范文网 论文资料 必修一unit5语法教案(集锦)







Teaching plan of unit 5

Teaching aims: 1. Topic

The qualities of a great person; The lives of some great people. 2. Useful words and expressions: hero quality willing active republic principle fight peaceful prison prisoner period law advise continue fee gold youth league stage vote position accept violence equal blanket degree guard educated terror fear cruelty reward right(n.)

criminal leader president sentence(v.) sincerely

lose heart

in trouble

worry about

out of work

Youth League

as a matter of fact

blow up

put… in prison

come to power

set up

be sentenced to 3. Functional items: A. Giving opinions: Why do you think so? What do you think of …? What’s your opinion? I agree/ don’t agree. I think/don’t think…. I prefer….

In my opinion…. I’m afraid…

B. Making comments:

Good idea!

That’s an excellent idea. 4. Structures The attributive clause (II) 由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ when 引导的定语从句。 The school where I studied only two years was three kilometers away. This was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work. …we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. The person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.

Teaching procedures

(Reading) Step 1. Warming up 1. Ask Ss some questions: What are the qualities you should find in a great person? Who do you think is a great person? What qualities do you have? 2. Ss finish the chart on page 33.

Step 2. Pre-reading 1. Show Ss some pictures about some famous people and let them discuss who are great people. 2. Ask Ss to tell why they are important persons or great people.

Step 3. While-reading 1. First listening: Ss read the text and finish comprehending 1 on page 35. 2. Ss read again and make a timeline of Elias’ life until he met Nelson Mandela. 1940______________

1942 ______________ 1944 ______________

1946 ______________ 1948 ______________

1950 _______________ 1952 ______________

1954 _______________ 3. Ss read the whole passage and see how many parts the text can be divided into, and give the general idea of each part. Suggested answers: Part I paragraph 1-2

The life of Elias’ before he met Nelson Mandela. Part II paragraph 3-5

The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.

Step 4. After-reading Ss discuss:

How the ANC Youth League fights the Government? What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?

Step 5. Extensive reading Get the Ss to learn more about Nelson Mandela.

Ss read the passage: the rest of Elias’ story on page 38, and answer the following questions: 1. When did Elias lose his job? 2. Does Elias like his present work?


1. Recite the key sentences in the text. 2. Retell the text.


Unit 5 Music


Contents: (1)Enable students to appreciate and classify different kinds of music by doing the exercise in Warming


(2)Developing their abilities to express their feeling on music and enlarge their

knowledge on music


Step 1 warming up

1、Introduce the topic of music through asking some question such as “Are you fond of music ,Are

you good at singing, Can you play a musical instrument”

Ask students to answer the 4 questions in groups actively while introducing different kinds of

music in the world.

Step 2 pre—reading

(1) Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners and then ask them to report their

work.. Encourage them express their opinion freely

1、Have you heard about any of famous bands in the words, please list them if you have

(Beatles, Back—street boy, West—life )

2、Which one do you like best?

(2) Introduce something about “The Monkeys”

Step 3 skimming

Let the students listen to the tape and find out the answers to the following two questions.

1、 What are the benefits if students former a band to play in the street?

2、 When did “The Monkeys” break up and when did it reunite?

Step 4 Second reading

In this part, students will read the text again and try to understand the sentences and the main idea of

each paragraph, and then finish the exercise 2 and 4 in Comp rending

Step 5 Homework: Fin out some language points in Reading and recite the new words in unit 5

Step 6:Feedback

第三篇:高中英语必修4 Unit 3语法教案

Teaching aim: Grasp the usages of -ing form and use them freely STEP1.[自学探究] (SB P21 Discovering useful structures)

1.v. ing 做定语

▲动名词放在所修饰的名词前面作为定语,表示该名词的用途或有关的动作。 walking stick 手杖

printing shop 印务馆

dining room饭厅 reading room 阅览室

swimming pool 游泳池

washing machine洗衣机 a waiting room(= a room for waiting) 候车室 a walking stick( =a stick for walking)手杖

