范文网 论文资料 南海区六年级英语期末(集锦)


南海区六年级英语期末第一篇:南海区六年级英语期末六年级英语期末试卷榴城镇学区六年级英语期末试卷满分100分 得分_________一、请找出划线部分读音与其他三项不同的一项,将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ()1. A. egg B。





满分100分 得分_________

一、请找出划线部分读音与其他三项不同的一项,将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ()1. A. egg B. let C. dress D. she ()2. A. goodnight B. night C. ring D. tonight ()3. A. today B. stay C. play D. fly ()4. A. bike B. nice C. fine D. it ()5. A. three B. there C. thank D.fourth

二、按要求写出下列单词适当形式 (10分)

1.him(主格)__________ 2.stay(第三人称单数形式)__________ 3.drink(过去式)__________4.dance(现在分词)______________ 5.number(缩写)______________6.heavy(比较级)_____________ 7.sheep(复数)_____________8.swim(过去式)_______________ 9.two(序数词)______________10.photo(复数)_______________

三、英汉互译。 (10分)

1. 在暑假期间_______________2.玩得开心_______________ 3. take a deep breath__________4.the first class__________ 5. have a headache___________

四、单项选择 (20分)

1. There is ______old football.I like to play_____football. A. the,the B. a,the C. an,the D. an,/ 2. She likes__________kites the best. A. make B. made C. makeing D. making 3. You are 3_______ _______than me. A. years old B. year older C. years older D.years old 4. There______a teacher and 50 students in the classroom.

A. be B. is C. have D. are 5. -----Is she a taxi driver? -----_______.She is a postwoman.

A.No,she isn’t B.Yes,she is

C.No,she is D.Yes, she isn’t 6. Are there_____tall trees in the park? A. some B. a C. any D.an 7. _____he_____football last weekend?

A. Did,played B. Did,play C. Did,plays D.Does,played 8. Lisa often_______her homework after supper. A. does B. did C. do D. is 9. Look at the man over there,he is_____uncle. A. Jim’s and Tim’s B. Jim’s and Tim C. Jim and Tim D. Jim and Tim’s 10. The concert is___nine o’clock_____Tuesday. A. at,in B. in,from C. from,at D. at,on

五、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10分) 1. I______( row ) a boat last Sunday. 2. The boy can ______( draw ) a tiger. 3. Can you help ______( we )?

4. Chen Jie and Sarah __________(listen)to music now. 5. Would you like __________( some ) juice ?


1.with ,father ,my , mountain , I , climbed , a , yesterday(.) _______________________________________________________ 2.having , Jane , a , is , party , birthday (.)

_______________________________________________________ 3.yesterday , did , fly , her , kites , you , with (?) _______________________________________________________ 4.buy , I , to , want , new , magazine , a (.) _______________________________________________________ 5. help , you ,could , me , lessons, my , with (?) _______________________________________________________


1. Zhang Peng is 39 kilograms. Lucy is 43 kilograms.(合并句子) Zhang Peng is ________ kilograms _________ _________ Lucy. 2. Tom does homework everyday . (改成一般疑问句) ________________________________________________________ 3. There are some trees in front of the school.(改为否定句) ________________________________________________________ 4. I’m going to buy a pair of glasses.(对划线部分提问) _______________________________________________________ 5. Today is sunny .(对划线部分提问) ______is the weather _______ today ?

八、从B栏中选出A栏的答语。 (10分) A 1. Did you watch cartoons yesterday? 2. What did David do last Monday? 3. Who did you play football with? 4. Was it interesting? 5. What’s for lunch? 6. How long are your legs? 7. How much are your shirts? 8. When are you going to the bookstore? 9. What’s your father’s hobby? 10. Is there a cinema near the park?

B 1. Yes is was. 2. My friends. 3. No,there isn’t.

4. They are 78 centimeters long.

5. At three o’clock on Saturday afternoon. 6. They are fifty yuan. 7. No, I didn’t. 8. Some chicken. 9. He went boating..

10. He likes playing football.


David is from Australia. But he is in china now. He lives in Beijing. He is eight years old. He is a good student. He has lots of hobbies. He likes collecting stamps. He often shows them to his classmates. David also likes playing chess, watching cartoons and playing football. He often watches cartoons with his sister. Sometimes he plays chess with his father. David likes football very much. After school, he usually plays football with his classmates on the playground.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. David is an American boy. ( )2. David is in Beijing now.

