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英语作文35个经典句式第一篇:英语作文35个经典句式英语作文常用句式议论文(正反观点类)Some are in favor of…。 They say…。However, others are against。





Some are in favor of….. They say…..

However, others are against this idea, saying….

In my opinion,…..


It’s necessary to do sth. .On one hand,….; on the other hand…..

As students, I think(hold the view )that….


Some agree. They hold the idea that….. But the disadvantage is that…..; others choose to do…..

What’s more,……

But there are disadvantages. …..

From my point of view, I agree with the second view.


⑴There is no doubt that…

⑵In general/Generally speaking

⑶The chief reason why ______is that________

⑷It’s reported that

⑸It’s hoped /believed that___

⑹As is know,___

⑺We must recognize that______(=It must be admitted that……)

⑻We have reason to believe that_____

⑼Every coin has two sides

⑽No one can deny the fact that _______

⑾I’m convinced that______

⑿As I’ve just mentioned,

⒀Hardly do I think it possible to get success without cooperation and competition. 说明文开头语

⑴With the development of agriculture and industry / science and technology/population, ______

⑵With the rapid growth of our economy,……

⑶With the reform and open policy being carried out,…..

(4)As a proverb says,….(=As the saying goes,……)

(5)It’s quite clear (obvious) that___

(6)It’s well known that______

As is known to us,______________

What’s known to us is that……..

(7)In recent years, more and more people begin to …..



⑴In a word ,All in all , in short

⑵From the above we can draw a conclusion that____

⑶So there is no doubt that ____

⑷It goes without saying that __________

⑸Personally/in my opinion,


Who, what, when, where, how, why

Remember:图表中对比议论文常用词组或句子:Opinions are divided.

However,…On the contrary相反

Some students think otherwise


Sb. put 2 hours into doing ….

Doing sth. takes up 2 hours…

2 hours go into doing sth.

2 hours are taken up with doing sth.


50% of the students prefer to watch TV.Another 20% are fond of doing sports

Still others are interested in helping with the housework

The rest of 5% of them= the remaining 5% are in favor of doing sth. Else

The people who drive made up 34% of the total.

The number of the people drive to work takes up 34%.

Most of the people drive to work, which takes up 34%.

表上升: the number of mobile-phones is rising/ increasing/ going up/ on the rise

is jumping to 70% /has increased by 20%

表下降: the number of the private cars is reducing/ decreasing/ declining/ on the fall.

表目的: in order to get there on time= so as to do…/= in an attempt to do sth..

=with the purpose of doing sth./ =in the hope of doing sth.


To begin with, to tell the truth, In general/Generally speaking


For example/ For instance/Take sth./sb. for example.That is to say,….. / in other words,开放作文第一段开头句:

In the picture we can see,…

As we can see in the picture,….(=As is shown in the picture,….)


This picture has profound significance in our daily life ,which indicates a tendency that____.The picture tries to tell us that….

The picture tries to convey to us the significance of protecting our environment. The picture vividly shows the seriousness of the traffic problem.

The picture vividly reflects a common social phenomenon.

It reminds me of a common phenomenon in ….

I think a lot can be learned from the picture.

The picture conveys a message that the success of a project depends on each individual step.


In my opinion,…From my point of view…….As for me,…..


1. global communication.

2. 3. to learn foreign languages which can advance the development of culture communication,

4. 5. 6. homework and high expectation.

7.8.As we all know, we have 9.practical approach and hit the target eventually.

10. It’s no accident that quite a few people achieve their goals and stand apart from

the rest, their success lies in their perseverance and diligence.

11. We should have a high aim in life.

12. Too much complaint can not make any difference, positive energy and high aspiration lead to excellence.

13. It’s necessary for us to perform advantage and avoid shortcoming.

14 …can enrich our knowledge and broaden(widen) our horizon

15. As far as I know/I’m concerned/As I see it/From my point of view

16. I absolutely agree that/I’m firmly believed that/I’m concerned that, studying is not a task completed for teachers or parents, it should be regarded as a treasure (which brings us precious experience and useful knowledge) contributing to a better command/knowledge/master of certain subjects.

16. We should seize every opportunity to accumulate the useful knowledge contributing to our success in the future.


1. ’t imagine how world will be turned into.

