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九年级unit2教师版第一篇:九年级unit2教师版人教版九年级英语unit2短语第二单元短语归纳 短语归纳 1. The water festival,泼水节 2. The dragon Boat festival, 龙舟节 3. The。




第二单元短语归纳 短语归纳 1. The water festival,泼水节 2. The dragon Boat festival, 龙舟节 3. The Chinese spring festival 中国春节 4. The lantern festival元宵节 5. Next year,明年 6. Like best,最喜欢 7. Put on,发胖 8. Go to。。。 for a vacation去。。。。。。度假 9. sound like听起来像 10. be similar to与····相似 11. each other相互;彼此 12. wash away冲走;洗掉 13. in the shape of以····的形状 14. Mid-Autumn Festiva

15. on Mid-Autumn night在中秋节之夜 16. shoot down射下 17. fly up to····飞向······ 18. call out大声呼喊 19. lay out布置

20. the tradition of···· ···的传统 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. come back回来 at night在晚上 as a result结果 one···the other···一个···另一个··

Mother’s day母亲节 Father’s day父亲节

more and more popular越来越受欢迎 have to不得不

think of想起;认为

play a trick on sb。捉弄某人 dress up装扮 the spirit of。。。。。。的精神 the importance of。。。。。的重要性 care about关心 make money挣钱 end up结束

remind sb。of使某人想起 wake up醒来 in need需要帮助 the beginning of 。。。的开始 not only 。。。but also 不但。。。而且。。。 between。。。and。。。在。。。和。。。之间 43. give out 分发 用法集萃 1. what+a(n)+形容词+可数名词单数形式+(+主语+谓语+其他)!多么。。。的。。。 2. how+形容词/副词(+主语+谓语+其他)!。。。多么。。。 3. be going to。。。 将要/打算。。。 4. in+时间段

在。。。之后 5. give sb sth 给某人某物 6. plan to do sth计划做某事 7. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 8. one of +名词复数形式 9. It is +名词+动词不定式 做某事是。。。。 10. What。。。think of。。。?。。。认为。。。怎么样?

11. make sb to do让某人做某事 12. used to be 过去是。。。

13. warn sb to do sth 告诫某人做某事 14. tell sb to sth 告诉某人做某事 15. decide to do sth 决定做某事 16. promise to do sth 承诺做某事




成绩_____________ 一,英译汉(10%) 1.several____________ 2.stream_______________ 3.chest__________ 4.sandstorm__________ 5.law_____________ 6.escape____________ 7.divide_____________ 8.suppose__________ 9.shake_____________ 10,towel____________ 二,汉译英(30%)


2.废弃的,丢弃的______________ 3.聋的_______________ 4.行为,举止_____________ 5.水平线________________6.气体,煤气__________ 7.无礼的,粗鲁的_________ 8.距离______________ 9.打扰,扰乱______________ 10同意(名词)___________ 11.血液________________ 12.生产_________________ 13.虽然_____________ 14.沙漠______________ 15.点头_________________ 三,词组汉译英(30%)

1.天哪,啊呀_____________ 2.有害的________________ 3.一种,一类_______________ 4.听力丧失_______________ 5.结果________________ 6.砍倒__________________ 7.切断_______________ 8.酸雨_________________ 9.准时__________________ 10.把……分成……____________ 11.拿走______________ 12.到处,各处____________ 13.高血压______________ 14.一天天________________ 15.大量的,无数的____________ 四,句子汉译英(30%)


