范文网 论文资料 俄语考研万能作文(精选)


俄语考研万能作文第一篇:俄语考研万能作文俄语万能作文(俄语)万能作文(俄语)我个人的万能作文(科技与生活 科技的世界 等科技类) технаука и жизнь1.21世纪是人们依靠知识和技术发展的时代。人们为了创造一个理想的社会而不断努。






(科技与生活 科技的世界 等科技类) технаука и жизнь

1.21世纪是人们依靠知识和技术发展的时代。人们为了创造一个理想的社会而不断努力. 21-ый век—это время, когда общество развивается знаниями и техниками. Для создания идеяное общество люди постояно стараются.


Сегодня, Очень трудно представить себе, без технауки как стала наша жизнь, технаука существует повсюду.


Тепель мы нетолько узнаем инфармация по книге и газете, но и по знания компьютеру.

4.当你工作结束的时,一个电话回家电脑家庭主妇已经为你准备好一切!热水、咖啡、晚饭。 Когда ты закончил работу, позванил домай, домашняя хозяйка-компьютер уже подготовил, всѐ тебе нужно! Горячиноя воды кофе ужину.


Современный мир уже станѐт святым людими с технауки и жизнь.

6.机器人进入我们的生活,“她”像真人一样。有着一张女性的面孔,声音轻柔,协助你工作。 Робот вошел в наму жизнь, он как настоящий человек, у неѐ женское лицо, и красивый голос, помагает тебе работать.

7.生活的意义 将来的打算 我的一天 Зачения жизни. Мечта (идея), мой день.


Зачем мы живѐм ? Какое значение жизни ? В нашей жизни мы часто спросили себе, какое значение жизни? Разве это значит, что кождый день вставать и спать, и работать, из-за дня в день прожить обычную жизнь.


Молодѐжь—это поколение имеюшие идея, культуры и стремления.


Кроме учѐбы работы, нам нужно весѐлое настрание. В нашей жизни полны работами и отдыхами, и учѐбами и т д.


В настоящей жизни мы весѐло проживѐм каждый день. Несмотря на получения и давания. Только мы знаем благодарность. 绿色世界 和平世界 健康世界

зелѐный мир мировый мир

здоровый мир 1.你最喜欢什么颜色?能说说你的理由吗? Какой цвет болеевого ты любишь? Почему ты любишь такой цвет ?


Знлѐное цвет это символ жизни и идея. Если каждый из нас может собранять природы и эклокию. И так, в будуший день наш мир обязательно полен зелѐными и идеями.


Очень трудно представить себе, какими станѐт наш мир, если без лесоу, без цветов, без чистого воды, без песни птицы, на наши глаза всѐ запустеные земли.

第 1 页 共 2 页


4.从我做起,从现在做起,用整个身心去热爱我们的大自然,用毕生的精力去呵护我们的植物界和动物界,用我们的聪明才智去营造美丽和谐.安逸舒畅的生存环境。世界将会更加美好! С самого это времени нам надо от души любить и охранить, наму жизнь и нашу природу нашей всей жизнью. Для

чтобы создать красивое гармоничное общество. Мир будет более красивый и прекрасный.


Мировый (здоровый. Зелѐный) мир—это основние нашей жизни, и мы все хотим стремиться к этому.


Мы живѐм во этом мире, и нам нужны мир, здорые, зелѐное, мировый. 7.人们诚实.勤劳.勇敢。

Люди честны, трудолюдивый, смелы. 8.没有战争.没有贫困.没有饥饿。 Без войны, без беда, без голода.


Чисты воздухи и воды необходимоности для наший жизни. Ведь всѐ это нам подарила природа.если люди не людят еѐ, и не соблюдали правил природы, мы не может совермать состаяное развитие нашего общества.Любите и берьте природу!

中国越来越重视与各国的文化交流。中国不仅作为一个经济大国,也作为一个文化大国,将被全世界所认同。中国经济的高速增长给中国带来了很大变化,使中国人的生活水平不断提高。 Китай более и более придавает большое значение на связи с другими странами .Китай привлекает к себе все страны в мире не только как огромная страна ,но и огромная культурная страна . Страмительное развитие экономики привесло Китаю болшое изменение и улучшить уровень жизни китайцев .

中国是世界上最古老的国家之一,是一个历史悠久的东方文明古国。中华文化源远流长,博大精深,几千年来中华民族为人类文明做出了重要贡献。“丝绸之路”的开辟,将中国的技术传到了阿拉伯国家,之后又传到了欧洲,传到了世界各地。欧洲人见到瓷器就想到中国,提到中国就想到瓷器。我相信,无论在政治上,还是在经济和文化上,中国将越来越影响世界。 Китай-одна из самых древных стран в мире ,как древная цивилизованная страна ,имеющая длиная история.Тысячлетные китайский народ сделали важные вклад для человеческой цивилизоций . открытие “Путь шелок”перевесло в Арабские страны техники и культуры и потом в европу и в другие страны .Когда европеецы встретили ферфор ,они обычно подумал о Китае .Я уверю,что Китай будет играть более важную роль в мире не только на политике ,но и на экономике и культуре.

