合自己的想法进行论述,写一篇议论文。独立写作的官方字数要求是三零零 words 以上,写作时间是三零分钟。





托福独立写作没写总结 第四篇





(主题句)Admittedly, it is not advisable for children to be overly obsessed with computer games.(条件) If children are overly exposed to the appealing elements of the computer games, including true-to-life visual and sound effects, smartly-designed plots and fascinating game modes, they would grab every opportunity to experience the magical power of the electonic world.(结果)Owing to these superior characteristics, most computer games are able to tie an addicted youngster to the chair before the computer screen for a long time.(影响)Without doubt, it will not only do harm to a child’s health and schoolwork, but also waste much valuable time that could be spent engaging in more meaningful activities.


托福独立写作没写总结 第五篇











Describe the best way for you to deal with disagreement with your friend.


No matter how close two friends are, there is a chance to have a disagreement on some issues. I believe the best way to solve the problem is to have a direct communication with each other. For me, when I have different ideas with my best friend Alisa like where to have dinner, which movie to watch, or maybe just a math problem. I would choose to ask her reasons beyond her opinion. If she had sufficient reasons to support her idea I would forget my opinion and follow her suggestion. If not, I would insist mine. Without a timely communication, the misunderstanding can lead to further disagreement, and that will finally ruin our friendship.


Which of the following functions of smart phones most beneficial to students?

一)taking photos

二) listening to the music

三)recording lectures


Sample answer:

In my point of view, listening to music is most beneficial to students when they use their smart phones. Because first, listening to the music is an effective way for students to relax themselves. It is the fact that nowadays students are quite busy with their schoolwork for nearly whole week. So in their limited spare time, many students tend to listen to some sweet music on their phones to release their stress from study, which allows them to forget their heavy study tasks for a little while. Besides, music can please almost everyone, but not all the students like taking photos and it’s unnecessary for most of them to record lectures with their smart phones.
