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考研英语阅读文章练习第一篇:考研英语阅读文章练习低年级语文阅读练习文章 (40)夏天初夏,石榴花开了。远看,那红色的花朵像一簇簇火焰。近看,一朵朵石榴花像一个个小喇叭。淡黄色的花蕊在风中摇动,就像一群仙女在翩翩起舞。1、 这段话共有()句。



低年级语文阅读练习文章 (40)



1、 这段话共有(


2、 用横线划出第


3、石榴花在( ) 开放。它的花蕊是( ( ) 的。




) 的, 花朵是) 。




In China the Mid-Autumn Festival often comes in September or October,The moon is round and bright that night.Families get together and have a big dinner.They eat mooncakes . These are small round cakes .They tastes good. People also drink Chinese tea.They often tell the story of Chang’e. (

)1.The Mid-Autumn Festival often comes in________. A. September


C.A or B (

)2.Families eat _____and drink_____. A. mooncakes ,coffee B. nuts,milk C.mooncakes,Chinese tea (

)3.People often tell the story of ______. A. Chang’e

B.Diao Chan

C.Qu Yuan (

)4.Then moon is ______that night. A. round


C.A and B (

)5.is the Mid-Autumn Festival a Chinese festival? A. Yes,it is

B.No,it isn’t

C.I don’t know


This is Changsha South Railway Station.A high-speed Train called Hexie Hao is going to move out of the station.Wang Jun is going to go to Guangzhou.He will visit his uncle and aunt.He is very excited.He likes to travel by train!

1 A)阅读短文,将正确答案的序号填在括号内。 (

)1.What is the best title(标题)for this passage? A. A Travel

B. A Picnic (

)2.What is the name of the station? A. Changsha North Railway Station. B. Changsha South Railway Station. (

)3.Can the train called Hexie Hao go very fast? A. Yes,it can.

B.No,it can’t. 4. Is Wang Jun very excited about the travel? A. Yes,he is .

B.No,he isn’t. B) 阅读短文,回答下列问题。 1. Where is Wang Jun going?

Wang Jun is going to ________________. 2. Will he visit his uncle and aunt?


( 三)

Christmas is coming.The shopping centres are very busy(忙碌的).Some people are buying Christmas trees.Some people are buying gifts for their families or relatives.I’m going to buy a computer for my little brother.He can draw pictures on the computer. Our family usually gets together(团聚)on Christmas Eve.My elder

2 brother(大哥)lives in London.Last year,he didn’t come back because it was snowing very hard.I hope we are going to be together again this year.My elder brother will drive here on Christmas Eve.We will decorate our Christmas tree with colourful balls and lights.We will put the gifts under the tree.We don’t open them until Christmas morning. (

)1.Before Christmas , the shopping centres are very_____. A. high




)2.I’m going to buy a _____for my little brother. A. computer


C.schoolbag (

)3.My elder brother lives in _______. A. London

B.New York

C.Beijing (

)4.My elder brother will come home by_______. A. bus


C.bike (

)5.We put the gifts ______ the tree. A. in




四 )

Daming and his friends will go for a picnic next Sunday.They will go to the park.Everyone will bring some food and drinks .Amy will bring some peanuts and candies.Tom will bring some fruit .Xiaogang will bring a few cans of Coke.Tingting will bring some cookies and apples.

3 How about Daming? He will bring a box of cakes and a football.So they can play football in the park.They will meet at the park at 9:30 a.m. They’re so excited about the picnic next Sunday. 1. 判断正误,正确的打“√”,错误的画“×”。


)1.Amy will bring some peanuts and candies for the picnic. (

)2.Xiaogang will bring a few cans of Coke. (

)3.Daming will bring a basketball and some cakes. 2. 根据短文选择正确的答案。


)1.When will Daming and his friends go for a picnic? A. Next Saturday.

B.Next Sunday. (

)2.What will Tom bring for the picnic?

