范文网 论文资料 九年级英语unitone(集锦)


九年级英语unitone第一篇:九年级英语unitone九年级英语2011春九年级英语测试题第一部分 选择题(共80分) 一.听力(共二节,计25分)第一节(共9小题,每小题1分,满分9分)听下面9段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题后所给。





第一部分 选择题(共80分) 一.听力(共二节,计25分)



()1.A.He may be a worker.B. He may be a doctor.C. He may be a policeman. ()2.A.Sports.B. Food.C. Health.

()3.A. A small car.B. A large car.C. A safe car.

()4,A. Watch a football match.B. Have supper.C. Listen to the music. ()5.A. Because he did the math exercises and went to bed very late last night.

B. Because he watched TV till very late last night. C. Because he likes to get up late in the morning.

()6. A. He did his homework.B. He watched TV.C. He played the piano. ()7.A. Chinese.B. English.C. French. ()8.A. 6:30.B. 7:30.C. 8:30.

()9.A.Grapes.B. Apples.C. Wine.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第10段材料,回答

10、11小题。 ()10.Where did the boy go last summer?

A. Shanghai.B. Beijing.C. Changsha. ()11. Who did the boy go with?

A. His father.B. His mother.C. His sister. 听第11段材料,回答第12-14小题。 ()12.When did Jim begin to cough?

A. Last night.B. Last week.C. Last month. ()13. What did the boy have for breakfast this morning?A. A little milk and an egg.

B. A little coffee and some bread. C. A little tea and an apple.

()14.What are they talking about?

A. The food for breakfast.B. The weather.C. Jim’s trouble.


第一节 单项选择(共20小题是,每小题1分,满分20分)


()26. –Which room can I put the big bookcase, dear?

-Certainly my brother’A. three times as big asB. as big as three times

C. twice as big asD. as big as twice (-Many thanks.

A. Have a lookB. Look outsideC. Look aroundD. Be careful. ()28.-Why were you late for school again?A. stopped to workB. has brokenC. stoppedD. broke down ()29.-Where are you going?

-We’A. say yes to my parentsB. say goodbye to my parents

C. say sorry to my parentsD. say hello to my parents ()30.-The Great Wall is very famous all over the world.

-Yeah, there are people from home and abroad visiting it

every year.

A. quite a fewB. a lotC. severalD. very few

B)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。 ()31.-We are all here ____ Lily. Where is she ?-She’s gone to the library.

A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. with

()32. You aren’t supposed to eat or drink while ____ down the street.A. to walkB. walkingC. walkD. walked()33. My bike is broken and it needs ____ at once.A. mendB. to mendC. mendingD. mended ()34. I’d rather walk than ____ a bus .

A. to takeB. takingC. tookD. take ()35.I really don’t know ____ next.A. how to doB. what to doC. to do whatD. to do how()36. The workers were made ____ 12 hours a day in the past.A. workB. to workC. workingD. worked ()37.-When do you think ____?

-About half past five. I will pick him up at the airport.

A. he will comeB. will he comeC. did he comeD. he came ()38.-Wow, what a beautiful coat!

-I bought it in Suzhou last year. It’s ____ silk. It’s dear.A. made ofB. made fromC. made inD. made by

()39. If I ____ you , I would not just stand by but do something to help.A. amB. isC. areD. were

()40.-Be careful, ____ you will make fewer mistakes in your exam.-I know that, Mum. One can never be too careful.A. andB. orC. notD. but

()41.-I want to know when ____ have a field trip.-We’ll have it when all the work ____.

A. you are , will finishB. you will , finishes C. you will, is finishedD. you will, is finish ()42. –Have you ever seen Hero?

-This is the best TV play ___ I have seen this year.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. when

()43. –There ____ some flowers in the garden. But there is nothing now.- What happened?

A. were used to beB. used to beC. uses to beD. used to be having ()44.-Where are my story books, Dad?

-All your story books ____ by your mother before last exam.A. hidB. have hiddenC. were hidingD. were hidden ()45.-Tina, where are they going?

-They are going to clean the room ____ their guests will stay.A. whichB. thatC. in whichD. in that

第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


Have studied and played? Robert Qian, a Chinese Canadian , Now in China , he haslong roots.

