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英语写作三说明利弊型第一篇:英语写作三说明利弊型四级英语作文模版(说明利弊型)说明利弊型Free Admission to Museums(2009、06)1. 越来越多的博物馆免费开放的目的是什么?2. 也会带来一些问题;3. 你的看法。





Free Admission to Museums(200


1. 越来越多的博物馆免费开放的目的是什么?

2. 也会带来一些问题;

3. 你的看法。

Free Admission to Museums

Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are admission-free to visitors home and abroad. The hidden reason behind this is not hard to analyze as there’s a growing awareness for the authorities regarding the urgency of popularization of culture, knowledge and history with every average person in our society. Only with free access to museums, can most people fully enjoy what museums could offer to them. However, free admission to museums might lead to some social problems as well. The most obvious problem is that it might give museums a very heavy economic burden which directly hinders the sustainable development of these organizations. As a result, our government has to work out other ways to collect funds from different channels, which might be difficult to operate or control. On the other hand, free admission attracts too many visitors, some of which might not be well-purposed and do some conscious or unconscious damage to the valuable treasures which used to be well-preserved in the museums.

As a university student, I am in favor of the free-admission conduct. Yet it is proposed that some measures should be taken to solve the potential problems caused by it. For example, museums can make some regulations to guide the behavior of visitors or set some ‘closed’ days for museums for regular maintenance. Free admission to museums becomes a long-lasting phenomenon and has sustainable development.


Nowadays, an increasing number of--------------------。The hidden reason behind this is not hard to analyze as there’s a growing awareness-. However,-------------------- might lead to-------------------------. The most obvious problem is that------------------- .As a result,-. On the other hand,--------------------------.

As a university student, I am in favor of the-------------. For example,------------------------------. Only in this way can---------------------------.

第二篇:大学英语四级考试 CET4写作 说明利弊类


★Nowadays _________(主题)___________ plays a significant role in our daily life, which leads to a heated discussion about whether it is good or not.


★Generally speaking, its advantages can be seen as follows.


On the one hand, __________________(优点之一).


On the other hand,-------------------(优点之二).


★But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also obvious.


One of the important disadvantages is that _____________________(第一个缺点).其中一个缺点就是_________。

To make matters worse, ______________________(第二个缺点).


★Taking all the factors into consideration, I think that we should take the following measures to reduce the disadvantages to the minimum and bring the advantages into full play.

把所有的因素考虑进去, 我认为我们应该采取以下措施来将缺点最小化,优点最大化。 First of all, ______________(建议一).


In addition, ______________(建议二).


In that case, we will definitely make a better use of ____主题___.




教学目的: 让学生在了解如何写好英语利弊型书面表达 教学难点重点:文章的框架结构和要点内容的英文表述 教学方法:小组讨论 教学工具:多媒体 教学步骤

1. 中译英练习(让学生了解调整好中文表述就可以顺利的翻译成英文) 2. 书面表达练习 a. 审题

b. 阅读开头已经给出的部分 c. 讨论框架结构 d. 讨论中文的表述 e. 学生练习

f. 给出模板,让学生朗读

g. 请学生批阅作文,总结常见错误。 3. 总结


对比型 (对于微博、 电脑等大家不一致的看法)

When it comes to……,different people have different opinions. Many people hold the view that……,For one thing…..(或On the one hand…),for the other thing….(on the other hand…) However,some people have a different attitude ,They regard (believe)that…..,In their views….,Furthermore….. As far as I am concerned, I stand on the side of…..

原因型(如环境污染的原因) Nowadays, ----- has become a serious problem in our daily life,which has aroused(唤醒)wide concern in the public. What cause it on earth(究竟)?Some reasons lie in the following aspects(以下方面):

First of all(首先)….In the second place(其次)…..Last but not least(最后)….. In my opinion(In my viewpont)就我的观点来看,I think…..


Nowadays, ------ is playing an important role in our daily life. Generally, the advantages of------ can be list as follows: First, …...

Besides, …..

Most important of all, …. But every coin has two sides.(每个硬币都有正反两面

表示每件事都有正反两面) The negative aspects are also apparent.(消极方面也是明显的) To begin with, ….

To make matter worse, …. Therefore, we should take it seriously .(我们应该要认真对待它) Making full use of------ and reducing affected by the unhealthy aspects.



have difficulty in doing sth.

have trouble with sth.

have no idea

feel at loss how to do sth.

be responsible for

lay pressure on

follow one’s advice

put forward a few suggestions

turn to sb. for help

take measures to do sth.

forbid sb. from doing sth.

adapt oneself to

be concerned about

pay attention to

attach importance to

be well aware of

raise the awareness of

develop an interest in

spare no effort to do

take great pains to do

do harm to/ be harmful to

give some advice on

be related to

complain about

come up with

contribute to


As a famous proverb goes,/ As an old saying goes,

There in no doubt/denying that…

The problem you are facing is common among…

There is widespread concern regarding the phenomenon that

As far as this issue in concerned, several effective measures should be put into practice as soon as possible.

In my view, it is everyone’s responsibility to

We should take all the possibilities into consideration before making a final decision. It goes without saying that

It is high time we did something to