A. some fruit

B.Cookies and apples


)3.Are they excited about the picnic? A. Yes,they are.

B.No,they aren’t

3. 根据短文,回答问题。 1. Where will they go for a picnic?

They will_____________________. 2. What time will they meet at the park? They will_____________________. 3. What will Tingting bring for the picnic? She will__________________________.


(五) Dear Peter,

I’m very happy to receive your email.Yesterday I went to Nanjiao Park with my friends.In the park,the tress are green and flowers are blooming.Some birds are singing and dancing in the trees.We played many games in the park.We had a happy time all day. Now I’m gong to answer some of your questions.You asked me about the weather in Changsha in summer,It’s very hot in summer.The most of people in Changsha usually go to the swimming pool(泳池)to swim .I like swimming ,too.And I’m a good swimmer.I like summer best. You asked me when the best time to come to Changsha is .I think the best time to come to Changsha is spring or autumn.It’s often too hot in summer and it’s too cold in winner.I have a finish this email now. Welcome to Changsha now.


Li Ping 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 (

)1.The email is from________ A. Peter

B.Li Ping

C.Mary (

)2.Li ping went to __________with her friends. A. Zhongshan

B.Beijing Park

C.Nanjiao Park (

)3.In the park ,some _____are singing and dancing.

5 A. birds


C.boys (

)4.The most of people in Changsha go to the _____to swim.



C.swimming pool (

)5.The best time to come to Changsha is ______. A.spring or autumn




It’s autumn now,The weather is sunny and cool.I’m going to have a picnic at the beach with my friends tomorrow.Mum made some cookies for us this morning.I will bring them.And I will bring some candies.Tom will bring some apples and pears.They’re from his grandpa’s garden.Peter will bring two bottles of orange juice.We are going to play beach volleyball together.We will have fun. (

)1.In autumn,the weather is______. A. very had


C.not good (

)2.We will have a picnic________. A. at the beach

B.in the park

C.at school (

)3.Mom made some_______for us this morning. A. cakes


C.cookies (

)4.Tom’s grandpa has a _______. A. park


C.zoo (

)5.Peter will bring ______bottles of orange juice.








The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day.Mrs Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon,she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together. In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mr Sawyer comes home from work.He arrives home late. At night, the children always do their homework, Then they go to bed. Mr Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,but sometimes he and his wife watch television,

1. Where do the Sawyers live?___________________ 2. What does Mrs Sawyer do every day?____________________ 3. Who does Mrs Sawyer see in the afternoon?_____________________ 4. Do the children arrive home early?_______________________ 5. Does Mr Sawyer arrive home early?_____________________- 6. What do the children often do at night?_______________________ 7. Does Mr Sawyer usually read his newspaper at night?______________


It is eight o’clock. The chilren go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot.It is ten o’clock. Mrs Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. It is four o’clock.In the afternoon, Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. It is six o’clock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. It is nine o’clock. Mr Sawyer usually reads his newpaper at night. But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he’s reading an interesting book.

1.The children go to school ______ every day.A. by car B. on foot C. by bike D. by bus 2. Mrs Sawyer is going to ___ this mornig? A.staying at home B. go shopping C. drinking tea D. watching TV 3. Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at ______in the living room. A. 8:00 B. 16:00 C. 18:00 D. 21:00 4. Are the children doing their homework at the moment?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.

C. Yes, they are.

D. No, they aren’t

5. At the moment ,Mr Sawyer is_________ A. watching TV B. reading his newspaper C.playing in the garden

D. reading an interesting book.


There is a car race near our town every year. In 1995,there was a very big race.There were hundreds of people there. My wife and I were at the race. Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too. You can see us in the crowd. We are standing on the left. There were twenty cars in the race.There were English cars, French cars, Geman cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars. It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number fifteen. Five other cars were just behind him. On the way home, my wife said to me, “Don’t drive so quickly!You’re not Billy Stewart!”

