范文网 论文资料 小学therebe句型教案(集锦)











例:I have a dog. / Theyhelp me a lot./


例:They help me a lot./Don’t look at him.


人称代词主宾格,作用不同莫用错。 主格动词前做主,动词介词后宾格。 You和it主宾同,其他主宾须分清。 人称代词并列现,尊重他人礼当先。 单数人称二三一,复数人称一二三。 若把错误责任担,第一人称我靠前。

4、人称代词的用法: 1)人称代词主格用来作主语,一般放在谓语动词之前。


I am from China.我来自中国。 We are good friends.我们是好朋友。

He often plays basketball on the playground.他经常在操场上打篮球。 2)人称代词宾格用来作宾语,放在动词或介词的后面。


Mr.Wang teaches us English.王老师教我们英语。 Let me help you.让我来帮你。

What’s wrong with him ?他怎么了?







You ,she and I are good friends.我,你和她都是好朋友。 We,you and they all like music.我们,你们和他们都喜欢音乐。

4)当I与其他词语一起并列作主语时,I要放在后面,但承认错误时," I "要放在前面。 例如:

She and I are in the same school.她和我在同一个学校。 I and he make mistakes.我和他犯了错误。



例:my dog/ our teacher /his son / its eyes


例:This is mine(=mything). / My mother is as kind as yours(=your mother).


物主代词分两种,形容词性名词性。 形容词性能力差,自己不能来当家。 句子当中作定语,身后定把名词加。 物主代词名词性,相当名词可单用。 句中充当主宾表,身后没有名词影。 两种代词形不同,添个 s 形变名。 his,its不用变,my变mine要记清。


形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,在句中只能作定语,后面一定要跟一个名词; 名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,不能用在名词之前,可单独使用,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等。


These are our books. Her parents are doctors. This is my pen. Yours is on the desk. The bike is his. It’s not mine.



1、do sth. byoneself 独立做某事

例:I can do thecleaning by myself.

2、help yourself/yourselves 请随意

例:Help yourselves!

3、enjoy oneself 过得快乐

例:have a good timeEnjoy yourself!





作者: 阅读: 90 时间: 2010-10-13 15:21:02

一、构成:There be ...句型表示的是 “某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其结构为There be(is,are,was, were )+名词+地点状语。例如:

There are fifty-two students in our class.

There is a pencil in my pencil-case.

There was an old house by the river five years ago.


否定句:There be句型否定句式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上“not”。也可用“no”来表示。即:no + n.(名词)= not aanany + n.(名词)。注意:no + n.(可数名词单数)= not aan + n.(可数名词单数);no + n.(可数名词复数)= not any + n.(可数名词复数);no + n.(不可数名词)= not any + n.(不可数名词)。例如:

There is an orange in her bag.

→There isn’t an orange in her bag.

→There is no orange in her bag.

There are some oranges in her bag.

→There aren’t any oranges in her bag.

→There are no oranges in her bag.

There is some juice in the bottle. →There isn’t any juice in the bottle.

→There is no juice in the bottle.

一般疑问句:There be结构的一般疑问句变化只需把be动词移到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可。例如:

There is some money in her handbag.

→ Is there any money in her handbag? (疑问句和否定句中,some改为any, something改为anything.)

There is something new in today’s newspaper.

→There isn’t anything new in today’s newspaper.

→Is there anything new in today’s newspaper?


There be句型的特殊疑问句有以下三种形式:

① 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用 “Who’s + 介词短语?”;当主语是物时,用 “What’s + 介词短语?”。其中there在口语中常常省略。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对其提问时一般都用be的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如: There is a bird in the tree. →What’s in the tree? There are some bikes over there. →What’s over there?

There is a little girl in the room. →Who is in the room?

② 对地点状语提问:用 “Where is are + 主语?”表示(注意其答语变化):例如: There is a computer in my office.

→ Where is the computer? ----It’s in my office. There are four children in the classroom.

→Where are the four children?—They’ re in the classroom. ③ 对数量提问:一般有两种提问方式: 如果主语是可数名词,无论是单数还是复数,都用“How many +可数名词复数 + are there + 介词短语?”表示:

There are twelve months in a year.

→How many months are there in a year?

There is only one book in my bag.

→ How many books are there in your bag?

There is a cat in the box.

→ How many cats are there in the box?

如果主语是不可数名词,则用“ How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语?”表示:

There is some money in my purse. How much money is there in

your purse?

反意疑问句:There be或There加其它动词,其反意疑问句一律用„there? 例如:

There is a beautiful girl in the garden, isn’t there?

There used to be no school here, used there did there?


1. There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致。


There is a basketball in the box.

There is a little milk in the glass. 如果句子的主语是复数名词,be动词就用“are” “were”。例如: There are many birds in the tree.

