范文网 论文资料 单证中英文对照表汇总(集锦)


单证中英文对照表汇总第一篇:单证中英文对照表汇总中英文物流单证术语对照表分析证书 certificate of analysis 一致性证书 cettificate of conformity 质量证书 certificate of qua。




分析证书 certificate of analysis 一致性证书 cettificate of conformity 质量证书 certificate of quality 测试报告 test report 产品性能报告 product performance report 产品规格型号报告 product specification report 工艺数据报告 process data report 首样测试报告 first sample test report 价格/销售目录 price/sales catalogue 参与方信息 party information 农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate 家产品加工厂证书 post receipt 邮政收据 post receipt 重量证书 weight certificate 重量单 weight list 证书 cerificate 价值与原产地综合证书 combined certificate of value adn origin 移动声明A.TR. movement certificate A.TR. 数量证书 certificate of quantity 质量数据报文 quality data message 查询 Query 查询回复 response to query 订购单 purchase order 制造说明 manufacturing instructions 领料单 stores requisition 产品售价单 invoicing data sheet 包装说明 packing instruction 内部运输单 internal transport order 统计及其他管理用内部单证 statistical and oter administrative internal documents 直接支付估价申请 direct payment valuation request 直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation 临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation 支付估价单 payment valuation 数量估价单 quantity valuation request 数量估价申请 quantity valuation request 合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ 不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ 标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ 询价单 Enquiry 临时支付申请 interim application for payment 支付协议 Agreement to pay 意向书 letter of intent 订单 order 总订单 blanket order 现货订单 sport order 租赁单 lease order 紧急订单 rush order 修理单 repair order 分订单 call off order 寄售单 consignment order 样品订单 sample order 换货单 swap order 订购单变更请求 purchase order change request 订购单回复 purchase order response 租用单 hire order 备件订单 spare parts order 交货说明 delivery instructions 交货计划表 Delivery schedule 按时交货 delivery just-in-time 发货通知 delivery release 交货通知 delivery note 装箱单 packing list 发盘/报价 offer/quotation 报价申请 request for quote 合同 contract 订单确认 acknowledgement of order 形式发票 proforma invoice 部分发票 partial invoice 操作说明 operating instructions 铭牌 name/product plate 交货说明请求 request for delivery instructions 订舱申请 booking request 装运说明 shipping instructions 托运人说明书(空运) shipper’s letter of instructions(air) 短途货运单 cartage order(local transport) 待运通知 ready for dispatch advice 发运单 dispatch order 发运通知 Dispatch advice 单证分发通知 advice of distribution of documents 商业发票 commercial invoice 贷记单 credit note 佣金单 commission note 借记单 debit note 更正发票 corrected invoice 合并发票 consolidated invoice 预付发票 prepayment invoice 租用发票 hire invoice 税务发票 tax invoice 自用发票 self-billed invoice 保兑发票 Delcredere invoice 代理发票 Factored invoice 租赁发票 lease invoice 寄售发票 consignment invoice 代理贷记单 factored credit note 银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer 银行汇票申请书 application for banker’s draft 托收支付通知书 collection payment advice 跟单信用证支付通知书 documentary credit payment advice 跟单信用证承兑通知书 documentary credit acceptance advice 跟单信用证议付通知书 documentary credit negotiation advice 银行担保申请书 application for banker’s guarantee 银行担保 banker’s guarantee

跟单信用证赔偿单 documentary credit letter of indemnity 信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit 托收单 collection order 单证提交单 documents presentation form 付款单 payment order 扩展付款单 extended payment order 多重付款单 multiple payment order 贷记通知书 credit advice 扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice 借记通知书 debit advice 借记撤消 reversal of debit 贷记撤消 reversal of credit 跟单信用证申请书 documentary credit application 跟单信用证 documentary credit 跟单信用证通知书 documentary credit notification 跟单信用证转让通知 documentary credit transfer advice 跟单信用证更改通知书 documentary credit amendment notification 跟单信用证更改单 documentary credit amendment 汇款通知 remittance advice 银行汇票 banker’s draft 汇票 bill of exchange 本票 promissory note 帐户财务报表 financial statement of account 帐户报表报文 statement of account message 保险赁证 insurance certificate 保险单 insurance policy 保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 保险人发票 insurer’s invoice 承保单 cover note 货运说明 forwarding instructions 货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder’s advice to import agent 货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder’s advice to exporter 货运代理发票 forwarder’s invoice

