范文网 论文资料 外语培训学校英文简介(集锦)


外语培训学校英文简介第一篇:外语培训学校英文简介惟新外语学校简介一 学校简介惟新学校外语学校,取名惟新就是根据WISH的近音翻译而成,含义为希望。“惟新”意在革新,让所有学生改变固有的陈旧的学习态度和学习方法。Lif。




一 学校简介

惟新学校外语学校,取名惟新就是根据WISH的近音翻译而成,含义为希望。“惟新”意在革新,让所有学生改变固有的陈旧的学习态度和学习方法。Life with wish,life with success,充满希望的生活,生活与成功相伴,寓意着学校为所有学员带来新的希望,帮助他们走向新的成功。

惟新外语学校不是单纯家教辅导班,其教学任务不是为了帮助学生完成家庭作业,而是帮助学生消化知识,并以之为着手点,注重学生获取知识的能办的培养。惟新外语学校采用湖南师范大学附属中学、湖南长郡中学等湖南百年名校的教学辅导方法,夯实基础,强化训练,灵活运用 ,寓教于乐,让学生在学习中自然端正学习的态度,改进学习方法,同时学校有意识地培养学生的毅力,让学生实现“要我学”到“我要学”的转变。根据学生的成长的规律,对于不同年龄段的学生,我们采用不同的教学方法,因材施教,灵活处理。学校的老师在教学过程中不断的创造英语语言环境,在课堂上让学生在娱乐游戏中通过“机械模仿”积累语感之后,再在此基础上通过各种竞争机制,激发学生的语言潜能,“创造性的使用语言”。














烟台安森外语学校坐落于美丽的黄海明珠—烟台市莱山区,前身是培训机构,现成为一所由政府正式批准成立的外国语学校。学校目前开设洪恩英语、趣味科学课DIY,新蒙式多元宝盒课,韩国语等课程。针对不同外语基础的学员,分别开设了各类级别的语言课程。多年来做出了出色教育成绩,为外语教育事业做出了卓越的贡献,一直以来受政府委托承办市级大型外语活动,有力增强了烟台市民的浓厚的外语兴趣,也让安森的学生在参与活动中提高了口语表达能力、各种才艺展示能力。透过持之以恒的追求,相信我们会拥有更加科学合理的课程设计,更加优秀负责的中外教师,更加细致热诚的管理团队。我们的口号是:永不懈怠,在教学生活中的每一天"有方向,有提高"。 主要课程设置: 洪恩英语:

针对3—12岁儿童,围绕与孩子息息相关的话题依次展开教学,采用中教外教相结合英语思维浸泡式教学方式,培养孩子的英语思维,提高英语表达能力。 中学生百科英语阅读:

以动物、植物、音乐、探险、发明、等百科知识专题为线索,循环渐进地引导读者在愉快的阅读、思考、练习、听朗读、欣赏CNN节目,做游戏的过程逐步提高阅读能力,迅速扩大词汇量。 趣味科学:




现招聘幼儿、少儿、中学英语老师各一名,专职兼职皆可。要求: 1. 本科学历以上,英语专业优先; 2. 性格活泼开朗,热爱教育事业; 3. 态度严谨认真,对工作富有责任心;

4. 有过硬的英语口语能力,有教育教学经验者优先。 5. 面试时请携带个人简历一份。

本校工资待遇高,希望更多的优秀人才加入我们的团队,一起创造更加辉煌的未来! 招聘在即,有意者请速联系!







53、55路至“石沟屯/鹿鸣小区”站下车。 联系电话:6901268

15066787096 王老师


INTRODUCTION XX University, founded in XX, is one of the key universities of the province.Its five campuses are located respectively in cities of XX, covering the areas of more than XX million square metres. There are XX colleges offering XX specialties for bachelor degree and XX programs for master degree.

The campuses’ libraries possess a collection of over XX million volumes of books. The apparatuses and equipments are valued at around 19 million yuan RMB. The teaching faculty is more than XXX and total enrollment is XXX . Following the motto “In education, truth could not be obtained without practice; the subtleness of matters could not be approached without experiment”, XXX has forged a tradition of running school of the combinations of teaching, research with social services.