There were many people in the street yesterday.

如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的 “就近原则”。例如:

There is an orange and some bananas in the basket.

There are some bananas and an orange in the basket. 2. There与be中间可插入一些表推测的情态动词、表时态的短语和一些动词短语 (如和将来时be going to will、现在完成时 havehas + pp. 、used to结构等连用,注意其构成形式,这一内容在我们日常练习中经常出现错误,是一难点,也是历年中考试题中的一个考点.)。例如:

There must be a pen in the box.

There happened to be some money in my pocket.

There is going to be a meeting tonight.

There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.

There used to be a church across from the bank.

3. There be句型和havehas的区别:

There be句型表示 “存在有”, havehas表示 “拥有” “所有”,两者不能同时使用.例如:

桌子上有三本书. There are three books on the desk.

我有三本书. I have three books.

4. There be + 主语 + doing +介词短语. 例如:

There is a truck collecting rubish outside.

There is a wallet lying on the ground.

四 、练习:Choose the best answers.

1. There isn’t _____water in the glass. Let’s go and get some.

A. many B. lots C. any D. some 2. There ___a lot of news about Zhang Ziyi on TV last night. A. was B. had C. is D. were 3. There ____ many changes in the village recently.

A. is B. are C. have been D. to be

4. ---There _______a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?

---Just a little, please.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

5. There _______ some books, a ballpen and a ruler on the desk.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

6. There _______ a ballpen, a ruler and some books on the desk.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

7. There is a boy _______at the door.

A. stand B. standing C. stood D. is standing

8. ---_______is in the house?

--- There is an old women in the house.

A. What B. Whose C. Who D.Which 9. There used to be a tower here, _____? A. usedn’t it B. used there C. didn’t it D. didn’t there 10. There ____a meeting tonight. A. is going be B. is going to have C. is going to D. is going to be Key 1-5 CACAB 6-10 ABCDD


2016.10.14 教学内容:句型What’s your mum like ? She has +五官 教学目标:熟练运用该句型

教学重点:句型的灵活运用,包括变换人称,五官的特征用英语描述 教学过程:STEP 1 greeting

STEP 2 warm up head shoulders knees toes 或者 I say you do (老师说五官单词学生TOUCH自己的 )

STEP3 flash the words 五官 加 大小


组合 (big ears )

(复习时整体说,可以分组PK ,然后个体PK 。可以闪卡,可以英汉互译,可以老师说单词,学生做动作,也可以老师做动作,学生说单词)

STEP4 lead in (利用玩具木偶)下面简称T 代表老师,S代表学生

T: This is A C A T , My friend . HE LL O , CAT ? What’s your mum like ?

S : OH ,THIS IS MY MUM.She has a big nose and a small mouth .(板书一个人脸,旁边贴有提前准备好的小卡片,包括两个大眼睛,两个小眼睛,两个大耳朵,两个小耳朵,一个大鼻子,一个小鼻子,一个大嘴巴,一个小嘴吧)


T:OK! Everyone , read after me !(领读句型)



She has …….

教单词 has (包括读音和拼写)自然拼 H 和 A 操练游戏 正反手

教句子 先领读

She has a big nose and a small mouth .


老师指示黑板上的五官卡片,比如指大眼睛,让孩子们说 She has big eyes .

This time ,I point them ,YOU SHOULD SAY “She has …..”


扩展句型:T:What’s LILY like ?(老师指一个学生,用此句型问大家,引导孩子们回答She has …)并扩展出He has (通过指男同学引出)

游戏:老师用句型描述 ,让学生来猜描述的是谁?

Now , WENDY say a student ,you guess .She has a big nose and a small mouth .Who is she ?


Step 4:教问句:

What’s your mum like ?


What’s 的读音,然后板书What is .

Your 的读音

your mum

your dad (扩展出)

OK,EVERY BODY follow me ,your mum , your dad (如果孩子不知道意思,可以借助爸爸妈妈的卡片,)

在领读What’s your mum like ? What’s your dad like ?

