范文网 论文资料 模联用词中英文对照表(集锦)


模联用词中英文对照表第一篇:模联用词中英文对照表企业管理常用缩写词中英文对照表ACSI America Customer Satisfaction Indices 美国顾客满意度指数 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造A。




ACSI America Customer Satisfaction Indices 美国顾客满意度指数 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造

ANSI America National Standard Institution 美国标准协会 APEC Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织 APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 事先产品品质计划 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 品质允收水准 BB Black Belt 黑带

BMK Benchmarking 同行业最高(标杆) BOM Bill of Material 物料清单

BPR Business Processes Reengineering 业务流程再造 BSC Balanced Score Card 平衡记分卡

BSI British Standard Institution 英国标准协会 BVQI (法语缩写) 法国船级社

CAP Corrective Action Plan 纠正措施计划 CAR Corrective Action Record 纠正措施要求单 CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院 CBM Cubic Meter (体积)立方米

CCC Customs Cooperation Council 海关合作理事费

CCC(3C) China Compulsory Certification 中国强制性认证

CCSI China Customer Satisfaction Indices 中国顾客满意度指数 CE Concurrent Engineering 并行工程

CEO Chief Execute Officeholder 首席执行官 CH Custom House 海关

CI Consumers International 消费者国际

CIMS Computer Integrated Made Systems 计算机集成制造系统 CL Center Line 中心线

CNC Computer Number Control 计算机数字控制 COP Customer Orientation Process 顾客导向过程 Cp Capability Indices 工程能力质数

CPD Continue Profession Development 持续职业发展 Cpk Capability Indices/Bias 工程能力指数/有偏置 CRM Customer Relation Management 顾客关系管理 D&D Design and Development 设计与开发 DCC Document Control Center 文件控制中心

DE Design Engineering (Engineer) 设计工程(师) DIN Deutsches Insitut Fur Normung 德国标准化学会

DMAIC Define Measure Analyze Improve Control 定义/测量/分析/改进/控制 DNV Det Norske Verities 挪威船级社 DOE Design of Experiments 实验设计

DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统 ECN Engineering Change Note 工程更改通知

ECO Engineering Change Order 工程更改指令(单) EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理

EE Environment Engineering (Engineer) 环境工程(师)

EMBA Executive Master of Business Administration 高级工商管理硕士 EMC Electromagnetic Compatible 电磁兼容

EMS Environment Management System 环境管理体系 EMS Efficiency Management System 效率管理体系 ERP Enterprise Resources Planning 企业资源计划

FCC Federal Communications Commission 美国联邦通讯委员会 FDA Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药品协会 FIFO First In First Out 先进先出

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失败模式与效应分析 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统

FQA Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证 FQC Final Quality Control 最终品质控制

GAR German Accreditation Council 德国认可委员会 GB Green Belt 绿带

GB (汉语拼音缩写) 中国国家标准

GB/T (汉语拼音缩写) 推荐性中国国家标准

GD&T Geometry Dimension and Tolerance 几何尺寸与公差 GM Green Manufacturing 绿色制造

GRR Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility 量具的重复性和再现性 H.P House-power 马力

h.p.n House-power Nominal 标称马力

IE Industry Engineering (Engineer) 工业工程(师)

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工委员会 ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织 IM Intelligent Manufacturing 智能制造

IPQA Inprocess Quality Assurance 制程品质保证 IPQC Inprocess Quality Control 制程品质控制 IQA Incoming Quality Assurance 来料品质保证 IQC Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制 IS International Standard 国际标准

ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织 IT Information Technology 信息技术

JAB Japan Accreditation Board Quality System 日本质量体系认可机构 JIS Japan Industry Standard 日本工业标准 JIT Just in Time 必须时间

KAB Korean Accreditation Board 韩国认可委员会 KFQ Korean Foundation for Quality 韩国质量财团 L/C Letter of Credit 信用证 LCL Low Control Line 下控制线 LP Lean Production 精益生产

LR Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, LR 劳式船级社 LS Locus Sigil (Place of Seal) 盖印处 LSL Low Specification Limit 规格下限

MBA Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士 MBB Master Black Belt 黑带大师

MBO Managing by Objectives 目标管理

ME Machine Engineering (Engineer) 设备工程(师) MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统 MR Method Research 方法研究