________________________________________________________________________________ 2.所有的花,草和鱼都消失了。

________________________________________________________________________________ 3.我不能忍受这里的环境。

________________________________________________________________________________ 4.许多肥沃的土地变成了沙漠。

________________________________________________________________________________ 5.你这么做真好(真善良)。

________________________________________________________________________________ 6.购物时你经常用什么类型的袋子?




百尺一中关贺丽 九年级英语

Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.SectionA教学反思

本节课主要是让学生学会描述自己和他人在外貌、性格、爱好等方面的变化。学生学会使用used to结构来表示过去经常而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。在课前,我要求学生收集自己或他们喜欢名人以及周围朋友或亲人的一些新旧照片。在课堂上,再通过新旧照片的对比来引出本课的教学重点并复习再现了一系列描述人的外貌特征及性格的性形容词,诸如;tall,short,thin,heavy,short hair,long curly hair,funny,serious,quiet,shy,outgoing。通过让学生谈论自己和他人的各种变化来巩固练习used to 的用法,如,I used to be thin ,but now I am a bit heavy.I used to be quiet,but now I am outgoing.I used to have short hair,but now I have long curly hair。I used toplaypingpong,but now I play the piano.并且,由词至句的操练,帮助学生掌握used to用法. 同时,让学生模仿老师从以上几点来描述自己的前后变化。然而,整个教学过程的检测体现于pair work之中,让学生利于自己收集来一些新旧照片和同伴之间自由交谈,例如:Look!That is Yao Ming. He used to play basketball in NBA.He used to be thin.这样,利用学生熟悉的人,使学生有话可说,愿意说,敢于说,既提高了学生学习的兴趣,有巩固了本节课的重点。


然而,在pair work 和Guess活动中,我发现有些学生对used to 的用法并未完全掌握。因此,在下节课的教学过程中,我会进一步渗透 used to 的用法,找出学生错的根源,并把各种错误进行汇总, 变换方式训练,达到举一反三的目的。同时,把含有used to 短语,如:used to do sth.Be/get used to doing sth.be used to do sth.be used for doing sth.通过看图写话,设置情景等方式不断强化,以达到灵活运用的目的。


Unit 2 This is my sister Learning aim:

To learn the names for family members and practice introducing family members. Class hour:Five

第一课时 Section A (1a-1c)

Learning aim: To master and use:

A:This/That is…

These/Those are…

B: Who is he/she?

A: He/She is… Teaching procedure: Step1: Daily greetings.

T: Good morning, everyone. S: Good morning. T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m OK. Thank you. Sit down, please.

Step2: Show “Learning aim”.

(1’) T: Today we’ll learn Unit 4 Section A(1a-1c). Please look at our “Learning aim”(then I read it slowly). T: Are you clear? S: Yes. T: Let’s go on.

Step3: Show “Guide One” to the students.




Please read and try to translate the following conversations within 3 minutes,

1. A: Hi, Tom. This is my sister, Gina. B: Hi, Gina. Nice to meet you. 2. A: That’s my family. B: Who is he? A: He’s my brother. Those are my parents. 3.A:That’s my father. B: Who is she ? A: She is my mother. These are my brothers. T: Please read and translate them by yourselves. If you have any questions, you can ask your deskmate or ask me. Understand? S: Yes.

T: 2 minutes. Please go. ... T: Ok. Now, any questions?

点拨:This is… that is 引导的介绍他人。

Who can read?( Let some students read for the others.) He/ She reads once, you read twice. Are you clear ? S: Yes. T: Please go. Then A,B分组读 …

T: Now I will give you 2minutes to recite them. Have a match! Who can do it best? Check 1. A:嗨,汤姆。这是我的妹妹,吉娜。 B:嗨,吉娜。见到你很高兴。 2. A:那是我的家人。 B:他是谁?

A: 他是我的哥哥。那是我的父母。 3. A: 那是我的爸爸。

B: 她是谁?

A: 她是我的妈妈。这是我的兄弟们。

Time is up. Who can recite? Please check with your deskmates. (Then the teacher will check some students.)Let’s go on. Please look at “Guide Two”

Step4: Show “Guide Two” to the students.

Guide Two


Please make a new conversation with your partners within 3 minutes, then act it out.

Have a match!Which group can do it best? (The teacher will show them an example)

T: Are you clear? S: Yes.

T: 3 minutes, please go.

