范文网 论文资料 四种方法助你更快入睡(精选)










(一)公务员思维 1.基本定义





(二)阳光思维 1.基本定义



此外,在人际关系试题中,我们需要假定题目所涉及的人员都是正直、善良、一心为公 辽宁中公教育









第二篇:夏日炎炎 教你快速入睡的方法

Five Ways to Fall Asleep Quicker at Night

Many of us encounter troubles when attempting to fall asleep on a nightly basis. Without a great nights sleep we could face various obstacles throughout the following day. There could be a number of different reasons why we are unable to fall asleep at night. Though it may be difficult to pin point exactly what is keeping you awake, here are a few possible reasons. 许多人都有晚上想要睡觉的时候却睡不着的问题。晚上睡不好,第二天会遇到很多问题。失眠也许有很多种原因。也许很难弄清楚你失眠的原因,但是这里列举了几个可能的原因。 Messy bedroom 凌乱的卧室 Skipping breakfast 不吃早餐 Dreading the wakeup 被吵醒

These are just a few of the possible reasons that you are lacking in the sleep department. With this being said, there are still various ways to fall asleep quicker at night even if you don’t fall under these categories. Five different ways to fall asleep quicker at night include: 这只是一些可能会让你会失眠的原因。也就是说,如果你不是因为以上的这些原因失眠,还是有很多方法可以让你晚上快速入睡。让你快速入睡的方法有: Progressive Muscle Relaxation 渐进式肌肉放松法

This relaxation technique involves tightening and tense all the muscle groups that you can, and then relax them. By doing so repeatedly, we are able to promote physical relaxation, which will also provide beneficial results in our day to day activities. Progressive Muscle Relaxation provides you with: 这个技巧帮助你尽可能的收紧你所有的肌肉群,然后慢慢放松下来。重复这样做,能够让身体放松下来,这种动作对身体也很有好处。渐进式肌肉放松法的好处: Less tension within your muscles 减少肌肉的紧张感 Lower blood pressure 降低血压 Decrease levels of anxiety 降低焦虑 Overall lower levels of fatigue 改善疲倦感

Through doing this exercise nightly, you are physically relaxing yourself, as well as calming your mind. 晚上做这样锻炼,不仅能放松身体还能保持内心的平静。 Mindless Activity 做些无意识的活动

The most common cause of insomnia is the idea of stress. Whether it is due to a hectic day or a stressful home environment, we need to keep our minds off these topics. Mindless Activities such as; counting sheep, chronologically retracing your day, or reenacting a dream you had the other night. 失眠最普遍的原因就是在想事情。不管是因为太忙碌还是因为家庭压力太大,这时候都不能思考这些。无意识的动作包括:数羊、按照时间顺序自省、回忆前一天晚上做过的梦。 Don’t use your Mobile as an Alarm 不要用手机当闹钟

The truth is, using our mobile phones as an alarm clock is in fact depriving us from sleep. Most of us are keen to have our devices on us at all times, whether we are sending and receiving emails. By keeping our mobile devices within reach at night, we are keeping our minds and muscles engaged. Due to the engagement right before bed, you will find yourself taking longer to fall asleep. 事实上,在手机上设置闹钟会影响我们的睡眠。不管是发信息还是收信息,许多人都喜欢把手机放在离我们不远的地方。晚上如果手机在周围,我们心里就会一直惦记着手机。躺在床上你也会发现,要很久之后才能睡着。 Practice Deeper / Relaxing Breathing 学着深呼吸

This is a relaxation technique that everyone is capable of, and can prove to be beneficial if used properly. By following the steps provided below, you will not only relax your body, but find it falling into synchrony. 这种放松技巧是每个人都会做的,如果运用合适对我们还会很有益处。以下的这些步骤不仅能让你放松下来还能让你快速入睡。

Deep Breathing Relaxation can be accomplished by following these steps: 通过这些步骤可以实现深度呼吸: 1.Lie in a comfortable position 找个舒服的姿势躺下

