范文网 合同范本 英语就业合同范本(最新)


英语就业合同范本 第一篇甲方:乙方:为发展经济保护和发展林木资源,甲方把原龙潭XX(已荒弃多年)的经营权给乙方承包,双方共同协商达成以下协议:一、承包山林的面积范围:承包范围为旧龙潭XX的全部范围,面。


英语就业合同范本 第一篇

















英语就业合同范本 第二篇


The Seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stated below:

(一)Product description:

(a) model number:BCD—二二六STV

(b)About the exterior appreance:

total volume(L):二二六

power comsumption():

effective area of freezer:五八

effective area of variable greenhouse:四三

effective area of storage room:一二五


(c)About the function:

Fresh kept; automatic thermostat;

over-temperature alarm; led display;

individual shutdown.

Unit Price: $六八零 (六八零 dollars)per set

Quantity:一零零零 sets

(二)Contract Value:$六八零,零零零(six hundred and eighty dollars )

(三)Country of Origin: China

(四)Port of Shipment: Dalian,China

(五)Port of Destination: Newyork,Ameirica

(六)Time of Shipment: November 一二th, 二零xx

(七)Packing: The goods must be properly packaged, suitable for ocean-going and long-distance land transport, moisture, shock, anti-rust resistance, rough handling, to ensure that the goods will not be damaged by the above reasons, so good to arrive safely. Any loss caused by poor packing should be born by the seller.

(八)Marks: The seller must use non-fading paint to print each box number, size, gross weight, net weight, hanging position, “this side up”, “Handle with care”, “keep dry” and other words.

(九) Insurance:The insurance shall be covered by the Seller under the term of CIF for 一一零% of the invoice value against all risks.

(一零) Terms of Payment: Letter of Credit.

The buyer shall 三零 days prior to shipment open an irrevocable credit contained the buyer as the payer and the seller as the beneficiary through . bank. China bank should commit the credit after he received and verificated the following documents.

(a)Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to Great World Store and blank endorsed marked freight to collect; (b)Commercial lnvoice;

(c) The Inspection Certificate of Quality issued by CCIC of China; (d)Certificate of Origin;

(e)Notice of Shipment.

(一一)Terms of Shipment:

(a)The seller must notify the buyer name of the booking vessel and itstransportation routes 四零 days before sail, for the buyer to confirm. (b)The seller must notify the buyer expected time of delivery, contract number, invoice amount, the number and the shipment weight and size of each piece 二零 days before shipment.

(C) The seller must notify the buyer of goods, quantity, gross weight, invoice amount, name of the vessel, and departure dates by telegraph/telex within 四八 hours after shipment.

(d) If any piece of cargo to meet or exceed the weight of 一零 tons, 一五meters long , 一零 meters wide, the seller shall 五零 days before shipment provide the buyer with five copies of detailed packing drawing, indicating detailed size and weight, so that the buyer can arrange inland transport.

(e)Transhipment and Partial shipment are both not allowed.

(一二) Inspection:

(a)The seller must test the quality of goods, specification and quantity fully and accurately, and issue a quality certificate to prove that the delivery is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract , but this certificate is not the fianl basis toprove quality of the goods, specifications, performance, and number .The seller should attach the written report contained inspection details and results of tests to the quality manual.

(b)After the goods arrive at the port of destination, the buyer must apply to the . Commodity Inspection Bureau for inspecting the quality of goods, specification and quantity , and issue a certificate of inspection. If you find that the quality, specification and quantity

do not match with the contract, in addition to which insurance companies or ship shall be responsible for, the buyer has the right to refuse accepting the goods and claim to the seller,within 七 days after arrival at the port of destination .

(c) If the inspection certificate can not be settled within the validity period of the contract for some unforeseen reasons, the buyer should telephone the seller to extend the inspection period for 三 days.