Robert is just one young overseas Chinese visit his ancestors’by the local government of Guangdong Province. This program started in 1980, and so of overseas Chinese students to China to look for their families’ before.

camp, they study Chinese culture , see changes thatin that area, and visit interesting sights. Going to their ancestors’ village of the trip. The students feel that they are part of the village, and experience village life. They drink from the village, go for the countryside, and watch theCathy Qin, a young American student, had this to say, “ In Search of Roots, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am. It has been a great trip, and I have so many memories of China to take with me .”

The program leaders believe strongly in the program and say the purpose of it is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about themselves. “I’ve really enjoyed the trip so far,” says Robert. “This has been a big step for me , and I’m out more about my roots during my time here. ” ()46.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. where()47.A. doB. didC. haveD. has()48.A. hasB. withC. there beD. have

()49.A. cameB. have comeC. has comeD. comes

()50.A. organizedB. organizesC. is organizedD. was organized ()51.A.tookB. has taken C. broughtD. has brought()52.A.been toB. been inC. gone toD. come in()53.A.southB. southernC. northD. northern

()54.A. two weekB. two weeksC. two-weeksD. two weeks’ ()55.A.happenB. happenedC. have happenedD. has happened ()56.A. beB. areC. isD. have been()57.A. crossB. acrossC. throughD. past ()58.A. doB. to doC. didD. doing

()59.A. Thanks forB. BecauseC. Thank toD. Because of()60.A. findB. foundC. be foundD. finding三.综合阅读(共三节,计划34分)

第一节 综合知识(共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分) 根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择正确答案。 ()61. Which of the following is not e-mail English?A. F2FB. Just Do It .C. How R U.D. OIC.

()62.In which country, people are supposed to kiss when they meet for the first time?A. Korea.B. Mexico.C. Canada.D. Brazil.

()63.Who said “Learn the new while reviewing the old.” in ancient China?A. Lao ZiB. Li BaiC. Sun ZiD. Confucius ()64.The ____ is the fastest animal on earth.

A. chimpanzeeB. kangarooC. polar bearD. cheetah

()65. _____ are about ten feet long and they weigh about 1000 pounds.A. African elephants.B. Manatees.C. Kangaroos.D. Cheetahs. ()66.Which of the following is not true?

A. In Colombia, people are pretty relaxed about time.

B. In Switzerland, if you are even fifteen minutes late, your friend may get angry. C. In France, you are supposed to put your bread on the table.

D. In Japan, you aren’t supposed to make noise while eating noodles.四、写(共三节,计26分)

第一节 完成句子(共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分)根据句意及括号内的汉语提示完成句子。

81.In order to protect the environment, the supermarket in China stopped ______(提供) people with free plastic bags.

82. The faster the air moves, the ______(强烈) the wind is.

83.My daughter is looking forwarding to ______(收到) letters from her friends.

84.In China, when people meet you for the first time, he or she always ______(握,摇)hands with you warmly.

85.When Chang’e I landed ______(安全地) on the earth, all Chinese were cheerful. 86. It has been three years since we ______(来) to this school.


英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,其地位和作用日益重要。中国已成功举办了2008年奥运会,并与世界各地的来宾共同交流、学习。请以Let’s Study English Well为题,谈谈学好英语的重要性。(80词左右)

Let’s Study English Well

English is widely used around the world. It’s used as the first/official language in many countries. It’s also used as a second language in many other countries in the world. It’s important for a businessman or a businesswoman to learn English well. English is a popular language of the world’s airlines and international business. And two thirds of the world’s scientists read and write in English. About 200 million users of the Internet communicate in English, too. What’s more, the 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing, and this calls for the whole nation to learn English. English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. We should study it well.假如你是王群,正在澳大利亚度暑假。在那儿你遇到了一些语言障碍。请给你的英语老师Mr. Zhou发一封电子邮件,把你所遇到的困难告诉他。(80词左右)

Dear Mr. Zhou,

How are you? I have been in Australia for a week. I come here to visit my uncle and spend the summer holiday. Just as I thought, I have some difficulties in understanding the people here. They speak too quickly. Sometimes I can’t follow them. And their accents are not the same. Even worse, I can’t understand some of the words they said. I really want to know how the differences come about. Please write to me soon.

Best wishes to you and your family.