Since 1989,XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching and research. The quantity and grade of scientific and technological awards have been ranking first among the provincial universities for ten years in a row. XXX is also ranked among the top 10 universities of China for decades.

XXX is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in China, and one of the key universities of the province.

Since 1989, XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching.

Cross-disciplinary programs cover the field of agriculture, industry, basic sciences, economics, management, literature, law and iatrology.

Located in XX , one hour to XXX by train, two-hour’s trip to XXX International Airport .

XXX has established official cooperative relationship with XX world famous universities in overseas countries.






学校目前拥有一支业务精良、结构合理、充满活力、勇于创新的教师队伍。其中专任教师171人,女教师116人,高级教师5人,中级职称以上的教师人数占教师总人数的26.3%,研究生20人,本科以上学历的教师占教师总人数的99%。 学校自开办以来得到区教育局、坂田街道办及其他相关职能部门的大力支持和帮助。目前,学校周边的交通环境及安全状况大为改善,校内基础设施日渐完善,教学秩序井然,学风浓厚,校风淳良。新城学校全体教职员工正以饱满的热情和勇于开拓创新的精神,努力把学校打造成为龙岗教育乃至深圳教育一张闪亮的名片,回报龙岗人民。

The brief introduction of Bantian Xincheng Middle School To promote the balanced development of education in Bantian district, and improve the enrollment ratio of local population, Bantian Xincheng Middle School is founded in September, 2010, planning to have 54 classes, providing capacity for nearly 2700 students,, is currently the largest one nine-year compulsory school in this district. Now the school has 53 classes and 2174 students in total, including 653 primary students and 1521 junior students. The school covers an area of 42,000 square meters, with construction area of 28,000 square meters, and a playground over 15,000 square meters. All these are higher than the standard of a nine-year compulsory standardized school. The school has completed functional venues, advanced equipments and facilities, which is constructed according to the first level standard of provincial school, and belong to the first grade even in this city, it includes a 400-metre standard track, five standard basketball courts, four badminton courts, one volleyball court, one tennis court, and one indoor gymnasium ,which were equipped according to the provincial school sports equipment standard. The school also has 49 function rooms such as music room, physics and chemistry laboratories, which have conventional teaching instruments, equipment and information technology education equipment that in accordance with the first class of national standards. The school currently has a team of professional, energetic and innovative, teachers, which are reasonable structured, with 171 full-time teachers, including 116 female teachers, 5 senior teachers. Since the foundation of the school, the school has got strong support from the Bureau of Education of Longgang district, and the sub-district office. Currently, the school environment and the surrounding traffic safety conditions is greatly improved, the school is becoming better and better. And our faculties are full of enthusiasm, pioneering courage and innovative spirit, and strive to build a best of Longgang’s school as well as Shenzhen’s shining education card, in return to Longgang people.




学校以‚服务于滨州和黄河三角洲经济社会发展,服务于应用型人才培养‛为使命;核心价值包括‚自强不息 守正出奇‛的学校精神,‚明德 砺学 日新 致远‛的校训,‚求实 严谨 团结 奋进‛的校风,‚坚持办学以教师为本,教学以学生为本,以质量求生存,以特色创优势,以服务促发展,以人才为根本,以和谐保持续‛的办学理念;学校愿景是‚按照合格、强校、名校‘三步走’的战略部署,逐步发展为规模适当、结构合理、特色鲜明的综合性普通本科院校,让更多的孩子有上大学的机会,让更多的在校大学生成为优秀人才,让更多的优秀人才为区域经济社会发展作贡献,努力把学校建成滨州经济社会发展的‘一个基地、四个中心’(人才培养基地和决策咨询、技术研发、公务员培训、资格认证中心)‛。