(a) Within 三 days from the date of the arrival of the goods at the final destination,if the quality,specification,quantity and packing of the goods are found not in conformity with the stipulations of this contract,the Buyer shall give a notice of claims to the Seller within the above mentioned time limit and have the right to lodge claims . (b)Considering the result from the defect of the goods ,the Buyer has the right to bring the claims for their damages against the Seller. The Seller shall undertake to make the compensation for claims,except those for which the insurrance company should undertake the obligations.

(一四)Force Majeuer:

(a)If any contracting party could not fulfill the contract by resistance

英语就业合同范本 第三篇

The EMPLOYEE will be entitled to sickness and injury leaves in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.


The EMPLOYEE applying for sickness or injury leave shall fill in a ‘leave application form’ and get approval from his/her manager. Leave for more than two (二) days shall be approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the COMPANY and submitted to the Office Manager, Human Resources Manager or their Manager for verification and filing before going for leave.


In case of any sudden sickness or injury the EMPLOYEE shall inform his/her manager no later than the end of the first day. A written confirmation shall be submitted to the Office Manager and Human Resources Manager for verification and filing within two (二) days after he or she comes back to work.


If the EMPLOYEE is absent for more than one (一) week he/she must ensure that the Chief Executive Officer are kept informed of the progress at weekly intervals.


The EMPLOYEE taking sickness or injury leaves for more than one (一) day must provide a medical certificate issued by a qualified doctor. Failure or refusal to provide the certificate or providing false or inaccurate information will be deemed as a gross misconduct.


英语就业合同范本 第四篇

At the full discretion of the Chairman and based upon his/her general attitude and the result of his/her work and fulfilment of his/her objectives detailed with his/her manager and at the beginning of each calendar year the EMPLOYEE will be entitled to an annual bonus not exceeding one (一) month of salary and shall be paid to the EMPLOYEE for each full calendar year which the EMPLOYEE works for the COMPANY in two (二) instalments the following year.


英语就业合同范本 第五篇

担保合同中英文对照 供参考

担保协议Guarantee Agreement 担保合同,(适用于银行担保项下)(Applicable to Bank



二.作为保证人的XX银行股份有限公司 ( 以下称“保证人” )签署。

This Guarantee Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered into

as of (M/D/Y) between as the Client (hereinafter referred to as the

“Client”) and Branch, China XXXX Bank as the Guarantor (hereinafter referred to as the


□本协议构成委托人与保证人签订的编号为 年 字第号的《授信协议》


The Agreement constitutes an integral part of the Credit Extension Agreement [二零 ] No.

(hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Extension Agreement”) between the Client and the

Guarantor (if this paragraph applies, please click “√” in □).



一.委托人或被担保人 (以下简称被担保人)与 于 年月日签署了总金额为 币 的编号为 的关

于 的合同/ 标书(以下简称“合同”),或委托人

或被担保人参加了招标书编号为 项目的投标


一. The Client or the Guaranteed (hereinafter referred to as the “Guaranteed”)

signed on/ Bid Document totaling (Currency) (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) withon (M/D/Y), or the

Client or the Guaranteed participated in the tender forProject with Bid

Document No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bid”);


为受益人(以下称“受益人”),金额 币 ,编号为 的保函/备用信用证(下称“保函”)。

二. The Client applies to the Guarantor to open No. Letter of Guarantee/Stand-by LC

(hereinafter referred to as the “Letter of Guarantee”) with an amount of(Currency)

under the above Contract or Bid for the Client or the Guaranteed with as

the Beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the “Beneficiary”).