Wang Qun

你的英语非常优秀, 学校请你和七年级的同学做一次英语学习经验交流。请根据下列提示,写一份80词左右的发言稿。


1.When did you begin to learn English?

2.Why do you like English?

3.How do you study English well?

4.take part in/join, follow the tape, keep a diary in English, remember words ...

Boys and girls,

It’s my honor to come here to share my opinions of learning English with you. I began to learn English when I was ten. At that time I knew nothing about English. But now I enjoy English very much. I like it not only because it’s useful, but also because I have a lot of fun in learning it. I often take part in the English corner, and follow the English tapes to practice spoken English. Morning is the best time to remember words. Keeping a diary in English every day is a good way to improve my writing. That’s all. Thank you.





4.中国的改革开放政策(reform and opening-up policy)、加入“世贸”组织(entry into WTO)和北京2008年成功举办奥运会激励越来越多的人学习英语。

It’s very important for us to learn English well. English is the most widely used language in the world. It is also used as an international language. It’s spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language. Many countries use English as a foreign language. English is widely used for international business. Chinese use English as a second language. China’s reform and opening-up policy, China’s entry into WTO and the 2008 Olympic Games encourage more and more Chinese to learn English. So we must try our best to learn English well and make a contribution(作贡献) to building our country better.



阅读理解(共三节,满分40分) 第一节(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)

Americans use many expressions with the word dog. People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different life. The expression, “to lead a dog’s life”, describe a person who has a unhappy life.

Some people say we live in “a dog-eat-dog world”. That means many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs. They say that to be successful, a person has to “work like a dog”. This means they have to work very, very hard. Such hard work can make people “dog-tired”. And the situation would be even worse if they became “sick as a dog”.

Still, people say “every dog has its day”. This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life. To be successful, people often have to learn new skills. Yet, some people say that “you can never teach an old dog new tricks(习惯)”. They believe that older people don’t like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.

Dog expressions also are used to describe the weather. “The dog days of summer” are the hottest days of the year. A rainstorm may cool the weather. But we don’t want it to rain too hard. We don’t want it “to rain cats and dogs”.

根据材料内容,从下面选出恰当的短语或句子完成1-4小题,使句子通顺,意思完整,将相应的题号涂黑。每个句子或短语限用一次。 A. a dog-eat dog world B. the dog day of summer C. works like a dog D. sick as a dog E. you can never teach an old dog new tricks 21.—It is not easy to find a job, Jack.

--I agree with you. It is _____ 22. Mike is a good boy. H e looks after his old grandfather who is _____ 23. Jack _____every day in order to offer his two little brothers an good education. 24.This July is _____ . The temperature in many cities comes to 40℃ or more. 第二节(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)

A Do you know the old story about the hare and the tortoise? They had a running race, and the proud hare was slower than the tortoise. Now there is an interesting cartoon movie about it. It tells about the story of the hare’s son and the tortoise’s daughter. The hare’s son is very clever and the tortoise’s daughter likes singing and dancing. The father hare often remembers the first running race and feels regretful (懊悔的). He wants to show he is faster and better, so he joins a running

1 race with his son. The tortoise and his daughter join it , too. So the game begins. Two tortoises try their best to walk faster. But they meet some difficulties. They have to work together with the hares. On the way, they find it important to help each other. Though they are not the champion at last, they feel glad. The two families become good friends. They live a happy life. The movie is worth watching. There is something new and different in it. I am sure you will love the characters and the exciting journey. 25.In the old story, the hare and the tortoise had a _____and _____lost the game. A. running race; the hare B. running race; the tortoise C. basketball game; the tortoise D. climbing race; the hare 26. How many members of the two families take part in the new race? A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five 27. During the race, they find it important to _____ A. run together

B. help each other

C. beat the others

D. win the game 28. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The hare’s son is very silly.

B. The father hare regrets the first running race. C. The father hare was proud in the old story. D. The tortoise’s daughter likes singing and dancing.


At present more and more people are crazy about travelling. Why do people travel? “To see more of the world” many people would say. But travelling abroad now means much more than that for the growing number of Chinese tourists. Of course it offers us good opportunities(机会) to meat people from other countries, learn about their culture and customs.

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization(UNWTO), more than one billion people travelled to another country in 2012. In 2012, Chinese people travelled abroad 30 percent more than 2011.The prosperity(繁荣) of the tourism industry can also bring both our country and foreign countries great economic benefits(经济利益). Chinese people usually join large tourist group and visit several countries in one trip.