MRB Material Return Bill 返纳物料清单 MRB Material Review Board 材料评价委员会

MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划

MRP Ⅱ Manufacturing Resources Planning 制造资源计划 MSA Measure System Analyze 测量体系分析

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 物料安全数据表 MTO Make to Order 订货型生产 MTS Make to Stock 备货型生产 NC Number Control 数字控制 NG No Goof 不良

OA Office Automation 办公自动化

ODM Origin Design Manufactory 原设计制造商 OEM Origin Equipment Manufactory 原设备制造商 Off-JT Off Job for Training 脱岗培训 OJT On Job for Training 岗位培训

OQA Outgoing Quality Assurance 出货品质保证 OQC Outgoing Quality Control 出货品质控制 P.P Pilot Production 试验产品 P.S Pilot Sample 试验样品 P/L Part List 物料清单 P/N Part Number 部品号

P/O Purchase Order 采购订单

PDCA Plan-do-check-action 计划-实施-检查-措施

PE Production Engineering (Engineer) 生产工程(师) PMC Production Material Control 生产物料控制

PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序 PPM Part per Million 百万分率 PSO Process sign-off 过程认定

PVT Production Verification Test 生产验证试验 QA Quality Assurance 品质保证 QC Quality Control 品质控制

QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈

QE Quality Engineering (Engineer) 品质工程(师) QFD Quality Function Development 质量机能展开 QMS Quality Management System 质量管理体系 QS Quality System 质量体系

QSA Quality System Assess 质量体系评定

QSR Quality System Requirement 质量体系要求 QST Quality System Team 质量体系小组 R&D Research and Development 研究与开发

R&R Repeatability and Reproducibility 重复性和再现性 RAB Registrar Accreditation Board 美国认可委员会 RPN Risk Priority Number 风险系数

RVA The Dutch Accreditation Council 荷兰认可委员会 SE Schedule Engineering (Engineer) 计划工程(师)

SGS Society Generate de Surveillance S.A. 瑞士通用公证行 SPA Statistical Process Analysis 统计过程分析 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制 SPD Statistical Process Diagnose 统计过程诊断 STD Standard 标准

T、Q、C Time 、 Quality 、 Cost 交期、质量、成本 TE Test Engineering (Engineer) 测试工程(师) TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全面生产设备保养 TPM Total Productive Management 全面生产管理 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量管理 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量经营 TT(T/T) Telegraphic, Transfers 电汇汇票

TUV Technischer uber-wachungsverein Germany 德国技术监督协会 UCL Up Control Line 上控制线

UKAS The United Kingdom Accreditation Service 英国认可服务组织 UL Underwriters Laboratories 美国保险商实验室 UN United Nations 联合国

USL Up Specification Limit 规格上限 VA Value Analysis 价值分析 VE Value Engineering 价值工程 VER Version 版本

VM Virtual Manufacturing 虚拟制造

WHA World Health Assembly 世界卫生大会 WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 WIP Work in Process 在工品

WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织 WMO World Meteorological Organization 世界气象组织 WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织

ZD Zero Defect 零缺陷


Excerpt from The Most Influential Tsinghua Speeches


Unit 1 Build international cooperation and communication

Speech 1 Mutual Understanding between China and America ——美国前总统小布什2002年在清华大学的演讲

1、The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. 这所大学的办学标准和声望都闻名于世,我知道,能来这里学习深造就是一种成就。

2、And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world—as demonstrated by the knowledge and potential right here in this room. 我们也看到中国日益成为世界上最富活力和创造力的国家之一,

3、This university is not simply turning out specialists, it is preparing citizens. 这所大学不仅在培养专家,也在培育公民。

4、I’m confident that they will find a China that is becoming a da guo, a leading nation, at peace with its people and at peace with the world. 我相信,那是他们都将亲眼见证迈向大国行列的中国,一个走向世界前列,内部和平并与世界各国和平相处的国家。

Speech 2 The Nature of the Desired Relation between China and South Africa ——南非前副总统蓝菲姆齐莱姆·兰博·努卡2007年在清华大学的演讲

1、The relations between China and the African continent were strengthened by your own maritime pioneer, the great Zheng He, when he captained an exploratory ship that visited Somalia, Kenya and Madagascar among the 30 places he visited between 1405 and 1433. 中国的航海先锋郑和使中国和非洲大陆的联系加强。1405年至1433年间,他率领探险船到达非洲的30多个地方,包括索马里、肯尼亚和马达加斯加。

