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新概念青少版2au6课件第一篇:新概念青少版2au6课件 新概念青少版教材分析 一.《新概念英语青少版》介绍第一种介绍方法:《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语”教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专家路易&middo。











路易·亚历山大(L. G. Alexander),世界著名的英语教学权威,曾任欧洲现代语言教学委员会理事。他的著作为交际教学法奠定了基础,其中一些如New Concept English(《新概念英语》)和Follow Me(《跟我学》)已经成为经典英语教材。

朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander),著名语言教学专家,曾任朗文出版公司全球教师培训师和语言教学方法顾问,亚历山大先生的夫人。她与亚历山大先生通力合作,协助出版了《新概念英语》(新版)、《朗文英语语法》、《朗文高级英语语法》等多部著作。近年来,她致力于研究语言教学中听说技能的发展。

罗伊·金斯伯里(Roy Kingsbury),资深英语教师和英语教材编写者,与亚历山大先生长期合作,合编多套教材。近年来,他主要从事语言测试的研究,编写EFL考试教程,其著作有 Longman First Certificate, Longman Proficiency Skill, CAE Advantage 等


《新概念英语青少版》由外研社出版。强调故事性,具有浓厚的生活气息。针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。每单元的课文不是一篇篇孤立的文章,而是以英国的一个四口之家(爸爸、妈妈、13岁的女儿、9岁的儿子)以及他们的亲戚、朋友为主线,描述了他们的生活、工作和学习,他们的喜怒哀乐。这样的编排充分考虑到了少年儿童的认知心理。一方面,故事性强的东西本身就容易激发他们的兴趣,而全书人物和故事的连贯性又能使他们自始至终保持浓厚的学习兴趣;另一方面,强烈的生活气息很容易引起学习者的共鸣,使他们产生角色认同,因而会自然而然地融入其中。 《新概念英语青少版》强调练习方式的多样性与灵活性。书中的听力理解、对话练习、语音练习、句型练习、书面练习等涉及听、说、读、写、词汇、语法等各个方面的训练。丰富的练习形式既能充分调动学习者的积极性和热情,又能通过不同的角度训练和检验他们对语言知识的掌握水平和运用能力。 《新概念英语青少版》的时代感较强,趣味性高,知识面广,同时也对应了一定的难度。教材分三个级别,有六册书和六册练习本。涉及各类句型、短语及结构词约421种。词汇2000多个,其中包括87个人名地名。出现时态7种。其他语法知识包括名词单复数,非谓语动词,被动语态,宾语从句,状语从句, 祈使句。感叹句,情态动词,介词,形容词比较级最高级等。在很多方面都达到甚至超过北京市初中毕业要求。

















3本教师用书(赠课堂用盘MP3),48元/册; 3套课堂用带,42元/套

Q6错误!未指定书签。:《新概念英语青少版》的课程的课时安排? A:本套教材共分3级,每级有30单元内容,其中A册包含1-15单元,B册包含16-30单元。理想的教学进度安排是:每个单元安排3个课时的课堂教学,每课时50-60分钟。但在教学中,教师可以根据实际情况调整,比如:每单元4课时,每课时40-45分钟。



所以,建议贵校可以让学生先学习《剑桥少儿英语》预备级或1级,产生英语学习兴趣后,就从《新概念英语青少版》1A开始系统地学习英语。学完《青少版》后可以顺利地继续学习《新概念英语》。 Q8:《新概念英语青少版》和《新概念英语》之间应该如何衔接呢? A:《新概念英语青少版》3个级别的语法难度大致相当于《新概念英语》第一册并略高一些。但是《青少版》的词汇量更大,《新概念英语》1的词汇总量大约是1000,而《青少版》每个级别的单词量为600左右,3个级别的词汇总量超过了2000。



新概念英语 青少版1A单词 1. meet: 2. 这,那 3. 家庭 4. 我的 5. 名字 6. 是 7. this 8. 妻子 9. daughter 10.儿子 11.和