▲现在分词做定语,说明所修饰名词进行的动作。 a waiting man (=a man who is waiting)正在等待的男人 a dancing girl (= a girl who is dancing ) 单个分词作定语,分词前置。 We can see the rising sun. The sleeping boy is my son. 分词短语作定语,分词后置;分词修饰不定代词something等要后置。 The girl standing under the tree is my niece. There is nothing interesting. 2. v. ing 作表语

▲动名词做表语是对主语内容的解释,这时主语与表语位置可以互换。 (1) Its full time job is laying eggs. 他的专职工作是产卵。

(2) Our job is playing all kinds of music. 我们的工作就是演奏各种音乐。 (3) Playing all kinds of music is our job. 演奏各种音乐是我们的工作。 *现在分词做表语,表明的是主语的性质与特征,主语与表语位置不可互换。 (4) The film is touching. (5) This girl is charming. (6) My job is interesting. 3.v.-ing作宾语补足语的用法

v.-ing 形式主要用于以下两类动词后构成宾语补助语。

1 ⑴表示感觉和状态的动词,如see, hear, feel, smell, watch, find, notice,listen to ,look at等。表示动作正在进行。例如:

I heard Mr. Smith singing in the next door. 我听到史密斯先生在隔壁唱歌。 I felt someone patting on the shoulder. 我感到有人拍了拍我 的肩膀。 She smelt something burning. ⑵表示“指使”等意义的动词,如have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等.强调的持续性。例如: We won’t have you doing that. 我们不允许你这么做。 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long. 对不起,让你久等了。 The joke set them all laughing. The teacher often caught him sleeping in class. II.Make a thorough inquiry during class.Teacher and students work toghter. STEP2.精例点拨

1. The salesman scolded the girl caught _____ and let her off. A. to have stolen

B. to be stealing

C. to steal

D. stealing [解析]本题考查动词非谓语形式在句中作宾补的用法。正确掌握并灵活运用非谓语形式是解此类题的关键,另外,解这一题目也要用还原法,即catch the girl stealing,若没有把catch the girl stealing 还原,也是很难找出本题的答案的,因此,解题时,不但要有扎实的基础知识,还要掌握解题技巧。本题旨在考查catch sb. doing sth.(发现某人做某事)这一短语,故先排除A、C两项,由于girl与catch之间是被动关系,因此需要用catch的过去分词形式作后置定语,stealing所作的只能是定语中的补足语,故本题最佳答案为D。

2. In the study, I found my son ______ at a desk, with his attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing

B. sit; fixed

C. sitting; to be fixed

D. seated; fixed [解析]此题考查不定式与分词作宾补的区别以及短语fix one’s attention的用法。解答此题时,应特别留意不定式与分词作宾补的区别;第二应注意倘若逻辑宾语提前,则with+复合宾语中宾补应用过去分词表示被动。因为强调found的动作与sit同时进行,而省去to的不定式sit作宾补表示动作的完成,但sitting和seated皆可。第二空中,attention原为fix的逻辑宾语,所以应选fixed作宾语补足语。故此题正确答案为:D。


高中英语必修4 Unit 3语法教案 PeriodIV Grammer

Teaching aim: Grasp the usages of -ing form and use them freely I.Preparation for grammer before class. STEP1.[自学探究] (SB P21 Discovering useful structures)

1.v. ing 做定语

▲动名词放在所修饰的名词前面作为定语,表示该名词的用途或有关的动作。 walking stick 手杖

printing shop 印务馆

dining room饭厅

reading room 阅览室

swimming pool 游泳池

washing machine洗衣机 a waiting room(= a room for waiting) 候车室 a walking stick( =a stick for walking)手杖

▲现在分词做定语,说明所修饰名词进行的动作。 a waiting man (=a man who is waiting)正在等待的男人 a sleeping child (= a child who is sleeping ) 正在睡觉的孩子 2. v. ing 作表语

▲动名词做表语是对主语内容的解释,这时主语与表语位置可以互换。 Its full time job is laying eggs. 他的专职工作是产卵。

Our job is playing all kinds of music. 我们的工作就是演奏各种音乐。 Playing all kinds of music is our job. 演奏各种音乐是我们的工作。

