范文网 论文资料 含有be动词的句型转换(全文)


含有be动词的句型转换第一篇:含有be动词的句型转换含有be动词的句型转换一. 含有be动词的句型转换。 1.I am a student .2.She can dance . 一般疑问句_________________一般疑问句____。




一. 含有be动词的句型转换。 1.I am a student .

2.She can dance . 一般疑问句_________________



肯定回答______否定回答_______ 变否定句____________________ 2. She is a doctor. 一般疑问句_________________

肯定回答______否定回答_______ 变否定句____________________ 3.We’re late today. 一般疑问句_________________

肯定回答______否定回答_______ 变否定句____________________ 4. They are students here.


肯定回答______否定回答_______ 变否定句____________________ 二.含有情态动词的句型转换。 1 . I can sing very well. 一般疑问句_________________

肯定回答______否定回答_______ 变否定句____________________ 肯定回答______否定回答_______

变否定句____________________ 3. We can speak English.




变否定句____________________ 三含有实义动词的句型转换。

1 .

I ride a bike .




2.She plays the violin after school.



变否定句____________________ 3. They like play computer games.







一、一般疑问句有两种:一种是由be动词引起的疑问句, 另一种是由助动词或情态动词引起的疑问句,此处要讲前一种。


be动词引起的一般疑问句的构成是在肯定句的基础上 将be动词(am ,is,are)移至主语之前,这时be动词已在句首,第一个字母应大写,句末用问号。


肯定回答为“Yes,主语 + am/is/are.”; 否定回答为“No,主语+ am/is/are + not.”。

—Are you twelve? 你十二岁吗?

—Yes, I am.是的,我是。 /No, I’m not.不,我不是。

注意:不可以写成“Yes,I’m.”或“No,I amn’t.”。 3.如何变一般疑问句



对一般疑问句进行回答。 1.—Are you eight? —Yes,

. /No,

. 2.—Am I in Class Four? —Yes,


. 3.—Are they students? —Yes,


. 4.—Is that her cup? —Yes,


. 5.—Is he Eric? —Yes,

. /No,

. 6.Are these pencils Anna’s?

(做肯定回答) 7.Are those pencils Bob’s? (做否定回答)


8.This is her ruler. ___________________________ 9.Those are your books. 10.I am Tom.

11.These are Lily’s pens.

12.This is an eraser.

___________________________ 13.That is a Chinese book. __________________________ 14.(济南中考)She is good at playing the piano (钢琴).

good at playing the piano? 15.(临沂中考)There are some flowers (花) in the garden (花园).

any flowers in the garden?


1.陈述句:be动词第一人称用am,第二人称用are,第三人称单数用is复数用are. 助动词do一般省略,直接用动词,注意动词时态和人称变化.有时在动词前加do,表示强调,加强语气.如:Do be quiet!


3.否定句:be动词和助动词do后面加not. be作助动词用的形式如下: ①am, is, are, was, were ②助动词+be:shall be, will be, can be, etc. ③have/has/had + been(完成时) ④am, is, …being(进行时)


句型 be + V-ing…(进行时态) 例:What are you reading? (你正在阅读什么?) I am reading a magazine. (我正在阅读杂志。)

例:He will be taking a walk in the park at this time tomorrow morning. (明天早晨此时他将会正在公园散步。)

例:She has been teaching English in our school for years. (她已在我们学校教英语许多年了。)

解说 第一例句是表达现在进行时,第二例句是将来进行时,第三例句是现在完成进行时。 (2)表达被动语态

句型 be +p.p. …(被动语态)

例:English is spoken in both Canada and the United States. (加拿大和美国都讲英语。) 例:Those keys were found in your drawer. (那些钥匙是在你的抽屉里找到的。) 例:It can be done much faster in this way. (这件工作用这个方法可以更加快速地做好。)