(3 minutes later.) T: Time is up. Volunteers ? (Let some groups show their conversations.) You are very wonderful, let’s go on. Please look at the” Guide Three”

Step5: Show “Guide Three”

Guide Three


Look at 1a and finish it within two minutes. Have a match and see who can do it best! T: 2 minutes ,please go. Let one student finish it on the blackboard. …

T: Then check the answers. Step 6: Show “Guide Four”

Guide Four Listen to the tape and finish 1b within 3 minutes. Have a match! Who can do it best ? T: Understand? S: Yes. T: Let’s go.( Let one student finish it on the blackboard.) Step 7: Class Exercise


1._____ my sister.

A. He’s B. This’s C. That is D. This

2. _____my brothers.

A.He is


C.These are

D. Those 3.She is ___ (I) mother. 4._____(那是)my brother.

5. Who ____ (be) she? (后进生板演。后教阶段,后进生→中等生→优生更正、讲解,学生不会的老师讲。) Class exercise(二)








Section A (2a-2d) Learning aims:

1. To practice listening.

2. To recite some important sentences skillfully. Teaching procedures: Step1: Daily greetings.

T: Good morning, everyone.

S: Good morning..

T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m OK. Thank you. Sit down, please.

Step2: Show “Learning aims”.

(1’) T: Today we’ll learn Unit 2 Section A(2a-2d).Please look at our “Learning aims”,then I read them slowly. T: Are you clear? S: Yes. T: Let’s go on.

Step3: Show “Guide One” to the students.Guide One Please read and translate 2d by yourselves, then recite it within 5 minutes. T: Please read and translate it by yourselves. If you have any questions, you can ask your deskmate or ask me. Understand? S: Yes.

T: 2 minutes. Please go. ... T: Ok. Now, any questions?

点拨:Are those…? 应用代词They 来回答。 Who can read ?( Let some students read for the others.) He/ She reads once, you read twice. Are you clear ? T: Now I will give you 5 minutes to recite it. Are you clear? 5minutes later…

Time is up. Who can recite? Please check with your deskmate. (Then the teacher will check some students.)Let’s go on. Check S:早上好,简。 J:早上好,萨莉



J:见到你也很高兴。那是你的父母吗? K:是的,他们是。 J:那他是谁?


J:哦,我知道了。好,愿你们(一天)过得开心。 S/K:谢谢!你也一样,再见! Step 4: Guide Two

(2’) Please listen to the tape and finish 2a. (Let two students finish it on the blackboard) Have a match! Who can do it best? Step 5: Guide Three

(2’) Please listen again and finish 2b. (Let two students finish it on the blackboard) Have a match! Who can do it best? Step 6: Guide Four

(4’) Please listen to the tape and read after it. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Read each sentence twice. Have a match! Who can read it best? Step7:Class exercise(一)


1.They are her ________(parent).

2._____(this) are his brothers. 3.Those _____(be) my friends. 4._____(be) that your sister? 5.Are those your _____(sister)? Class exercise(二)


1 这是我的姐姐凯特. 2 这是我的朋友简. 3 那些是你的父母吗? 是的,他们是. 4 他是谁? 他是我的弟弟保罗.

5 玩得开心!

第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus—3a) Learning aim: To recite some important sentences. Teaching procedure: Step1: Daily greetings. T: Good morning, everyone. S: Good morning..

T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m OK. Thank you. Sit down, please. Step2: Show “Learning aim”.


T: Today we’ll learn Unit 2 Section A (Grammar Focus—3c) Please look at our “Learning aim”(then I read it slowly). T: Are you clear? S: Yes. T: Let’s go on.Then show “Guide One”to the students. <1’> Step3: Show “Guide One” to the students.

Guide One Please read and try to translate the Grammar focus , then recite it within 4 minutes. 点拨:Who’s 是 who is 的缩写,要求记准确,因为学生容易把be动词忘掉。

Have a match! Who can do it best? Step 4: Guide Two


Please look at 3a and finish it within 2 minutes. (Let two students finish it on the blackboard) Have a match! Who can do it best? Step 5: Guide Three Please look at 3b and finish it within 4 minutes.