( )3. David doesn’t like collecting stamps. ( )4. David often plays chess with his sisters.

( )5. David often plays soccer with his classmates on the playground.






)3. In this photo, it’s _________ to rain.

A. starting

B. start

C. starts



)1. A. happy

B. angry

C. eat (

)2. A. snow

B. cloudy

C. sunny (

)3. A. stamp

B. fork

C. knife (

)4. A. snake

B. bamboo

C. panda (

)5. A. spent

B. flew

C. get

二、选出下列每组单词画线部分发音不同的一项 (

)1.A. card

B. party

C. warm

D. start (

)2. A. look

B. balloon C. food

D. school (

)3. A. wear

B. careful

C. where

D. hear (

)4. A. mess

B. help

C. name

D. get (

)5. A. hour

B. hamburger C. hot

D. holiday



)1. Here are your hot dogs. Enjoy ________meal.

A. you

B. we


)2. She is swimming, but it__________ too cold.

A. get

B. gets

C. your C. getting


)4. Why are you wearing a raincoat?__________ it’s going to rain.

A. Will

B. Because

C. But (

)5. It’s easy _____ make mistakes with English words.

A. to

B. in

C. for (

)6. It was a book _________space travel.

A. for

B. to

C. about (

)7. My brother is very interested _________ music.

A. on

B. to

C. in (

)8. Yang Liwei _________into space in Shenzhou V.

A. fly

B. flew

C. flying


)9. It will _________ in Hangzhou tomorrow.

A. warm

B. windy

C. be windy (

)10. We are going to _________ French in middle school.

A. studying

B. studied

C. study (

)11. The young man will ________ the old woman.

A. help

B. helps

C. to help


1. I am ______________(look) out of the window. 2. They _____________(buy) this book about China yesterday. 3. Why do you_____________(have) cups on your heads? 4. We are going to___________(study) English and Chemistry. 5. What do you want___________(eat)?

五、根据首字母或汉语写出单词,使句子完整,答对5个空即可。 1. Daming is playing the suona for the third_________, but the dog starts to bark very loudly. 2. The apples are f_______ down the stairs. What a m_________(凌乱)! 3. In this photo, the cows are d__________ water. 4. -------How much is the hamburger?

-------It’s twelve d___________ and ten cents. 5. Look at the ducks! They are eating our ______________(三明治).


1. will, It, windy, be, Beijing, in (.)_____________________________________ 2. are, birds, The, in, singing, the, tree (.)_______________________________ 3. couldn’t, She, see, or, hear (.)______________________________________ 4. the, are, apples, down, The, falling, stairs(.)___________________________

5. yesterday, a, park, We, in, picnic, had, the(.)__________________________

七、选择正确的答语,将代号写在括号中 A. At half past six. B. I can help you. C. He is crying. D. It’s seven dollars. E. Hamburgers.


)1. What is Tom doing? (

)2. Who can help me? (

)3. When are you going to eat? (

)4. What do you want to eat? (

)5. How much is it?



Good morning, everyone! Here’s China report. It is rainy in Haikou today, you’d better wear a raincoat. Beijing is sunny today, you’d better wear coat. You must wear a sweater today in Harbin. Because it is snowy in Harbin. Lhasa is windy, you’d better wear long trousers. Xi’an is warm, you’d better wear short boots. The report is over. May you be happy every day! Goodbye. (

)1. It’s going to snow tomorrow. Where am I?

A. Haikou

B. Beijing

C. Harbin

D. Lhasa (

)2. Tomorrow I am going to wear a raincoat. Where am I?

A. Haikou

B. Beijing

C. Harbin

D. Lhasa (

)3. I am in Beijing. What am I going to wear?

A. Sweater

B. Raincoat

C. Boots

D. Coat (

)4. What’s the weather like in Lhasa?

A. Windy

B. Sunny

C. Warm

D. Rainy (

)5. How many cities does this report mention?