2. 3. 4. 5. It’manage to inspire me and decrease the loads on my shoulders.

6. It’exam and get rid of the difficulties easily, without which I would have failed many times.

7. The misunderstanding has existed for a long time until I meaningful activity.

8. It’s our duty to help the parents return for their lives.


student will be healthy enough to get rid of the disease. being polluted.

3.We the environment and attach the importance to the conservation.

…. life.


1. Talent may determine whether we can succeed, but great efforts which we make help us win.

2. of the most essential competence which we call for.

3. personal development.

4. Shortcoming can’


Feel lonely due to the fact that ------

Devote all their energy to bringing us up (children’s growth)

With no child around (by their side, accompanying them), they suffer a lot from loneliness.bring up sb. with difficulty

shown concern for sb.feel relieved

do sth. for them as a reward of their love

reward your parents, pay back their love

be filled with both pride and a sense of loss

live in harmony with society

Only in this way can our society become more harmonious.


作文 Advantages & Disadvantages(利弊类)

第一段:谈利1) Nowadays, __ is playing an increasingly significant role /part in our lives/society. 2) Since its appearance, it has brought much benefit. 3) For example, ……4) In addition, ……5) Furthermore, ……6) In fact, it’s difficult to imagine what modern life would be like if there were no __.

第二段:谈弊1) However, __ can also generate some plaguing(令人苦恼的) problems as well. 2) For instance, … 3) Besides, …… 4) To make things worse, ……

第三段:结论1) Nothing can be perfect and everything has two sides.__ is no exception. 2) Despite these problems, __ is nevertheless mankind’s benefactor---its advantages still outweigh its disadvantages. 3) We’re confident that we can overcome all the difficulties we might meet and the future of mankind will be brighter.

Problems (问题类)

第一段:提现象,列问题1)Nowadays, _____ has become one of the most serious problems /hottest issues confronting us. 2)For example, ……3)In addition, ……4)Furthermore, ……5)In a word, ……

第二段:列危害1)The problems brought about by--------shouldn’t be neglected.2)For instance, ……3)Besides, ……4)To make things worse, …… 5)There is no doubt that it is high time we took actions and launched a battle against __.

第三段:谈解决措施1)To our relief, people have become conscious of the problems and many effective measures have been taken to solve it. 2) For example, …….3) However, __ is an endless fight. There is still a long way to go to conquer the problem.

Opinions (观点类)

第一段:提论题1)The recent years have seen /witnessed more and more college students taking 2)Whether has become one of the hottest/ controversial issues. 3)People are sharply divided on this topic.

第二段:谈论点 1)Some people hold the opinion that ……2)They argue that only by __, can we __. 3)It not only …, but also…. 4)While some others take an opposing view. 5)They maintain that if one __, he could not__ 6)They believe ……

第三段:我的看法1)As far as I’m concerned, nothing can be perfect and everything has two sides. __ is no exception. 2)Obviously, both __ and __ have their own virtues and shortcomings. 3)Everyone can judge them in a particular way and make his choice accordingly. 3)The most important thing is to make full use of its benefits and try to avoid/minimize(缩小).its disadvantages.

Reasons (原因类)


1) The recent years have seen __. 2) Many factors contribute to this. 3) On the one hand, …… 4)

