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傲慢与偏见英文版简介第一篇:傲慢与偏见英文版简介《傲慢与偏见》读后感英文版Lady Catherine, a poor mother “Pride and Prejudice” is a movie about lo。




Lady Catherine, a poor mother “Pride and Prejudice” is a movie about love. Well, Lady Catherine impressed me very much in this play. As a mother, she is admiring.

She has much money and connections. For the sake of that, she looks down upon everything, especially the poor. Therefore, she is extremely disgusted with Elizabeth’s arrival. In fact, she has nothing that deserve us to like her. However, when talking about her daughter, she is always kind and merciful. She loves her daughter as most mothers do. Maybe why she asks Elizabeth to play the piano is just because of the regret to Anne. Moreover, she is proud of her daughter. She thinks that Anne is perfect expect healthy. Then when heard of Elizabeth and Darcy have met each other, she has a glimpse at Elizabeth with a meaningful eye contact. Undoubtly, she has been conscious of the affection between Elizabeth and Darcy. So she shouted insults at Elizabeth as she can. This is the nature of a mother. They always want to tidy all the obstacles out for their child. She knows that Darcy is a perfect choice for Anne’s husband. She has almost been sure of Darcy being her son- in- law without Elizabeth’s appearance. In this case, we can understand why she resents Elizabeth so much.

Months later, lady Catherine hears about the story of Elizabeth and Darcy. To ensure that, she go to the town regardless of the storm and heavy rain. The plot is unforgettable for me. Lady Catherine looks dirty and untidy. She looks like an another woman compared with the former image, just a mother struggling for baby’s happiness. Well , the Catherine in this screen is so touching. Of course, she ends up with a failing ending. Lady Catherine is so overbearing at first, who loses her own dignity just for daughter’s happiness ultimately. Well, at last what I want to say is that, although Lady Catherine is not accepted by most of us, in my eyes, she is a both poor and great mother as well.


Appreciation of Pride and Prejudice

As we all know, Pride and Prejudice is a love story as well as an illustration of the society in Britain in the 18th century. It is a representative work of Jane Auston. When I first read this book, the first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”.Even now, the famous sentence is always the first thing that come up to my mind when I talk about the fiction. I have learnt about “family” “love” “marriage” and “life” from Jane’s story.

In this story, all characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bonnet is crazy about marrying off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a very kind and friendly young man. But his friend Darcy, (the hero of the story), is a very proud man so that he is rejected by Elizabeth at the beginning. Even the five daughters in Bonnet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth, (the heroine of the fiction), Bonnet’s second daughter, is an active and intelligent girl who always has her own opinion and has not been affected by the formal education. Mary likes reading classic books. And actually she is a pedant. Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate.

The first marriage is between Charlotte and Collins. Charlotte is the neighbor of Lizzy Bonnet. Their marriage is superficial without love. The second and part is the marriage of Lydia and Wickham. Wickham is originally a good guy but he gets into debt because of his bad behavior. In his view, love is not very important, it can be created after marriage. Finally, their marriage is doomed to be a tragedy as Wickham just wants to get money from Bonnet family. The third couple is the oldest daughter and Mr. Bingley. They are the ideal couple in people’s eyes and lead a happy life at last although there is a misunderstanding between them at the beginning. The last marriage is the main theme throughout the fiction. That is Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage. First Elizabeth rejects Darcy because she doesn’t like him even despises him because she thinks Darcy is not a gentleman who has high social status. After a long run, Darcy has got rid of all his bad habits and finally, Elizabeth is moved by him. In the end, she agrees to marry him and they have happy family lives.

From the four marriages, we know that people seldom have chance to decide their marriage and have no choice to their loves. The marriages are mainly based on material things without love. I suddenly think of an old saying of traditional China: “Marriage, the parents, the words of a match-maker.” Perfect match is the first thing that you must consider when you are planning to get married. Just like Britain in the 18th century. So we should rejoice that we are in the modern society with freedom rights to choose our (Mrs.) Mr. right.


Reading after Pride and Prejudice

Recently I have been reading a novel called Pride and Prejudice, which was written by Jane Austen. Although I haven’t finished it yet, I still have something to write.