12.nephew 13.很高兴认识你!14.朋友 15.老师 16.夫人 Lesson 2 1. 你的 2. 钢笔 3. 是的 4. 它 5.whose? 6.it’s 7.铅笔 8.hat 9.coat 10.mobile 11.尺子 12.书 13.书包 Lesson 3 1.什么 2.好的 3.看 4.wheel 5.绿色的 6.行,好 7.现在 8.花 9.红色的 10.umbrella 11.那,那个 12.灰色的 13.鸟

14.钥匙 15.正确的 16.silver 17.chair 18.桌子 Lesson 4 1.bicycle 2.颜色 3.什么颜色 4.white 5.黑色的 6.dress 7.照相机 8.蓝色 9.书桌 10.brown Lesson 5 1.谁 2.男孩 3.哪一个 4.on 5.男人 6.with 7.先生 8.他(主格) 9.父亲 10.女人 11.她(主格) 12.母亲 13.女孩 14.姐妹 15.look at 16.年轻的 17.in 18.陈旧的 19.小汽车 20.噢! 21.cousin 22.so 23.也 24.兄弟 25.他们的 26.学生 27.他的 28.她的 29.新的 Lesson 6 1.马

2.tell me about 3.黄色 4.出租车 Lesson 7 1.健康的 2.how? 3.你好吗? 4.我(主格) 5.fine 6.但是 7.非常 8.抱歉的 9.…怎么了? 10.他(宾格) 11.确信的 12.热的 13.hungry 14.thirsty 15.poor 16.…呢? 17.医生 18.忙碌的 19.生病的 20.perhaps

21.better safe than sorry! 22.冷的 Lesson 8 1.或者 2.聪明的 3.stupid 4.伤心的 5.高兴的 6.故事 7.有趣的 8.silly Lesson 9 1.neighbour 2.美好的

3.你做什么工作? 4.sports academy 5.art college 6.来

7.姑妈,姨妈 8.writer 9.我们的 10.husband 11.每个人 12.谢谢你! 13.为了,因为 14.欢迎 Lesson 10 1.她(宾格) 2.工作

3.housewife 4.photographer 5.policeman 6.邮递员 7.男演员 8.accountant Lesson 11 1.gossip 2.over there 3.高的 4.pretty 5.哪里 6.来自 7.英国的 8.美国的 9.washington 10.在这里 11.著名的 12.expensive 13.美丽的 14.英俊的 15.等待

16.看见,看到 17.伦敦

18.nationality Lesson 12 1.describe 2.short 3.中国的 4.法国的 5.胖的 6.thin 7.actress Lesson 13 1.妈妈 2.favourite 3.长的 4.书包 5.给

6.我(宾格) 7.请 8.给你

9.pencil-case 10.东西 11.放,摆

12.no harm done! 13.谢谢! 14.爸爸 Lesson 14 1.箱子 2.小的 3.球 4.盒子 5.大的 6.干净的 7.茶杯 8.dirty 9.floor 10.thick 11.thin 12.在…下面 13.床 14.轻的 15.plate 16.重的 17.shelf 18.cupboard Lesson 15 1.bump 2.夜

3.wake up 4.听 5.那里 6.noise 7.起居室 8.burglar 9.nonsense! 10.厨房 11.torch 12.给你。 13.小心! 14.有人,某人 15.downstairs

16.完全清醒的 17.我们(主格) 18.所有 19.卧室 20.花园 Lesson 16 1.门

2.secretary 3.篮子 4.bowl 5.苹果 6.桔子 7.房子 8.在…附近 9.河 10.树 Lesson 17 1.pink 2.这些是… 3.pyjamas 4.他们(宾格) 5.他们(主格) 6.bright red 7.有点,稍微 8.衬衣

9.pure white 10.washing machine 11.可爱的 12.那些 Lesson 18 3.sock Lesson 19 1.跳 2.hurry 3.公共汽车 4.wait a minute 5.快点儿! 6.慢的