2、However, it is a matter of concern that, despite the enabling technoligical advancements brought about by globalisation, South Africa’s share of global trade remains very little which stands at 2%. 然而,值得关注的是,尽管全球化带来了技术的先进,但是南非在全球贸易所占的份额仍然很小,只有2%。

3、We hope to benefit more from the scientific advancement made by China and to contribute, as a partner in the larger objective of a more caring and human-centred global order. 我们希望能更多地得到贵国科技的惠泽,同时,为了我们更宏大的目标——简历一个更具包容性和人性化的世界秩序,做出自己应有的贡献。

4、We look forward to engagement with you at all levels, and more especially at a level where students can engage.So they can provide the next generation of South Africans and Chinese which will sustain a long lasting friendship between the two counties. 我们热切盼望与贵国在各个领域的合作,特别是在两国学生都能参与的领域,这样,我们的下一代人才能把中非两国的长久友谊世世代代传承下去。

Unit 2 Achieve the abilities of changing the future Speech 1 Superior Management


1、How far you go will depend on how high you set your dreams and how hard you work to achieve them. 你们能走多远,取决于你们的梦想有多大和为了实现这些梦想你们付出了多少努力。

2、It is also the dream of China—where everything is possible and you can be as great as the size of your imagination. 这也是中国的梦想——一切皆有可能,梦想有多大,成功就有多大。

3、Dream big dreams. Dream bold dreams. Dream as far as your imagination will take you. 拥有更大的梦想。大胆的梦想。极尽你们的想象力去梦想。

4、Whatever it is you dream of, there is no doubt in my mind you can do it. The world is open to you. So go out there and make all your dream come true. 不管你们的梦想是什么,我相信,毫无疑问,你们可以实现它。世界正向你们敞开怀抱。所以大胆地走出去,去实现你们的梦想吧。

Speech 2 The Mirror and the Crystal Ball ——路透社全球总编大卫·施莱辛格2009年在清华大学的演讲

1、Journalism at its best is a mirror, exposing back to society a true and brutally honest picture of what is going on. 新闻做多也只能做一面镜子,将社会现状真实地诚实地反馈给社会。

2、But remember, a good mirror has no emotion. 但请记住,一面好的镜子是不带感情的。

3、A good mirror simply and perfectly tells the story as it is. 一面好的镜子,只会简单而完整地呈现事件本身。

4、As we know from this financial crisis that even most so-called experts failed to make good predictions as well.


Unit 3 Towards a Greener Future Speech 1 Towards a Greener Future


1、As financial and economic disruptions strike like waves at our societies, we must strengtheno our resolve to keep a steady course to calmer seas. 当金融和经济**像汹涌的海浪席卷全社会时,我们必须坚定决心,稳步驶向更为风平浪静的海洋。

2、Size and power were not decisive in securing prosperity and security for our people. What mattered were strong values, knowledge and skill. 在稳固繁荣和保卫人民安全问题上,大小和力量并不起决定性作用。真正重要的是坚定的价值观、巩固的知识和过硬的技能。

Climate change is a threat, but it is also an opportunity. I understand that the

3、Chinese terms for crisis and opportunity are quite similar.


4、Meeting the challenges of climate change is our common responsibility towards ourselves, and for our future generations. Our goals must be both ambitious and achievable. 迎接气候变化的挑战是我们共同责任,为我们自己同时也为子孙后代造福。我们的目标不仅要雄心勃勃还要保其可以实现。

Speech 2 Cooperate Internationally in Coping with Climate Changes ——挪威首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格2007年在清华大学的演讲

1、This is where the torch is being passed to new generation of leaders. 正是在这里,引领时代的火炬正在传递给新一代的领导者们。

2、China has a right to develop. 中国有权利发展经济。

3、Great achievements often start with a vision that seems to be bordering on madness. 伟大的成就往往始于看似疯狂的远见卓识。

4、China’s need for more energy may prove to be the driver of change that helps humankind solve the climate problem. 中国对更多能源的需要可能会推动产生变化,而这一变化会帮助人类解决气候问题。

Speech 3 Enviromental Collaboration between China and USA ——美国前环保署署长史蒂芬·约翰逊2006年在清华大学的演讲

1、One of the America founders, Benjamin Franklin, once said, “The doors of wisdom are never shut.”