Chinese people don’t just travel for sightseeing. The China International Travel Service Company said that all their tour trips sold out a month before Christmas Day. Stores offered discounts(打折) during that time, so shopping in Europe and the United States is popular among Chinese travellers.

In December, China is going through a very cold winter. So many people like to go to some countries in Southeast Asia because the weather there is quite pleasant.

The improvement of living standards(水平) mean more Chinese can travel abroad. But many of them don’t have a sense of public manners. A report by Living Social website in March ,2012 even listed Chinese as the world’s worst tourists.

If you want to change that bad name, remember to avoid the following : littering, spitting, snatching bus seats, line-jumping, taking off shoes in public, talking loudly and smoking in non-smoking areas. Besides, we should learn some necessary manners of foreign countries, 29.Chinese people travel abroad not to _____. A. go shopping

B. see more of the world C. go sightseeing

D. make money 30. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization(UNWTO),_____. A.30% of the people who travelled abroad are Chinese B. the number of people who travelled abroad rose by 30% C. more than 1 billion people travelled abroad in 2012 D. more than 1 billion Chinese people travelled abroad in 2012 31. As a good tourist, you should _____. A. litter and spit here and there B. jump the line and take off the shoes in public C. have a sense of public manners D. speak loudly and smoke as you like 32. What’s the best title of the passage? A. Travelling

B. Travelling abroad C. Chinese tourists

D. Chinese people like traveling C Application For Employment(求职申请) Name:

Harry Smith Address:

4224Maple Avenue Oakland, California Telephone Number: 555-1660 Work Experience Company Greenfield High School Position(职位) book seller; English teacher Work you did sold books; taught English Dates you worked 2008-2010; 2011-2013 Yearly pay(年薪) $10400; $27,500

Reason for leaving Got a job in California; got a job teaching in Ohio 33.What did Harry Smith do in 2011? A.An English teacher. B.A book seller. C.A secretary. D. A gatekeeper 34.If you know more about Harry Smith, you can call____. A.4224-1660 B.555-1666 C.4224-1666 D. 555-1660 35.Where does Harry Smith Live now? A.In New York. B.In California. C. In Ohio D. In Washington D.C. 36.In 2008 and 2009, Harry Smith got _____ in total from his work as a book seller A. $27,500 B. $10,400 C. $20,800 D. $55,000




Good evening, everyone! I am certain I wouldn’t be standing here if I hadn’t found out what I love to do. My speech topic is to work hard, support the family and keep a smile on your face.

37 I couldn’t get good grades in one time. I felt very upset because my report card let my family down. 38

Then Mr. Mckenzie, my principal, asked me what I could do to enjoy the subjects. After a month of searching for answers,

39 Soon later, I worked out what I could do to get the best out of the other topics. I started to enjoy it and I came to like the intellectual(智力的) challenge of thinking about something different. 40

With a big smile on my face, I think all the teachers and Principal McKenzie. I also thank my parents and my classmates as we have shared each others’ pain and success. Let us celebrate our graduation and look forward to a great party. Also let us think through how much stranger we are and the importance of finding what we love to do in life. Put a smile on your face and look forward to the next goal of challenges! Thank you! A. I realized I actually did like maths! B. That is not what they want for me. C. So, a smile reappeared on my face and I started to enjoy life all round. D. I was busy for sometime working hard but with no smile on my face. 第三部分




从下列A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳的一项,并将答题卡内相应的字母涂黑。 41. —Why are you laughing?

—Oh, I’ve just read

interesting story. A. a

B. the

C. an

D. / 42. — Is this your notebook?

—No, it isn’t. Ask Bill. He is looking for ___________. A. mine B. yours

C. hers

D. his 43. John always ______ a lot of money buying CDs. He ______ $8 for a new CD yesterday.

A. takes; paid

B. spends; took

C. spends; paid

D. takes; spent 44. She can hardly write her own name, ______?

A. can she

B. can’t she

C. does she

D. doesn’t she 45. — What did Mr Green say to you?

— “What a heavy rain! How did you come here?” He asked________.

A. at all B. in fact C. in surprise D. as a result 46 —The city of Wenzhou looks more and more beautiful.

—Yes. That’s because lots of trees ______ every year.