2.Slow relax different in body parts in sequence 依次缓慢放松身体的不同部位

3.Begin inhaling through your nose 用鼻子呼吸

4.Hold your breath for 1 – 2 seconds 屏住呼吸1-2秒

5.Relax and let the air out 放松,呼气

6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 重复第

4、5步 7.Continue as long as necessary 如有必要,还可继续

If you find yourself getting dizzy or nauseous, slow down or discontinue routine. 要是感觉到头晕、恶心,那就慢慢来,或者停下来不做了。 Listen to Soothing Sounds 听听舒缓的声音

If your sleeping problem is due to excessive background noise, you may find peace by listening to soothing background music. There are various different sounds that you may ease in, including: 如果你失眠的原因是声音太吵,那你可以听一些舒缓点的音乐。有很多种可能会让你听起来舒服的声音,包括: Nature 大自然的声音

Thunderstorms, Forests, or Ocean Waves, any sound related to nature are less likely to annoy us 风暴、森林、海浪,任何大自然的声音都不太可能会干扰到我们。 Play Recreational Music 你喜欢的音乐

When all we can think about is the stresses that surround us, sometimes the best cure to fall asleep is our favorite tune. 当我们觉得自己压力大的时候,有时候最好的治愈方法就是用自己最喜欢的音乐伴着自己入睡。

Once you find the routine that best helps you fall asleep, you should follow it consistently. Once our bodies are trained to follow our sleep habits, we will find ourselves falling asleep quicker. By obtaining better sleep habits, we will find our overall wellness improving. 一旦你找着了能让你快速入睡的方法,就可以一直这样坚持下来。身体一旦养成习惯之后,就会发现睡觉会更快。养成睡眠好习惯,整体的健康问题也会有所改善。



最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:http://




“Tell me something about yourself.”这是面试官通常会问的第一个问题。如果你洋洋洒洒地把简历上的信息毫无遗漏的用英文说了一遍,那么你在面试一开始就已经失败了。面试官问这个问题的关键是想了解你的你的专业背景和工作经历。因此,你在回答时,自己的个人信息可以相对简略,将介绍重点放在你的专业造诣上。如果你是初出茅庐,没有太多的工作经验,那么可以着重介绍自己的学习能力,并表现出这个行业的激情。语言要简洁,表达时尽量灵活地换用句型,一尘不变的句型会让你在英语表达方面减分不少。

应对策略:应聘教师职位,你可以说:“Majoring in English and being passionate about education, I choose teaching as my career. I‘ve got a lot making of a good teacher. First, I am good at communicating with people„”


“What is your greatest weakness?”千万别试图回避这个问题,也不要在面试官面前表现出犹豫的神色。你应该在面试官面前坦诚自己的缺点,切忌找个不是缺点的缺点来搪塞面试官,比如“The greatest weakness that I have is that I am always a perfectionist.”但是不能什么缺点都说,因为有些缺点在一些职位中是致命的。英文面试前,对这方面的问题应有所准备。最有策略的做法是挑自己身上存在,但是与该职位不大相关的缺点,并且这个缺点可以被容忍,可以被改正。

应对策略:应聘秘书职位,你可以说:“Though I am really good at carrying out the plans, I must admit that sometimes I stick myself into the details and fail to see the whole picture. Well, I‘ve realized that and I am just trying to improve it.”


薪资问题是面试中必须谈到的问题。“Let‘s talk about salary. What are you looking for?”面对这样的问题,不要不敢作答,要表现得“有底气”。有经验的人会事先去了解业内该职位的薪资情况,这次基础上根据自身和企业情况回答面试官的问题。在面试官主动谈到这个话题前,最好不要主动提出,因为这样会给人留下“一切向钱看”的印象,回答时,可以说个范围,表示薪资在此区间内都可以接受。

应对策略:well, that‘s something I’ve thought long and hard about and I think someone with my experience should get between X & Y.











25 Proven Ways to Make Your Life Happier


Perhaps there’s no such person in the world, who wouldn’t like to be happy. We all aim at it, but not everyone succeeds. Today, I present to you 25 ways to make your life at least a little bit happier.


