范文网 论文资料 阿甘正传全英文版台词(精选)


阿甘正传全英文版台词第一篇:阿甘正传全英文版台词阿甘正传完整台词《阿甘正传》是汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特等人主演的精彩电影,那么,里面有哪些台词呢?下面大家就随小编一起去看看吧!阿甘正传台词1、 Life was like a box of。






1、 Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get、(生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)

2、 There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes (通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西)

3、 His back’s as crooked as a politician、(他的背跟政客一样弯曲)

4、 Sometimes we all do things that just don’t make no sense、(有时候人都会做没道理的事)

5、 Stupid is as stupid does、 (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)

6、 If God intended everybody to be the same, he’d given all braces on our legs、 Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you、

7、 I was just showing him a thing or two on the guitar、(我只是弹两下给他看)

8、 It must be hard being a king、(王一定很不好当)

9、 Jenny and I was like peas and carrots、(我和珍妮形影不离)

10、 Miracles happen every day、 (奇迹每天都在发生)

11、 I could run like the wind blows、(我跑起来像风一样快)

12、 Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here、

Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here、

13、 I don’t know why I love you、 But I do、

14、 You are no different than anybody else is、(你和别人没有任何的不同)

15、 President: Congratulations、 How do you feel?

Gump: I got to pee、

16、 Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢)

17、 Excellent careers for excellent young men、


18、 Drill Sergeant: Gump, what’s your sole purpose in this army?

Gump: To do whatever you tell me, Drill Sergeant!

Drill Sergeant: God damn it, you’re a goddamn genius! That’s the most outstanding answer I’ve ever heard、 You must have a goddamn IQ of 160、 You’re goddamn gifted, Private Gump、 (这班长说话太经典了)

19、 I fit in the army like one of them round pegs、


20、 If it wasn’t a fine enlisted man, I’d recommended you for O、C、S, Private Gump、 You’re going to be a general someday! Now disassemble your weapon and continue!








在途中,收到了珍妮的信。他立刻去见找她。在公交站台候车时。 主角向他人讲述了他之前的经历。于是他又一次见到了珍妮,还有一个小男孩,那是他的儿子。这时的珍妮已经得了一种不治之症。






























Appreciating cinema:Forrest Gump

16December ,2013

I first knew this film Forrest Gump when I was in my middle school ,but I did‘t see this film until the first year of my college.I had to admit that this film really impressed me deeply .Before I see Forrest Gump,I always think that this film tells us a story of a fool according to its name.After watching the whole film ,I totally felt that the protagonist Forrest Gump was the cleverest and the luckiest person in the world .He knew when to do the right thing ,how to do the right thing ,which one he should choose and what he should do .He was a person who knew how to do business and how to make money.Someone may say that he was so lucky that all his success was due to his luck ,but some may claim that the reason why he was so successful was his attitude towards the life:life is like box of chocolates ,you never know what you are gonna get.Stupid is as stupid does .(copied from the film subtitle)It was his attitude towards life and his value system that made him the most successful person in the film ,and it was this unique understanding of life that made him the stupidest one in the film .He is envied by others but he did‘t know why .He was himself and life was so simple .

Frankly speaking ,I have watched this film for three times ,but each time I would find something new from each person and I would also feel more impressed byForrest Gump and some other person around him.From the very beginning ,we all could see that Forrest Gump was an abnormal child .He could not walk as other children in the school .His Intelligence Quotient was only 75 ,which was not enough to enter a school .It was his mother ,a single mum,who tried her best to persuade the principal to accept him ,and then he was able to go to school to study and play .Here we could see that his mother loved him so much and she really suffered a lot in life but she was so optimistic to life .She also told his son that he was the same as others and he should not feel ashamed for his legs were supported by the irony holders .She always encouraged her son because she believed he could make it .When Forrest Gump entered school ,almost all the kids laughed him and they did not want to play with him .Only a little girl Jenny ,who was also a poor kid from a special family would like to make friends with him .They were good friends for those years and they always helped each other .When those bad boys bullied Forrest Gump ,Jenny told him to run as quickly as he could .It was Jenny‘s encouragement that made Forrest Gump run out of those bad boys and also run out of his chains ,the irony holders .And from then on , Jenny always told Forrest Gump that whenever or whatever he met ,just ran away and did not do some fighting or he would suffer a lot . After Forrest Gump entered college , he took part in the Rugby team and he really did a good job because he remembered Jenny‘s words:run ,run ,run .He also got some awards for his excellent performance in the competition .He was really an excellent rugby player for he really ran quickly .His mother was so proud of him and he was also the hero of Jenny .