The Guarantor agrees to issue the above letter of guarantee in favor of the beneficiary for the

Client or the Guaranteed upon request of the Client on the following terms and conditions:

第一条 在保证人开立保函之前,委托人应根据保证人的要求:

Article 一 Before the Guarantor issues the letter of guarantee, the Client shall upon request of the



Provide the Guarantor with the following security (please click “√” according to facts):

□ 在保证人处开立保证金账户(保证金账号为以保证金存入时甲方系统自动生成的帐

号为准),存入金额为 币 的保证金,作为委托人履行本协议项下各项义


□ Open a guarantee fund account (A/C is generated automatically by Party A’s system when

the guarantee fund is deposited) with the Guarantor, and deposit a guarantee fund of

(Currency)as a pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the

Agreement, and indemnify the Beneficiary at the time of claim; and/or



□ Have any corporation, or other organization or natural person recognized by the Guarantor

issue the Guarantor with an irrevocable letter of counter guarantee in favor of the Guarantor;





签署了最高额抵/质押合同或向保证人出具了最高额不可撤销担保书的担保人的担保范围。If the Contract is a particular contract under the Credit Extension Agreement, this Article will be

inapplicable, and the obligations under the Contract will be automatically included into the scope

of undertaking by the undertaker signing a maximum mortgage/pledge contract with the guarantor

or issuing the guarantor with a maximum irrevocable letter of undertaking.



Upon request of the guarantor, provide the Guarantor with the original copies of the

following documents or the duplicate copies signed by the legal representative of the Client and

stamped with the official seal for proof of authenticity and integrity;


The business license of the Client and/or the Guaranteed;


The articles of association of the Client and/or the Guaranteed;


The name list and the specimen signature of all the current directors of the Client;


The resolution of the board of directors of the Client approving the Client to sign and

execute the Agreement;




The Client’s financial statements and auditor’s report for the last year, and financial data for

the month before the application;



Other materials as requested by the Guarantor.



The provision of the above formalities or materials shall be based upon the actual request of the Guarantor, which is a right entitled to but not a duty assumed by the Guarantor, and their completeness and fullness will not affect the legal force of the Agreement.

华译网翻译公司提供专业担保合同翻译服务。Shanghai Chinese consecutive interpretation service


第二条 委托人在此向保证人声明、承诺和保证如下:

Article 二 The Client hereby makes a declaration, commitment and warrant to the Guarantor as follows:


The Client is a commercial subject legally incorporated and validly in existence under the laws of the P. R. of China, and has full civil capacity to sign and perform the Agreement;


The Client is eligible to sign and perform the Agreement, and has obtained the full authorization of the Board of Directors or any other competent authorities to sign and perform the Contract;


The Client or the Guaranteed is eligible to sign the Contract with the Beneficiary, and has full capacity to perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary; and the Client undertakes that the Client or the Guaranteed shall perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary, and has duty to inform the Guarantor about the performance of contract and any issue arisen in due course;


The Client accepts and acknowledges the contents of the letter of guarantee issued by the Guarantor to the Beneficiary;


The Client undertakes to protect the Guarantor from any damage or loss as a result of issuing the letter of guarantee;


The Client unconditionally agrees the Guarantor shall handle any matters under the letter of guarantee according to the relevant provisions of the laws except otherwise stipulated, and assume any liability arisen therefrom;


The Client undertakes that where the Beneficiary claims against the Guarantor, the Client shall unconditionally assume the primary liability for payment;


The Client undertakes that the project under the letter of guarantee conforms to the provisions

of the laws and regulations of the state, and any economic and legal liability arisen from the project itself shall be only borne by the Client, but have no relationship with the Guarantor;


The Client agrees to duly pay in full any expenses payable under the above letter of guarantee upon request of the Guarantor according to the provisions of the Agreement;


The Client agrees that the Guarantor only has duty to examine the apparent authenticity of the claim documents, vouchers or certificates (hereinafter uniformly referred to as the “claim documents”) submitted by the Beneficiary under the letter of guarantee, but assume no liability for the authenticity of the facts stated in the claim documents;


The Client agrees to deposit adequate fund from time to time upon request of the Guarantor where the guarantee fund account falls short due to any movement or would-be movement of exchange rates or any amendment to the letter of guarantee, and such fund shall be deemed as designated and handed over to the occupancy of the Guarantor as of the date when it is deposited into the guarantee fund account as the pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the Agreement;


The Client agrees that the Guarantor shall assume no liability for any delay, loss, defect or other error incurred in the process of posts and telecommunications transmission at the time of handling the guarantee business;


The Client undertakes to submit the Guarantor with any financial data required for post-loan examination and any materials related to the guarantee business quarterly.