2、But unlike the lotus flower, which can bloom amidst the muck of a swamp, the availability of clean, abundant water resources is essential for the economic and environmental health of the U.S. and China. 但是与出淤泥而不染的莲花不同,大量而清洁的水资源对中美两国的经济发展和环境保护尤为重要。

3、According to the World Health Organization, each year the indoor smoke caused by cooking and heating from wood, coal and waste biomass causes the death of 1.6 million people worldwide, and more than 400,000 people here in China—mostly women, and children under the age of five. 据世界卫生组织统计,每年因用木材、煤炭和废弃物做饭和取暖产生的室内烟雾而导致全球160万人死亡,中国的死亡人数超过40万,受害人群大多是妇女和5岁以下儿童。

4、By relying on performance indicators that look at both the economy and the environment, you will be laying the foundation for an even greater and more sustainable economy…


Speech 4 Energy for the Future ——荷兰总理巴尔克嫩德2008年在清华大学举行的“未来能源”


1、We can learn a lot from each other. And we must. Because global problems demand global action and global cooperation. 我们可以互相借鉴学习,而且我们必须这样做。因为,全球问题需要全球各国的行动和全球各国之间的合作来解决。

2、China’s concious decision to pursue “quality growth, rather than mere fast growth” is of great significance for the whole world. 中国制定出追求“高质量增长,而不仅仅是快速增长”的明智决策将对整个世界产生重要意义。

3、Your efforts and ours will be even more successful if we work together more closely and more intensively on energy. It is without doubt in our common interest. 如果我们能在能源领域开展更加紧密和广泛的合作,我们两国的合作将会更加成功。毫无疑问,这是我们的共同利益。

4、Let us continue to work together towards “Energy for the future”, believing that the sky is the limit. 让我们坚信前途无限,携起手来继续为“未来能源”作出努力。

Unit 4 Establish a Harmonious World

Speech 1 Keep Your Dreams ——美国加利福尼亚州州长施瓦辛格200年在清华大学的演讲

1、 But let me tell you something, my young friends.Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dream. 但我要告诉你们,我的青年朋友们,执着于你们的梦想。无论如何,坚守你们的梦想。即使你暂时被打倒或被别人否认,也不要放弃你们的梦想。执着于你们的梦想。

2、 Well, let me tell you. Even though you maybe have no money or anyting, you can go out and help a child that has not yet learned yet have to read. 那么,就让我来告诉你们,即使你们没有钱甚至别无所长,你们也可以走出去,帮助那些还不会读书识字的孩子们。

3、 There are all kinds of things that the individual can do to reach out and to help. 每个人都可以各种形式伸出自己的援助之手。

4、 All you have to do is create the action and commit,and say, “Let’s do it.”Go out and do it.


Speech 2 China and Europe--Global Partners ——丹麦首相安诺斯·福格·拉斯姆森2004年在清华大学的演讲

1、And, as a member of the United Nations and a significant factor in the global economy, China has much to offer in shaping our global future. 而且,中国作为联合国的一员以及全球经济中的一个重要因素,在全球未来的事业发展过程中必然会做出很大的贡献。

2、Government must be an instrument of the people—not the other way round. 政府应该是为人民服务的机构,而不是奴役人民。

3、Respect for democracy, human rights, freedom of information, social justice and the equality of citizens is fundamental in the future development of all modern states. 尊重民主、人权和新闻自由、尊重社会正义和公民平等,是所有现代化国家在未来发展中必须遵循的基本原则。

4、Given these circumstances we must continue to respect diversity while ensuring the free flow of information, news, and ideas. 鉴于这些情况,我们必须继续尊重各国的差异性,同时确保信息、新闻和思想的自由畅通。


3India and China--a Haumany of Civilizations ——印度国大党主席索尼亚·甘地2007年在清华大学的演讲

1、 There is perhaps no other example of two countries, indeed two ancient many-splendoured civilizations, coexisting side-by-side, both in geography and in the realm of ideas, in peace and harmony,almost uninterrupted for millennia. 也许还没有其他两国的古老灿烂的文化,能像这样跨越地理和思维的局限,和平融洽地共处近千年。