Someone said that God was so unfair that he did not get what he wanted but why Forrest Gump finally got all what he wanted .For me ,I think that was because the

stupid Forrest Gump had a pure thought and the persevering pursuit ,which did never belong to other common person because of their ―cleverness‖.Compared toForrest Gump ,Jenny was loser .She just worn the bizarre dress on campus and took some photos ,which made her be expelled by the school and the became a singer in the pub .After that ,she was addicted to some drugs and led a vagrant life through all the states. She always stayed with all kinds of strangers .Although she dressed herself in so many beautiful or even gorgeous clothes ,she had no hope for life .She felt more and more depressed about life .Finally ,she got an incurable disease because of her promiscuous life .At the end of her life ,she decided to marry to Forrest Gump and they lived together with their kid happily .We could see that at the very beginning ,Jenny was so ambitious and she always said that she wanted to fly like a bird with no constraint .However ,she was only enthralled in the spiritual world .For her ,happiness came down so lately and it was so brief and momentary .Just as lot of us ,they always said that they want to succeed but they just paid no effort and even did some wrong things .They would almost not succeed .Therefore ,the essence of life was dealing with concrete matters relating to works and pursuing peace .It was just like the water flowing into the sea ,so peacefully .

Still ,the Lieutenant Dan has the similar fate as Forrest Gump ,who lost his legs during Vietnam War .He always complained the fate ,the God and even Forrest Gump for he save him in the war .He wanted to die for the country gloriously like his forefathers but Forrest Gump saved him .He lived so sadly and hopelessly without legs .He complained a lot but he could not change anything .He just drank everyday and did nothing .However ,life can not change because of your constant complaining .But one day ,he found Forrest Gump was busy shrimping to realize his good friend‘s last wish—to be a captain of a shrimping boat .Lieutenant Dan was first totally moved by Forrest Gump .He began to shrimp with Forrest Gump and it was this decision that made him become a millionaire .Finally he got married to a beautiful woman and they lived a happy life .We could see that if Lieutenant Dan kept complaining life and did nothing ,he would never succeed . From another side ,we could see what the war had brought to those soldiers .They devoted all their life to the country and to the war ,but the war could cause some casualties anyway .They did not know why they joined the army ,but they knew that they did some contribution to their country .

―Life is like a box of chocolates and you can never know what you are gonna get next .‖This is the sentence Forrest Gump‘s mother told him and this is also my favourite words in the film .This sentence reflected Forrest Gump ‗s belief:we should treat our life with hope and a wonderful expectation .Because chocolates were so delicious and nice ,Forrest Gump always thought that life was also so wonderful and nice .This might not be the reason for Forrest Gump‘s success ,but it was his attitude towards life .Forrest Gump‘s life was half–made by his mother and half–made by himself .He was not born to be a outstanding person .However ,God was so fair and he always made those who was congenitally deficient know the reality of life earlier and more thoroughly than those who was congenitally superior .What his mother gave hin was the spiritual wealth and this valuable value system had become his own

quality since his mother gave it to him .This was just like his seating in the bench and telling his story to every stranger who sat besides him .Before he began every story ,he would emphasize what his mother always mentioned .It seemed that he was so grateful for his mother and he could never forget what she said in the past .Without his mother‘s devotion ,he could never gain such a success .From the very beginning ,we could see that a white feather flying in the air freely .To be honest ,I did not think a lot about this white feather ,but as the movie went on ,I found this white feather was so important and it might have some special meaning .The white feather was flying in the air very slowly but then it flied very quickly because the wind suddenly flowed violently .It was just like one‘s life .when you were bored ,you were so happy and you had no trouble or no anxiety .However ,as you grew up gradually ,you would find that life was so complicated and it was full of ups and downs .You could not stay like the very beginning ,and you had to do something to adapt to life and solve those troubles .So you must do take some actions and of course your life would be totally different .The white feather flied very high but sometimes very low .It seemed like our life .Sometimes you were so satisfied with your life and you were in the white moment of your life ,but sometimes you felt so depressed about yourself and you were in the dark moment of your life .The feather was also like an angel .It was so beautiful and so pure .It was the symbol of some good quality such as simple ,pure ,persistent and kindness .However ,Forrest Gump had all these good quality ,so it‘s also the symbol of Forrest Gump .He led a very wonderful life ,he was so kindhearted ,he was so pure ,and he was so tough and tensile .Life was like that white feather ,sometimes you need to fly against the rules and wind to overcome thunder and lightning ,sometimes you need to go with the stream ,sometimes you can fly in space ,and sometimes you may fall down the hell .The white feather flied away from Forrest Gump‘s hand but finally flied back to his hand .Life was the seme thing . This film began with a white feather and also end with a white feather .It was an end of Forrest Gump ‗s legendary life .However ,we could say that was another beginning ,the little Forrest Gump .A new legend would began .