*现在分词做表语,表明的是主语的性质与特征,主语与表语位置不可互换。 The music they are playing sounds exciting. 他们演奏的音乐是如此令人兴奋。 The task of this class is practising the idioms. 这节课的任务是练习这些短语。 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

My work is looking after the children. 我的工作是照看这些孩子。 3.v.-ing作宾语补足语的用法

v.-ing 形式主要用于以下两类动词后构成宾语补助语。

⑴表示感觉和状态的动词,如see, hear, feel, smell, watch, find, notice等。例如: I heard Mr. Smith singing in the next door. 我听到史密斯先生在隔壁唱歌。 I felt someone patting on the shoulder. 我感到有人拍了拍我的肩膀。

⑵表示“指使”等意义的动词,如have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等。例如: We won’t have you doing that. 我们不允许你这么做。

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long. 对不起,让你久等了。 II.Make a thorough inquiry during class. Teacher and students work toghter. STEP2.精例点拨

1. The salesman scolded the girl caught _____ and let her off. A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing [解析]本题考查动词非谓语形式在句中作宾补的用法。正确掌握并灵活运用非谓语形式是解此类题的关键,另外,解这一题目也要用还原法,即catch the girl stealing,若没有把catch the girl stealing 还原,也是很难找出本题的答案的,因此,解题时,不但要有扎实的基础知识,还要掌握解题技巧。本题旨在考查catch sb. doing sth.(发现某人做某事)这一短语,故先排除A、C两项,由于girl与catch之间是被动关系,因此需要用catch的过去分词形式作后置定语,stealing所作的只能是定语中的补足语,故本题最佳答案为D。

2. In the study, I found my son ______ at a desk, with his attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. sit; fixed C. sitting; to be fixed D. seated; fixed [解析]此题考查不定式与分词作宾补的区别以及短语fix one’s attention的用法。解答此题时,应特别留意不定式与分词作宾补的区别;第二应注意倘若逻辑宾语提前,则with+复合宾语中宾补应用过去分词表示被动。因为强调found的动作与sit同时进行,而省去to的不定式sit作宾补表示动作的完成,但sitting和seated皆可。第二空中,attention原为fix的逻辑宾语,所以应选fixed作宾语补足语。故此题正确答案为:D。 III.当堂达标

STEP3.Ask students to finish with 7minutes given 单项选择

1.I don’t mind her_________ jewels at the party. A. wear B. to wear

C. wearing D. worn 2.After her famous husband’s death, Eleanor Roosevelt continued ________for peace.

A. working

B. work

C. the working

D. to working 3.Mark often attempts to escape _________whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

A. having been fined

B. to be fined

C. to have been fined

D. being fined 4.Ann never dreams of _________ for her to be sent abroad very soon. A. there being a chance

B. there to be a chance C. there be a chance

D. being a chance 5. — What made him so unhappy? — _______ the ticket for the football match. A. Having been lost

B. Lost

C. Because of losing

D. Losing 6. After _______for the job, you will be required to take a language test. A. being interviewed

B. interviewed

C. interviewing D. having interviewed 7.I don’t know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned _______ in hospital last year. A. to have been

B. to be

C. having been

D. being 8.I still remember you, as a student, _________ sweetly.

A. to sing

B. singing

C. being singing

D. sing 9.The boy’s _______ school late again and again caused the teacher to wonder why.

A. to come

B. coming

C. being coming

D. come 10. — Why do you think of the film Harry Potter?

— Oh, excellent. It’s worth _______ a second time.

A. to see

B. to be seen

C. seeing

D. being seen 11.These young scientists succeeded _________ the new software.

A. produced

B. to produce

C. in producing

D. produce 12. — I apologized to you ________ your dictionary for so long.

— It doesn’t matter.

A. to keep

B. for having kept

C. of keeping

D. for keeping Step4.summary Step5.Master grammer’s uses futher. Suggested answer 语法单项选择CADA DACB BCCB









































