7.噢,天啊! 8.学校 9.当然 10.gee! 11.人

12.never mind! 13.妈妈 14.空的 Lesson 21 1.smart 2.这些 3.outfit

4.戏剧,演出 5. (两者)都 6.elegant 7.有趣的 8.领带,领结 10.颜色鲜艳的 11.unusual 12.鞋 13.合适的 14.part Lesson 23

1.正好,恰恰是2.像…一样 3.爸爸(昵称) 4.show 5.drawing 6.亲爱的 7.muscle 8.强壮的 9.小的 10.gymnast 11.可能,或许 12.坏的 13.好极的 Lesson 24 1.又,再 2.weak 3.工人 4.丑陋的 5.dark 6.blonde 7.孩子 8.男学生 9.学生

10.office worker Lesson 25

1.晚的,迟到的2.早的 3.时间 4.几点了? 5.…点钟 6.小孩,孩子 7.匆忙地 8.上学迟到 9.不用谢。 10.叫,称为 11.走,去 12.让我们 13.哇!

14.表示感叹! 15.speed 16.大门 17.shut 18.慢的 19.快的 Lesson 26 1.几点了? 2.开着的 Lesson 27 1.catch 2.罐,坛 3.准备就绪的 4.停止 5.不能 6.带来

7.能够,可以 8.房间 9.足球 Lesson 28 1.glass 2.在…旁边 3.我们(宾格) 4.便宜的 5.window 6.刀子 7.在…前面 8.在…后面 9.bone 10.fresh 11.dish Lesson 29 1.fair 2.场 3.打(球) 4.主意 5.captain 6.一方,队 7.另外的

第三篇:新概念英语青少版 2B 教案详解版

新概念英语青少版 2B 教案详解版 Unit16 what’s your middle name?

1:Teaching objectives 引导学生学习一般过去时, 重点是规则变化动词的过去式, 以及规则动词过去式的发音规则。 句型:Did he clean his teeth after breakfast?

When did she clean her teeth? I finished the job last month.

Did you finish the job last month? 2:Language focus:

Middle names, impossible, all the time, unlock, discuss, talk about, plan, everywhere, key-ring, silly, silliness, for example, keep 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting: 介绍自己, 同时要求学生做自我介绍, 内容包括 Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …) 等几个方面。要求:站到讲台上,把自己的名字写出来,通过中文名字来引出中名概念。问 学生昨天干什么来引出过去式。 Warm Up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/) Saying: Hoist sail when the wind is fair.

Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Where were Karen’s car keys? 然后学习生词和短语,重点单词:impossible, drive, silliness, 最后做详细讲解。语法重点:一般过去时,要求学生理解并记忆动词过去式。

Part3: 根据课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做 P9 的选择填空。做 P6 句型练习,句 型为一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。然后两人对练对话,最后再做 P8 书面练习, 按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,规则动词过去式的发音规则是,以辅音结尾的一般读/t/,以浊辅音结尾的一般读 /d/,t 或者 d 结尾的一般读/id/。讲课过程中把语音学习融入到课堂中去,这部分主要做个总 结。

Unit17 A cuckoo in the nest 1:Teaching objectives 继续学习规则变化动词的过去式,语音重音以及规则变化的方式副词。 句型: They counted the money.

Did they count the money late last night? Yes, they did. They counted the money quickly.

2:Language focus: Engineer, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, install, webcam,log on, patient, patiently, suddenly, chance, dart,hatch, excited, excitedly, easily, enormous, in a moment, show, be over 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting:首先问大家昨天做什么了,来复习十六单元,再以我的名字:燕子(swallow)来引 入鸟的话题,比如喜鹊(magpie) ,麻雀(sparrow)鹰(eagle) ,

问大家 08 奥运会在哪里举 办的?答:NEST Warm Up:

chick, chick, chick, I’m a little chick, sitting on the stick, with my brother Nick. A word per day: You are only young once.

Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now? ) ,然后学习生词 和短语,最后做详细讲解。

Part3: 根据课文问 P13 问题,要求学生回答,做 P17 选择填空。然后做 P14 句型练习,然后两人 对练对话,最后再做 p16 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去,以及后面歌谣 As I was going to St.Ives.

Unit18 Read the label!

1:Teaching objectives


句型:What did he do yesterday?

He sat in the garden. He didn’t go to the cinema. Did you sit in the garden?

2:Language focus: 生词:anyway, discover, at the same time, one after another, honestly, stuff, chemistry 以及不规 则动词:bought, came, did, drove, ate, felt, flew, went, put, read, rode, saw, sold ,sat 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting: 拿出一袋脆脆卷零食,学习 Crispy Troll 的读音,让学生对本课有基本的认识。

Warm up: Ted was having bread, happy in his bed. Mum came and said: no bread in the bed. Saying: Where there is interest, there is memory.

Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 When did Vikki feel really sick?然后学习生词和短语,最后做 详细讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P21 问问题,要求学生回答,做 p25 选择填空。做 P22 句型练习,然后两人对练 对话,最后再做 P44 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.

Unit 19: A problem with squirrels

1:Teaching objectives 本章学习并练习更多不规则动词的过去式,学习其他时间/顺序标记语的状语,以及其它一 些指代前面句子的主格/宾格形式。语音学习浊音和元音的长度。 句型: What did he do last night?

He went to bed early and slept well. Did you go to bed early last night? What did you do last night? 2:Language focus:

Squirrel, bird feeder(复合名词), squirrel-proof, nut, hang, outside, break into, cut down, price. 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting: Do you have any pets? 引出大家对于此话题的讨论,简要说下 Polly 的遭遇,再问

Do you have the experience of changing the goods you buy?

Warm up:学习/? /的发音: - What’s that, Sam? -It’s a black bag. -What’s under the bag? -Oh, it’s a fat cat. Saying: A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.

Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 What did Polly take back to the shop ?后学习生词和短语,并 做课文详细讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P29 问题,要求学生回答,做 p33 填空。做 P30 练习,然后两人对练对话,最后 再做 P32 练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.歌曲,There were ten in the bed.

Unit20: An ordinary life 1:Teaching objectives

本单元第一次讲解由 will 构成的一般将来时, 以及与 be going to 的区别 (前者是表示不太确 定的将要发生的事情,即简单的预测,后者是将来时,用于谈论计划或打算)

句型: I’m going to do some shopping tomorrow. You are going to do some shopping, aren’t you? I’ll see you in town. I promise.

2:Language focus: 生词:fashion shoot, successful, regular, wonderful, unsuccessful 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting: How about your daily-life? Imagine if you are a man of mark, what would your life like? 可以让大家思考一下平凡一天的生活,引入 Nina 的生活,再设想一下自己将来的打算,引 入将来时的概念。

Warm up: 学习/ɑ:/ -Let’s go to a bar. -The Star Bar? -Aha, who’s that man with glasses? -He’s a clerk. -He works hard. -And he is smart. Saying: When one door shuts, another opens. Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Who will Nina meet one day?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P37 题,要求学生回答,做 p41 填空。做 P38 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再做 P44 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 . Unit 21: The Weather forecast 1:Teaching objectives 陈述句(Statements),一般疑问句及简短回答(Simple Questions and Short Reponses), 肯定陈述句和否定的反义疑问句(Tag Questions),特殊疑问句(Wh-question) 句型:

They will /They’ll probably move house in a year’s time?

—No, they won’t move house yet. When did they move house last?