学校实施‚质量立校‛战略。始终坚持教学工作的中心地位,牢固树立教学质量是学校生命线的意识,不断完善系科布局,优化专业结构。设有21个系(院),36 个本科专业、38个专科专业,涵盖文、理、工、经、管、法、教育、历史、农等9大学科门类;拥有应用数学、民间艺术、安全文化、生态文化等4个省级重点学科,数学教育、物理教育、园艺技术、应用化工技术、生态学等5个省级特色专业,电子技术基础、大学语文、数学分析、分子生物化学、基础生物化学、遗传学、化工原理、概率与数理统计等8门省级精品课程、初步形成了文、理、工、经、管等学科协调发展、特色鲜明的学科专业体系。制定和完善了人才培养方案,搭建了理论教学、实践教学、素质拓展‚三大平台‛,健全教学全面质量管理体系,学生基础理论知识和基本技能得到加强,实践能力和创新能力显著提升。毕业生初次就业率超过90%;2006


学校实施‚特色兴校‛战略。依托滨州人文环境资源、高新技术和自身优势,精心打造了飞行技术、孙子研究、安全文化、黄河三角洲生态、黄河三角洲文化、微分方程与动力系统、航空信息技术研发七大特色品牌。2006年组建了飞行学院,成为全国第一家培养飞行员的地方普通本科院校,填补了省内专业设置的空白。学校被正式纳入民航系统统一招生,并获取了民用航空飞行员执照考试资质和ATPL理论培训资质。现有飞行技术(飞行驾驶方向、飞行安全方向)、交通运输(民航机务工程方向)两个本科专业养成生450余人;与山航、深航、海航、中国邮政航空公司和扬子江航空公司分别签订了飞行学员训练和就业合同,与山航签订了航空安全员就业合同,实现了飞行技术专业招生、培养、就业一条龙的办学模式;与美国泛亚、加拿大卡盖尔等国外航校建立了稳固的飞行培养基地,2006级学员已圆满完成了在美国泛亚(Transpac)和加拿大卡盖尔(Cargair Ltee)航校的飞行训




学校实行‚合力治校‛战略。坚持以人为本,依法治校,民主治校,致力于文明、平安校园建设,取得了显著成绩。近年来,先后被授予‚国家绿化模范单位‛、‚全国群众性体育先进单位‛、 ‚山东省花园式单位‛、‚山东省高校标准化食堂优秀单位‛、‚山东省高校宿舍管理工作示范单位‛等几十项荣誉称号;《中国经济导报》、《中国教育报》、《大众日报》等媒体均对我校办学情况进行了报道。


Located in the modern and ecological landscape city---Binzhou City, the native residence of Sun Tzu (the well-known Chinese ancient military strategist in the 6th Century B.C.) and the hinterland of beautiful and rich Yellow River Delta, Binzhou University has more than 50 years‟ history up to now, being one of the comprehensive universities approved by Ministry of Education of the People‟s Republic of China in 2004 on the basis of Beizhen Teacher‟s College founded in 1958. Its campus covers an area of 159 hectares with a total property valuing 1.1 billion RMB, including an available building area of 540,000 square meters, 20 experimental centers and laboratories, teaching and scientific research equipment costing 77 million RMB, 1.6 million volumes of books in the library and so on. It provides higher education to over 35,000 students from Shandong Province and 21 other cities and provinces, among whom more than 17,000 students are full-time educated and about 18,000 students receive part-time education (adult education or distance education). Binzhou University‟s mission is “to serve the economic and social development of Binzhou City and Yellow River Delta, and to train qualified people to meet the needs of the country”. Its core value includes the school spirit of “constantly striving for self-improvement, upholding the educational principles and achieving more advantages with own characteristics”, the school motto of being “moralizing, exploring, innovating and far-sustaining”, the school ethos of being “practical-minded, meticulous, united and enthusiastic”, and the educational concept of being “teacher-oriented in running the university, student-oriented in teaching, quality-oriented for development, characteristics-oriented for more advantages, service-oriented for promotion, qualified people-oriented for foundation, and harmony-oriented for sustainability”. Its vision is “to develop gradually into a comprehensive university with an appropriate scale, a reasonable structure and distinguished characteristics according to the „three-step‟ developing strategy of being „qualified, impressive and renowned‟, to provide more chances to youths to be educated, to train more students to be qualified people, to

encourage more qualified people to make contribution to the regional economic and social development, and to develop itself into „one base and four centers for Binzhou City‟s economic and social development, that is, 1 qualified people-training base and 4 centers of „decision-making consultancy, technological research & development, public servant training, and authentication of credentials‟‟‟.

