范文网 论文资料 lesson19教学设计(大全)


lesson19教学设计第一篇:lesson19教学设计LESSON 93 AND LESSON 95 多媒体教学设计方案-教学教案掌握过去进行时态表达的意义及其构成教学设计过程:step 1 leading-in(学生活动)展示图片,让学。



LESSON 93 AND LESSON 95 多媒体教学设计方案-教学教案



step 1 leading-in

(学生活动)展示图片,让学生表达图片中的人正在干什么:what are they doing? 引入本课的学习。

step 2 ask and answer


step 3 read and act

(录像演示)播放lesson 93对话的情景演示,answer what is li lei drawing?


step 4 presentation

图片展示,告诉学生now it’s wednesday. what did the students do on monday?


a: what was li lei drawing when the teacher came in?

b: he was drawing an elephant.



step 5 practice


what was han mei drawing when the teacher came in?

what was she drawing on?


what was/were lucy and lily/the boy/… doing yesterday morning when it rained heavily?

step 6 presentation

通过展示li lei昨天某些时间段内进行的动作,教学过去进行时的用法。

a: what was li lei doing at half past nine yesterday morning?

b: he was reading.

让学生用其它的时间进行练习,并可用其他的人作替换练习,如:han mei

step 7 ask and answer

(学生活动)get the students to ask and answer the questions in pairs.

step 8 practice


the man was selling the fruit.

the boys were playing basketball.

answer these questions:

1. what was the man in the building doing?

2. what were the man by the lake doing?

3. what was the man in the park doing?

4. what were the girls doing? what were the boys doing?

step 9 practice


step 10 exercise

fill in the blanks with proper tenses:

1. while i_________(peel) potatoes, i_________(cut) my thumb.

2.we just________(go) out when some friends________(call) to see us.

3. when he was a child he_________(live) in the country.

4. while judy and i ________ (wash) up, she ________ (ask) me to be quiet as our neighbors________(sleep).


step 11 homework

1. finish off the workbook exercises.

2. do exercises on page 117 in lesson 95 wb.

3. do exercises on page 115 in lesson 93 wb.

4. talk about what were you doing at a certain time yesterday? [1]

第二篇:Lesson 106 多媒体教学设计




录音机, 多媒体课件unit27 lesson106


T: 1) Whats the time? 2) Whats Jim doing? 3) Where is he going? 4) What day is it today? 5) Is Jim late or early? 6) What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays? 教师也可以问及有关本班学生活动情况时,一人回答之后,教师可问全班:T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?

. 教师放课文影片

。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper; usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now 。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to school/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印



教师可根据班级的具体教学情况, 给学生播放与本课文相关的英语歌谣。





录音机, 多媒体动画课件what time do you get up。


T: Now Look at the pictures of Lesson 109. 1) Whats the time? 2) Whats Jim doing? 3) Where is he going? 4) What day is it today? 5) Is Jim late or early? 6) What time do you get up/have breakfast/leave home/begin school on weekdays? 7)What time do you get up/ have breakfast on Sundays?


T: What time does he/she get up/leave home…on weekdays?



,教师讲解、领读本课生词usually, right now, sometimes, take off, after school。教师指导学生学习课文第一部分中的句子:

T: Now, look at Picture 1. What can you see in the picture? How many people can you see/are there in the picture? Where are they? Whats the time? What are they doing? What do they do in the morning? 利用每一张画,使学生得到充分练习,。教师放课文录音

,学生跟读两遍。两人一组用书上所给的问题进行问答练习。在教学过程中,教师对课文中出现的重要知识点进行讲解如:have breakfast/have lunch/ have supper; usually/ often/ sometimes/ right now 。

2. 教师可以利用多媒体动画课件what time do you get up中read 让学生观看动画中的情景,跟读课文。教师根据动画中人物活动提问学生:what time does he get up/ wash face/ have breakfast…?学生通过观察动画中出现的时钟进行回答,教师指导学生一问一答的方式进行口语训练。反复操练后可让学生进行课堂演示。

教师根据学生个人情况,提问学生when do you usually get up/ have breakfast/ go to shool/ have lunch/ have sports/got home..? 让学生根据自己的情况回答问题,教师可以先问学生A: what time do you get up?,当学生A:回答完后,让学生B用拨动时钟表示出学生A所表达的时间来。通过此次操练,加深学生对时间的印象。



Kate _______ supper at school.