1.Is there a car race near our town every year? _________________ 2.How many people are there in the big race of 1995? _____________ 3.Who was at the race with the author(作者)? ______________________ 4.Are they standing on the left?_____________________ 5.Were there thirty cars in the race?____________________ 6.Were there any Chinese cars in the race?__________________ 7.The finish was exciting, wasn’t it?_______________ 8.Who was the winner of the race?__________________


Last week Mrs Milly went to London. She does not know London very well,and she lost her way.Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.”I can ask him the way,” she said to herself. “Excuse me,” she said. “Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?” The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He was a tourist. Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook. He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly.”I am sorry,” he said.”I do not speak English.”


)1.Mrs Milly went to London last week. (

)2.Mrs Milly asked a man the way to a bus stop. (

)3.The man didn’t know the way to King Street. (

)4.The man was a tourist and he knew English well. (

)5.The phrasebook was in the hand of the man.


Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He’s a pilot. He was in the R.F.A. He will fly to New York next month. The month after next he’ll fly to Tokyo. At the moment, he’s in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago. He’ll return to London the week after next . He’s only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isn’t very lucky. She usually stays at home!

1. Nigel’s job is a ________. A. teacher B. doctor

C. actor

D. pelot 2. ____ Nigel will fly to Tokyo. A.next month B.the month after next C.a week before D.We don’t know in the text. 3. How old wil he be the next year?__________

A.forty B. forty-one

C. forty-two

D. forty-three 4. What does Nigel’s wife usually do?

A. Goes to every country in the world with Nigel. B.Goes to work

C. Fly to New York and London.

D. Stays at home. 5. Is Nigel’s wife lucky? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. She is lucky. D.No, she is.


Eric and Susan are very good friends. They grew up together, they went to high school together, and they went to collge together. Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey. Even though they live far apart, they’re still very good friends.

They write to each other very often. He writes her letters about life on the West Coast, and she writes him letters about life on the East Coast, They never forget each other’s birthday. Last year he sent her some CDs, and she sent him a wallet. Eric and Susan help each other very often. Last year he lent her money when she was in the hospital, and she gave him advice when he lost his job.

Eric and Susan like each other very much. They were always very good friends, and they still are.


)1.Eric and Susan grew up and went go high school together. (

)2.Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey. (

)3.They never forget each other’s birthday.


)4.Susan sent Eric some CDs last year and Eric sent Susan a wallet last year. (

)5.Susan lost her job and Eric gave her advice.


Joan got home late from work today, and she was very happy. When she opened the refrigerator, she was upset. There was nothing to eat for dinner. Joan sat down and made a shopping list. She needed a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrot, a quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, half a pound of chicken, and a loaf of bread. Jone rushed out of the house and drove to the supermarket. When she got there, she was very disappointed. There wasn’t any lettuce. There weren’t any carrots. There wasn’t any milk. There weren’t any eggs. There weren’t any tomatoes. There wasn’t any chicken, and there wasn’t any bread. Joan was tired and upset. In fact, she was so tired and upset. In fact, she was so tired and upset that she lost her appetite(食欲,胃口),drove home, didn’t have dinner, and went to bed.

1.Was there anything to eat in the refrigerator?

A. Yes, there was. B. No, there wasn’t. C. Yes, there wasn’t. D. No, there was.

2.Did Joan need any fish?

A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. Yes. she didn’t. D. No, she did. 3. How did Joan go to the supermarket?

A. By bus.

B. By bike.

C. By car. D On foot. 4.Joan bought _____________ in the supermarket.

A. carrots B. milk C. tomatoes D. nothing 5.What did Joan do after she drove home from supermarket?

A. She watched TV. B. She ate dinner. C. She went to bed. D.She went to work.


I’m tired of winter. I’m tired of snow. I’m tired of cold weather,and I’m sick and tired of winter coats and boots! Just think! In a few more weeks it won’t be winter any more. It’ll be warm, It’ll be warm. It won’t snow any more. It’ll be sunny. I won’t have to stay indoors any more. I’ll go outside and play with my friends. We’ll ride bicyside and play baseball again.