货运代理收据证明 forwarder’s certificate of receipt 托运单 shipping note 货运代理人仓库收据 forwarder’s warehouse receipt 货物收据 goods receipt 港口费用单 port charges documents 入库单 warehouse warrant 提货单 delivery order 装卸单 handling order 通行证 gate pass 运单 waybill 通用(多用)运输单证 universal (multipurpose) transport document 承运人货物收据 goods receipt, carriage 全程运单 House waybill 主提单 master bill of lading 提单 bill of lading 正本提单 bill of lading original 副本提单 bill of lading copy 空集装箱提单 empty container bill 油轮提单 tanker bill of lading 海运单 sea waybill 内河提单 inland waterway bill of lading 不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document (generic) 大副据 mate’s receipt

全程提单 house bill of lading 无提单提货保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading 货运代理人提单 forwarder’s bill of lading

铁路托运单(通用条款) rail consignment note (generic term) 陆运单 road list-SMGS 押运正式确认 escort official recognition 分段计费单证 recharging document 公路托运单 road cosignment note 空运单 air waybill 主空运单 master air waybill 分空运单 Substitute air waybill 国人员物品申报 crew’s effects declaration 乘客名单 passenger list 铁路运输交货通知 delivery notice(rail transport) 邮递包裹投递单 despatch note (post parcels) 多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/combined transport document (generic) 直达提单 through bill of lading 货运代理人运输证书 forwarder’s certificate of transport 联运单证(通用) combined transport document (generic) 多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document (generic) 多式联运提单 combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading 订舱确认 booking confirmation 要求交货通知 calling foward notice 运费发票 freight invoice 货物到达通知 arrival notice(goods) 无法交货的通知 notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods) 无法运货通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods) 交货通知 delivery notice (goods) 载货清单 cargo manifest 载货运费清单 freight manifest 公路运输货物清单 bordereau 集装箱载货清单 container manifes (unit packing list) 铁路费用单 charges note 托收通知 advice of collection 船舶安全证书 safety of ship certificate 无线电台安全证书 safety of radio certificate 设备安全证书 safety of equipment certificate 油污民事责任书 civil liability for oil certificate 载重线证书 loadline document 免于除鼠证书 derat document 航海健康证书 maritime declaration of health 船舶登记证书 certificate of registry 船用物品申报单 ship’s stores declaration 出口许可证申请表 export licence, application 出口许可证 export licence 出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprot T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note moder T T出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T T出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T T管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document T 铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment note TL出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model TL 出口货物报关单 goods declaration for exportation 离港货物报关单 cargo declaration(departure) 货物监管证书申请表 application for goods control certificate 货物监管证书申请表 goods control certificate 植物检疫申请表 application for phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate 卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate 动物检疫证书 veterinary certifieate 商品检验申请表 application for inspection certificate 商品检验证书 inspection certificate 原产地证书申请表 certificate of origin, application for 原产地证书 certificate of origin 原产地申明 declaration of origin 地区名称证书 regional appellation certificate 优惠原产地证书 preference certificate of origin 普惠制原产地证书 certificate of origin form GSP 领事发票 cosular invoice 危险货物申报单 dangerous goods declaration 出口统计报表 statistical doucument, export 国际贸易统计申报单 intrastat declaration 交货核对证明 delivery verification certificate 进口许可证申请表 import licence, application for 进口许可证 import licence 无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without commercial detail 有商业和项目细节的报关单 customs declaration with commercial and item detail 无项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without item detail 有关单证 related document 海关收据 receipt (Customs) 调汇申请 application for exchange allocation 调汇许可 foreign exchange permit 进口外汇管理申报 exchange control declaration (import) 进口货物报关单 goods declaration for implortation 内销货物报关单 goods declaration for home use 海关即刻放行报关单 customs immediate release declaration 海关放行通知 customs delivery note 到港货物报关单 cargo declaration (arrival) 货物价值申报清单 value declaration 海关发票 customs invoice 邮包报关单 customs deciaration (post parcels) 增值税申报单 tax declaration (value added tax) 普通税申报单 tax declaration (general) 催税单 tax demand 禁运货物许可证 embargo permit 海关转运货物报关单 goods declaration for customs transit TIF国际铁路运输报关单 TIF form TIR国际公路运输报关单 TIR carnet 欧共体海关转运报关单 EC carnet EUR欧共体原产地证书 EUR certificate of origin 暂准进口海关文件 ATA carnt 欧共体统一单证 single administrative document 海关一般回复 general response (Customs) 海关公文回复 document response (Customs) 海关误差回复 error response (Customs) 海关一揽子回复 packae response (Customs) 海关计税/确认回复 tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs) 配额预分配证书 quota prior allocation certificate 最终使用授权书 end use authorization 政府合同 government contract 进口统计报表 statistical document, import 跟单信用证开证申请书 application for documentary credit 先前海关文件/报文 previous Customs document/message