第 2 页 共 2 页



It is obvious in the graphic that the amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies). At the point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少).

What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(1). More importantly, …(2). Most important of all, …(3).

From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graphic/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势).


Nowadays , there are more and more XX in some big cities . It is estimated that (数据说明现象 ). Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.

The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides, ( 3 ) . The third reason is ( 4 ). To sum up , the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) .

It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing , (解决1). On the other hand , (解决2). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of XX .


There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点). Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious.

First of all, 论据1. Furthermore, 论据2. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 论据3.

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测.


Recently there have been a discussion regarding the issue of responsibility. What the picture above vividly illustrates is that a man who serves as a public servant is expressing his inability to deal with a problem which is directly related to his duty raised by a common people. Obviously, he is trying to avoid his responsibility.

Such scenes are familiar to us all. With the fast development of our country’s economy, people nowadays seem more likely to focus on interest rather than their responsibility. Cases in point are plenty. For example, many doctors in our country, neglecting the needs of patients, prescribe excessive medicine for their own interest. The patients suffer not only loss of money but also ill impact on health. The lack of responsibility lowers the efficiency of our country. What’s worse, it results in the slide of moral standard, which has a bad influence on our society.

Based on what have been discussed above, it is imperative for us to rebuild the sense of responsibility. The government should pay more attention to the issue and call on the society to be aware of this growing phenomenon. In addition, as a member of our country, everyone should regard the responsibility as the most important principle in our daily life. Only with the joint efforts of both government and us, can a more responsible and harmonious society finally come.




①Recently, the problem of ______ has aroused people’s concern. Therefore, there is a hot debate over ______.

②Some people are in favor of the idea of ______. They believe that ______. They also argue that ______.

③However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider ______.What’s more, they firmly point out that ______.

④There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of ______ overweigh the disadvantages.In my opinion, ______.


①______ has brought a lot of benefits to college students ever since the beginning. First, ______.Second, ______.Third, ______.

②Though it does good to college students in many ways, ______ can never be said to bring no problems.For one thing, ______.For another, ______.

③In order to make good use of ______, I form the habit of ______.On the one hand, ______.On the other hand, ______.By carefully planning my time, ______.


①It is true that指出普遍的观点.However, 叙述不同的观点.

②I think 提出自己的观点,即文章的论点 .The reasons can be listed as follows.(开始论证)Firstly,Secondly,举例. Thirdly, 论证理由三. A case in point is that举例.

③It goes without saying that 指出执行该观点的注意事件. In conclusion,总结全文.


①Currently,引出话题.Thus how to提出问题.These following channels are possible ②As far as I am concerned,阐述自己是如何解决问题的 .On the one hand,一方面 .Moreover,进一步阐述.Anyway,总结.On the other hand,另一方面.

③In view of this,得出结论.


①As is clearly shown in the chart,图表总体描述,指明时间段。Especially,指出突出变化.

②There are three factors leading to the change. To begin with,原因一.In addition,For example,To sum up,③As for me,自己的观点.On the one hand,一方面.On the other hand, In brief,


2013 年考研英语小作文万能模板

考研英语小作文万能模板 小作文万能

咨询信 ★★★★★


Dear Sir or Madam, As a ……, I am writing to ask if ……. ……. I,d appreciate it if you could ……/I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon. 两句皆可) ( Truly yours, Xiao xiang

投诉信 ★★★★★ 写作模式:提出投诉+具体投诉内容+要求

Dear Sir or Madam, I write this to place a complaint against ……/ I venture to write to complain about …… (两句皆可) the quality of ……I bought ……. During …… has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another . For one thing,……, For another,……. Therefore, wish you would look into occurrence immediately and send me a replacement as soon as I possible. or I will demand a refund. Yours, Xiao xiang

邀请信 ★★★★★ 写作模式:发出邀请+说明事由+说明活动地点、时间+表示期待、感谢 邀请信分为发出的邀请信和回复别人的邀请信。 一发出的邀请信 分为邀请名人和邀请参加聚会.