Binzhou University carries out the strategy of “strengthening the university with talents” to further improve the quality of staff by such ways as bringing-in, training and further education. The current number of teaching and administrative staff reaches 1254, among whom there are 905 teaching staff, 300 professors or associate professors, 580 staff members with doctor or master degree, 5 staff members being awarded the special allowance by the State Council, 3 staff members being the provincial academic backbones over Shandong Province, 1 staff member being among the 1000-most -well-known technical experts in Shandong Province, 5 staff members being among distinguished university-teachers in Shandong Province and 2 provincial-level teaching teams. Furthermore, 8 academicians have been engaged as honorary presidents, consultants or guest professors, and over 60 professors from the Chinese key-universities called “the State 985 or 211” project-university and key-scientific research-institutes as guest professors or part-time professors. So far, a teachers‟ team with high professional quality, teaching standards and potential development has come into being. Binzhou University carries out the strategy of “improving the university-running with higher quality of both teaching and administration”, taking the teaching as heart, regarding the teaching quality as lifeblood, perfecting the layout of faculties and specialties steadily and optimizing the structure of specialties. 36 undergraduate specialties and 38 diploma majors have been distributed throughout 21 departments or institutes, covering 9 disciplines, that is, arts, sciences, industry, economics, management, law, education, history and agriculture. A system of specialized subjects with distinguished characteristics has been developing harmoniously, having 4 provincial-key specialties (applied mathematics, folk arts, safety culture and ecology culture), 5 provincial-featured majors (mathematics education, physics education,

horticultural technology, applied chemical industry technology and ecology), and 8 provincial-fine courses (basic electronic technology, college Chinese, mathematical analysis, molecular biochemistry, basic biochemistry, genetics, principles of chemical industry, and probability & mathematical statistics). The system of qualified people training has been formulated and improved by setting up 3 platforms of “theoretical teaching, practical teaching and quality expansion” and perfecting the TTQMS (Teaching & Total Quality Management System), ensuring students‟ theoretical knowledge, basic skills, practical and innovational ability improved apparently: the employment rate reaches over 90%, 43% candidates among the seniors are admitted into postgraduate studies, the students and teachers have won 19 first prizes, 17 second prizes and 14 third prizes at state-level contests, 200 prizes at provincial-level contests, the second award at International Mathematical Modeling Contest (USA) 2009, the second place at China Soccer Brawl‟s „Medium-sized Robot Soccer Contest 2008‟, Electrical & Electronic laboratory is rated as provincial-level experiment-teaching model center. Binzhou University always opens up to the world to run the university, having established friendly cooperative relationship with overseas universities in Australia, France, Russia, etc., and having implemented 6 cooperative school-running programs. Furthermore, more than 30 international experts or scholars have come to deliver lectures or short-term academic exchanges, and over 50 international teachers have worked in Binzhou University. Binzhou University carries out the strategy of “developing the university with own characteristics”, having developed 7 characteristic fields (flight technology, scientific research on Sun Tzu, safety culture, Yellow River Delta‟s ecology, Yellow River Delta‟s culture, differential equation & dynamic system, and aviation IT research) by the full use of its own advantages as well as local humanity resources and high technology. Flying College was established in Binzhou University in 2006, the first common regional university of training student pilots in China, filling the vacancy of the specialty distribution in the higher education over Shandong Province. Flying College has enrolled over 450 students, educated in 2 undergraduate-majors currently: Flight Technology (student-pilot-oriented and flight-guard-oriented) and Communication &