Shipping agent 船舶代理

Handling Agent 操作代理

Booking Agent 订舱代理

Cargo Canvassing 揽货

FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金

Brokerage / Commission 佣金


Booking 订舱

Booking Note 订舱单

Booking Number 订舱号

Dock Receipt 场站收据

M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单

Cable/Telex Release 电放

A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书

PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员

The said party 所涉及的一方

On Board B/L: On Board提单

Cancellation 退关箱


BP Base Port 基本港

Prompt release 即时放行

Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间

Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地

Second Carrier (第)二程船

In transit 中转

Transportation hub 中转港


Tractor 牵引车/拖头

Low-bed 低平板车

Trailer 拖车

Transporter 拖车

Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)

Axle load 轴负荷

Tire-load 轮胎负荷

Toll Gate 收费口


Bonded Area 保税区

Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物

Bonded Warehouse 保税库

Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管

Fork Lift 叉车

Loading Platform 装卸平台


A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班

A fortnight sailing 双周班

A bi-weekly sailing 周双班

A monthly sailing 每月班

On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离

ETA :Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间

ETB: Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间

ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间

The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。 船期/船舶如有变更将不作事先通知

Closing Date:截止申报时间

Cut-off time:截关日


Ocean Freight 海运费

Sea Freight 海运费

Freight Rate 海运价

Charge / Fee (收)费

Dead Freight 空舱费

Dead Space: Space in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized 亏舱

Surcharge / Additional Charge 附加费

Toll 桥/境费

Charges that are below a just and reasonable level 低于正当合理的收费

Market Price Level 市场价水平

Special Rate 特价

Rock Bottom Price 最低底价

Best Obtainable Price 市场最好价

CC Freight to Collect 到付运费

Freight Payable At Destination 到付运费

Back Freight 退货运费

Fixed Price 固定价格

Comm. Commission 佣金

Rebate 回扣/折扣

Drayage charge: made for local hauling by dray or truck 拖运费

GRI :General Rate Increase 运价上调

SGRI :Second General Rate Increase 第二次运价上调

GRD :General Rate Decrease 运价下调

TGRD :Temporary General Rate Decrease 临时运价下调

PSS :Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费

Wharf age: A charge assessed by a pier against freight handled over the pier 码头附加费

THC :Terminal Handling Charge 码头操作附加费

ORC :Origin Receiving Charge 始发接单费

CUC :Chassis Usage Charge 拖车运费

IAC :Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S. Inland Surcharge) 内陆运输附加费

DDC :Destination Delivery Charge (目的地卸货费)