4 A. plant B. are planting C. are planted D. have planted 47. —You can use MSN to talk with Vivien on the Internet.

— I know. But can you tell me ________?

A. when I can use it B. what I can use it C. why can I use it D. how can I use it 48. —I’m worried about tomorrow’s math exam.

— ______ . I’m sure you will make it. A. Bad luck

B. What a pity

C. Take it easy

D. Don’t mention it

49.—Would you like some juice or coffee?

—__________. I want some water.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Both

D. None 50. —How do you like the dishes, Eric?

— Fantastic! Nothing tastes ________.

A. nice B. better C. terrible D. worse 第二节

完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳的一项,并将答题卡内相应的字母涂黑。

Once there lived two brothers. The older was called Simon and the younger Victor. They 51 each very much, and always took care of on another. Every day they worked from morning 52 night, getting as much grain(谷物) as possible from their fields. One late autumn evening, after their work in the

53 was done, Simon said to his wife, “Victor got married last month. He has many bills to pay. I think I will put a bag of rice in his barn(谷仓). “That’s a good idea.” said his wife.“But please don’t tell him.” Said Simon, “If he knows I put the rice there, he will 54 take it.”

So, late night Simon took a bag of rice to victor’s barn. The next day, while looking at his own barn, he found


strange. “I took a bag of rice to Victor’s house last night,

56 I still have the same number of bags in my barn. 57

did that happen?”

Simon decided to take another bag of rice to his brother’s barn that night. But the next morning, he found the 58 number of bags in his barn again! “This is very strange.” He thought. That night he 59 again. He carried a large bag of rice on his shoulder, and walked down the road to his younger brother’s house. In the bright moonlight, he could see another 60 coming down the road. He was carrying something on his 61 ,too. “Younger brother!” Simon cried, “What are you doing?”

“I was 62 you, older brother,” said Victor. “Your family is 63 than mine. I thought you needed more rice.” The two brothers quickly 64 that they had been taking rice to each other. They 65 what had happened. “It is good to have a brother like you .” They both said. And they lived happily ever after. 51. A. disliked

B. hated

C. loved

D. enjoyed

52. A. until

B. at

C. through

D. with

5 53. A. shops

B. fields

C. hospitals

D. factories 54. A. never

B. sometimes

C. usually

D. ever 55. A. everything

B. anything

C. nothing

D. something 56. A. so

B. and

C. but

D. or 57. A. How

B. What

C. Why

D. Where 58. A. small

B. different

C. huge

D. same 59. A. planned

B. failed

C. hoped

D. tried

60. A. brother

B. person

C. sister

D. wife 61. A. back

B. shoulder

C. head

D. hand

62. A. proud of

B. polite to

C. angry with

D. worried about 63. A. smaller

B. richer

C. larger

D. happier 64. A. remembered

B. realized

C. imagined

D. explained 65. A. laughed about B. dreamed about C. pointed at

D .shouted at 第II卷


(共三部分,满分39分) 注意:将答案写在答题纸上,写在本卷上无效。






What are you doing, Kangkang? Kangkang: I


a novel named A Madman’s Diary (《狂人日记》). Jane: Who wrote it ? Kangkang: It 67

(write) by Lu Xun. It is the 68

(one) short story in the history of modern Chinese literature. Jane: Could you tell me more about him? Kangkang: Certainly. He was born in 1881 in Zhejiang Province. He went to Japan to study medicine when he was young. But he 69 (make) his mind and decided to offer the rest of his life to literature. Later, he became a great 70

(think) and revolutionary. Jane:


great he was! I’ll read as many of his works as I can. 第四节:完成句子:(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)

根据汉语意思完成句子,每空只填一词,缩写词为一个词。 72.实际上,水构成了人体的最大部分。

________ ________ , water makes up the largest part of human body. 73.—孩子们,请随便吃些鱼和牛肉。—谢谢。

—______ ______ to some fish and beef, boys and girls — Thank you. 74.吉姆在上交试卷前通常会仔细检查的。

Jim usually checks his test paper carefully before _____ it _____ . 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分23分)

第一节 阅读表达(共4小题:每小题2分,满分8分)

阅读下面一篇语言材料,按要求回答提出的问题,将答案写在答题卡上. Liu Qian is a magician from Taiwan. For the CCTV Spring Festival Gala (春晚) he put

6 on a three-part magic show. They were very successful. Now everyone is mad about magic. We all want to know how to do a trick! Liu didn’t go to any magic school. He learned by himself. He worked hard at it. Now he is a great magician. When Liu was seven, he saw a coin trick in a big store. At that moment Liu decided to learn Magic. Liu practiced hard to improve his skills. Then one day he was able to put on a show for his class. “I saw the surprise on everyone’s face. It was cool.”