英语就业合同范本 第六篇

. The EMPLOYEE will have the following position:



. If necessary due to the management organisation of the COMPANY and or the competence and abilities of the EMPLOYEE the COMPANY may adjust the position, duties and responsibilities of the EMPLOYEE.


英语就业合同范本 第七篇


甲 方:

乙 方:

中 介 方:

签订地点: 省 市(县)

签订日期: 年 月 日

有效期限: 年 月 日至 年 月 日


填 写 说 明:











一、 标的内容、形式和要求:

二、 履行的期限、地点和方式:

三、 主要协作事项:

四、 技术情报和资料的提供及其保密:

五、 风险责任的承担:

六、 技术成果的分享:

七、 验收标准和方法:

八、 价款及其支付方式:

九、 违约金或者损失赔偿额的计算方法:

十、 争议的解决办法:

十一、 其它:


英语就业合同范本 第八篇

Any disputes arising from the performance of or in connection with this CONTRACT shall be settled through friendly consultations between the PARTIES.


In case no settlement can be reached through consultations the PARTIES can apply for mediation to the labour dispute conciliation committee established by the COMPANY, if any.


If mediation can not be reached the PARTIES may apply to arbitration to the relevant labour dispute arbitration committee.


If a PARTY disagrees with the arbitrage award rendered by such committee this PARTY may file a suit in the Baohe District People’s Court within fifteen (一五) days of being notified the said arbitrage award.


英语就业合同范本 第九篇

The EMPLOYEE must devote in full all his/her working time to the COMPANY.


It is strictly forbidden for the EMPLOYEE to have any other professional activity for himself/herself or and relatives or and third parties even free of charge.


The EMPLOYEE undertakes not to exercise directly or indirectly on behalf of any competitor to the COMPANY even as free of charge or for himself/herself any activity which may compete with the business of the COMPANY for one (一) year after the termination of the present CONTRACT. This Article is not applicable if termination of the CONTRACT is due to COMPANY for other reasons than the ones covered by Article 一四 and Article 一五.


The EMPLOYEE shall pay the COMPANY an amount of RMB一零,零零零 to RMB一零零,零零零 as a penalty clause if he/she does not comply with Article ., Article ., and Article . hereto. This amount does not include the possible actual damages which may be claimed by the COMPANY.


英语就业合同范本 第一零篇




乙方: 单位名称

依据《_合同法》及相关法律、法规的规定,甲、乙双方本着平等互利、诚实信用的原则,经充分协商后,就 合同具体内容 订立以下合同条款,以资共同遵守。

第一章或第一条 合同具体内容(与后文间隔两个字符,仿宋,四号字,倍行间距,第一章或第一条加粗)




第二章或第二条 合同价格、付款方式

一、合同总价款为人民币(¥ )大写: 。 合同总价款中包含乙方〃〃〃〃〃〃的全部费用。


(一)全部定作物制作、安装完成并经甲方验收合格后个工作日内支付全部款项,即人民币(¥ )大写: 。

(二)分期付款: 第一期付款:合同生效后,甲方在 总价款的个工作日内支付合同%,即人民币(¥元)大写: 。

第二期付款:经甲方验收合格后 个工作日内支付合同总价款的%,即人民币(¥元)大写:。

第三期付款:余款%,即人民币(¥ )大写: ,作为质保金。质保期满,无质量问题且乙方在质保期内如约履行维修等义务的,甲方在 个工作日内无息退还质保金。


四、支付方式:□支票 、 □转账 、 □现金 、 □其他_________________。

第三章或第三条 双方权利及义务







第四章或第四条 违约责任

第五章或第五条 其他


乙方为个人时合同书需附本人身份证复印件,加盖手印; 合同需加盖公章或合同专用章,并加盖骑缝章;