On the other hand,…… 3) Furthermore, ……


1. The more, the more.(平行句)

2. Only in this way/by doing so, can we…(倒装句)

3. It is __ that …(强调句)

4. What would happen, if there were no power? (虚拟语气)

5. Not only, but also…6.Both…and


1、 这位科学家发明了一种新药。

2、 这种药对心脏病有好处。/这种药可用来治疗心脏病。

3、 我们学校将要在下一周举行一次演讲比赛。

4、 获得一等奖的学生将得到一个收音机作为奖品。

5、 近年来中国的教育发展迅速。

6、 学生们要在小学上6年。

7、 他们在上大学之前要参加一系列的考试。

8、 有些学生会上职校。

9、 毕业后,大多数人在城市就业。

10、 虽然中国教育发生了很多变化,但是还存在一些问题。

11、 人们砍伐树木有各种各样的原因。

12、 随着社会的发展,大量的木材被用来制作家具。

13、 随着人口的增加,许多森林被毁掉用来种庄家。

14、 为了拯救森林,必须采取积极有效的措施。

15、 同时,政府应该制订法律来保护森林。

16、 我们也应该做出行动,例如,拒绝使用一次性筷子。

17、 暑假里我得到了一个面度的机会。

18、 为了得到这个工作,我作了两个多周的准备。

19、 尽管没有经验,但我在学校学到的知识帮我取得了成功。

20、 这地我才意识到我在学校学到的知识是非常有用的。

21、 早起是一个习惯。

22、 这对我们的健康是有益的。

23、 通过锻炼我们的身体将会更强壮。

24、 我们有充足的时间吃早餐。

25、 我们还可以复习一下我们在课堂上学到的知识。

26、 我们要下定决心坚持这个好习惯。










10、 我认为取消体育课弊大于利。

11、 睡觉前听音乐对健康是有益的。

12、 这有利于减轻学生的学习负担。

13、 中学生应当了解更多的国内外的消息。

14、 我认为让学生出去春游是个好事情。

15、 有些人认为暑假出去打工是不安全的。 1, 关于。。。我这里有些建议给你。 2, 中学生在上课时使用手机是不对的。 3, 这对提高英语是有帮助的。

4, 把旧书捐给下一届学生再利用是个好注意。 5, 每个人都可以做一些对环保有益的事情。 6,


7, 通过读报纸我们可以得到更多的关于外界的信息。

8, 这将会帮我们提高我们的阅读技巧。 9, 我被告知这一款手机已卖完了。 10, 我去商业区给父亲买了一个礼物。

11, 在拥挤的公交车上我很幸运地找到了一个座位。

12, 我坐下来开始想象当父亲收到礼物时是会有多么高兴。

13, 我毫不犹豫地站起来把座位让给了一位拿行李箱的女士。

14, 塑料袋使用太多导致了严重的白色污染。 15, 政府鼓励我们使用环保的购物袋。

16, 越来越多的人意识到使用这种袋子的好处并开始使用它。

17, 我相信广泛地使用这种袋子可以改善我们的环境。

18, 对象我这样的独生子女来说这是一个学会分享和合作的好机会。

19, 因此我毫不犹豫的推荐我自己来干这件工作。

20, 我确信每个人都会从这个活动中利益。



1) with the (rapidly)growing popularity of (computers/private cars) in China,the quality

of our lives has been considerably changed


2)With the (rapid)growth of (economy/population),many problems such as (water shortages / waste of energy / lack of professional management)are beginning to surface .


3)With the development of (science and technology/market economy),more and more/an increasing number of people come to realize that …


4)Currently there is a widespread/serious concern over (illegal publication/drug abuse/negative

influence of western cultures).


5)Nowadays ,a heated discussion about…is under way in China .some people believe

that …,whereas others argue that…

目前,中国正进行着关于…的热烈讨论。 有些人认为…然而另外的人认为…


@There are many reasons why…

@The reasons why …are as follows



①、第一层次(首先) First,Firstly,In the first place,First of all ,To begin with,

For one thing

②、第二层次(其次) Second ,Secondly,In the second place,Next,Then,For another,③、第三层次(第三点)Third, Thirdly,Besides,In addition,Furthermore,What

is more , On top of(此外,还有), Moreover,

④、最后一点(最后) at last,lastly,finally,in the last place ,last of all

(2)表示举例:for example, for instance, like, such as, take … for example ,In point of (说


(3)表示解释:as a matter of fact, honestly /frankly speaking, in this case(假若这样的话)

(4)表示强调:above all, certainly, indeed, especially, particularly, actually, needless to say,

(5)表示原因: because, because of, as ,since, for,Owing to , due to, on account of, on the

ground of/ on grounds of , as a result of, now that, seeing that…,

considering/given that…

(6)表示条件:if,in case (of),in that case,in the event (of)(一旦,如果),

providing/providedthat,(假使),on/uponcondition that(假如,在…条件

下), on the understanding that(在…条件下)


@简言之 in a word ,in summary,to sum up ,in short,in brief

@总之, in conclusion,on the whole,altogether, in general, generally speaking

@因此, so,thus,hence,therefore。consequently

@结果, in consequence (of)

as a result

@由此可见。。。 it will be seen from it that


As has been said above,we can conclude that/draw a conclusion/reach a conclusion / come to a conclusion that…


@It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on / pay more attention to …


@To conclude,we can see that the best way/the possible solution is ...