—They moved house last a year ago. 2:Language focus: 生词: forecast, announcer, go over to, the next few, wind, blow, bring in ,gradually, degree Celsius

3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: What’s the weather like today? 和天气有关的一些词:sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, shower,并让大家认识 east, west, south, north. Warm up: 学习音标/?/ Bob tied a knot. It looks like a knot, but it is not a knot. Don’t lose heart, Bob. Try to tie another knot. Saying: Make hay while the sun shines.(太阳出来时候晾晒草。 )

Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 What will the weather be like next week?再对课文做详细的讲 解。

Part3: 根据课文 P45 题,要求学生回答,做 p49 填空。做 P46 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再

做 P48 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit 22 I always behave myself!

1: Teaching objects: 继续学习上课主要内容,以及单词重音。

句型:Will there be a lecture this evening? —Yes, there will. /No, there won’t.

There will be/There’ll be a lecture this evening. How long will it last?

—It will last (for) one hour. It’ll last from five till/until six.

It’ll start at five o’clock and last (for) an hour. When will the motor show open?

—It’ll open on the15th and last (for ) two weeks.

2:Language focus: Behave yourself/myself, outsider, sound, reasonable, last, sharp, clear 3:Teaching procedure Part1: Greeting:

What kind of activities does your school have? What would your school do on Children’s Day? Did you take part in any balls?

Warm up: What is the short door, on the first floor for? Open it and see what it’s for. Oh, it’s for a store! Saying: While there is life, there is hope.(留得青山在不愁没柴烧。活着就有希望)

Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Who will take Lucy to the dance?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P53 题,要求学生回答,做 p57 填空。做 P54 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再做 P56 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习(单词重音及其规则),同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Part5: 重复学过的歌谣,并按照课文内容演练小话剧。

Unit23: Quite tall…and quite striking!

1: Teaching objects: 陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句 ,句型:

How tall/high/wide/deep/long/heavy is that…?

What’s the height/width/depth/length/weight of that…? It’s 320 metres. /It’s 15metres wide./It’s 30 metres deep. How far is it from here to the airport? It’s quite near (quite) a long way.

It isn’t far. /It’s a long way. It’s…miles.

2:Language focus: striking,send, face, face, file, messenger, anyone, height, foot, later, centimeter, How far…? Have a look 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting: How tall are you? Who is your favorite star? Why do you like her(him)? Do you know Yao Ming? He is my favorite basketball star. He is two metres twenty-six. Warm up: Look, look, look, there is a hook, from it hangs a book, about a good cook. Saying: Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.(世上有人与你同乐,无 人与你分忧。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 How tall is Sandy?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P61 题,要求学生回答,做 p65 填空。做 P62 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再做 P64 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 Part5: 重复学过的歌谣,并按照课文内容演练小话剧。

Unit: 24 A quiz 1: Teaching objects: 陈述句,the one 与 the other 的比较

Bob is tall, but John is taller than him. 否定陈述句+肯定的反义疑问句:It isn’t obvious, is it? No,it isn’t. 句型:Bob is taller than John. Bob is the taller of the two.Dan is the tallest of the three. Dan’s the tallest boy in our class.

2:Language focus: try out, than, continent, population density, trick question, square mile, obviously, answer 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting: A quiz: Which is the longest river in China?(Chang Jiang 6300)黄河(5464) The highest mountain is Mount Everest. (8844) Warm up: One , two. We are going to the zoo. There what shall we do? See the goose And monkeys too. A. Saying: Time and tide wait for no man.(时间不等人)

Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 How many people are there to the square mile in Australia?再对 课文做详细的讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P69 题,要求学生回答,做 p73 填空。做 P70 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再做 P72 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 Unit 25

Karen saves some money

1: Teaching objects: 陈述句:The one on the left is cheaper than the one on the right. The one on the right isn’t as cheaper as the one on the left. 一般疑问句:Is the bicycle on the left the same as the one on the right? It’s not quite the same. It’s a little cheaper. Are they the same price?---No, they aren’t the same price. 特殊疑问句:Why does she prefer the microfiber one?

