范文网 论文资料 英语五年级unit9教案(精选)







杨寨中学初四英语学科教学设计 题

Unit9setinB 型 ne 环节 教学内容 教法学法 二次备 教 学 目 标

Ai1掌握比较等级的表达法,运用比较级来描述身边的事情。 Ai2了解一些自然灾害的基本知识并学会保护自己。

认 定 目 标

自 主 学 习

Ai1掌握比较等级的表达法,运用比较级来描述身边的事情。 Threetiesasstrngas Tenentieterslngerthan AisthreetiesasstrngasB AisntnearlasstrngasB AisrethantentiesbiggerthanB Ai2了解一些自然灾害的基本知识并学会保护自己。 ar,fld,pllutin,natural,desert,earthquae, Belafater

Frbadtrse Prevent…fr… Befilledith


AisthreetiesasstrngasB AisntnearlasstrngasB AisrethantentiesbiggerthanB Fldisnefthebiggestprblesintherld



教学 重点


教学 难点

Ai2了解一些自然灾害的基本知识并学会保护自己。 环节 教学内容 教法学法 二次备

导 入 新

Present: ar,fld,pllutin,natural,desert,earthquae, Belafater


预 习 展 示

Threetiesasstrngas Tenentieterslngerthan Alittlere Frbadtrse Prevent…fr… Befilledith


环节 教学内容 教法学法 二次备

Exerise1translatethefllingphrases Exerises2reitetheiprtantsentenesandtranslatethesentenes Exerises3FindinfratinabutneandriteanartilefranesagazineUseatleasttparisns

合 作 探 究

当 堂 达 标



动词不定式的用法 Prevent…Fr…








Disussthelanguagefus AndgiveseexaplesIfneessar,givethesehelp

板 书 设 计








Frbadtrse Prevent…fr… Befilledith 教学




1. 出生

2. 一名出色的中国乒乓球运动员

3. 打嗝世界纪录

4. 打喷嚏的世界纪录

5. 开始做某事

6. 停止做某事停下来去做(另一件事)

7. 一个不寻常的女孩8. 一个和蔼慈祥的老人

9. 太…而不能做某事

10. 十个月大11. 作曲

12. 在..四岁的时候

13. 效力于国家队

15. 在世界锦标赛中获得金牌

16. 成为一名电影明星

17. 学习做某事从/向…学

19. 与某人一起度过所有的业余时间

20. 一个名叫…的…21. 一位滑冰冠军

22. 看/听到某人已/常做某事


25. 以…而出名26. 哼唱歌曲

27. 一首曲子30.参加,加入

31. 第十四届肖邦国际钢琴大赛

32. 获得小组第一名

33. 在此项比赛的70年历史里

34. 第一个做某事35. 活着

36. 由于,因为…37. 在演讲比赛中

38. 主修,专研


1. My best friend is c______ Julia.

2. He held the 100 -meter -race world r______at Sydney Olympic games.

3. She won a gold m______at the World Championship when she was three years old.

5.The girl likes h_____ songs on her way to school.

6.My m____was English when I was in college.

8.She is a famous table tennis player. She j______the n__________ table tennis team in 1982.

9. Shirley Temple b______a movie star when she was three years old.

10. Tiger Woods started g______when he was only ten months old.

11. Just now I s______ her r______in the library.

13. Liu Xiang is a famous Chinese a______, he is very strong and a______.

14 .He was b______ in Jinan on October 10th in 1982.

15. Would you like to take p______in the sports meeting? Sure, I’d love to.

16. He t______(旅游) Australia last year, it was a really e______trip and he was very e______ . 17. He is a c______ , o____________and u_________ pianist. 18. He spends his free time w______ TV programs.= He spends his free time o______ TV programs. 19. He wasn’t dead after the traffic accident(交通事故) and still a______now. 20. Will you please j______ us? 21. Bill said they would have a t____________ (两个月的)holiday.22. Li Lei could read and write at the a_____ of five. 23.My brother is so young t______ he can’t go to school. = My brother isn’t old e______ to go to school. = My brother is t______ young to go to school. 26. Li Yundi won the first prize in the 14th i____________ piano competition. ()1. We spent three hours _______ our homework.A. doB. in doingC. to do()2. The boy was born _______ the 3rd of July,1989.A. inB. onC, at()4. There are ten _______ in the CD.A. piece of musicB. musicsC. pieces of music ()6. He is a kind man _____ Lei Feng.A. callB. calledC. name()7. She is ______ old to walk so long.A. tooB. soC. very ()10. ______ you born in 1982?A. DidB. WereC. Are适当形式: 1. When Mike was three years old, he started _______________ (play) soccer. 2. Please __________ (not put) these clothes here. 3. Who ________ (buy ) a new bike yesterday? 4. It’s 8:00 . The boys ____________ (play) football on the playground. 5. He _________ (watch) TV and then read a storybook. 6. Can you see a dog ________ (lie) behind the door? 7. When_______ she _________ (join) the national table tennis team?In 1988. 8. He __________ (become) a professional soccer star when he was twenty-two. 9. He _________ (visit) the USA, when he was fourteen. 10. She is good at _________. She is a good _______(skate). 11. They are busy _________ (wash) the clothes all the time . 12. Tell the child _______ (be) early tomorrow. 13. How long did you spend __________________ (finish write) the letter? 14. After a long walk I want to stop _________ (have ) a rest. 15. My sister is going to be an _________ (act) when she grows up.