OAC: Origin Accessory Charge 始发港杂费

MAF: Manifest Amendment Fee 舱单改单费


For prompt shipment 立即出运

Cargo Supplier (供)货方

Upcoming Shipment 下一载货

Same Assignment 同一批货

Nomination Cargo 指定(指派)货

Indicated / Nominated Cargo 指装货

Shipments under B/L No。XXX提单货

Cargo Volume 货量

Freight Volume 货量

Reefer Cargo 冷冻货

High-value Cargo (goods) 高价货

Miss Description 虚报货名

Agreement Rate 协议运价

D & H dangerous and hazardous 危险品


S/O Shipping Order 托(运)单

B/L Bill of Lading 提单

B/L Copy 提单副本

OBL Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单

HBL House Bill of Lading 无船承运人提单

TBL Through Bill of Lading 全程提单

Advanced BL Advanced Bill of lading 预借提单

Anti-Dated BL Anti-dated Bill of Lading 倒签提单

Blank BL Blank Bill of Lading 空白提单

‘To Order’B/L 指示提单

Combined Bill 并单(提单)

Separate Bill 拆单(提单)

Straight B/L: A non-negotiable B/L。the Pomerene Act governs its operation in the US。 记名提单

On Board B/L :A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C =On Board提单

Shipped B/L: A B/L issued only after the goods have actually been shipped on board the vessel,as distinguished from the received for Shipments B/L 已出运的货物提单 (On Board B/L; Shipped B/L 已装船提单 )

Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单

Transshipment B/L 转船提单

Through B/L 联运提单

Shipper(Consignee)Box 发(收)货人栏(格)

Arrival Notice 到货通知书:M/F: Manifest document that lists in detail all the Bs/L issued by a vessel or its agent or master,i.e.,a detailed summary of the total cargo 舱单

Batch Filing 批量报备

Manifest Discrepancy 舱单数据不符

Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 收到舱单回执

Packing List 装箱单

Cargo Receipt 承运货物收据

D/R Dock Receipt 场站收据

D/O Delivery Order 交货单(小提单)

Shipper’s Export Declaration 货主出口申报单

Shipping Advice 装运通知(似舱单 NVOCC用)

Manifest information 舱单信息 FCN Freight Correction Notice 舱单更改单(通知)

Surrender O B/L copies for consignment 交回提单副本

Release Note receipt signed by customer acknowledging delivery of goods 货物收讫单

(十)Inspection-related Terms 检验相关术语

Customs Inspection 海关查验

Commodity Inspection 商品检验

Tally 理货

Tally Report 理货报告

Check 查验/检查/核对


Animal / Plant Inspection 动植物检验

INSP Inspection / Inspector 检验/检验员

Certificate of Origin (normally issued or signed by a Chamber of Commerce or Embassy ) (始发地)原产地证书

Arbitration 仲裁

ACH :Automated Clearing House ( part of ACS ) 自动清关

AMS :Automated Manifest System ( for anti-terrorism ) 自动舱单(反恐)申报系统

CSS :Cargo Selectivity System 货物抽验

CHB :Customs House Broker 报关行

SED :(EX-DEC) Shipper’s Export Declaration 货主出口报关单




QUOTAs Quantity of one HTS item allowed to be imported at either higher or lower rate of duties.进口配额

DDP: Delivery Duty Paid 完税

DDU: Delivery Duty Unpaid 未完税

DRAWBACK:Duties payment refunded because freight is re-exported or for similar circumstances退税金额