The writer, Jane Austen, was an English woman. She was born in Steventon, Hampshine, where her father was a rector. She was the second daughter and the seventh child in a family of eight. The first 25 years of her life Austen spent in Hampshire. Austin didn’t go to regular schools, but she read many literary works at her parents’guidance. She started writing about the age of 20, and published six novels. Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Emma (1816) are the best-known books of them. Virginia Woolf called her “the most perfect artist among women”. Most of her novels were all adapted into movies and successful in the world. For living in a small country town, contacting the medium and small landlords, pastor as well as their quiet and comfortable living environment, there were no significant social contradictions in her works. She described a truthful picture of her world, especially the marriage and love between gentlemen and ladies by her meticulous feminine observation. The style of her works is humorous and rich in comic conflicts, so many readers love them. This type of novels not only at that time attracted broad readers, today; it still gives the readers unique art enjoyment. The novel describes love process of heroine Elizabeth and hero Darcy, her elder sister Jane and Mr.Bingley, younger sister Jane and Mr.Bingley, younger sister Lydia and Mr.Wickham, her good friend Charlotte and Mr.Collins. The marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth revealed the characteristics which constituted a successful marriage. One of these characteristics was that the feeling couldn’t be brought on by appearances and must gradually develop between the two people as they got to know one another. The marriage between Jane Bennet and Bingley was also an example of successful marriage. They had the excellent understanding, super-excellent disposition of Jane and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and her husband. Unlike Darcy and Elizabeth, there was a flaw in their relationship. The flaw was that both characters were too gullible and too good-hearted to ever act strongly against external forces that may attempt to separate them. Obviously, Lydia and Wickham’s marriage was an example of a bad marriage. Their marriage was based on appearances, good looks and youthful vivacity. Once these qualities could no longer be seen by each other, the once strong relationship would slowly fade away. Through their relationship, Jane Austen showed that hasty marriage based on superficial qualities quickly cooled and led to unhappiness. The marriage between Mr.Collins and Charlette was based on economics rather than on love or appearance. It was a common practice during Austen’s time for woman to marry a husband to save herself from spinsterhood or to gain financial security. However, Jane Austen viewed this as a type of prostitution and disapproved it. Elizabeth was a clever, beautiful and strong-minded woman, who looked down upon the hypocrisy in high-society circles. Facing the marriage, she was courage, visionary and good at thinking. Although, she had some wrong opinions on Darcy in the beginning, finally she knew about Darcy justly through thinking, hence gained the true love. Darcy was a handsome, rich gentleman, but proud and didn’t want to make contact with others, leading to dissatisfactions from neighbors. Even worse, Darcy left bad impressions on the people around him and Elizabeth also hated him. She had prejudice against Darcy gradually. When Darcy proposed to her, she refused him decisively. After that, Darcy began to reflect on the self-examination and treated people with more populist. As time went by, they came across again. Darcy was not only polite, but was popular among the neighbors. Finally, regardless of his aunt’s strong objection and concept of family, Darcy proposed to Elizabeth again. Elizabeth willingly consented. She began to appear her lively side to Darcy. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs.Bennet was a woman who was eager to marry off her daughters. Mr.Bingley was a friendly young man. Jane was simple, innocent and never spoke evil of others. Elizabeth was a clever girl who always had her own opinions. Mary liked reading classic books. Kitty didn’t have her own opinions but liked to follow her sister. Lydia was a girl who followed exotic things, handsome man and was somehow a little profligate. As far as I am concerned, love is the most beautiful and valuable thing and the basis of marriage. Although material is important, we shouldn’t give up seeking for the true love. By contrasting Elizabeth with Lydia, we know the true love is essential. Then, I think the behavior is the symbol of people. If Darcy was polite and warm-hearted in the beginning, maybe he would not have been misunderstood by Elizabeth. Therefore, never be arrogant. It is true that the first impression is important, but we should also recognize someone in long time and from all aspects. That requires we are strong-minded, reasoned and sensible. Be tolerant to anyone, and you will be more likely gain happiness. Last but not least, this novel has an effect on today’s Chinese society, which is full of bullionism and hedonism. Many youngers have the question, especially girls, “Rose and bread, which is more important”. Once in a famous dating show called If you are the one, a girl said “Would rather sit in the BMW car crying, don’t sit on the bike laughing”, which means she would live together with a rich man rather than a poor man. Most girls think that houses, cars and property are more important than appearances and characters. I don’t agree with it. As new century’s girls, who are expected to be independent, self-reliance, self-love, we could earn money through our own effects instead of putting the hope on others. Only in this way can we have the security sense and be more attractive to lovers. The lover is one of the most intimate persons and the family is a part of our lives, therefore, let’s seek for the true love and create a promising future.