A. has not B. doesn’t has C. doesn’t have D. don’t has

It’s time ______ now.

A. to get up B. for get up C. get up D. at get up

Your shoes are dirty. Please __________.

A. take off them B. take them off C. put them on

—_______ do you leave home on weekdays?

—At about seven thirty.

A. How B. What time C. What D. How much time


1.Now he’s having lunch. 他现在正吃中饭。


Uncle John is having his breakfast. 约翰叔叔在吃早餐。

We’re having our English class. 我们在上英语课。

The students are having sports. 学生们在进行体育活动。

2.He is taking off his clothes and going to bed. 他正在脱衣服准备睡觉。take off是“脱下、摘下”的意思,后面常接表示衣物鞋帽的名词。其反义词是put on 例如:

Take off your old clothes and put on the new ones. 脱掉你的旧衣服,穿上这些新的。

第三篇:Lesson13 At School教学设计

Lesson13 At School

大刘校区 韩文文

Teaching goals Students will be able to aurally understand, orally use and spelling the following vocabulary: school classroom library playground where

Students will be able to aurally understand and orally use these sentences: ——where’s the computer room? -----I can show you. The emphasis and difficulty in Students will be able to aurally understand and orally use these sentences: ——where’s the computer room? -----I can show you. Teaching preparation Audiotape The cards for new vocabulary: school classroom library playground where Hang a big lettered sign on the classroom door classroom CLASS OPENING AND REVIEW Greeting Greet your students as they arrive for class. Hello, welcome to our classroom. You can stand close to the door and point to the sign classroom as you greet your students and welcome them today. Lesson hook Teacher: Now we begin a brand new unit of work. Today let us discover our school. Let us learn how to find our way around our school. Teaching tip This lesson provides a good opportunity for us to go on an exploration of the school. Being out in a no-classroom environment where you can actually visit the computer room. The classroom the office and other place in the school will provide a great way for you to engage your student with English. NEW CONCEPTS

1、my school

Begin by teaching the four new vocabulary words (classroom library playground). Ask your students to open their books to part1, page34.Talk about what they see in the four pictures. Use questions to help them learn the words classroom library playground. Ask what do you see in this picture? What are the students doing in this picture? Say the vocabularies words and ask the students to repeat after you. Write the words on the blackboard and point to each words and students tell you what it is. Play the audiotape for the part1 of this lesson. Discuss the pictures ask what does LiMing say to the girl? What does the girl say?

Demonstrate how to have a dialogue with other new vocabulary. Teacher: Look, this is my classroom library playground. You can respond: Your____ is great. Practice Role play Ask for a volunteer to practice a dialogue with you using the new expressions: Teacher: Look! This is our playground. Student: It looks great! Ask for volunteer pairs to repeat the dialogue in front of the class. Listen to about ten pairs of students. 2. Where is the computer room? Ask the students to look at part2, page35.Explain what is happening. The girl asks her teacher to tell her where the computer room is. The teacher agrees to show her to the room. They get there and the girl thanks her teacher for the help. Play the audiotape for this part and follow along in the book. Have a discussion with the class about seeking help from others. Explain to the students that sometimes they must ask questions seeking information or help from others. Ask the students repeat the question they heard the audiotape. Excuse me Miss Zhang. Where’s the computer room? Note that the expression “Excuse me” is both a way of gaining attention and of politeness like Thank you and You’re welcome. PRACTION Role play Ask the volunteer to come forward. Take a few minutes to practice and show the questions/answer sequence while the other students watch and listen. You ask the volunteer where your desk is. The volunteer says I can show you. The volunteer leads you to her desk and says here it is. You thank her for her help. Repeat this for many students.