(Let two students finish it on the blackboard) Have a match! Who can do it best? Step 6:Class Exercise


1那是我的家庭。 2那是我的外祖父。

3他是谁? 他是我的哥哥。 4她是谁?她是我的妈妈。 5他们是我的姐妹们。


Section B (1a-1d) Learning aims:

1. To practice 调和 listening.

2. To recite some important sentences skillfully. Teaching procedures: Step1: Daily greetings. T: Good morning, everyone. S: Good morning.. T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you. And you ?

T: I’m OK. Thank you. Sit down, please.

Step2: Show “Learning aims”.


T: Today we’ll learn Unit 2 Section B(1a-1c). Please look at our “Learning aims”,then I read them slowly. T: Are you clear? S: Yes.

T: Let’s go on. Step3:Guide One

(5’) Please read and try to translate the following conversation , then recite it within 5 minutes. T: Please read and translate it by yourselves. If you have any questions, you can ask your deskmate or ask me. Understand? S: Yes.

T: 2 minutes. Please go. ... T: Ok. Now, any questions? Who can read ?( Let some students read for the others.) He/ She reads once, you read twice. Are you clear ? T: Now I will give you 5 minutes to recite it. Are you clear? 5 minutes later…

Time is up. Who can recite? Please check with your deskmates. (Then the teacher will check some students.)Let’s go on.

T: Here is a photo of my family.

M: Who’s he?

T: He’s my grandfather.

M: Who are they?

T: They are my parents.

M: Who’s she?

T: She’s my sister. Check








点拨:Here is … 这是… (表单数)

Here are … 这些是…(表复数) Step 4: Guide Two Please listen to the tape and finish 1b, then listen again and finish 1c. (Let two students finish it on the blackboard) Have a match! Who can do it best? Step 5: Class Exercise


1、 She is my mother’s sister. (改为同义句)

She is my ________ .

2、 This is my pen.


______ ______ my ______ .

3、 Those are oranges. (改为单数句子)

________________________ .

4、 This is my friend. (改为一般疑问句)

_________________________ ?

5、 Is he your father? (作否定回答)

_______ , ______ ______ .

(后进生板演。后教阶段,后进生→中等生→优生更正、讲解,学生不会的老师讲。) Class Exercise (二)

Translation. 1.那是你妹妹吗?是的,她是。/不,她不是。 2.他是你哥哥吗? 3他是我的朋友。 4.郭朋是你弟弟吗? 5.这些是我的兄弟们。

第五课时 Section B (2b) Learning aims: 1. To understand 2b.. 2. To recite some important sentences.. Teaching procedure Step1: Daily greetings.

T: Good morning, everyone.

S: Good morning..

T: How are you? S: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m OK. Thank you. Sit down, please.

Step2: Show “Learning aim”.


T: Today we’ll learn Unit 2 Section B(2b). Please look at our “Learning aims”,then I read them slowly. T: Are you clear?

S: Yes. T: Let’s go on.Then show “Guide One” to the students.

Step 3: Show “Guide One”


Read 2b aloud and finish 2c. T: Look at 2b and read this article. Finish 2c quickly. Understand? S: OK. T: Go. Have a match! Who can do it best? Step 4: Guide Two


Please read 2b silently and finish the following tasks. 1. Find out the difficult points. 2. Underline the phrases. T: Now, I’ll give you 4 minutes to read it silently and find out the difficult points. Are you clear? S: Yes! T: Go!

点拨1. Here are two nice photos of my family. 倒装句 句子的主语在后面。

2. In the next picture are my… 也是倒装句

Step 5: Guide Three

Please listen to the tape and read after it. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Each sentence twice. Have a match! Who can read it best?