2:Language focus: Prefer, on the right, on the left, quality, linen, microfibre, tell the difference, as…as 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: There are clothes made by cotton, wool, nylon, dacron(的确良), chiffon (雪纺) , which would you choose? Who choose clothes for you? Warm up: Pup is on the cup. The cup falls down. Where’s the Pup? Oh! He can’t get up. Saying: Every tub must stand on its own bottom.(桶要凭底立,人贵自立。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Which suit does Karen prefer?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3:根据课文 P77 题,要求学生回答,做 p81 填空。做 P78 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再做 P80 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。 Unit26:

School reports

1: Teaching objects:

陈诉句(Statements) Tim’s report was rather poor, and Ron’s report was very bad. It was worse than Flora’s. Ann’s report was very good. She came second in the exams. Her report was better than Bob’s---but it wasn’t as good as Vikki’s. 问句(Simple Questions) Was Lucy’s report better than Vikki’s? Does Ron always come bottom in the exams? 特殊疑问句(Wh-question) : What was her report like? Where did she come in the exams? How did her report compare with Bob’s?

2:Language focus: Report, excellent, geography, everything, come top, come bottom in, enough 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: 进行简单的测试,引出每次,讨论学校考试。

Warm up: A girl wearing a skirt, Suddenly got hurt. Let’s give her some herbs. Saying: Perseverance is the only road to succeed.(坚持不懈是获得成功的唯一道路。) Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问 Who’s the best gymnast?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P85 题,要求学生回答,做 p89 填空。做 P86 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再做 P88 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit27: Pocket money 1: Teaching objects: 表示数量的疑问句,数量的比较 句型与结构:I’ve got a little money/a few books. I’ve got more than you/less than you (have). He’s got the most/the least/the fewest (of all). 2:Language focus: Pocket money, lend, pound, actually, own, beginning, pay back, borrow. 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: Do you have any pocket money? How do you do with if? Warm up:

A: Welcome to our school! Let me show you around. B: Thank you.

A: This is our computer room.

B: How many computers are there in your school? B: About one hundred. A: What a nice school it is!

B: Thank you! Please come again! Saying: Constant dropping wears away a stone.(滴水穿石,只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。)

Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题

When will Lucy pay Robert back?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3: 根据课文 P93 题,要求学生回答,做 p97 填空。做 P94 句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最 后再做 P96 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Uni28: She doesn’t even exist!

1: Teaching objects: 句型与结构词: She’s more intelligent than Tim. She’s less hard-working than Tim. She isn’t as hard-working as Tim. She’s the most intelligent student in the class. Robert’s book is the least interesting of them all.

2:Language focus: Even, exist, poster, ceiling, singer, favorite, crazy, computer game, care, detective, martial arts master, chess 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: Do you have any posters in your bedroom? If you choose one’s poster, whose would you choose? Warm up: My name is May, I stay near a bay. I’m playing in the rain, and enjoying the happy day. Saying: If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.

Part2: 讲解课文: 先听录音回答问题 For Robert , who is the cleverest, most beautiful girl in the world? 再


Part3: 根据课文 P101 题,要求学生回答,做 p105 填空。做 P102 句型练习,然后两人对练对话, 最后再做 P104 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit29: No one’s better than Paul!

1: Teaching objects: 句型与结构词: Did Paul and Dan run fast the other day? Yes, they both ran fast, but Paul ran faster than Dan(did). Dan didn’t run as fast as Paul did. Did he run faster than Dan?---Yes, he did. He definitely ran the fastest. Be 加形容词 Paul is a very fast runner. ---He is, isn’t he? 动态动词加状语: Paul ran (much) faster than Dan (did).---He did, didn’t he? 2:Language focus: rival, long jump, high jump, personal 3:Teaching procedure Part 1:

Greeting:Do you do any exercise? What kind of sports do you like?

Do you remember the Olympic games held in Beijing last year?

Which sport can you remember?