2、 Our relationship has already assumed increasing importance to the stability and prosperity of the world at large. 我们两国的关系对整个世界的稳定和繁荣产生了日趋重要的影响。

3、 I have no doubt, however, that there is no problem that cannot be sorted out through free and frank dialogue and discussion 然而,我敢肯定的是,通过自由坦诚的对话和协商, 没有问题是解决不了的。

4、 With knowledge comes awareness, with awareness comes understanding, and with understanding comes an appreciation of the benefits cooperation between our two countries. 知识可以促进意识,意识增进了解,了解则有利于强化两个合作利益。

Speech 4 Ireland and China:Friendship and Cooperation ——爱尔兰前总理伯蒂·埃亨2005年在清华大学的演讲

1、The healthy and positive development of our relations has been nourished by regular high level visits. 两国高层首脑的经常会晤促进了爱中关系健康积极的发展。

2、A sign of a close and growing bilateral relationship is that it can include dialogue on a wide range of issues, including some which have started from different points of view. 亲密不断地发展双边关系的标志是两国能就诸多问题展开对话,包括那些因不同观点而引起的问题。

3、As partners in the international community, China and Ireland have a firm belief in the value of international cooperation and dialogue which aims at defusing tensions and preventing conflicts. 作为国际社会中一对合作伙伴,中国和爱尔兰都坚信国际合作与对话对缓和紧张局势及防止国际冲突具有重要意义。

4、Thus the greatest challenge facing in the international community is to prevent conflict and the causes of conflict, as opposed to dealing with its consequence. 所以国际社会所面临的最大挑战,不是处理战后问题,而是阻止战争及消除隐患。 Speech 5 Millennium Development Goals ——联合国秘书长安南2004年年在清华大学的演讲

1、They promised to spare no efforts to free more thatn one billion of their fellow men, women and children from extreme poverty, and to make the right to development a reality for all. 他们承诺,将竭尽全力帮助世界上超过10亿的男人、妇女和儿童摆脱贫困潦倒的状况,真正实现所有人的发展。

2、It is theoritically possible that we might succeed in halving the proportion of very poor people in the world by 2015, simply because China had succeeded I lifting almost all its people out of that category, even if most countries in the Africa still had the same proportion. 即使非洲大部分国家贫困人口的比例保持不变,理论上,我们还是可能在2015年实现将全球最贫困人口数量减少一半的目标——只要中国成功地引导全国人民摆脱贫困。

3、Others have replied that the doctrine itself is in a grave threat to international peace and security since it might imply that any state has the right to use force whenever it sees fit, without regard to other states’ concerns. 也有人认为,这项条款本身就对国际和平和安全构成了重大威胁。因为这项原则可能暗示,任何国家都有权在其认为合适的时候使用武力,而不必考虑其他国家的忧虑。

4、I urge you all and your contemporaries throughout China to commit yourselves to finding answers to our century’s great challenges of poverty, disease and environmental degradation. 我鼓励在座的各位,以及全中国与你们同代的人,立志为我们这个世纪所面临的贫困、疾病和环境退化等巨大挑战积极寻求解决方案。

Speech 6 The Relations of Latvia with China and Europe ——拉脱维亚前总统瓦伊拉·维基耶-弗赖贝加2004年在清华大学的演讲

1、Qing Hua University has been the alma mater of many of China’s most outstanding intellectuals and scientists, as well as such motable politicians as the current President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Hu Jintao. 清华大学的学术成就享誉全球,一直是中国最杰出的知识分子、科学家和卓越政治家的摇篮,譬如现任中华人民共和国主席的胡锦涛先生。

2、However, even though Latvia and China are vastly different in size, even though they are separated by a considerable geographical distance, and even though their shores are washed by different seas, our nations have experienced similar turns of fate in their history. 然而,尽管拉脱维亚和中国在国土面积和人口数量上有如此大的悬殊,尽管我们在地理位置上相隔甚远,尽管我们毗邻不同的大洋,但是我们两个国家在历史上都经历了相似的曲折命运。

3、The People of China and of Latvia both share the wish to ensure world peace and stability, to combat terrorism and international crime, to reduce poverty and disease, and to prevent the further environmental degradation of our planet. 中拉人民都有维护世界和平和稳定的共同愿望,都反对恐怖主义和国际犯罪,防止地球环境的进一步恶化。