In a few more weeks our neighborhood won’t look sad and gray any more. The flowers will bloom, and the trees will become green again. My family will spend more time outdoors. My father will work in the yard. He’ll cut the grass and paint the fence. My mother will work in the yard, too. She’ll buy new flowers and plant them in the garden. On weekends we won’t just sit in the living room and watch TV. We’ll go for walks in the park, and we’ll have picnics on Sunday afternoons.

I can’t wait for spring to come! Hurry, spring!

1.Does the author like spring or winter?__________________ 2.Is it warm now?________________ 3.What will the author do in a few more weeks?__________________ 4.Where will the author’s family spend more time in a few more weeks?____________ 5.Will the author’s father cut the grass and paint the fence?__________________ 6.Will the author’s mother water flowers?___________________ 7.What will they do on Sunday afternoons?_________________________ 8.Do you like spring or winter? Why?______________________________


Amy’s apartment building is in the center(中心) of town. Amy is very happy there because the building is in a very convenient(方便的) place. Across from the building, there’s a bank, a post office, and a restaurant. Next to the building, there’s a drug store and a laundromat(洗衣店). Around the corner(角落) from the building, ther are two supermarkets.

There’s a lot of noise near Amy’s apartment building. There are a lot of cars on the street, and there are a lot of people one the sidewalks(人行道)all day and all night. However, Amy’s isn’t very upset(不安) about the noise in her neighborhood(附近). Her building is in the center of town. It’s a very busy place, but it’s a convenient place to live.



)1.Amy’apartment is in a convenient place.


)2.There’s a drug store around the corner from her building. (

)3.There are two supermarkets in her neighborhood. (

)4.There are a lot of cars on the sidewalk. (

)5.The center of town is very noisy. 根据短文,回答问题

6. Where is Amy’s apartment building? ________________________________________ 7. What’s across from her building? ______________________________________ 8. Is there a laundromat near her building? ________________________________

9. Why is there a lot of noise near Amy’s building? _______________________________ 10.Why is Amy happy there? _________________________________





Angyal described the case of a man with a domineering father who showed extreme swings of mood in relation to his son. At times, he was affectionate, played with the child, and told him interesting and imaginative stories. At other times he showed violent outbursts of rage and would beat his son so badly that the child thought he would be killed. The boy had numerous fantasies, including one in which his father was killed by a cunning bandit who came to the house cleverly disguised as the father. As Angyal put it, the fantasy dramatized the child’s confusion as to whether he was living in a loving house or in a cruel, alien world that merely masqueraded as pleasant. The fantasy was aimed at dispelling his confusion about the father, whose behaviour made him both God and devil.

But this daydream ,implying the murder and loss of the underlying good father,was unacceptable to the boy and failed to solve his doubts. He began to behave compulsively, such as making sure when out walking to step only on stones and never to walk on the bare earth a magical hope of resolving his confusion. Once as he walked in the backyard he ran out of stones to step on and suddenly stood stuck still on the last stone between the yard and his rear steps. He stayed there for an hour until finally his father came and picked him up, freeing him from his immobility. Once the boy overheard his father saying I live only for the family only to hear his grandfather say: No, you only live for yourself! All of these seeming contradictions made the boy grow into a man endlessly shifting back and forth between positions, unable to take a stand except on irrelevant and unimportant issues in daily life.