For the most time of Forrest Gump‘s life ,he just ran .Because of running ,he got off his holders .Because of running ,he did a good job in the rugby competition .Because of running ,he saved his comrade–in– arms in the Vietnam war .And because of running ,he became one famous person in his state or even the whole country .When others asked him why he always ran ,he answered that very simply :I just want to run .He ran from one state to another state .He always bore Jenny‘s words in his mind :If you are ever in trouble ,don‘t try to be brave ,just run ,just run away .His running had attracted a lot of fans to run after him .But one day he just stopped and turn around .No one knew why ,but he has his reasons .Maybe he just wanted to stop .He was a simple person and he had a simple brain .But it was his simplicity that made him such a success .When Jenny finally went back and lived with him ,he made a proposal .But when asked why he wanted to marry to her ,he said that he loved her .It was so simple but so sincere .He got her heart and they finally got married .

In most time ,we could not find reason to do a thing .Those things we did with no reason were easily abandoned .We easily gave up halfway because of some small setbacks .Life is full of all kings of wonderful things and what you need to do is to have a faith and pursuit .Sometimes you think that you can control everything and then you try your best to hold something .However ,what you have got finally ?You felt surprised and confused .Why could you always not get nothing after such an effort ?In fact ,you are wrong .You have got something ,you have learned something ,of course you have suffered something .Only through those experiences ,can you really experience life .Therefore ,do not always complain something ,and do not think what you have lost .Live your life like Forrest Gump ,and try to fly as high as you can .Finally ,you will find that the higher you fly ,the nearer you are towards the heaven .I think this is the reason why Forrest Gump succeed .Each life track follows some rules and it becomes a miracle when everything is ready .What impressed me last was Forrest Gump‘s attitude towards death .When his mother got an serious disease and were going to die ,he was very sad but she told him that she was old enough to die .He knew that every one could not avoid death .Death is just a part of life ,something we are destined to do .(copied from the film)We really learned something from this film ,Forrest Gump‘s attitude towards life and death ,his simple way of dealing things ,his stupid thought and behavior and his kindness and purity .After watching this film for several times ,we really need to have a thought about our life .We need to live like Forrest Gump.

―Life was like a box of chocolates and you will never know what you are gonna to get next .‖I don‘t what I will face in the future ,but I will try my best to live a good life like Forrest Gump.




苏州家具 这是钻戒又不是大白菜,不是你说买颗大的就买颗大的。--夏冰 这是主编的生理周期表……能离多远,就离多远。


这个太能证明了,只多不少啊!--元宝 婚结了还可以离,孩子生了就塞不回去了 长的才貌双全到哪都受欢迎。 大爷,来玩啊~你大爷的! 胆子打了去了! 分不分开,分不分开…你嫁不嫁给我……嫁,我嫁。




你带上我给你的戒指,还敢跟别人好,你脸怎么那么大呢?--元宝 你第一次当小孩,我第一次当妈。 你闹,你闹,闹黄一对吧。

我发誓,我三十岁之前不结婚,三十五岁之前不生孩子。 我跟你真是由内而外地不合适。--夏冰



夏夏在出租车上换衣服对司机说了句:师傅,认真开车。 夏冰:我真怀疑有没有人看了你们的栏目瘦下来的。同事:不是她看了能不能瘦下来,而是读者看到我们的巨型标题之后,是不是立刻觉得自己也能不菲吹灰之力地瘦下来。

你要疯啊 你要死啊。

苏州家具 好看的男人叫莲子男,看着清新好看吃起来的苦自个儿知道。有的男人长的不咋的叫荔枝男,吃的人甜蜜蜜。--夏冰

元宝是荔枝男,表面看着丑,可吃着甜! 元宝说:工作不重要 生命最重要 有本事别走,我们单挑!

又不是专业户,谁能不怕啊! 怀不上孕,注定是上天要你工作! 你拉裤兜去吧!




苏州家具 为什么他偷他妈的钱还能笑得那么猥琐呢? 我们去到一个非常美丽的地方,可是我们后来发现,原来那里不适合定居,可是我们还是有权利有时间去造访一下,看着老朋友,当然了,我们一定要记住,必须要遵守当地的法律和法规。







苏州家具 我这人吧没什么优点,但最起码足够勇敢,你说莽撞也行 生活对我们的考验就好比是植物大战僵尸,我们手无寸铁,拿着派发到的几个土豆,茄子,去排兵布阵,去对付各种僵尸,你以为你打完了,明天再来一批,并且还附带新品种。