Using puppets Puppet1: Excuse me. Where is the ___? Puppet2: I can show you. Here it is. Puppet1: Thanks. Puppet2: You are welcome. 3. Let us do it Look at the picture for part3, page35.Explain how to do this activity. One person asks where is the ___? The partner says I can show you. The partner then draws the thing being talk about. Point out the library, classroom, school and playground. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Activity Book Help the students find the page they need to work on. Hold up your activity book with that page open. Say let us open our activity books and turn to page 34. CLASS CLOSING When it is time to leave the classroom,you can ask someone, where is the door? That student should be able to show you the door and lead you there. Stand there and say goodbye, good work to your students as they leave the classroom. BLACKBOARD DESIGN

Lesson13 at school

school classroom library playground where


Where’s the computer room? I can show you.


第四篇:LESSON 82 多媒体教学设计方案-教学教案

teaching aims

1. study this lesson and know the way how learn foreign languages karl marx. teaching procedures step 1show the pictures



what do you already know about karl marx? step 2 watch the video



after watching, do some true or false questions

1) karl marx was born in belgium. (f)

2) he was forced to leave his homeland when he was young. (t)

3) marx made such rapid progress in english that engels telephoned him and praised him for it. (f)

4) marx was good at learning foreign languages. (t)

5) in one of his books, marx gave some advice on how to learn english. (,f) step 3 listening and answering



1.what was marx’s native language?

2.where did he stay before he went to france? why did he leave germany?

3.what did he do with his english later on?

4.when did marx start learning russian? why?

5.how long did it take him to learn russian well enough to read articles?

6.what advice did marx give on how to learn a foreign language? suggest answers:

1.german was his native language.

2.he stayed in belgium, for political reasons.

3.he began to study russian.

4.he’s already fifties, he found it important to study the situation in russia.

5.at the end of six months he had learned enough to read articles and reports in russian.

6.should not translate everything into their own language, master then use it, learn the spirit of the foreign language . step 4 listening again



p1:some of his revolutionary activities in his early years.

p2—p5: how marx learned foreign languages.

p6:marx’s advice on how to learn a foreign language. step5 reading



read the passages in lesson 82,write notes in the spaces below:

name :karl marx born:___________

as a young man :_____________________________________________________________

wrote books :_________________________

in 1849 :__________________________________________________________________[1][2][3]下一页


in 1853 :______________________________________________________________________

later :__________________________________

in the 1870s :____________________________

key: was born in germany; was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons; went to belgium and france.; the civil war in france; went to england; made london the base for his revolutionary work; started working hard to improve his english; made rapid progress; wrote articles in english; was praised; was encouraged; was not sure about two things; kept on studying and using english; began to learn russian; read articles and reports in russian step 6 exercise


karl marx was born in ______. when he was young, he was _____ to leave his homeland for _____ reasons. he had to _____ from one country to another. at last he came to england and _____ london the base for his ______ work. marx had learned some _____ before he came to london, but he found his english was _____. he _____ working hard to _____ it. he made _____ rapid progress _____ before long he could write articles in english. engels wrote him a letter to _______him for it. engels’ letter had greatly _________ him, and from then on, marx ________ even harder at his english. he _______ english so well that he could write one of his great ______, the civil war in france in english. when marx was in his ______, he began to learn _______, because he thought it was important to study the _______ in russia. at the _____ of six months, he had learned ______ to read articles and reports in russian. marx set us a good example in learning _____ languages. step 7 discussion


what can we learn from karl marx in learning foreign languages? how can we learn english well?


1.keep on studying and using ------ master it well.

2.make clear the purpose of learning english.