Liu still practices hard today. He may spend three years working on a new show. Many of my classmates are in love with magic after Liu’s three-part magic show for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. They’re studying how Liu’s tricks work. I hear that one boy can do the tricks in Liu’s show. He is a top student in my class. Everyone likes him. I can’t wait to see his shows! 75.把短文中划线句子译成汉语。(2分)

76. What does Liu Qian do? (2分)

____________________________. 77.改写同义句。(2分)

He may spend three years working on a new show. It may take him three years

on a new show. 78. How did Liu Qian learn magic?(2分) ____________________________.

第二节:书面表达 (满分15分)

紧张的初中学习生活就要结束了,你即将迎来一个轻松的暑假。 谈谈你的假期计划。




3、语句通顺、连贯,意思完整、正确,书写规范。 A Plan for My Summer Holiday ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


九年级英语试题 一.任务型阅读(5分)

Everybody likes to have a good time, but do you know that laughing is very good for your health? Scientists believe that laughing can help your body fight illness. Because of this, an Indian doctor opened the first laughter club in 1995.

Now there are more than 1,000 laughter clubs around the world. A laughter club is a place where you can go to laugh in your way for happiness and good health. Steve Wilson, the man who took laughter clubs to America, said, “We laugh with each other, but never at each other. At first, the laughter exercise feels a bit false. But soon the laughter becomes real. ”

Laughter is very important when we communicate with other people. It helps us make friends and understand each other better. We can laugh with people all over the world. It is the same in any language. So never be afraid to laugh. It’s good for your health.


Laughing can make us happy and (1) .The first laughter club (2) _____ opened in 1995. Now there are (3) 1,000 laughter clubs all over the world. We can go to a laughter club to laugh for our health, but remember (4) to laugh at each other. Laughter is an international language. It is (5) to each other’s understanding. Let’s laugh with people around us.


1. A year is d___________ into four seasons.

2. A fair person treats everyone e____________.

3.People can’t a___________(reach by effort) success without hard work.

4. Simon is c________ (love sth very much) about football.

5. They are the best films. Do you know the ___________ names? (导演)

6. Li Lei has made great __________ in English.(进步)

7. Tigers are __________ faster than pandas.(消失)

8. ________ with others isn’t good. We should get on well with each other. (争吵)


1.You’d better give up ____________(smoke).

2.He’d rather ___________(not watch) TV since it’s not interesting.

3 .Jack is a boy full of _________(wise).

4. She worries a lot and often gets _________(stress).

5. The book is very __________(value) to us.

6. I wonder if his advice is worth _____________(take).

7.Millie’s dream is ______________(walk) in space.


1.将对这件事作现场报道。The event will ________________________________.

2.我希望能够得到父母的支持。I wish I ___________________________________________.

3.下雨了。除了呆在家里,我别无选择。It’s raining. I have ______________ at home.

4.橙色能给你带来成功并让你振作起来。Orange can ____________and _______________.

5.开车时不允许使用你的手机。You are ________your mobile phones ___________.

五 。短文填空:(10分)

Yesterday I saw a report in the n 1 .It is said that many students in poor areas don’t have enough stationary and some e 2 can’t go to school. I was very sad after r___3_____ it. I’m going to tell you something about people in poor areas.

The people in poor areas don’t have h___4___ lives because they don’t have enough money. They wear old and b____5___ clothes and most of them even don’t have their o____6___ clothes.

They also have many brothers and s_____7___, but their parents don’t have enough money to let all of them go to school. Some of them have no way to learn k_____8____ in school. They have to teach t_____9__. So most of them can not go to university.

The people in other cities often raise money for them to i___10__ their lives. I think if every one of us can give the children in poor areas a hand, the world will be more beautiful.