4、I hope that your efforts will ultimately serve to increase the level of cooperation between Asia and Europe, for our mutual benefit and for the benefit of the world at large. 我希望,为了我们两国的共同利益以及全人类的利益,你们所付出的努力最终将把亚洲和欧洲之间的合作提高到新的水平。

Speech 7 Uniting the world against AIDS ——联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任皮奥特2008年年在清华大学的演讲

1、The Comprehensive AIDS Research Center of Tsinghua University is a real leader in the vital field of examining societal drivers behind the epidemic, and developing innovative strategies to counter them. 在检测疫情背后的社会驱动力和研发遏制艾滋病的新策略这一重要领域,清华大学艾滋病综合研究中心走在领先之列。

2、AIDS is not over. AIDS, like climate change, is one fo the defining issues of our time. 艾滋病这场战役仍未结束。就像气候变化一样,艾滋病是我们这个时代需要解决的问题之一。

3、In many cases community organizations are doing work that no other sector can do as well. For example, no one kowns better what support people living with HIV need, than other people living with HIV. 很多时候,社区组织能做其他部门所不能胜任的工作。举个例子,没有人比同一个社区的居民更了解艾滋病病毒携带者需要怎样的帮助。

4、When prominent people lead by example---when they actively promote tolerance and reject stigma and discirmination---one of the biggest obstacles to winning the fight against aids disappears. 当这些杰出的领导人积极倡导宽容时,当他们反对羞辱和歧视时,他们为我们树立了良好的典范,与艾滋病作斗争的最大障碍也就不攻自破了。

Speech 8 The Relationship between China and Britain ——英国前首相布莱尔2003年在清华大学的演讲

1、The thing that is amazing today is that the UK is now the number one destination for overseas students from China. We have got double the number of Chinese students as the United States of America. I like that. 如今有一个令人惊奇的现象,英国已经成为中国学生海外留学的首选目的地,且在英国留学的中国留学生数量已经达到在美国留学生数量的两倍之多。对此,我很高兴。

2、So the thing that has impressed me most from benig back in Beijing is just the amount of change in China,and I think for the future the relationship between my country, the UK and China is going to be very important. 此行再次来到中国,令我印象最我深刻的是中国这些年发生的翻天覆地的变化,并且我深信中国与我的祖国英国之间的友好关系在将来世界舞台上会越来越重要。

3、How you develop both economically and politically as a country is going to have a colossal impact on the whole of the world, and we need to make sure that countries like mine in Europe, countries like the United States, and countries like China are working together. 贵国如何发展经济和政治,将会对整个世界产生巨大的影响力。所以我们也要努力促进世界各国,如位于欧洲的英国,北美的美国以及亚洲的中国紧密联系,互相合作。

4、You will be the leaders of this country in the years to come, and how you lead, and the values with which you lead, will make a difference even in my own country to the citizens there. 或许,在不久的将来你们中的一些人将成为贵国的领导力量,所以你们领导国家的方式已经倡导的价值观都将改变这个国家,甚至改变万里之外我的祖国和人民。




The Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years1 ago our fathers brought forth2 on this continent, a new nation, conceived3 in liberty, and dedicated4to the proposition5 that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged6 in a great civil war7, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion8 of that field9, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives10 that that nation might live.11 It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate12 -- we can not hallow13 -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.14 The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause15 for which they gave the last full measure16 of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall notperish17 from the earth.


八十七年前,我們的祖先在這片大陸上建立了一個新的國家,它孕育於自由,並且獻身給一種理念,即所有人都是生來平等的。 現在,我們正在經歷一場意義重大的內戰,考驗著這個國家,或任何一個有

這種主張和這種信仰的國家,能否長久存在。我們此刻一同聚集在戰爭的一個大戰場上。我們來到這裡,奉獻戰場上的一部分土地,作為在此為國家的生存而犧牲了自己生命的人永久眠息之所。我們應該這樣做,那十分合情合理。 然而,就更宏觀的意義而言,我們無從奉獻這片土地——無從使它成為聖