Angyal explained the boy’s fantasy as _____ . A.his wish to kill his father B.his eagerness to be loved C.resulting from lack of love D.his confused feeling towards his father The expression masqueraded as pleasant is closest in meaning to _____ . A.was described as being pleasant B.was mistaken as being pleasant C.appeared pleasant D.turned out to be pleasant 可锐教育官网http://

The story of the boy’s walking on the stones shows that _____ . A.he wished to solve his problem B.he wanted to get his father killed C.he wished that his father could help him D.he was emotionally tolerated and had gone crazy What the grandfather said _____ . A.made it clear that the father was very selfish B.proved that the father had a distorted character C.confirmed the boy in his belief D.made the boy even more confused

The subject of my study is women who are initiating social change in a small region in Texas. The women are Mexican Americans who are, or were, migrant agricultural workers. There is more than one kind of innovation at work in the region, of course, but I have chosen to focus on three related patterns of family behavior.

The pattern I life style represents how migrant farm workers of all nationalities lived in the past and how many continue to live. I treat this pattern as a baseline with which to compare the changes represented by pattern II and III. Families in pattern I work and travel in extended kin units, with the eldest male occupying the position of authority. Families are large-eight or none children are not unusual-and all members are economic contributors in this strategy of family migration. Families in pattern II manifest some differences in behavior while still maintaining aspects of pattem I. They continue to migrate but on a reduced scale, often modifying their schedules of migration to allow children to finish the school year. Parents in this pattern often find temporary local jobs as checkers to make up for lost farming income. Pattern II families usually have fewer children than do pattern I families.

The greatest amount of change from pattern I, however, is in pattern III families, who no longer migrate at all. Both parents work full time in the area and have an average of three children. Children attend school for the entire year. In pattern III, the women in particular create new roles for themselves for which no local models exist. They no only work full time but may, in addition, return to school. They also assume a greater responsibility in family decisions than do women in the other patterns. Although these women are in the minority among residents of the 可锐教育官网http://

region, they serve as role models for others, causing moderate changes to spread in their communities.

Now opportunities have continued to be determined by preexisting values. When federal jobs became available in the region, most involved working under the direction of female professionals such as teachers or nurses. Such positions were unaccepted to many men in the area because they were not accustomed to being subordinate to women. Women therefore took the jobs, at first, because the income was desperately needed. But some of the women decided to stay at their jobs, at first, after the family’s distress was over. These women enjoyed their work, its responsibility, and the companionship of fellow women workers. The steady, relatively high income allowed their families to stop migrating. And, as the benefits to these women became increasingly apparent, they and their families became even more willing to consider changes in their lives that they would not have considered before. Which of the following titles best reflects the main focus of the passage?

A.A Survey of Three Mexican American Families at Work in Texas.

B.Innovative Career Women: Effects on Family Unity.

C.Changes in the Life styles of Migrant Mexican American Families.

D.Farming of Family: The Unavoidable Choice for Migrant Farm Workers.

All of the following statements about pattern II children express differences EXCEPT _____ .

A.they migrate for part of each year

B.they spend less time contributing to family income

C.they spend more months on school

D.their parents sometimes work at jobs other than farming

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of women in pattern III families?

A.They earn a reliable and compartively high income.

B.They continue to work solely to meet the urgent needs of their family.

C.They enjoy the fellowship involved in working with other women

D.They serve as models of behavior for others in the region. 可锐教育官网http://

The author’s attitude towards the three patterns of behavior mentioned in the passage is best described as one of _____ .

A.great admiration

B.unbiased objectivity







Facebook and privacy Sorry, friends

脸谱和用户隐私 对不起,朋友

The giant social network is castigated for serious privacy failings


FACEBOOK has been playing with fire and has got its fingers burned, again.


On November 29th America s Federal Trade Commission announced that it hadreached a draft settlement with the giant social network over allegations that it hadmisled people about its use of their personal data.


The details of the settlement make clear that Facebook, which boasts over 800m users,betrayed its users trust.


It is also notable because it appears to be part of a broader attempt by the FTC to craft anew privacy framework to deal with the swift rise of social networks in America.


The regulator s findings come at a sensitive time for Facebook, which is said to be preparingfor an initial public offering next year that could value it at around $100 billion.