帆船 Sailing,游泳 swimming,花样游泳 Synchronized Swimming,跳水 diving, 水球 water polo, Rhythmic gymnastics( 艺 术 体 操 ), weightlifting( 举 重 ), 棒 球 baseball, archery( 射 箭 ), 摔 跤 Wrestling, 柔道 Judo, 射击 Shooting, 拳击 Boxing, 足球 Football, 篮球 basketball, 乒乓球 Table tennis, 跆拳道 Taekwondo,马术 Equestrian,铁人三项 Triathlon,现代五项 Modern Pentathlon,击剑 Fencing, 蹦床 Trampoline,排球 Volleyball,沙滩排球 Beach Volleyball,羽毛球 Badminton,垒球 Softball,自行车 Cycling,网球 Tennis,手球 Handball,曲棍球 Hockey,体操 Artictic Gymnastics 田径 Athletics,皮划 艇激流回旋 Canoe,赛艇 Rowing Warm up:

Look in the boat, It is a goat, With a coat, writing a note. My name is Mike, I’m flying a kite, on my white bike, that’s what I like. Saying: The eye is blind if the mind is absent.心不在焉,视而不见。

Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 Where did Phil come in the long jump?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3:根据课文 P109 题,要求学生回答,做 p113 填空。做 P112 句型练习,然后两人对练对 话,最后再做 P112 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。

Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。

Unit30: A giant squid

1: Teaching objects: 句型与结构词:

How much are they? How much does it/do they cost? What’s the price of that/those…?

They cost/They are £12.5 each. How much does he/she/it weigh? What’s the weight of…? He/ She/It weighs…kilos.


Do those postcards cost 80p each? Are these postcards 80p each? 特殊疑问句:

How much are those postcards? What’s the price of this CD? Yes, they do. They’re very expensive. Yes, they are. They’re very /quite cheap.

2:Language focus: Giant squid, scientist, on show, eye, sucker, amazing, the rest of, ear, regularly 3:Teaching procedure

Part 1: Greeting: Did you go to the museum before? Did you see any animals which make you unforgettable? 蜂鸟 (wood nymph) 是雨燕目蜂鸟科动物约 600 种的统称, 是世界上已知最 小的鸟类。 蜂鸟身体很小,能够通过快速拍打翅膀(每秒 15 次到 80 次,取决于蜂鸟 的大小)而悬停在空中。蜂鸟因拍打翅膀的嗡嗡声 (humming) 而得名。蜂鸟是唯一可以 向后飞行的鸟。蜂鸟也可以在空中悬停以及向左和向右飞行。

Warm up: There is a clown, who lives downtown; He’s often in a brown, Wearing a crown. Saying: Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.(知识是座宝库,而实践是开启宝库 的钥匙。) Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题 How long is the giant squid?再对课文做详细的讲解。

Part3:根据课文 P117 题,要求学生回答,做 p121 填空。做 P118 句型练习,然后两人对练对 话,最后再做 P120 书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去。


一 、选出划线部分发音不同的词。(10分)

( ) 1. A. it B. this C. Hi ( ) 2.A. look B. do C. meet ( ) 3.A. teacher B. head C. please ( ) 4.A. yes B. dress C. he ( ) 5.A.what B. hat C. bag


11 15

20 100




三、 选择正确的词填空。 (15分)

1. Who’s the _______ of your side? a) captain b) referee

2. There are three new small boats on the_______ . a) bench b) beach

3. Cows, dogs and cats are ________ . a) horses b) animals

4. Where is the ruler? It is ______ the box .

a) under

b) in 5. Where is the thick book? It is ______ the desk. a) on

b) above

四、 连词成句。(10分)

1)shirts, very, pretty, those, are ______________________________ 2)at, machines, look, washing, the ______________________________ 3)is, Washington, from, she, ______________________________ 4) is ,Where , cat ,your ______________________________? 5) is, she, hungry, very ______________________________

五、把A栏的问题和B栏的答案连线 。(15分) 2

Column A Column B 1.How are your father and mother? A. It is Mike. 2.Who is that at the door? B. It is Mike’s. 3.Whose is the dirty coat? C. They are fine, thank you. 4.What is the matter with Tom? D. He is very thirsty. 5.What color is your new dress? E. It is black.