Customs fine 海关罚款

Customs seals 海关关封

Application for inspection 检验申请

To expedite the clearance 加快清关

Pilferage 盗窃/偷窃

To be liable for a penalty of 受到。。。处罚

Non-fraudulent violation of the regulation 非故意违反规定

To file certifications with Customs 向海关申报有效证明

To follow the current procedure 遵循现行程序

To abide by 。。。rule 遵照。。。规定

To provide specific language 提供一定说法

To be not authorized 不予认可


COC Carrier’s Own Container(CARRIER OWNED CTN) 船东自有箱

Container Cleaning 洗箱

VEN Ventilated 通风

FRZ Frozen 冰冻

HTD Heated 加热

I.D. Inside Dimension 箱内尺码

Inside Measurement 箱内尺码

TW ( TARE WEIGHT ) The weight of an empty container 箱子皮重

Container Leasing Co。 租箱公司 Equipment Exchange (Interchange) Receipt 设备交接单

Repositioning 集装箱回空

Container Leasing long-term / short-term lease 集装箱租赁 长期 / 短期

Leasing Company 租箱公司

premises for longer period than provided in Tariff 空箱滞箱费

Demurrage 重箱滞箱费


ANER 亚洲北美东行运费协定 Asia North America Eastbound Rate


BAF(燃油附加费):BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTOR BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。 BAF 燃油附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor B/L(提单):BILL OF LADING B/L 海运提单 Bill of Lading B/L (bill of lading)提单 B/R 买价 Buying Rate


CFR 成本加运费(„„指定目的港) CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价 C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT C&F 成本加海运费 COST AND FREIGHT CIF 成本、保险费加运费付至(„„指定目的港)

CIF 成本,保险加海运费 COST,INSURANCE,FRIGHT CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT FOB (离岸价):FREE ON BOARD CPT 运费付至(„„指定目的港) CPT 运费付至目的地 Carriage Paid To CIP 运费、保险费付至(„„指定目的地)

CIP 运费、保险费付至目的地 Carriage and Insurance Paid To CY/CY 整柜交货(起点/终点) C.Y. 货柜场 Container Yard CY(码头):CONTAINER YARD CFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATION C/D (customs declaration)报关单 C.C.(运费到付):COLLECT C.C 运费到付 Collect CNTR NO. (柜号):CONTAINER NUMBER C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱

C.S.C 货柜服务费 Container Service Charge C/(CNEE) 收货人 Consignee C/O 产地证 Certificate of Origin CAF 货币汇率附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor CFS 散货仓库 Container Freight Station CFS/CFS 散装交货(起点/终点) CHB 报关行 Customs House Broker COMM 商品 Commodity CTNR 柜子 Container


DAF 边境交货(„„指定地点) DAF 边境交货 Delivered At Frontier DES 目的港船上交货(„„指定目的港) DES 目的港船上交货 Delivered Ex Ship DEQ 目的港码头交货(„„指定目的港) DEQ 目的港码头交货 Delivered Ex Quay DDU 未完税交货(„„指定目的地) DDU 未完税交货 Delivered Duty Unpaid DDP 完税后交货(„„指定目的地) DDP 完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid DDC、IAC 直航附加费,美加航线使用

DDC 目的港码头费 Destination Delivery Charge DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元

D/P(document against payment)付款交单 D/P 付款交单 Document Against Payment DOC (document)文件、单据 DOC(文件费):DOCUMENT CHARGE Doc# 文件号码 Document Number D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单 D/A 承兑交单 Document Against Acceptance DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打

D/O 到港通知 Delivery Order


EXW 工厂交货(„„指定地点) Ex 工厂交货 Work/ExFactory ETA(到港日):ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL ETD(开船日):ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY ETC(截关日):ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般 是非洲航线、中南美航线使用 EXP(export)出口 EA(each)每个,各

EPS 设备位置附加费 Equipment Position Surcharges


FCA 货交承运人(„„指定地点) FCA 货交承运人 Free Carrier FAS 船边交货(„„指定装运港) FOB 船上交货(„„指定装运港) FOB 船上交货 Free On Board FOB (离岸价):FREE ON BOARD CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT FCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD FCL 整柜 Full Container Load LCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOAD FAF 燃油价调整附加费(日本航线专用) FAF 燃料附加费 Fuel Adjustment Factor FAC(facsimile)传真

Form A ---产地证(贸易公司) F/F 货运代理 Freight Forwarder FAK 各种货品 Freight All Kind FAS 装运港船边交货 Free Alongside Ship Feeder Vessel/Lighter 驳船航次