(引导学生注意模仿语音、语调) Step 6: Class exercise


1. 这儿是两张漂亮的我的全家福。

2. 我的祖父和祖母在第一张照片里。

3. 这是我的父母,艾伦和玛丽。

4. 在下一张照片里是我的兄弟们。

5. Coco也在我的家里。














【明确】本文以庄子的哲学体系来理解其寓意,主要是无为而治,但脱离庄周哲学体系去理解,即纯粹当作寓言故事去解读会给我们更多的启发。首先我们不难想到一个哲学道理,即不按规律办事,就会好心办坏事;面对日益污染的自然环境,我们也不难想到顺乎自然,尊重生命的自然状态,是生命的最高境界;面对日趋繁杂的物质化了的文化追求,我们也会深感崇尚自然之美的重要性,反对雕饰之美的必要性。 (答案不必统一,提倡有新的见解,只要能自圆其说即可。) 2.纪渻子养的斗鸡能使“异鸡无敢应者”,主要得益于什么?









纪渻子为(介词,替,给)王养斗鸡。十日而问:“鸡已(停止,指训练完毕)乎?” 曰:“未也,方(正)虚骄而恃(凭着,依靠)气。”


十日又问。曰:“未也,犹疾视而盛气(气势汹汹地看着对方。疾视:怒目而视)。” 十日又问。曰:“几(差不多)矣,鸡虽(即使)有鸣者,已无变(没有反应)矣。” 望之,似(好象)木鸡矣,其德(指精神)全(全部凝聚)矣,异(别的)鸡无敢应(应战)者,反走(转身逃跑。反,返回,这里指转身。走,逃跑)矣。

五、重要文言现象 1.通假字:



(1)应:A.未也,犹应响影: 动词,作出反应 B.异鸡无敢应者:动词,应战 (2)德:A.倏与忽谋报浑沌之德:恩情 B.其德全矣:精神

(3)已 A.已无变矣: 已经 B.鸡已乎: 停止,指训练完毕


(1) 方虚骄而恃气 方 古义:正; 今义:四方形 (2) 鸡虽有鸣者,已无变矣 虽 古义:即使; 今义:虽然 (3) 异鸡无敢应者,反走矣 走 古义:跑; 今义:行走 4.词类活用

日凿一窍:日,名词作状语,每天 5.特殊句式:倒装句

倏与忽时相与遇于浑沌之地:状语后置句,“于浑沌之地”作“相与遇”的状语,后置,正常语序是“倏与忽时于浑沌之地相与遇”,句意是:倏与忽常常在浑沌之地相会。 6.文中成语

呆若木鸡:文中指修养到家的斗鸡看似木鸡,实则大智若愚。现在比喻人呆木不灵、失去知觉的样子,或形容人因恐惧或惊讶而发愣的样子。 7.参考译文 第一则:《浑沌之死》:南海的帝王叫做“倏”,北海的帝王叫做“忽”,中央的帝王叫做“浑沌”。倏和忽常常一起在浑沌的居地相遇,浑沌对待他们非常友好,倏与忽商量着报答浑沌的恩情,说:“人人都有眼、耳、口、鼻七窍,用来看(外界),听(声音),吃(食物),呼吸(空气),唯独浑沌没有七窍,(让我们)试着给他凿出七窍。”于是倏和忽每天替浑沌开一窍,到了第七天,浑沌就死了。

2 第二则:《呆若木鸡》:纪渻子为宣王饲养斗鸡。十天后,宣王问道:“鸡训练完毕了吗?”