六、阅读理解:根据短文的内容,判断下面说法是否正确,正确的写“T”,错的写“F”。 (10分)

Hello, I’m lily. I’m eleven. My birthday is August 18th. I usually get up early on my birthday. I wear my new dress and go to school. I take candy to my class. After school, I go home and do my homework. In the evening, I have a birthday party. My mother buys me a big birthday cake. My dad gives me a gift. We sing songs together. I am very happy. ( )1. I don’t go to school on my birthday. ( )2. My birthday is in summer. ( )3. I have a birthday party on my birthday. 3 ( )4. My mother gives me a birthday gift. ( )5. We sing Christmas songs on my birthday.


There’s a party at the sports academy .There are 40 people there. Paul is there with his friends. Gary and Tom are there .They are gymnasts, but they aren’t big men. They are both small. There are six teachers there . Mr. Ford is there, too. He is Paul’s teacher. He’s a handsome man with big muscles. It’s great party !

1、Where is the party ? ( ) A. Sports academy B. Sports meeting C. Sports

2、Are there 20 people there ? ( ) A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are C. No, there aren’t

3、Who is Paul with ? ( ) A. His parents B. His classmate C. His friends 4

4、Who are Gary and Tom? ( ) A. player B. teacher C. gymnasts

5、Is Mr. Ford a student ? A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. Yes, he isn’t There’ a party at the art collage. There are 35 people there. Clair is there with her friends. Lucy and Lily are there , too. They are art students. Lucy is a tall girl with yellow hair . Lily is short, but she is a beautiful girl with a red hat. There are seven teachers there. Mrs. Annie is there, too. She is a pretty woman with brown hair(头发). It’s a great party!

6、Where is the party? ( ) A. Art collage B. Music collage C. Physic education collage

7、Are there 30 people there? ( ) A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are C. No, there aren’t 5

8、Who is Clair with? ( ) A. her friends B. Lucy and Lily C. A and B

9、Who is beautiful with a red hat?( ) A. Lily B. Lucy and Lily C. Lucy

10、Is Annie a student? ( ) A. Yes, She is B. Yes, He is C. No, She isn’

11、Is she an ugly with black hair? ( ) A. Yes, She is B. Yes, He is C. No, She isn’

t t



1.突出复习。由于本教材是参照语法大纲、循序渐进的编排的,由浅入深,注重新旧知识的结合。所以,课堂上前二十分钟的复习十分关键。突出复习的作用就在于让学生在学习新知识前巩固所学过的知识,这样才可以在良好扎实的基础上,更容易、更清楚的接受新知识。尤为重要的是,每堂课的复习并不只局限于上一次所学习的内容,是可以以分类式复习来温习所有相关的知识的,正符合本教材的特点,即语法内容以线性的形式呈现给学生,从而持续不断的复习并重复所学内容。例如,《新概念英语青少版》1A Unit1Unit7中都在不断学习特殊疑问句,在学习Unit 8前我给学生列出了所有学过的特殊疑问词:what, which, who, whose, where, when, how等,让学生回想所学过的有关句型,并举例练习。这样,学习Unit 8时,相关知识就可以“不点即通”了。这样就可以让学生真正灵活掌握所学知识,而且可以用旧知识去学习新知识。


3.突出课件。我校教师还为本教材每个单元的教学制作了相关课件,是教授语法的关键。突出课件的作用是可以让学生在学习语法时,与画面相结合,更易理解语法结构和意思。例如,在《新概念英语青少版》1A中Unit3的课件中,既有Robert骑在自行车上的图片,也有Mr. Jenkins打伞的图片等等。同时,在图片旁边还配有相关的句型结构:Who is that boy? Who’s that man? 用这样的方式教授由Who引导的特殊疑问句时,学生就可以立即明白是什么意思,并且可以仿照造句、灵活运用了。