FEU 40‘柜型 Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40’

FMC 联邦海事委员会 Federal Maritime Commission FIO是FREE IN AND OUT的意思,指船公司不付装船和卸船费用 FIOST条款,指船公司不负责装,卸,平舱,理舱 FI是FREE IN的意思,指船公司不付装

FO是FREE OUT的意思,同理指船公司不付卸


GRI 综合费率上涨附加费,一般是南美航线、美国航线使用 GRI 全面涨价 General Rate Increase G.W.(gross weight)毛重 G.W.(gross weight)毛重 N.W.(net weight)净重

G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制


HB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADING HBL 子提单 House B/L H/C 代理费 Handling Charge

I 组

IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用 INT(international)国际的 INV (invoice)发票 IMP(import)进口

I/S 内销售 Inside Sales IA 各别调价 Independent Action

J 组



FCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD LCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOAD LCL 拼柜 Less Than Container Load L/C (letter of credit)信用证 L/C 信用证 Letter of Credit Land Bridge 陆桥 M 组

MB/L 主提单 Master Bill Of Loading MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨

M/T 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) Measurement Ton MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的

MLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口 Minnie Land Bridge Mother Vessel 主线船

MTD 多式联运单据 Multimodal Transport Document


NOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIER NVOCC 无船承运人 Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier N.W.(net weight)净重 N/F 通知人 Notify


O/F 海运费 Ocean Freight O/F(海运费):OCEAN FREIGHT ORC(广东地区原产地收货费):ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGE OB/L(海运提单):OCEAN BILL OF LADING OBL 海运提单 Ocean (or original )B/L ORC 本地出口附加费,和SPS类似,一般在华南地区使用 ORC 本地收货费用(广东省收取) Origen Receive Charges OCP 货主自行安排运到内陆点 Overland Continental Point OP 操作 Operation


POD 目地港 Port Of Destination POL 装运港 Port Of Loading PSS 旺季附加费 Peak Season Surcharges PSS(旺季附加费):PEAK CEASON SURCHARGE PSS 旺季附加费,大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用 REF (reference)参考、查价 RMB人民币

PR或PRC(price) 价格 P/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAID P.P 预付 Prepaid PCS 港口拥挤附加费,一般是以色列、印度某些港口及中南美航线使用 PCS 港口拥挤附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge PTF 巴拿马运河附加费,美国航线、中南美航线使用 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表 PCT (percent)百分比

PUR (purchase)购买、购货


S/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDER S/O 装货指示书 Shipping Order SEAL NO. (铅封号)

S/C(sales contract)销售确认书 S/C 售货合同 Sales Contract SC 服务合同 Service Contract STL.(style)式样、款式、类型

SPS 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区) S.S(steamship)船运

S/M (shipping marks)装船标记 S/(Spry) 发货人 Shipper S/R 卖价 Selling Rate S/S Spread Sheet Spread Sheet SSL 船公司 Steam Ship Line SDR special drawing rights 特别提款权


THC(码头费):TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE THC 码头操作费(香港收取) Terminal Handling Charges T/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSIT T/T 航程 Transit Time T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇

T.O.C 码头操作费 Terminal Operations Option T.R.C 码头收柜费 Terminal Receiving Charge T/S 转船,转运 Trans-Ship TVC/ TVR 定期定量合同 Time Volume Contract/ Rate TEU 20‘柜型 Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit 20’ TTL 总共 Total T或LTX或TX(telex)电传



VOCC 船公司 Vessel Operating Common Carrier


W (with)具有 WT(weight)重量

W/T 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) Weight Ton w/o(without)没有

W/M 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 Weight or Measurement ton


YAS 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用) YAS 码头附加费 Yard Surcharges

第三篇:外贸英文函电 单证业务

实验三 单证业务

【实验项目编号】4161304620003 【实验项目名称】单证业务 【实验目的】


2.OFFER以及COUNTER OFFER的应用; 3.信用证的应用; 【实验设备】


2.Windows2000操作系统; 【实验步骤及内容】

Offer(报盘) An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated. It is usually made either by way of advertisements, circulars and letters or in reply to inquiries. In international business, offers can be divided into two kinds: firm offer and non-firm offer. A firm offer is capable of acceptance and once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn. Non-firm offers don’t have binding force on offerors and offers.