纪渻子说:“还不行,它正凭着一股血气而骄傲。” 过了十日,宣王又问训练好了没有。纪渻子说:“还不行,仍然对别的鸡的啼叫和接近有所反应。”

再过十天,宣王又问,纪渻子说:“还不行,仍然气势汹汹地看着(对方)。” 又过了十天,宣王又问。纪渻子说:“差不多了,即使别的鸡叫,(斗鸡)已经没有任何反应了。”



(一)基础题(25分) 1.给下列字注音。(3分)

倏( shū ) 渻( shěng ) 恃( shì ) 2.解释加粗词。(4分)

① 倏与忽谋报浑沌之德:报答 ② 以视、听、食、息:呼吸 ③ 犹应响影: 作出反应 ④ 反走矣: 逃跑 3.比较并解释下列各组加粗词的词义(8分)

答案:①恩情;精神 ②已经;训练完毕 ③别的;惊异 ④奋力,用力;小病 点拨:对文言文中一词多义一定要区分清其意思。 4.按要求填空(10分) (1)《浑沌之死》选自《庄子〃应帝王》。古人把天地未开辟前的状态也称作浑沌。“倏、忽”本来是转眼之间的意思,庄子用这两个字做神的名字,意在讽刺二神做事快而不加思考。 (2)《呆若木鸡》选自《庄子〃达生》,现已成为成语,意思是形容因恐惧或惊讶而发愣的样子。 (3)“浑沌待之甚善”写出了浑沌对待倏、忽的态度。

(4)倏、忽给浑沌开凿七窍的本意是:谋报浑沌之德,结果是:七日而浑沌死 (5)人有七窍的作用是:视、听、食、息


1.《浑沌之死》中“七窍”指什么?“倏”与“忽”为什么要给浑沌凿开“七窍”?(4分) 答:指眼、耳、口、鼻七个孔。 他们想报答浑沌对他们的友善。(谋报浑沌之德) 点拨:理解课文,从中找出答案。


答:没有骄傲之气,没有盛气凌人之势,把浮躁和妄动都收敛起来,把力量和气势都凝聚于内,貌似呆鸡,看似呆气,其实是精神内敛,修养到家,具有大智若愚的灵气,游刃有余的大气。 点拨:要透彻理解全文内容,意思对即可。

(三)课文阅读题 ※ 阅读《呆若木鸡》,回答下列问题。(20分) 1.解释加粗词。(3分) (1)犹应响影:仍然 2.翻译句子。(4分)

①方虚骄而恃气。 译文:正在凭着一股血气而骄傲。

②犹应响影。 译文:仍然对别的鸡的啼叫和接近有所反应。 3.纪渻子驯养斗鸡的过程未写出来,这是为什么?(3分) 答:这些内容与文章主题无关,因此省略不写。




螳臂挡车:路上一只螳螂看到车过来了,非但不躲,却举起前腿来挡车子,结果一命呜呼。比喻不估计自己的力量,去做办不到的事情,必然招致失败。 点拨:对一些寓言形成的成语要善于积累。 ※ 阅读《〈庄子〉二则》,完成1~4题。(12分)


C ) A.谋报浑沌之德

德: 恩, 恩情。


七窍:人的耳目口鼻共有七孔,故称七窍。 C.犹疾视而盛气

疾视:很快地看。 D.已无变矣


2.对下面句中加点的文言虚词,解释不正确的一项是( B )


之:的。 B.以视、听、食、息



以:因为。 D.大将军邓鹭闻其贤而辟之



C )


译文:浑沌对待他们非常友好。 B.尝试凿之

译文:(让我们)试着给他凿出七窍。 C.方虚骄而恃气





A )

A.“倏”“忽”都是转眼之间的意思,庄子用这两个字来做神的名字,意在说明二神做事顺乎自然,无为而治。 B.《浑沌之死》认为无为是自然的本性,若被加上智巧机智等小聪明,本性将遭到破坏而死亡。 C.《呆若木鸡》意在提醒人们,特别是君王:做人要注重内在气质,不怒自威;国家要

4 (2)无敢应者:应战 (3)几矣:差不多 增强实力,不战而屈人之兵。 D.《呆若木鸡》在写法上有情节,有“人物”、有对话、有描述、有想象„„不蔓不枝,典雅古朴的语言,使寓言故事意境幽远。