地——也不可能把它變為人們景仰之所。那些在此奮戰的勇士,活著的和死去的,早已使這塊土地神聖化,遠高於我們的菲薄能力所能增減的境地。世人將鮮少注意,也不會久記我們在此所說的話語,然而世界將永遠緬懷這些勇士在這裡的事蹟。更甚者,我們仍在世的人應繼續獻身、接續那些曾在此奮戰的人們英勇崇高地推動而尚未完成的工作。我們應該在此獻身於餘留在眼前的偉大工作——由於他們的光榮犧牲,我們要更堅定地致力於他們全力盡瘁的那份事業——我們在此堅定立志,不能讓他們白白犧牲——要使這個國家在上帝的庇佑之下,得到新生的自由——要使「民有、民治、民享」的政府永世長存。 (以上中譯文字編修自美國在臺協會官方網站) 針對同學可能遇到的詞彙,補充說明如下:

註1. score:二十,因此「four score and seven」即為「四個二十又七」,亦即87。這樣的表述方式類似我們在自己的母語中偶而會講”一甲子之前…”,風格類似。

註2. bring forth:產生、建造。

註3. conceive:孕育、設想、懷抱著…想法。

例:Who first conceived the idea of building nuclear power plants? 是誰第一個想到建造核電廠? 例:She conceives love for the children. 她愛這些孩子。 註4. dedicate:奉獻(身)或把(時間、精力等)用於(+to)。 註5. proposition:主張、論點。 註6. engage:使從事、聘雇、與...交戰、佔用(時間、精力等)、使訂婚。 例:He was busily engaged in painting the furniture.他忙於油漆傢俱。 例:They engaged a cook for the summer. 那個夏天他們雇了一個廚子。 例:The book engaged my full attention. 這本書把我完全吸引住了。

註7. civil war 內戰。Civil的字意為:公民的、民用的,民事的,意思甚廣。譬如:civil rights為公民權;civil engineering為土木工程;而civil status可指婚姻狀態(單身或已婚),相當於marital status。

註8. portion:(一)部分,也可當動詞使用,意為把...分成多份、分配[(+out)。另需與proportion區分不同使用方式。

例:He was hungry and ordered two portions of roast chicken. 他很餓,因而叫了兩份烤雞。

例:She portioned out the cake, so everyone had a piece. 她將蛋糕切成多塊,每人可得一份。

註9. field:原野、田地、(戰)場、(遼闊的大片)地、實地、野外,意思甚廣。例如:field trip指實地考察旅行(配合正課到校外作參訪式旅行可用)。field trial常用於新技術或服務即將上線、提供大規模使用之前,所作的實地測試。 註10. 此為life的複數形式(請注意讀法),意指許多人的生命。

註11. 這邊連續使用二個that並非筆誤;第一個that為關係連接詞,而第二個that為形容詞,與跟在其後的nation形成語意上的一個單元。整個子句「that that nation might live」係用以修飾that之前的lives,可將lives視為nation might live的受詞。舉個例子,我們可說“They live lives of luxury”(他們過著奢華的生活/生命),在這此例中,lives為live的受詞。同學們注意此例中的lives與live的關係與功能,再回過頭來看原演講文,應即能掌握到整句話的意涵。 註12. consecrate:奉...為神聖、尊崇、現身致力於…。 例:She consecrated her life to art. 她獻身於藝術。

註13. hallo:使神聖、把…視為神聖、崇敬…(類似consecrate)。 註14. detract:減損、降低。

例:The scandal will not detract from his fame. 這個醜聞無損於他的名聲。 註15. cause:原因、起因、動機、目標(理想、事業)。

例:World peace is a cause we should all work for. 世界和平是一項我們都應該為之而努力的事業。

註16. measure:此當名詞用,意為尺寸、分量、(判斷等的)基準、尺度、程度、限度、分寸。

例:I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我對她懷有一定程度的同情。 註17. perish:消滅、卒亡、枯萎、腐爛,亦可當及物動詞或解作「麻痺」。 例:Hundreds of people perished in the earthquake. 數百人在那場地震中喪生。 例:Flowers perish in frost. 花毀於霜凍。

例:Oil on your car tires will perish them. 車胎上的油會毀損車胎。 例:I was perished with cold. 我被凍僵了。 編按:


林肯幼年生長於西部拓荒者的家庭,僅受過約一年的正規教育,但他一直熱衷於學習,辛苦自學出身,青年時期即有高大的體格,具律師背景,這是大家熟知的。他與夫人Mary Todd Lincoln有四位子女,然其中三個孩子先後夭折,這對林肯夫婦造成重大打擊。文獻提及他本身是一位慈愛但無法經常陪伴子女的父親 (“He was an affectionate, though often absent, husband and father of four children.”)。


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夹线片Cord Clamp 前网Front Grille 软胶垫Cushion

后盖End Cap/Back Cover 制盖Switch Cover集风咀Concentrator 前壳Front Housing 后壳Rear Housing 推制Slide Switch 恒温器 Thermostat 风叶Fan

摩打架Motor Frame

冻风制盖Cool-Shot Button 保护网Protection Cover 网架Filter Frame

制座片 Switch Sliding Plate 前筒Front Barrel 上壳Upper Housing 下壳Lower Housing 左壳 Left Housing 右壳 Right Housing 前网 Front Grill

后保护网 Rear Protection Net 风叶杯士 Fan Bushing

摩打架组件 Motor Assembly 左制盖 Switch Cover (Left) 右制盖 Switch Cover (Right) 前面具 Front Mask 后面具 Rear Mask

隔热通 Heater Tube (Heater Shade) 隔热罩 Heater Shroud 挂钩 Hanging Loop 护线套 Cord Guard

Lcd装饰圈 Lcd Deco Cover Lcd盖 Lcd Cover 大风罩 Diffuser

手柄装饰片 Handle Deco Plate 大身装饰片 Housing Deco Plate 装饰条 Deco Strip

功能键 Function Button 小风咀 Big Concentrator 大风咀 Small Concentrator 大窄口风咀 Wide Concentrator 橡胶圈 Rubber Gasket 电源线 Power Cord

电源线组件 Power Cord Set 左手柄 Left Handle 右手柄right Handle 电源开关 Power Switch 推动开关 Push Switch 冷风开关 Cool Switch 滑动开关 Slide Switch 转环 Rotate Ring

负离子 Ion Generator 风速键 Speed Button 热风键 Heat Button 云母纸 Mica Sheet 云母片 Mica Plate 尼龙扎带 Nylon Tie 入风网 Inlet Mesh 夹线片 Clamp Plate 固定片 Fix Plate 发热线 Heating Wire 纤维绳 Fibre Glass String 鸡眼 Eyelet

平介子 Washer Flat 铜套 Coopper Bushing 宝险丝 Fuse 电感 Choke Coil

陶瓷电容 Capacitor Ceramic 整流器 Rectifier(Diode) 纤维管 Fibre Glass Tube 导风圈 Lead Loop

负离子开关制盖 Ion Switch Cover 防卷发器 Hair Entrapment 负离子开关 Ion Switch 电容 Capacitor 电阻 Resistor 引线 Lead Wire 裸铜线 Copper Wire

热缩管 Heat Shrinkage Tube 线耳 Terminal Ring 锡线 Solder Wire

奶嘴 Close End Connector 可控硅 Triac

网架 Grill Bracket 卡通箱 Cartoon Box

上下隔卡 Protection Card Board 彩盒 Gift Box

上吸塑罩 Tray (Upper) 下吸塑罩 Tray (Lower) 纸卡 Protective Card 说明书 Instruction Book 保证书 Guarantee Card

维修地址 Maintanence Card 胶袋 Plastic Bag

条形码贴纸 Bar Code Label 警告贴纸 Cord Tag 胶纸 Transparent Tape 连接器 Linker

灯盖 Lamp Cover(Led Cover) 弹簧 Spring

硅胶纤维通 Silicon Rubber Fg Tubing 奶灯 Neon Lamp 螺丝盖 Screw Cover 自攻螺丝 Screw Taptite

第 1 頁,共 1 頁

纤维胶布 Glass Cloth Electrical Tape 绝缘胶纸 Kapton Tape

散热膏 Heat Sink Compound 电路板组件 Pcb Assembly(Pcba) 碳膜电阻 Carbon Film Fixed Resistor 负离子针 Ion Pin 铜带 Brass Terminal

插座组件 Power Jack Assembly 绳扣 String Clip 橡胶垫 Rubber Pad

机牙螺丝 Screw Machine 润滑油 Lubricate

海棉过滤网 Sponge Filter 绉纹胶纸 Crepe Masking Tape

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