Counter-Offer(还盘) If an offeree does not agree with any of some of the transaction terms of quotation or a firm offer, he sent a counter offer. A counter offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer and also a counter proposal initiated by the offeree.

When we write a counter offer, which should include: (1)An expression of thanks for the offer (2)Express regret at inability to accept (3)Reasons for inability to accept the offer (4)Our own terms and conditions upon which business is likely to materialize (5)A wish of business opportunities in future

Letter of Credit(信用证) Letter of credit is a written undertaking by the issuing bank to the beneficiary (exporter), under which the bank undertakes to pay the beneficiary a sum certain in money within a designated time period and against any stipulated terms and conditions. L/C is based on banking credit. In China, it is the most common method of payment. (参看信用证样本)

Useful Expressions: (1)We counter offer as follows: … (2)Our counteroffer is well founded. (3)Owing to shortage of stock, we regret that we are unable to accept your quotation. (4)We regret to note that you have turned down our counteroffer. (5)If you accept our counteroffer, we will inform our end-users to buy from you. (6)This is our lowest price; we can’t make any further reduction. (7)Your quotation is on high (low) side. (8)The price you quoted are much higher than those of other suppliers. (9)Please quote us for the goods listed on the enclosed inquiry sheet, giving your prices CIF Shanghai. Please also state your earliest delivery date, your terms of payment, and discounts for regular purchases. (10)Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment? (11)Thank you for your letter of February 15th, 2010. As requested, we submit our quotation in triplicate and wish for you to place your order with us as early as possible.

(12)We have sent you by airmail some samples. We are sure after you have studied them you are certain to agree that our products are excellent in quality and reasonable in price. (13)The profit margin for these products is so thin that any price reduction would make business transactions pointless. (14)We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it appears to be on the high sight.


China National Textile Imp. & Exp. Corporation

Shanghai Home Textiles Branch

Shanghai, China

25th July, 2010

Vancouver Textile Corp. 356 Madison Street Vancouver, Canada


We welcome you for your inquiry of 15th July and thank you for your interest in our export commodities. We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover, we are sending you some samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. We trust that when you see them you will agree that our products appeal to the most selective buyer.

We allow a proper discount according to the quantity ordered. As to the terms of payment we usually require letter of credit payable by sight draft.

Thank you again for your interest in our products. We are looking forward to your order and you may be assured that it will receive our prompt and careful attention.

Truly yours,


A.B.Greenwood & Co., Ltd

315 Lens Road London, England

February 24, 2010

China National Import & Export Corp. Tianjin China Dear Sirs,

We wish to thank you for your letter of the 20th Feb. Offering us 50 long tons of the captioned goods at USD 105.00 per long ton CIF London, usual terms.

In reply, we very much regret to state that our end-users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level. Information indicates that the sugar of England market have been sold at the level of USD 98.00 per long ton.

Such being the case, it is impossible for us to persuade our end-users to accept your price, as good of similar quality is easily obtainable at a much lower figure. Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say 8%, we might come to terms.

It is in view of our long standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer. As the market is declining, we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and fax us acceptance at your earliest convenience.