A. Four

B. Five

C. Six

D. Seven

B 仔细阅读,判断正(T)误(F)

Today is Sunday. The Smith family is at home. Mrs Smith is in the kitchen. She is cooking. Mr Smith is sitting in a chair and reading the newspaper. Tom and his friend Dick are cleaning the bicycle. Jane and her friend Mary are in Jane’s bedroom. They are listening to a tape. How happy they are! (

)6. Mrs Smith is in the kitchen. (

)7. Mr Smith is talking to his wife. (

)8. Tom and Dick are cleaning the bedroom.


)9. Mrs Smith is Mary’s mother. (

)10.” Kitchen” means”厨房”.



能用到的词汇和句子:I have got……,favourite,beautiful,interesting,I haven’t got……,I want to have……

要求:1.语义连贯,句子通顺,表达清楚,注意动词的正确形式。 2.要注意大小写和标点符号,句子至少8个,单词至少40个。

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


一、每题1分 CAABC




11 A


1.looking 2.bought 3.have 4.study 5.to eat



2.falling, mess


4. dollars



1. It will be windy in Beijing. 2. The birds are singing in the tree. 3. She couldn’t see or hear. 4. The apples are falling down the stairs. 5. We had a picnic in the park yesterday.





I have many toys.They are all in my bedroom.I have got a toy plane. I have got a computer. I have got an American kite.My pen friend sent it to me last year.I like it very much.I also have a doll,a car,a phone and so on.But I haven’t got any Japanese books.I want to have one.































学校 班级 姓名 考号



1,————(星)2,—————(淋浴)3,———直线 4,————(雨)5,—————(圣诞老人) 二,

短语连线。(10分) 1,make supper

A,穿上 2,Christmas tree

B,做晚饭 3,put up


4, take off

D,举起,直立 5, put on


三,单项选择。(请从A,B,C中选择最佳答案) ( )1,This is _____old story .

A, an

B, a

C, the

( )2, We saw two _____playing cards . A, child

B. childs

C, children ( )3, He usually ______ his mother . A, help B, helps

C. is helping

( )4, _____we are going to buy Christmas gifts . A, Tomorrow

B. Often

C. Yesterday ( )5,Where are you _____? A. for

B. in C. from

( )6, He wants _____us some toys . A, to give B. give C. giving

( )7, What _____he often do on Sunday ? A, do B, does C. is

( ) 8, ---_____is it ?----It’s 8:00.

A. How many B. What C. What time

( )9, Yesterday my friends ____gifts for me . A. bring B. brought C. are going to bring ( ) 10. Ther _____fout seasons in a year . A. are

B. is C. have


1.dirty(反义词) 2. dry(反义词) 3.people(复数) 4. man(复数) 5.eat(过去式) 6. bring(过去式) 7.teach(第三人称单数) 8. like(第三人称单数) 9.write(现在分词) 10. sit(现在分词)


( )1.Here’s what I like to do? A.这个比第一个小。 ( )2.This one is smaller than the first. B.他是一位伟大的教师。 ( )3.He was a great teacher. C. 她会弹钢琴。 ( )4.Let’s put a line for never. D.这是我喜欢做的事。 ( )5.She can play the piano. E.让我们用直线代表从不。

六、选择正确的一项(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1. I don’t think . A. too B. so C.to ( )2. I a star for the tree tomorrow. A. brought B. bring C.am going to bring ( )3. Would you a new sweater? A. like to B.to C.like ( )4. We put stars our Christmas trees. A. up B. on C.in ( )5. I helped Mr. Smith with the Christmas lights. A. Yesterday B. Today C.Tomorrow ( )6. The summer sun is . A. hot B. cool C.cold ( )7.I’m putting my hat now. A. on B. in C.off ( )8. Sometimes he noodles. A. eat B. eating C.eats. ( )9. We often to school. A. walk B.walks C.walking ( )10.He skates backward . A. slow B.down C.slowly


1、Mum is cooking eggs on the .

2、The juice is in the . 3. We wash dishes in the

4、How many lines a triangle?

5、Do you have lunch 12:00? ( at sink stove glass make)

八、口语配对。(每小题2分,共14分) ( )1.What time is it? A. I’m washing the dishes. ( )2.What are you doing? B. It’s 7:00. ( )3.Where are you from? C. It’s rainy and cool. ( )4.How’s the weather today? D. I’m from China. ( )5.What would you like for lunch? E.It’s twenty degrees. ( )6.What’s the temperature? F. I’d like noodles. ( )7.What’s Christmas? G. It’s a western holiday.