@In short,… are the major problems to be solved to …


@In order to make our world a better place to live,we should make great efforts to…


@In a word ,there are three suggestions we must follow: …Only in this way can we

(achievegreat success)。


@It is time for us to take an active part in…


@Let us work hand in handto(solve these social problems)


@I appeal to everyone to…


@Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that…



@ 然而while ,whereas,but,however,nevertheless

@ 尽管如此in spite of that ,despite this ,regardless of…

@ 但在另一方面but on the other hand

@ 与…相比in comparison with。。。(as) compared to / with。。。

@ 对比之下in contrast (to)

@ 相反 on the contrary,instead

@ 他们的区别如下 The differences are as follows:

The differences can be described as follows :

@ A与B之间的不同在于….The difference between A and B is / lies in / exists in / consists

in…; A is different from B in…



1. Different people have different opinions on this question. Some people believe that ------- while others argue that------

2. I personally think that------

From my point of view-------

As far as I am concerned-------

It is my belief that-------

It is obvious/clear/ that -----

I am greatly convinced that -------

3.It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours

4. I t can’t be denied / There is no denying that----------

5. Why not take his advice? Why don’t you take his advice?

6.You might as well stay with us(不妨做----).//You may well turn down his invitation.(大有理由做---)

7. It seems that taking a part-time job would make sense in your situation.

8. It would be a good idea for you to find a pen-friend in English-speaking countries.

It would be a good idea if you could find-------

9. In my personal opinion, it would be wise of you to take immediate action.

10 I am writing to ask you for some advice on how to learn English.

11. I would appreciate it if you could offer me some advice on such a matter.

12. I think I am the right person for the job you advertised.

13. The answer to this question lies in the fact that rivers are being seriously polluted.

14. It is important /necessary/difficult/convenient/possible for sb to do sth---

15. It plays an increasingly important part/ role in our life.

16. It is (high) time for sb to do sth --- It is high time that sb should do sth / sb did sth---

17 .Its advantages can be listed as follows. / I t has the following advantages.

18. It benefits us quite a lot. / It is of great benefit to us. / We can benefit greatly from it.

19. It is a waste of time playing computers games.

20 It brings more harm than good to us.

21. It has a bad/ good effect on the health of the old

22. I can’t get my point across.

23 His behavior deeply troubled me. / I was deeply troubled by his behavior.

24. Recently the problem has been brought into focus.25. I seem not to be able to fit in well with others here.


26. A man is known by the company he keeps.

27. All things come to those who wait.

28. Bad news has wings.

29. A good beginning makes a good ending.

30. Every dog has his day.

31. God helps those who help themselves.

32. He laughs best who laughs last.

33. Health is better than wealth.

34. Many hands make light work.

35. Never do thing by halves.

36. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

37. Opportunity knocks only once.

38. Practice makes perfect.

39. Rome was not built in a day.

40. Time and tide wait for no man.

41. There in no smoke without fire.

42. The early bird catches the worm.

43. Time lost can not be won again

44. Where there is a will, there is a way.

45. A man becomes learned by asking questions.

46. Actions speak louder than words.

47. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

48 .Every man has his faults.

49. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

50. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

51. Blood is thicker than water.

52. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

53. The first blow is half the battle.

54. True love is giving, not taking.

55. Don’t teach fish to swim.

56. Better late than never.

57 .A friend in need is a friend indeed.


A.平行、对等:and, both---and, as well as, neither---nor, not only---but also

B转折:but, yet, however, in spite of, although, otherwise, while

C.对比:on the contrary, instead of, on the other hand, just like, unlike

D.因果:so, for, therefore, as a result, because of, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of

E.时间、顺序shortly after--, first/ second--, then, next, finally, for one

thing---for another , in the end, eventually

F.递进、强调besides, furthermore, what’s more, in addition, moreover, worse still, to make matters worse ,first of

all, above all

G.结论in short, in brief, in a word, in general, as you know, as far as I know, on the whole ,in conclusion