1.be pleased to do 做……感到愉快 2. be pleased/satisfied with 对……满意 3. be excited/crazy about 对……感到兴奋 4. be surprised at 对……感到吃惊 5. be amazed at 对……感到惊讶 6. be impressed by 被……感动 7. be interested in 对……感兴趣 8. be anxious about 因……焦虑 9. be worried about 为……感到担忧 10. be shocked at/by 对……感到震惊 11. be tired of 对……厌烦 12. be fed up with 对……极厌烦 13. be embarrassed at 对……尴尬 14. be disappointed in sb.对某人感到失望 15. be disappointed at sth.对某事感到失望 16. be filled with=be full of 装满/充满 17. be crowded with 挤满 18. be covered with 盖满……,掩满 19. be stressed out 有压力的,紧张的 20. be relaxed (about) 觉得放松 21. be dressed in 穿着……衣服 22. be married to sb. 和某人结婚 23. be mad/annoyed at sb生某人的气 24. be terrified of 惧怕 25. be divided into 把……分成 26. be afraid of 害怕 27. be allowed to do 被允许做…… 28. be supposed to do应该做/被要求做 29. be made from 用……制成的 30. be made in 在某地制造 31. be made of 用……制造的 32. be made by 由……制造 33. be used as (被)当作……来 34. be used in 被用在…… 35. be used by+sb (被)……用 36. be used for doing sth. (被)用来做… 37. be used to do sth. (被)用来做…… 38. be used to doing 习惯于 39. be angry at(about) sth. 生某事的气 40. be angry with 生某人的气 41. be far away from 离……很远 42. be near/close to 离……很近 43. be the same as 和……一样 44. be different from 与……不同 45. be away from 从某地离开 46. be blind in the eyes 眼睛失明 47. be weak/poor in 在……弱/差 48. be good at 善于/擅长 49. be careful about/with 当心 50. be carefu1 of 当心某人 51. be good for 对……有益 52. be bad for 对……有害 53. be proud of=take pride in 以……自豪 54. be/get lost 迷失(道路) 55. be sure of 对……有把握 56. be sure that 确信 57. be sure to do sth. 一定要;务必 58. be worth doing sth. 值得做…… 59. be busy with忙于/be busy doing忙于做60. be willing to do 愿意做 61. be confident of 对……有信心 62.be strict with sb. in sth.在方面对某人要求严格 63. be friendly to sb. 对……友好 64. be kind/nice to sb. 对……好 65. be similar to 与……相似 66. be similar with 熟悉,通晓 67. be popular with 受某人所喜爱 68. be sorry for 抱歉 69. be ill in hospital 生病,住院 70. be in the hospital 在医院里 71. be in danger 处于危险之中 72. be in trouble 陷入困境 73. be late for school/class上学/上课迟到 74. be on sale在热销中 75. be across from 在……对面 76. be serious about 对……很认真 77. be on show 在展出 78. be on duty 值日、值班 79. be on holiday 在度假 80. be on business 在出差 81. be on the school soccer team在校足球队 82. be grateful to sb.对某人表示感激 83. be grateful for sth 因为某事表示感激 84. be asleep 睡着的 85. be awake 醒着的

86. be able to do sth. 能够做某事 87. be for doing sth. 赞成做某事

88. be against doing sth. 反对做某事 89. be famous for…… 以……著名,出名 90. be famous as… 以……身份而出名 91. be/come from 来自于,是……人 92. be/get ready for 为……作好准备 93. be/get ready to do 准备好做某事 94. be familiar to 对……熟悉 95. be in good health 身体健康 96. be confident of 有信心 97. be suitable/fit for 适合

98. be of medium height/build 中等个头/身材 99. be in agreement 同意

100.be glad/pleased/sad/lucky/surprised to do


一般现在时①表示现在的状态,如:He is twelve.Kate is in the room.


谓语动词be包括____ _____ _____ 其意义作____讲,其用法是:我(


)用______; ______用于他(






主语+be( ____ ____ _____)+其他。


主语+be( ____ ____ _____)+not+其他。


将提前be( ____ ___ ___) ,即:Be( ____ ___ ___)+主语+其他?(第一人称变为第二人称) 肯定回答 :

Yes,主语(必须是_____词)+be( ____ ____ _____)

否定回答 :

No,主语(必须是_____词)+be( ____ ____ _____)+not(必须用缩写形式 ____ _____)



1. That is my football.

2. Those are his books.

3. Jim and Tom are good friends.

4. My birthday is November 1st.

5. His son is twelve years old.


1. His card is on the table.

2. Thses are my parents.

3. Bob and Tony are our friends.

4. These things are five dollars.

5. The girl is his sister.