3.train a good habit and grasp a good method of studying

a spirit of perseverance: try hard continuously in spite of difficulties step 8 role-play


suppose the great man marx (vip) came here. now you ask him about his life experience and how he learned foreign languages and he’d like to answer your questions.


•possible model:

•s: glad to meet you, mr. marx. can i ask you some questions?

•m: go ahead please.

•s: when and where were you born?


•s: why did you leave your homeland?


... ... …

•s: can you give some advice on how to learn...?


•s: thank you very much.

•m: my pleasure. step 9 homework

1. preparation the lesson 83.

2.retell the text with your own words. step 10 introduction

教师活动:教师展示马克思的相关图片(见ppt.)及文字 上一页[1][2][3]

第五篇:Lesson 22 In the Restaurant教学设计

Lesson 22 In the Restaurant





教学内容分析:Lesson22 In the Restaurant是冀教版七年级上册Unit4第4课。本课围绕着本单元谈论饮食这一话题设计各种教学活动,通过商店购物,餐厅就餐的情景操练,复习巩固本单元所学的饮食名词,强化运用购物论价,吃饭点菜的交际用语。同时通过各种不同的任务设计,让学生主动参与到教学活动中来,从而在一种轻松、愉快的环境里接受新的知识。

学生情况分析:学生们前面已经学习了大量的饮食名词,这就为展开本课教学做了很好的铺垫。本课通过大量的图片,活动或表演,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生大胆参与到教学活动中来,经过听、说、读、写的全面训练,让学生很自然的学习和运用饮食词汇及语言,较容易达成“口言心声”。但本课篇幅较长,许多语句较长难懂,将给学生带来理解和口头表达上的双重难度,这就需要老师的点拨和强调 以及一定量的强化练习。

三、教学目标 1、Knowledge aims: (1)、Learn some new words: Waitress can coke order fourteen eleven beef dumpling something problem menu bottle

(2)、Learn some useful phrases: in the restaurant

a can/bottle of

be ready to do sth. rice with fish (3)、Learn some useful sentences: 1). Are you ready to order?

2). Would you like something to drink/eat?

3). How much is/are/for „? 4). No problem . (4)、Learn some useful expression:

1)---- Are you ready to order?

----Yes, please. 2)--- How much are the noodles?

---- … yuan. 3)---- –Thanks!

---You’re welcome.

4) --What would you like?

-----I’d like…….

5)---- Would you like something to drink/eat? -----yes, please./No.thanks.

2、Ability aims: Learn to talk about what people would like(to buy/eat/drink).

3、Emotion aims:

(1) To develop the study interests (2) To encourage students to express and show themselves

四、教学重点(Important Points) Buying things and talking about the price.

五、教学难点(Difficult Points) Master how to order food .


情景教学法 任务型教学法

七、学习方法 小组合作 疯狂阅读



九、教学过程设计 Step 1 Warming up 1.Play an English song named <>for the students, ask them to sing together. (英语课上播放歌曲,可以很好的激发学生的学习兴趣,让他们积极参与,本课这样设计,也是为了自然的导入新课。)

3. Free talk ( at the supermarket/morning market ) (学生们对于在超市,早市交际内容前两课已经学过,通过这一话题的讨论,可以极大的激发学生的积极性,引起共鸣,尤其是中下等学生,让他们积极参与,体验成功。)

4. Show some pictures and let the students review and learn some food by saying“What would you like?” “ I would like„”.

(考虑到本课的主题是谈论饮食,这就需要用到大量的饮食名词,对学生以前接触到的加以复习,顺便学习新词,既可以巩固旧知识,同时也为下面的现在进行时的教学做好铺垫,为学生运用扫清障碍。) Step 2 Presentation (1)T:We feel hungry and thirsty. We want to eat and drink, but we can only see them, we can’t have. So what to do? S: Buy. T: Where to buy? (show the picture) S: Restaurant . T: How to buy? S:… T: Let’s see a short movie and tell me what food they buy.


