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新概念英语第2册第9课第一篇:新概念英语第2册第9课第54课 新概念英语第二册第54课教案新概念英语第二册第54课学案 1. sticky adj 粘的,黏糊糊的*meet a sticky end 落得悲惨的下场,倒霉 *stick 1)。



第54课 新概念英语第二册第54课教案

新概念英语第二册第54课学案 1. sticky adj 粘的,黏糊糊的

*meet a sticky end 落得悲惨的下场,倒霉 *stick 1) n.棍,树枝

==walking stick 手杖,拐杖 *the carrot and the stick 软硬兼施 2)v. 插入,刺穿 3) v. 粘住

*stick a stamp on a letter ==stick to sth 坚持某事 *stick at = keep on doing sth *sticky fingers 手指粘,好偷东西 2. finger n.手指

*cross one’s fingers 祝好运,祈祷 3. mix v. 掺和,混合 *mixed adj 混合的

*mix A with B 把AB混合起来 *a mixed school 男女混合学校 *mixture n. 混合物 *mixer n. 搅拌机,交际家 4. pastry n.面糊 *paste n.面团,浆糊 5. annoy v. 使不悦,惹恼 *annoying adj 令人生气的(物) *annoyed adj 感到生气的(人) 6. receiver n. 电话听筒 *pick up the receiver 拿起听筒 *put down / hung up the receiver *receive v. 收到 *accept v. 接受 7. dismay

1) v. 使……气馁/失望/惊讶

Part 1 Words

*be dismayed at 对…..失望 2) n. 惊讶,气馁,灰心

*to one’s dismay 使人惊讶的是,使人灰心的是 8. recognize

1)v. 认出,听出,识别出 Eg. recognize your voice 2). 承认,认可,认识到 Eg. He recognized his mistake. 9. persuade v.说服,劝说 *persuade sb to do sth

*persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 *persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不去做某事 *persuade sb of sth 使某人信服某事 *persuade sb that

*persuasion n.说服,劝说,信念,见解 *persuasive adj 有说服力的 10. mess

1)n.脏或乱的状态 Eg. You are a mess. 你真邋遢 What a mess! 太乱了

*be at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

*mess around = mess about 鬼混,无所事事 11. sign 1) n.标记,标识

Eg. a traffic sign 交通标识 2) v. 签署,签名 Eg. Please sign here. 12. register 1) v. 登记,注册

Eg. register at a hotel 登记入住旅馆 *check in 登记入住 *check out 登记离开 2) n.登记,注册

Eg. a household register 户口登记薄 Part 2 Grammar a, the, some, any

*some 和any 表示不定数量的代词,相当于“一些”讲时,前者多用于肯定句,而后者多用于否定句和疑问句

Eg. I want some infromation. I don’t want any information. Do you want any information? *some 也可用于以can, may, could, would, how about, what about why not 开头的问句中 *the

1) the +adj 表示一类人

Eg. the rick 富人

the poor 穷人 2) the +adj/adv最高级 3) the +序数词

4) the + 姓氏复数 表示一家人,做主语,相当于复数 5) the+ 世界上独一无二的事物 Eg. the Earth 地球

the Sun 太阳 6) the b表示特指

Eg. The girl in red is my sister.

7) 第一次提到用a/an , 第二次提到用the Eg. I bought a car. The car is nice. 8) the +江河湖海山脉 Eg, the Yellow River 黄河 9)the+乐器 Eg. play the piano Part 3 Text

1. After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. *after breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 三餐前五冠词 ==若三餐前有adj,则加a/an

*registration n. 登记,注册

Eg. have a nice lunch

*sent sb to school 送某人去上学 ==go to school 去上学(前无冠词) *go to the shops 去商店

2. In a short time, I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. *in a short time/while 很快 *be busy doing sth 忙着做某事 *be covered with 被覆盖

3. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers. *pick up 拾起,捡起,接受节目,去接某人

4. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.

*it takes/took sb some time to do sth *persuade sb to do sth 5. At last I hung up the receiver.

*hang up the receiver = put down the receiver 挂断电话

*pick up the receiver 拿起电话 *Hold on, please. 请稍等(别挂断)

6. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.

*主语+had no sooner +done sth that +从句(一般过去时). 一………就



Lesson 23 Which glasses? 哪几只杯子?

on prep. 在……之上

shelf n. 架子,搁板



on the table

in the kitchen

a beautiful flower

a book on the desk

定语从句 The girl I saw yesterday…

the magazine on the bed

the book on the stereo

the box on the cupboard

the cigarette on the table

the bottle on the dressing table

the desk on the desk(短语)

The book is on the bed.(句子)

There is a book on the bed. 床上有本书。


some books

some milk

Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?

★ Text

Give me some glasses please, Jane.

Which glasses?

These glasses.

No, not those. The ones on the shelf.


Yes, please.

Here you are.




Lesson 21 Which book?

give v. 给 one pron. 一个 which question word 哪一个

empty adj. 空的 full adj. 满的 large adj. 大的

little adj. 小的 sharp adj. 尖的,锋利的 small adj. 小的

big adj. 大的 blunt adj. 钝的 box n. 盒子

glass n. 杯子 cup n. 茶杯 bottle n. 瓶子

tin n. 罐头 knife n. 刀子 fork n. 叉子

spoon n. 勺子

give 给,它的主语可以是人,也可以是物:Teaching gives me a lot of pleasure.give sb. sth.

give sth. to sb.

Give me a pen please. 请给我一支钢笔。

Give a pen to me please.

offer 提供,只能是人做主语

provide 免费提供

supply 供应

donate 捐献

contribute 贡献:I have contributed all my life to teaching career.