25 simple ways to make your life happier


1. Massage. Who wouldn’t mind receiving a pleasant massage? No matter whether it’s performed by a professional or by your spouse, gentle touches make everyone feel happy and good. Especially if it concerns women, who like massages most of all.


2. Talking with friends. When you talk to somebody who understands you very well and who can support you and help you whenever you need – this is true happiness.


3. Walking. You need to spend time outdoors at least an hour a day. Walking outdoors can greatly improve your mood, helps you to keep fit and remain healthy, thus making you a little bit happier.


4. Music. You should listen to music everyday. It can be classics or just a slow and calming melody, which will help you to relax and feel good.


5. Avoid negativeness. Stop thinking only of bad things, get rid of your fears, try to be an optimist.


http:///news/75.html Avoid negative topics for discussing. Don’t watch bad news on TV all the time. All this can make you depressed and not happy at all.


6. Relaxing bath. Prepare a relaxing bath with rose petals and oils (if you want). Giving a little relaxation to your body will make you feel much happier.


7. Meditation, as with other relaxation practices, raises the level of your energy. Try to meditate at least once a day. It’s also very useful to meditate when out in the nature.


8. Shopping. Women love it! But it can be a good thing for men as well. I’m not talking only of clothes, everything counts. Don’t you like to buy something new for yourself? We all like it, don’t we?


9. Dancing. Any kind of dancing is a great thing to raise your mood, express your sexuality, and become happier.


10. Yoga. Yoga practice can soothe your mind and give you more energy. Doing it regularly can be a great step to a happier life.


11. Providing help. No matter how strange it may seem, helping others is a great way to become happier. When doing this you feel positiveness inside you. You know that you’re doing something good.


12. Reading. Read a good book. It’s especially useful to read stories about people’s lives. Studying


http:///news/75.html their fate, you can better understand your own personality.

阅读:读一本好书, 特别是读一则关于他人生活的故事,在研究他人的命运时,你会更好的了解自己的个性。

13. Cooking. It’s a good thing when done together with your beloved. Doing something together will help you both to feel happier.


14. Home. It’s not only a place where you sleep, it;s where you spend most of your time, you relax there, bring up your kids, etc. So do something for your home. Make it as comfortable and nice as you can.


15. Plans. Making plans for your future is a powerful thing. There are no guarantees that all of them will be fulfilled, but the more you plan the bigger are the chances that you’ll succeed in your life.


16. Picnic. Go on a picnic with your family or friends. Spend some time outdoors, enjoying nature, breathing fresh air, having fun.


17. Water is a great generator of a good mood. Starting with a bath or a shower and ending with pools, lakes or seas – this is a great way to relax, feel happy and enjoy your life.


18. Physical activity will not only help you to keep fit and remain healthy but will also improve your mood and will help you to get rid of stress.


19. Healthy lifestyle. Bad habits negatively influence your life. And it’s not only smoking, it may be laziness, spending too much time watching TV, etc. And believe me, if you’re not healthy you are far from being happy.




20. Diary. Keeping a diary will help you to analyze yourself, your failures and success, your relationship, work, etc. It’s a great way to understand yourself.


21. Personal photos. Having a photo album is a great way to recollect on life, think of the happiest moments, thus being happy right now.


22. Love. Yeah, love hurts, but it also gives wings. If you love and you’re loved, then you’re the happiest person is the world, aren’t you?


23. Staying alone. Spend some time alone. It’s a good chance to think over your problems, to analyze your work, make plans for the future.


24. Kids. What can be better than watching your kids grow, playing with them and making them smile and laugh? Isn’t it true happiness?


25. Dignity. Be sure of your uniqueness, only then you’ll find your place in this world.


Remember, happiness isn’t a myth. It’s just all up to you. You build your own fate… and only YOU can do it.


词汇解析: as with:与...一样


http:///news/75.html 例句:

As with Vegas, what you do in Second Life stays in Second life. 和威维加斯一样,你在第二人生中做的事情保留在第二人生中。