(2) T: Tell me what food they buy. S: Chicken noodles and dumplings. T: Would you like something to drink? S: Yes. They would like some water and some apple juice. (这时候再导入新语言,他们就可以大胆发表自己的见解,我对他们的每一种说法都不急于否定,而是鼓励、引导他们给出正确的答案。在接触新知识时,是允许学生犯错误的,学生在此基础上得出的答案,印象会更为深刻。同时学生们的探究能力可得到很好的培养和提高。)

(3) Show some other pictures, point to the pictures and let them try to ask and answer:

----What’s this?


---How much for___? ---______yuan.

---- I like it a lot.

---I’ll take_____. ----I ’d like ---

--- OK. Here you are.

----Thank you.

----You’re welcome.

(学生们这时已初步清楚购物问价及买多少的表达方式,通过老师的点拨,学生们就可以在交际情境中充分感受语言结构和基本用法。) (4)Role-play and then let the students talk about the pictures in pairs. (分组角色扮演情景模拟练习,这样的活动既可以培养学生的合作意识,又能在情景中进行交际,练习了本节课的重点。) (5)Act out as the roles. (学习语言的关键就是让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限而真实的的课堂实践活动,注意观察别人的行动,能准确地用英语来表达,同时学生又可以不断提高自己的为交际而运用语言的能力。) Step3 Listening

A)Li Ming would like ________. They are ______ yuan. He wants to drink ______. B)Jack would like ________. They are ____ yuan. He wants to drink ______. (任务型听力要求学生分别听两个情景,同时根据理解填空,既促进了学生对课文理解,又加强了听力训练。) Step 4 Practice Practise reading as roles together. (整体感知课文) Step 5 Reading (A) Group work ----Reading and tell true (T) or false (F) as small groups of four:

1. Li Ming and Jack have lunch in a restaurant.


) 2. Li Ming would like some porridge. (

) 3. Jack has carrot and egg dumplings for lunch. (

) 4. Jack wants to drink some water.

( ) 5. Li Ming has chicken noodles and some water for lunch.


) (B) Let the leader of each group answer one by one. (让学生小组分工协作完成阅读任务,后派代表依次回答问题,体现任务型教学模式。在活动中,由于分工协作,人人都有任务,且根据个人特点来相应承担,使所有学生都能参与其中。学生通过阅读对文章产生一定的感性认识,再通过思考获得理性认识,再做判断。培养学生观察、理解、分析能力,增进学生之间友谊。) Step 6 Practice (A)Be crazy to read

(B) Practise crazily

1.It’s lunch/breakfast/supper time. 2. Are you ready to order? 3. I would like some dumplings/rice/noodles„. 4. I’d like a sandwich and some milk for lunch. 5. Would you like a bowl of noodles? 6. Would you like something to drink/eat? -. 7. Do you like rice with fish? 8. How much for /is/are„

(这种训练,既可以调节课堂气氛,又可以训练培养学生的语感,同时又解决了本节课的难点,还避免了汉语翻译的尴尬,更重要的是传授了一种学习方法与理念,使原本枯燥的机械操练变得生动有趣,学生也更乐于接受。) Step7 Work together It’s lunch time . Li Ming and Jenny are hungry . They go to a restaurant . Waiter: ___________________order? Li Ming: Yes, please. _____________ dumplings. What’s your favourite food, Jenny? Jenny: I’d like _________and ________for lunch. Waiter: Sorry, we don’t have any ________ or_______. Li Ming: __________rice and beef? Jenny: No. Waiter: Would you like______________? Jenny: Okay. Thank you. Waiter: You’re welcome.

(检验练习效果,是否能脱口而出,增强学生的成就感和求知欲望。) Step8 Let’s sing a song! It’s time for lunch.(再次激趣,放松心情) Step9 Summary Step10 Homework

Make up a dialogue as this lesson .