Transportation (civil aviation engineering). Binzhou University has enrolled student pilots according to the CAAC regulations, and is approved as a center for the civil aviation pilot license test and ATPL theoretical training. 60 student pilots enrolled in 2006 have already worked in airlines after finishing theoretical learning and practical flight training. A complete training-mode of „enrollment, training and employment‟ has been formed, having signed contracts on flight training and employment with airlines (Shandong Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Hainan Airlines, China Postal Airlines and Yangtze River Airlines), and contract on the flight-guard employment with Shandong Airlines. American Transpac and Canadian Cargair Ltee are 2 bases for flight training. Additionally Binzhou University has helped Shandong Airlines and Hainan Airlines train more than 300 “da-gai-jia” pilots (selected from college graduates). Binzhou University provides „home‟ to the first Research Institute on Sun Tzu, the first Research Center of Safety Culture, the first Research Institute on Li Dazhao (a great revolutionary pioneer and ideologist in the 1900s) and Binzhou Branch of China Academy of Safety Science & Technology among Chinese universities. Binzhou University has owned 7 provincial-level scientific research organizations (Key Laboratory on Yellow River Delta Ecological Environment, Research Base on Yellow River Delta Culture, Research Base on Shandong Provincial Safety Culture, Research Base on Shandong Provincial Aviation IT, Research Base on Sun Tzu Cultural Industry, and Research Center of Shandong Provincial Industrial Sewage Recycling Engineering and Technology) and 2 municipal-level key laboratories (food safety and material chemistry). In recent years, Binzhou University has undertaken 11 state-level scientific projects, 87 provincial scientific projects and 87 municipal scientific projects. The funds on scientific research reach 18 million RMB. Over 160 monographs or textbooks and over 3,000 theses have been published, among which more than 117 have been collected by SCI and EI. Binzhou University has obtained 6 national patents and over 585 prizes on scientific research (1 national prize, 41 provincial prizes and 385 municipal prizes). Binzhou University carries out the strategy of “invigorating the university with social services”, insisting on “seeking supports with services, seeking cares with contributions, and pursuing status with accomplishments”. Under the background of the

development of Yellow River Delta being state strategy, and with the purpose of comprehensively serving Yellow River Delta efficient ecological economic zone and Shandong Peninsula blue economic zone, Binzhou University has organized Research Institute on Yellow River Delta Efficient Ecological Economic Development, which is a comprehensive and regional innovational platform and integrates the scientific resources inside and outside the university, providing scientific service, consulting service, training service and community service. Research Institute on Yellow River Delta Efficient Ecological Economic Development consists of 11 scientific research organizations (Research Center of Yellow River Delta Economy, Research Center of Yellow River Delta Ecological Environment, Research Institute of Yellow River Delta Culture and so on). A group of scientific talents have gathered here to enhance Research Center of Yellow River Delta Ecological Environment to be the high-tech research platform in the fields of Yellow River Delta economic and cultural development, cultural industry, ecological protection and recovery of wetlands, efficient agricultural technology, oil & salt chemical technology, new energy resources, marine resources, aviation IT and development, mechanical manufacture, automation equipment, safety research and training, etc. Binzhou University has carried out Binzhou University’s Serving Binzhou Action Plan (2006-2010) headed by “10 projects” (R & D project, eco-environmental engineering, business management engineering, certification project, volunteer service project, planning demonstration, safety engineering and so on) and 18 landmark programs (Binzhou City‟s cultural resources survey and development, RFID development and design on the basis of the 3rd generation of communications network, development of medicinal active lipid with industrial waste beer yeast, research on ecological restoration of contaminated soil of Yellow River Delta, etc.), providing scientific and intellectual supports in the fields of scientific technology service, training service, consulting service, community service and cooperative construction. So far, over 240 programs have been reached agreement between Binzhou University and local enterprises over Binzhou City, among which more than 40 programs including “e-bike lithium battery” have been concluded. Furthermore, over 10000 applied qualified people have finished their training to meet regional and social demands.

Binzhou University carries out the strategy of “governing the university with pool efforts” to devote to the construction of civilized and secure campus by adhering to the principles of being people-oriented, law-oriented and democracy-oriented management, and have accomplished great achievements: Binzhou University has been awarded dozens of honorary titles, such as “National Forestation Model University”, “National Mass Sports Advanced University”, “Shandong Provincial Gardening University”, “Shandong Provincial Outstanding University at Canteens‟ Standardization”, “Shandong Provincial Model University at Dormitory Management” and so on. Such media have reported Binzhou University a lot as China Economic Herald, China Education Newspaper and Popular Daily.