第三篇:七年级英语下Unit9 作文


Name :Li LeiAge :14

Likes :basketball, swimming, drawing, music

Favoritestar :Michael Jordan

Favoritefood: fish and chips

Appearance: short and straight hair , big eyes ,medium,height Wants: a basketball player

I have a good friend,

第四篇:人教七年级下英语Unit9 阅读 作文


An old friend from California was going to spend a few days with me. He called me from the station to tell me that he had arrived. I wasn’t able to leave the office, but I had got ready for his visit. I told him where my new house was and that I had left the key under the doormat (门垫). Because I knew it would be very late before I could get home, I asked him to make himself at home and help himself to anything in the fridge.

Two hours later, my friend phoned me from the house. At the moment he said he was listening to some music after a nice meal. He had found two fried eggs, and had helped himself to some cold chicken in the fridge. Now he said he was drinking a glass of orange and he wished me to go back soon. When I asked him if he had any trouble in finding the house, he answered he didn’t find the key under the doormat. But the window by the apple tree was open and he climbed in through the window. I listened to this in surprise. There was no apple tree outside my window at all. But there is one by the window of my next door neighbor’s house!

()1. The writer left the key under the doormat for ______.

A. his uncleB. himselfC. his friendD. his children

()2. The writer told his friend to look after himself before he got home because _______.

A. he would get home very late.

B. his friend would stay with him for a few days.

C. his friend would not mind that.

D. he would not be able to return home that day.

()3. His friend told him on the phone that _______.

A. he found the house without any trouble.

B. he enjoyed himself very much in the house.

C. he found the key very easily.

D. he liked his new house.

()4. How did the writer’s friend come into the house?

A. He used the key to open the door.

B. He got in easily because the door was open.

C. He got in through the window.

D. He knocked at the door.

()5. Which of the followings is right?

A. The writer’s friend went into the wrong house.

B. The writer’s friend liked the neighbor’s house.

C. The writer’s house was easy to find.

D. The window of the writer’s room was open.


写作要求:根据你周一在校的活动,以My Day为题描写一下你一天的活动。80字左右。______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________



Unit9 Exam focus: Writing I. Teaching Objectives:

i. To familiarize Ss with the content of the Writing Test ii. To provide useful tips iii. To practise the Writing Test II. Materials needed: None III. Teaching Process: i.Unit overview · The Writing Test T elicits Ss’ knowledge of the writing Test and gives an overview. · How to succeed T brainstorms what Ss think the examiner is looking for and takes Ss through tips regarding task completion and language. · Memos and notes Ss focus on Part One of the Writing Test and rank four candidates’ answers. T emphasizes the importance of task completion. Ss read tips then write a memo. · Letters and longers memos Ss focus on Part Two of the Writing Test. They focus on how to plan their answer then write a letter. · Exam practice Part One: Note. Part Two: Letter replying to an enquiry. Part One: E-mail. Part Two: Longer memo. ii.Detailed study of this unit

Step 1 The writing Test

Ss read the overview of the Writing Test. T answers any questions Ss may have regarding its format and administration. T points out that The Reading and Writing Test are combined in one examination paper totaling 90 minutes. Ss must leave enough time for the writing Test (30 minutes at least). T illustrates the different parts of the Writing Test by directing Ss to the Exam practice page of the unit and briefly describing the format and requirements of each part. T also reminds Ss that answers are transferred to an Answer Sheet and shows them one. Step 2 How to succeed T takes Ss through the tips on Task and Language. T stresses that the candidate



must complete the task in full. Step 3 Memos and notes Ex1. Ss work in pairs. T asks Ss to read the task carefully first and look at the four candidates’ answers. Ss first note the task and language errors. They then order them from best to worst. Ex2. T asks Ss to read through the tips. T points out that one point in the task usually requires Ss to use their imagination; In this case, they will have to decide what starting date to stipulate. Ss do the task individually and then check it. Step 4 Letters and long memos Part Two differs from Part One in that candidates are expected to write a formal letter or longer memo and are not expected to be so concise (word limits 60-80 words). Ss should pay attention to tone and style, making sure that their letter or memo is suitable formal. Ss work individually to complete the task. Step 5 Self-study

Help Ss finish Self-study exercises (30 minutes total).


信头,Heading, 包括写信人所在公司的名称,地址,邮政编码,电传挂号,传真号码,电话号码,电子邮件地址等。信头的位置在右上角或正中。

发信日期,Date,低于信头位置。英式写法是日期写在月份前面。 编号,Reference,便于信件归档分类。

封内地址,Inside Address,写在左边信头之下。


事由/主题,Subject Line,出现在称呼之下。“Subject:”, “RE:” 正文, Body

结束语, Complimentary Dear Miss Brooks, Dear Mrs. Brooks, Dear Ms Brooks, Dear Mr. Brooks Yours sincerely Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfully Dear Nancy Best regards // Best Wishes 写信人签名,姓名和职位, Signature, Writer’s full name and position, 位于信的最后。正式信函中写信人须写出自己的全名,签名下面还要打印出



签名人的姓名和职位。 2.I’ve attached a copy of …

Please find enclosed a copy of …