这本书中似乎只有两种人:聪明的和愚蠢的,没有绝对的好坏之分,文中的所谓「傲慢」就是指出身富贵、教养颇高、眼光锐利的青年达西的个性弱点;而所谓「偏见」是指出身中产阶级、教养颇好、机智聪明的小姐-伊丽莎白的精神弱点。一个眼光锐利,一个机智聪明,都属人中杰,但却都难免人性的弱点的纠缠。他们在一次的家庭舞会上初次见面,却因对彼此的印象不佳,一个态度傲慢,另一个心怀偏见。第一个印象先入为主,以后又加上女人们在旁闲言碎语,而造成了两人之间的爱恨情仇。伊丽莎白曾对达西说过:“我们的性情非常相似,我们都不爱交际,沉默寡言,不愿开口,除非我们会说出话来语惊四座,像格言一样具有光彩,流传千古.”就是因为这思想上的一致,才在婚姻中百般受到阻碍,同时也是因为这才最后促成美满的婚姻. 作为故事中的女主人公,伊丽莎白聪敏机智,有胆识,有远见,有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题。就当时一个待嫁闺中的小姐来讲,这是难能可贵的。而我第一次被伊丽莎白的个性打动,就是在她拒绝达西先生告白时。虽然有误会造成的偏见,但她理直气壮地指责初见不欢的告白对象的样子着实可爱。让人不禁感叹,她哪来的这么大的勇气和自信?怎么会这么坚定的不为所动?对达西先生的误解是一方面,另一方面,小说在最后给出了解答。当本内特先生听闻自己最心爱的女儿心有所属时,对伊丽莎白的那句“我担心世上没有人能配得上你”。由此看来,伊丽莎白的自信应该是来源于父亲的教育。这种自信让她在任何事物面前都不失去自我,哪怕是教条,哪怕是别人的目光,哪怕是金钱和地位,哪怕是爱情。


《傲慢与偏见》,是我们很常见的弱点和毛病。每一个人其实都很容易被自己的主观印象所驱使,因而容易对别的人下不正确的注解,进而造成了彼此之间的误会。一个人所给予的第一印象固然可以影响到很多事,但并非一定不会改变,要有更加深入的了解,才能有更客观一点的论点,就好像故事中女主角对达西的看法,就是因为了解才有所改变. 阅读的魅力在于能在别人的故事中看到自己的内心,不断反思与成长,伊丽莎白与达西的结合告诉我们,获得人类一切美好感情的前提是消除傲慢与偏见以及更多的负面人生观。当然还有更多作者欲说还休的情怀需要随着时间的流逝而去参悟


Pride and Prejudice

As we all know that, nowadays ladies want to marry gentlemen who are ‘high, wealthy and handsome,’ and almost all gentlemen like ‘white, wealthy and beautiful’ women. It seems that appearance and possessions have decided marriage to some extent. However, I do believe that we can learn a lot from Pride and Prejudice.

The first sentence in the movie reads, ‘A truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must in need of a wife." It reflects the social phenomenon at that time. Miss Bennet was eager to marry her five daughters to rich men. However, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennet don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. We can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions.

True love seems very fragile and lovers have to face a lot pressure from their families. The difference in social status can be a big barrier keeping lovers away from each other. Only by appreciating the marriage founded on the basis of mutual understanding and true love, can a couple

live a happy life. Elizabeth and Darcy tried so hard to persuade their families and shatter the stereotypes. Eventually, they became a couple and lead a happy life from then on.

From their wonderful marriage, we can conclude that it’s true love that matters most. For all the girls, their boyfriends may not be the richest guys in the world, but as long as they really care for us and we love each other, they can marry in the future. Sometimes, beautiful appearance and wealth may blind our eyes, I think it’s high time that we should think over love and make an important choice.

The movie really impresses me a lot. Love is everything, and nothing can prevent true love. In such a society where every is pursuing for a large amount of wealth and good appearance, I think we really need to calm down.