To clear the way for its blockbuster flotation, the firm first needs to resolve its privacytussles with regulators in America and Europe.

为了给这次非同一般的上市计划扫清障碍,脸谱网必须首先解决与美国和欧洲协调员关于用户隐私的争端,因此这周它公开了商谈意向。 可锐教育官网http://

Hence its willingness to negotiate the settlement unveiled this week, which should befinalised at the end of December after a period for public comment.


Announcing the agreement, the FTC said it had found a number of cases where Facebook hadmade claims that were unfair and deceptive, and violated federal law .

宣布协议时,FTC说发现有好几回脸谱的声明都是 不公平,虚假并触犯联邦法 的,

For instance, it passed on personally identifiable information to advertisers, even though itsaid it would not do so.


And it failed to keep a promise to make photos and videos on deactivated and deletedaccounts inaccessible.


The settlement does not constitute an admission by Facebook that it has broken the law.


But the regulator s findings are deeply embarrassing for the company nonetheless.


In a blog post published the same day, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook s boss, tried to play downthe impact of the deal.

同一天,脸谱老板Mark Zuckerberg在一篇博文上极力淡化这份协议的影响。

First he claimed that a small number of high-profile mistakes were overshadowing thesocial network s good history on privacy.

在这篇博文中他首先声明 一小部分被高调炒作的错误 正在掩盖脸谱网关于用户隐私的 良好记录 。

Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new chief privacyofficers .

接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的 首席隐私官 。 可锐教育官网http://

The FTC is not relying on Facebook to police itself.


Among other things, the company will now have to seek consumers approval before itchanges the way it shares their data. And it has agreed to an independent privacy auditevery two years for the next 20 years.


Jeff Chester of the Centre for Digital Democracy reckons this will make it somewhat easier forprivacy activists to hold the social network to account.

数字民主中心的Jeff Chester认为,这从某种程度上让隐私主义者更容易相信脸谱会为自己的行为负责。

There is a clear pattern here.


In separate cases over the past couple of years the FTC has insisted that Twitter and Googleaccept regular external audits, too, after each firm was accused of violating its customers privacy.


The intent seems to be to create a regulatory regime that is tighter than the status quo,but one that still gives social networks plenty of room to innovate.


The audits can be used to tweak the framework in the light of new developments.


Some observers reckon web firms have agreed to all this in the hope that it will deflect apush for more onerous privacy legislation in America.

一些观测者认为,这些网络公司全盘接受这些审核,希望借此摆脱美国更为繁琐的隐私保护法。 可锐教育官网http://

But outrage over Facebook s behaviour could spur Congress into action anyway. And it willcertainly not be lost on regulators in Europe who are scrutinising the social network sprivacy record too.


Mr Zuckerberg s latest mea culpa is unlikely to be his last.



Drugmakers Cliffhanger

制药企业 悬念

Big Pharma struggles to protect its blockbusters as they lose patent protection

大型制药企业艰难保护着专利失效的 重磅炸弹 药物

FOR some years the big drugmakers have been dreading an approaching patent cliff —aslump in sales as the patents on their most popular pills expire or are struck down by legalchallenges, with few new potential blockbusters to take their place.

多年来,大型制药企业一直担心 专利悬崖 出现——最畅销药品的专利到期或专利因诉讼而中止,而市场上鲜有新的 重磅炸弹 药物,这时企业的销售额将会锐减。

This week the patent on the best-selling drug in history expired—Lipitor, an anti-cholesterolpill which earned Pfizer nearly $11 billion in revenues last year.

本周,史上最畅销的药物 立普妥 专利到期,这种降胆固醇药去年就为辉瑞公司赚了近110亿美元。

In all, blockbusters with a combined $170 billion in annual sales will go off-patent by 2015.

到了2015年,多种 重磅炸弹 药物的专利都将失效。

What is supposed to happen now is that lots of copycat firms rush in with generic versions of Lipitor at perhaps one-fifth of its price. 可锐教育官网http://


Patients and health-care payers should reap the benefit.