★ Text

Give me a book please, Jane.

Which book?

This one?

No, not that one. The red one.

This one?

Yes, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Lesson 21 Which book? 哪一本书?

give v. 给 one pron. 一个 which question word 哪一个

Lesson 22 Give me/him/her/us/them a…Which one?



empty adj. 空的 box(boxes) n. 盒子,箱子full adj. 满的 glass(glasses) n. 杯子large adj. 大的 cup(cups) n. 茶杯

little adj. 小的 bottle(bottles) n. 瓶子sharp adj. 尖的,锋利的 tin(tins) n. 罐头small adj. 小的 knife(kinves) n. 刀子big adj. 大的 fork(forks) n. 叉子

blunt adj. 钝的 spoon(spoons) n. 勺子

Lesson 23 Which glasses? 哪几只杯子?

on prep. 在……之上

shelf n. 架子,搁板

Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some…Which ones?



desk n. 课桌

table n. 桌子

plate n. 盘子

cupboard n. 食橱

cigarette n. 香烟

television n. 电视机

floor n. 地板

dressing table 梳妆台

magazine n. 杂志

bed n. 床

newspaper n. 报纸

stereo n. 立体声音响



Lesson 17 How do you do? 你好!

employee n. 雇员

hard-working adj. 勤奋的

sales reps 推销员/5seilz-5reps/

man n. 男人

office n. 办公室

assistant n. 助手

employ/employment 雇用

I need to employ some people to help me do this work.

employer 雇主

employment 工作

一个动词后有 -ee,是被这个动作影响的人;一个动词后有 -er,是做出这个动作的人。-ment名词后缀

hard-working/hard-work/work hard

hard-working adj. 勤奋的 Sophie is a hard-working girl.

hard-work 艰苦的工作 This is a hard-work.

work hard 努力地工作

diligent adj. 勤勉的


Old man!

man-to-man defence 人盯人防守


office building/office clerk/office hours/office worker/office assistant


assistant 助手

assist 援助

P36 Written exercise A

1 He

2 They

3 We

4 She / He

5 She / He

6 They


Lesson 7 Areyou a teacher? (text part)


新概念英语是世界闻名的英语教程。本版是该书出版30年来经作者亲自修订的唯一新版。这套经典教材通过完整的英语学习体系,帮助学生掌握英语的4项基本技能--听、说、读、写,使学生能在学习中最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。此第一册《First Things First英语初阶》的学习对象为英语初学者,共有144课。学习者学完后可以达到初级以下和初级的英语水平。



Teaching aims(教学目标)

1. Knowledge aims(知识目标)

a) To help students understand and use the following words and expressions and make simple sentences: name ,what ,nationality ,job ,keyboard ,operator ,engineer ,what’s ,I’m

b) Translate the sentences to understand the sentences patterns: I am a …. /My name is …/Are you a…./What is your job?

2. Ability aims (能力目标)

a) Be able to talk about someone’s name ,job ,nationality in their daily life using English. b) Develop students’ innovative sense,spirit and ability. 3. Emotion aims(情感态度)

a) To improve the ability of cooperative learning. b) Be polite when they are asking question.

Important points(重点)

1. Improve students’ reading ability and grasp the new words and new sentences patterns 2.Help students to understand the text.

Difficult points(难点)

1. How to use article a and an. 2. Ask some one’s name,job ,nationality in English.


One period 教学方法

1. Task-based approach 采用任务型的教学途径,结合学生的生活经验和兴趣设计相关的任务链,让学生在以个人或小组合作的形式完成任务的过程中学习到相应的语言知识并获得语言能力。

2. Communicative approach


3. Multimedia teaching 充分利用现有的教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生的学习渠道,体改教学效果,本课堂将现代化信息技术与英语课程结合起来,服务于课堂教学。


Step1 Greetings&Lead-in After greeting I will ask for some questions and we will have words dictation which we learnt last period class. And I will start my class. Before starting my class, I will ask some questions to lead in them class. 设计意图:通过提问,又一次复习上节课学过的内容,也引出课文话题,激活学生的学习兴趣。

1. 你叫什么名字? 2. Are you a French student or Japanese student? 3. Is it an English car or an American car? Step2 Reading In this part,teacher ask students to read the dialogue by yourself. ROBERT: I am a new student. My name’s Robert. SOPHIE: Nice to meet you. My name’sSophie. ROBERT: Are you French? SOPHIE: Yes,I am. SOPHIE: Are you French too? ROBERT: No, I am not. SOPHIE: What nationality are you? ROBERT: I’ am Italian. ROBERT: Are you a teacher? SOPHIE: No, I’m not. ROBERT: What is your job? SOPHIE: I’m key board operator. SOPHIE: What’s your job? ROBERT: I’m an engineer. Step 3 Interpreting After reading teacher and students translate above the dialogue into Chinese all together ,meanwhile the teacher should have to explain the text to the students one sentences and one sentences. Step 4 consolidation 设计意图:在学生对课文进行了充分的理解和欣赏的基础上,让学生再次回归课文,以课文为依托,让学生进行语言输出。这样既是对课文的在理解,也是对语言学习的检测。

T: Now try to read the text again and meanwhile translate it by yourself. T: Ok, let’s read text again, please read after me. After this,teacher let students make some conversations with their partner in English or let them to read the text by role playing. Step5 Home work 设计意图:作业是对课上所学内容的延伸。因此,我设计了两份作业,不但为学生创造了巩固课文,运用语言机会,更重要是发挥自己的想象力对所学的内容进行拓展,进而引导学生对相关知识进行进一步探究,促使学生对已有的知识进行加工整合。

1. Read the text after class and recite the dialogue. 2. Make some conversations about job, name,nationality.