We are anticipating your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Exercises: 中国A方,英国B方。

英国希望进口20吨东北大米,从连云港到利物浦,中国报出CIF最低价10,000,000GBP。B方以这批大米的质量一般为由要求减价,A方认为,英镑会进一步贬值,以天气恶劣,大幅减产以及全球粮食价格暴涨为由不同意降价。 最后英国要求选择一个适合它的支付方式。(自定)



风筒Hairdryer双压制 Voltage System(Dual Pressure) 黄胶 Yellow Adhesive

夹线片Cord Clamp 前网Front Grille 软胶垫Cushion

后盖End Cap/Back Cover 制盖Switch Cover集风咀Concentrator 前壳Front Housing 后壳Rear Housing 推制Slide Switch 恒温器 Thermostat 风叶Fan

摩打架Motor Frame

冻风制盖Cool-Shot Button 保护网Protection Cover 网架Filter Frame

制座片 Switch Sliding Plate 前筒Front Barrel 上壳Upper Housing 下壳Lower Housing 左壳 Left Housing 右壳 Right Housing 前网 Front Grill

后保护网 Rear Protection Net 风叶杯士 Fan Bushing

摩打架组件 Motor Assembly 左制盖 Switch Cover (Left) 右制盖 Switch Cover (Right) 前面具 Front Mask 后面具 Rear Mask

隔热通 Heater Tube (Heater Shade) 隔热罩 Heater Shroud 挂钩 Hanging Loop 护线套 Cord Guard

Lcd装饰圈 Lcd Deco Cover Lcd盖 Lcd Cover 大风罩 Diffuser

手柄装饰片 Handle Deco Plate 大身装饰片 Housing Deco Plate 装饰条 Deco Strip

功能键 Function Button 小风咀 Big Concentrator 大风咀 Small Concentrator 大窄口风咀 Wide Concentrator 橡胶圈 Rubber Gasket 电源线 Power Cord

电源线组件 Power Cord Set 左手柄 Left Handle 右手柄right Handle 电源开关 Power Switch 推动开关 Push Switch 冷风开关 Cool Switch 滑动开关 Slide Switch 转环 Rotate Ring

负离子 Ion Generator 风速键 Speed Button 热风键 Heat Button 云母纸 Mica Sheet 云母片 Mica Plate 尼龙扎带 Nylon Tie 入风网 Inlet Mesh 夹线片 Clamp Plate 固定片 Fix Plate 发热线 Heating Wire 纤维绳 Fibre Glass String 鸡眼 Eyelet

平介子 Washer Flat 铜套 Coopper Bushing 宝险丝 Fuse 电感 Choke Coil

陶瓷电容 Capacitor Ceramic 整流器 Rectifier(Diode) 纤维管 Fibre Glass Tube 导风圈 Lead Loop

负离子开关制盖 Ion Switch Cover 防卷发器 Hair Entrapment 负离子开关 Ion Switch 电容 Capacitor 电阻 Resistor 引线 Lead Wire 裸铜线 Copper Wire

热缩管 Heat Shrinkage Tube 线耳 Terminal Ring 锡线 Solder Wire

奶嘴 Close End Connector 可控硅 Triac

网架 Grill Bracket 卡通箱 Cartoon Box

上下隔卡 Protection Card Board 彩盒 Gift Box

上吸塑罩 Tray (Upper) 下吸塑罩 Tray (Lower) 纸卡 Protective Card 说明书 Instruction Book 保证书 Guarantee Card

维修地址 Maintanence Card 胶袋 Plastic Bag

条形码贴纸 Bar Code Label 警告贴纸 Cord Tag 胶纸 Transparent Tape 连接器 Linker

灯盖 Lamp Cover(Led Cover) 弹簧 Spring

硅胶纤维通 Silicon Rubber Fg Tubing 奶灯 Neon Lamp 螺丝盖 Screw Cover 自攻螺丝 Screw Taptite

第 1 頁,共 1 頁

纤维胶布 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape 绝缘胶纸 Kapton Tape

散热膏 Heat Sink Compound 电路板组件 Pcb Assembly(Pcba) 碳膜电阻 Carbon Film Fixed Resistor 负离子针 Ion Pin 铜带 Brass Terminal

插座组件 Power Jack Assembly 绳扣 String Clip 橡胶垫 Rubber Pad

机牙螺丝 Screw Machine 润滑油 Lubricate

海棉过滤网 Sponge Filter 绉纹胶纸 Crepe Masking Tape









