游戏:操练这个句子就像学单词的游戏一样,比如按组挨个说,看哪组说的快。然后个体PK 说的速度。

Step 5 :整体操练: 老师再次指板书上的人头像。边指边说句子。What’s your mum like ? She has +五官

老师指一个学生问What’s your mum like ? 并引导孩子回答

按组 换角色读

游戏:击鼓传花 大家问问句,传到的那个人回答答句

STEP 6:扩展句型练习 : 可以找几个同学上到前面,老师用问句问:What’s 学生名字 like ? 老师引导学生来回答。

STEP:7 带到课文中读 。然后是翻译意思 。扩充的所有知识点的复习 。







第四篇:There be 句型教案

《There be 句型》教学设计

教学目标: 知识与技能目标:

(1) 学生能熟练掌握There be 句型的陈述句、一般疑问句。 (2) 学生能熟练掌握主谓一致原则;

(3) 学生能正确区分There be句型和“have/has”表示“有”的含义。

(4) 学生能熟练运用“There be ”句型描述日常生活中的事物。 过程与方法目标:

听、说、读、写贯穿教学的全过程,以自主、合作、探究及“任务型”教学为主,充分调动学生的主观能动性和探索精神,注重知识教学适合学生的认知水平,由简到繁,由易到难。 情感目标:


教学重点:There be 句型的各种句式变化及be的正确运用。 教学难点:主谓一致;There be和have/has表示“有”的正确运用。 教学用时:一课时


Step1. 复习

have/has表示“有”的句型 Ask Ss to make sentences with “have/has”. T. I have two good friends, Mike and Tom. They like sports. Mike has two basketballs and Tom has one soccer ball. 板书: have/has 表示“拥有,所有” Step2. 课堂导入

T.Look at our classroom, you can see some things(desk, chair, book…)in it. Can you say “墙上有一幅画”、“桌子上有两支钢笔”with “have/has” ?

Step3. 呈现新句型

There is a picture on the wall.

There are two pens on the desk. There are twenty desks in our classroom. There is some milk in the bottle . There are five people in my family. 让学生初步感知 There be 句型并找出句型规律。 板书: There is/are…+某物/某人+某地…

表示:某地有某物/某人 (表示存在)

教师先引导学生运用此句型结构造句,然后让学生两人一组进行操练,相互检查,然后让一部分学生把练习成果和大家分享。 Step4. T. Can you use “be” easily? 引入主谓一致的教学

a. 让学生识别句子的主语(在刚才呈现的句子里试着找一下) b. 找出规律:

板书:There is …+可数名词单数/不可数名词…

There are…+可数名词复数…

c. 操练,让学生把自己认为写得好的一个句子和大家分享 d. T.通过让学生翻译 “桌子上有一支钢笔和一些书”引入“就近一致原则”。

There ______ a pen and some books on the desk . There______ some books and a pen on the desk. Step5. 各种句式的变化

Game: 游戏:“猜口袋里的物品” ,引入There be 句型否定句和一般疑问句的教学。

肯定句:There is a picture on the wall. 否定句:There is not/ isn’t

a picture on the wall. 疑问句:Is there a picture on the wall?

Yes, there is . / No , there isn’t . 归纳:There be 句型的肯定句变否定句时,可直接在is/are之后加not; 变一般疑问句时,把is/are 置于句首。

特别提醒:把There are some English books in the schoolbag.变为否定句或者疑问句时,要把some改为any 。 Step6. 课堂小结:

There be句型有特点,主语跟在be后边。 单数主语用is,复数用are记心间, 多个主语并列时,be随身边主语变。 变否定,很简单,be后要把not添。 变问句也不难,把be提到there前。 肯定句中用 some,否定疑问any 换。 Step7. 课堂练习

Step8. 家庭作业:用几句话介绍一下自己的房间(至少使用There be 句型和have/has 三次)。 板书设计:



There is/are…+某物/某人+某地…



There is+可数名词单数/不可数名词…

There are +可数名词复数…

句式变化: 否定句:There is not/isn’t …

There are not/aren’t…

疑问句:Is/Are there…?

Yes,there is/are.

No,there are not/aren’t. Some ------------------ any 肯定句


There is a picture on the wall. There are two pens on the desk.

There are twenty desks in our classroom. There is some milk in the bottle. There are five people in my family. There____ a pen and some books on the desk. There____some books and a pen on the desk.


外研社五年下英语按要求完成下列各题 1.______ ______ he work?

2. Was your grandpa a teacher before?(否定回答)

_______, he _______.

3. My sister works in a hospital.(改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ _______ work in a hospital? 4. now flute player a she is (.) (连词成句)


____ _____ _______ ______ in summer. 6. 同上) _______ _______ his mother before? 7.Did you read your Chinese book?(作否定回答)

______,_______ _______.

8. is favourite your music English (?)

9. a have got you computer (?)


____________________________ 11. Amy likes Chinese music.(一般疑问句

12. Will Tom go to the park tomorrow?(作否定回答)

13. Amy eats a hot dog.(改为进行时)

14. I have got some chocolates.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ you _____ ______ chocolates? 15. We will climb mountains at the weekend.(改为同义句)

We ______ _______ ______ ______ mountains at the weekend. 16. I’m






______ ______ _______ ______ play basketball tomorrow?

17. Daming will make a Chinese kite.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ ________ ______ a Chinese kite.