Pfizer s revenues should suffer. The same story will be repeated many times, as otherbest-selling drugs march over the patent cliff .

同样的事件将反复上演,因为其他畅销药也要临近 专利悬崖 。

But generics makers may face delays getting their cheaper versions to market.


Ranbaxy, a Japanese-owned drugmaker, struggled to get regulators approval for itsgeneric version of Lipitor, and only won it on the day the patent expired.


More important, research-based drug firms are using a variety of tactics to make the patentcliff slope more gently.

更重要的是,以研发为基础的制药公司正使用各种方法缓冲 专利悬崖 效应。

Jon Leibowitz, chairman of America s Federal Trade Commission , is concerned bydrugmakers filing frivolous additional patents on their products to put off the day whentheir protection expires.

美国联邦贸易委员会主席Jon Leibowitz注意到,制药商们千方百计地为产品增加后续专利,以延缓保护的失效,但其实那些专利没什么价值。

Another tactic is pay-for-delay , in which a drugmaker facing a legal challenge to itspatent pays its would-be competitor to put off introducing its cheaper copy.

另一种战术是 有偿延迟 协议,也就是说在专利诉讼时,制药企业会付给未来竞争对手一笔钱,以延迟价钱更低的仿制药进入市场。

In the year to October the FTC identified what it believes to be 28 such settlements.


American and European regulators are looking into these deals. 可锐教育官网http://


However, legal challenges against them have faltered, and a bill to ban them is stuck inCongress.


To encourage generics makers to challenge patents on drugs, and introduce cheapercopies,


an American law passed in 1984 says that the first one to do so will get a 180-day exclusivityperiod,

美国于1984年通过一项法案,其中提到 第一个挑战成功的仿制药企能获得180天市场独占期,

in which no other generics maker can sell versions of the drug in question, as Ranbaxysupposedly won with Lipitor.


However, Pfizer is exploiting a loophole in the 1984 law, which lets it appoint a second,authorised copycat—in this case, Watson, another American firm.


According to BernsteinResearch, under the deal between the two drugmakers Pfizer willreceive about 70% of Watson s revenues from its approved copy of Lipitor.


More unusual, Pfizer has cut the price of its original version, and will keep marketing itvigorously.


So Ranbaxy faces not one, but two competitors.

所以说,兰伯西的对手是两个,而非一个。 可锐教育官网http://

This strategy has precedent, says David Risinger of Morgan Stanley, but the scale andstructure of Pfizer s scheme is unmatched.

摩根士丹利的David Risinger认为,这项策略虽有先例,但就规模和结构而言绝对不能与辉瑞的计划相比。

Patients with a special discount card from Pfizer will make co-payments of just $4 for a month s worth of the originalLipitor, compared with about $10 for many generic medicines.


Pfizer is also offering Lipitor for a generic price to big firms such as Medco, which managehealth schemes prescription costs.


All this may raise Pfizer s sales by nearly $500m in the first half of 2012 compared with whatthey would otherwise have been, says Tim Anderson of BernsteinResearch, with revenuesthen falling after the 180 days are over.

BernsteinResearch的Tim Anderson认为,所有这些举措将使得辉瑞2012年上半年的销售额比不采取措施时增加近5亿美元,总收入在180天市场独占期后会下降。

Medco argues that Pfizer s scheme will save money for all parties, and ensure a steadysupply of the drug .


Others fear that Pfizer s tactics may drive up costs for the employers who sponsor healthplans, thanks to the complexities of co-payment schemes, and confuse patients lectured foryears about the merits of generics.


Express Scripts is advising the health plans it works for to reject Pfizer s deals for Lipitor.


The biggest worry is that Pfizer s strategy, if copied, will make the 180-day exclusivityperiod worth far less, and thus discourage generics firms from challenging patents in thefirst place.