1、do I did How

2、play to I outside want to go

3、sun sit I to in like the

4、a gift opens quickly She

5、like car a new I would

6、a day sunny What


My name is LiMing. I am a Chinese boy at the age of six. I live in Canada. Today is Christmas. It’s my first Christmas in Canada. It snows outside, The weather is very cold. In the morning, I get up early and open my gift from santa。 It’s a nice gift, and I like it very much.Then I make a snowman with my cousin. In the evening, I have a big meal at home. How delicious it is! ( )1. Li Ming is Canadian. ( )2.It’s the first Christmas for Li Ming in Canada. ( )3. Li Ming doesn’t like his gift. ( )4. Li Ming makes a snowman with his brother. ( )5. The weather is cold.




1.博物馆________2.跷跷板__________3.书架_______4.秋千___________ 5.教师节________6.forget(过去时)____________7.child(复数) _________ 8.take a bus(同义词) ________9.far(反义词)________ 10.do some washing(译汉)_________ 11.WATERFLOWERSFISH(写一个单词) ______ 12.can(否定缩写形式)________ 13.hear(同音词) ____________ 名姓


1. —— May I use your English book? —— ________ A.Yes B.No C.Certainly 号考2.Let’s________a present to our teacher. A.send B.sending C.to send 3.Would you like to come and listen with_____________? A.I B.me C.we 4.She is _______ some washing. 级班 A.do B.doing C.does 5.They are ________ the slide. A.on B.at C.in 6.There _______ a pillow and two quilts on the bed. A.is B.am 校学 C.are 7.Which is the way ________ the cinema? A.on B.in C. to 8.We’d better ______basketball in the afternoon.

A.to play



9. —— What’s wrong with him? —— He ________ a head. A.have B.is C.has 10.—— What are you going to do this afternoon? —— I ______ play football. A. am going B.am going to C.is going to 11.Outside the school gate ___8 o’clook __the morning.

A.at at B.at on C.at in 12.—— Tom is a Japanese boy. —— He _____ from Japan. A.am B.are C.is 13.He’s a popular teacher . He’s very _____ to us. A.friend B.friends C.friendly

14.—— Li Ming’s father is from China. —— He is _______ teacher. A.Chinese B.China C.Chinas

三、认真读一读,再把正确答案写在横线上。(10分) 1. I have ______ (a an) English book.

2. I (want want to) say happy birthday to her. 3. He _____ (like likes) playing ping-pang. 4.They are on the ______ (swing swings) .

5.The gym is ______(in on) the middle of the school. 6.There ______ (are is) some boys under the tree. 7.How can I get ______ (on to) the library.

8.What’s wrong with wrong with ________ (they them). 9. Li Ming’s mother ________ (have has) a bad cold. 10. What are you ________ ?(do doing) 8.Marry’s has toothache a father___________________


1. Where going to help Grandma Li __________.(做家务) 2.Tom is ___________________ (躺在床上) 3.Li Ming has a fever. Please go to ___________________.(看病) 4.Today is May 26th . _________ (明天) is May 27th. 5.I send some _________ (花) to our teacher.


1.What’s wrong with Li Ming? He have a headache. ______ 2.His grandmother is do the housework now. ______ 3. On the desk there are a clock. ______ 4.Tom and Li Ming is from china. ______ 5. Tom father is an English teacher. ______


1.are you nice a boy really 。___________________ 2.are and where Linda Mary?___________________ 3.The library to




gym(.)___________________ 4.better You’d take a taxi(.)___________________ 5.feel I very today bad (.)___________________ 6.with wrong what’s you (?)___________________ 7.is he where from (?)___________________


Miss Green coms from America. She teaches English. She came to china three gears ago. She can play the violin. Play the guitar and sing a lot of beautiful songs. She likes playing volleyball too.She is very kind.and she likes making friends with us. She is very popular. All of us like her. She will teach us next term.

1.Miss Green is our maths teacher. ( ) 2. She is from America. ( )

3.She can play the flute. ( )

4.Shecan’t sing many songs. ( ) 5.She likes making friends with us. ( ) 6.She came to china two years ago. ( ) 7.She is veyr friendly. ( )

八、写作:以My school为题写一篇不少于30个单词的作文。( 10分)