⑴ 请名人 Dear ……, 1 We should be very grateful if you could ……/May I take the

opportunity to you to ……(两句皆. 可). Please let me know as soon as possible if you come and when you will be able to make it . Sincerely, Xiao xiang

⑵ 请参加聚会 Dear ……, I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to ……. It would

be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. ……I am glad to tell you that ……. There are also arrangements for ……, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The dinner starts at …… so that we can have a nice and long evening. I would love for you to attend, so pleasure let me know your decision . Love, Xiao xiang

二回复别人的邀请信 一般情况下为拒绝别人的邀请信

Dear ……, It,s an honor for me to be invited, but I deeply regret being unable to ……. ……. I do hope I can have a chance to visit ……. Regretfully, Xiao xiang (此种写信格式为顶格式写作 在考研英语作文中比较少见 但不失为一种新颖的写作方法 可借鉴) 另:附邀请信参考句式: ①It would give me/us great pleasure to have your presence at the Reception /Dinner/Ceremony to be held on …… (date) at ……(place)at ……(time). ②It is my pleasure, on behalf of ……, to invite you to visit our university for a week/to present a key-note speech on ……. ③We are having /planning a …… on …… (date) and we think it would be a good idea if you can join us. 2 ★★★

五、 感谢信 ★★★ 写作模式: 表示感谢+说明事由+再次表示感谢

Dear ……, Please accept my thanks for the very pleasant time I spent together with you for ……, I very much appreciated your hospitality. …….I know the beautiful day will keep me happy for a long time. Thanks again for your warm hospitality and goodbye! I hope I can return your favors at ……very soon. Cordially,

Sincerely,Xiao xiang推荐信 ★★★★★

写作模式: To whom It May Concern,(解释为相关负责人) In reply to ……(人名) request for a letter of recommendation, I have great pleasure to write this letter in his favor. ……(人名) was working with me for ……(three、 four) years in the capacity of confidential clerk. We are once very good working terms. ……(人名) left me just because ……. During the years he was in my

service, his work was highly appreciated bye everyone in my firm. He was conscientious to his work and responsible for his clients. I am sure you will find him strictly honest hardworking and intelligent in the best sense of the word, as I found his here.

Yours Sincerely, Xiao xiang

求职信 ★★★ ★★★ 写作模式: 自我介绍、说明求职原因+表示个人能力、经历及求职动机+希望取得面试机会、表 示感谢

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of …… you advertised in yesterday,s ……. To briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of ……university majoring in ……, and 4 expect graduation this June, not only have I excellent academic performance in all courses, I also posses the rich experience of …… My interactive personal skill and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post. My complete resume is attached. I would be grateful if you could arranger an interview at your earlist convenience.

Yours Sincerely, Xiao xiang请求信 ★★★ 写作模式: 介绍自己、提出请求+说明原因及其它事项+表达协议、期盼回复Dear Sir or Madam, ……, I am writing in the hope of your assistance to/ I would like to apply for ……/ I wonder if and you could spare some time to …….(三句皆可) ……. Thank you for your time and patience./ Thank you for your consideration . I am looking forward to your reply./Looking forward to a prompt reply form you.(三句皆可)

Sincerely Yours, Xiao xiang

建议信 ★★★ 写作模式: 自我介绍、说明目的+委婉提出建议及改进措施或提出忠告+礼貌地总结或期盼回复 To whom It May Concern,(解释为相关负责人) As a ……, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be benifical to express my views concerning ……. In the first place, ……. I would also recommend …….Last but not least, ……. I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration.

Yours Sincerely, Xiao xiang 贺信 ★★★★★ 写作模式: 说明事由并表达自己衷心的祝贺+展开评论事件、赞扬收信人+再次表达良好祝愿

Dear ……, I am much delighted to learn that …….This is a special and happy moment for you and proud of your achievement. …….not only ……, but also ……. I believe this position will be a new beginning, a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career. Please accept my most sincere congratulations! Best wishes,

Yours Sincerely, Xiao xiang 销售:

Last year we achieved a 15% increase in the sales of our . we believe that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes. First, we managed to avoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs to our majestic clients. Second, we believe our designs and colors are the most attractive that we have ever produced.

And so we are happy to be able to tell you that our new season‘s are, if anything, more attractive than last year’s and our prices will compare very favorably with

those of any of our competitors. We believe that you will agree that our samples prove the truth of our claims.

We look forward for you to favor us an order.


Could you give us some idea about your price?

Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be highly appreciated.

It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples.

However, we find that we can obtain a price less by 30% than yours with local firm.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, the undersigned, am a job applicant who had participated in the interview held by your company last Wednesday. I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about this jod-striving experience.

The reason for my dissatisfaction has nothing to do with the outcome but the tone of your interviewer, Mr Wang. First, when I was about to illuminating my deep thought, he began to blame on my so-called nonsense according to his perspective. Additionally, his cynical eyesight always made me feel that I am a reject , after all, I am a novice who has stepped into this ruthless carrer world for the first time.

I appreciate it very much if you could take my letter into consideration, what I really want is just an apology delivered from him,and I would like to have this matter settled by this Friday.