六.改错题(10 分)

1. This old man had two millions dollars, and he gave it to charities. _____________

2 I would give it to medicine research, if I got a lot of money. ____________

He doesn’t know if should

he bring a present when invited. _____________

If you don’t know anyone, you can talk about Tom. ______________

I don’t have a gift, what if everyone else bring a gift. ______________


九年级英语教案 单位:汤池镇中心学校 姓名:汪昌军

Unit 2

I think that mooncakes are delicious!


本单元主要介绍了国内外不同的节日,文化气息浓郁,教学内容丰富。本单元以同学们熟悉的传统节日开始,而且八年级已经学过一些相关内容,素材来源于学生生活,同学们就有表达的欲望和诉求。而教材中Section B 又主要围绕西方的两个节日--- Halloween 和Christmas展开,侧重两个节日的文化内涵,让学生更深层次地理解西方文化。这也激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了他们的学习效率。由that, if/ whether 引导的宾语从句和感叹句是教学重点,学生能利用所学知识表达自己的态度或回应。

Period 1

Section A 1a—2d



整体设计 教学目的

1. 学生能学会重点词汇以及目标语言。

2. 通过学习本单元内容,初步掌握宾语从句的用法。 教学重难点 重点:1. 重点词汇:mooncake, lantern, stranger, relative, pound, put on, in two weeks, sound like, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck 3. 目标语言:Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there. I wonder if it`s similar to the Water Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Province. 难点:陈述句的宾语从句和一般疑问句的宾语从句的用法。 课时安排:1课时 课前准备

1. 根据本课提到的节日搜集中国其他的传统节日。 2. 准备好录音机,制作多媒体课件及学案。



Step 1 : Lead-in Ask students: What is the Chinese name for this festival? What do you like best about your favorite festival? The teacher writes down some useful expressions on the blackboard. Step 2 : Presentation Ask students to read the names of the festivals in 1a, and the teacher can help say as many as possible. 1. ______ The Water Festival in Thailand. 2. ______The Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong. 3. ______ The Chinese Spring Festival in Beijing. 4. ______The Lantern Festival in Jiangxi.

Step3: Listening Before Listening Ask students to read the four sentences and think about which festival they talk about. Ask students to predict whether they will be back next year to watch the races. While listening Ask students to listen and circle T for true and F for false. Check the answers. Listen and repeat for pronunciation and intonation. After listening

Step 4: Work on 1c Ask students to talk about the festivals in 1a. Ask students to make conversations in pairs. Examples A: What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? B: I love the races. I think they`re fun to watch. Ask several pairs to act out.

Step 5 : Listening to 2a&2b 1. Ask students to read the four sentences. Read carefully and try to get some information. 2. Ask students to predict which one they will choose. If possible, they can tell a short story according to their prediction. 3. Listen for different information by listening to the tape different times. 4. Check the answers. 5. Listen and repeat for pronunciation and intonation.

Step 6: Work on 2c Make conversations between Wu Ming and Harry. Role—play and act out. The teacher gives the evaluation.

Step7: Work on 2d 1. Read the conversation between Clara and Ben, and answer the questions. (1) Where is Clara going in two weeks? (2) Why is she going there in the hottest month? (3) When is the Thai New Year? (4) Is there the Water Festival in China? (5) Why do people go on streets to throw water at each other? Keys: (1) She`s going to Chiang Mai. (2) Because there is a Water Festival. (3) It`s from April 13th to 15th. (4) Yes. The Dai people in Yunnan Province celebrate the Water Festival. (5) Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things. 2. Read the conversation again and fill in blanks. Clara: Guess what? I `m going to Chiang Mai in two weeks. Ben: Wow, ______! But I believe that April is the hottest month of theyear there. Clara: _______. But there`s a water festival from April 13th to 15th. Ben: _____________________ of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. Clara: ______. This is the time of the Tai New Year. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. Ben: Cool! But why do they do that? Clara: Because the new year is a time_________________. Then you will have good luck in the new year. Keys: Sounds like fun; Yes, that`s true; I wonder if it`s similar to the Water Festival; Yes, I think so; for cleaning and washing away bad things 3. Role—play the conversation with different classmates. 4. Analyze objective clauses. 在句子中起宾语作用的句子叫做宾语从句。连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that, if, whether; that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句, if和whether引导表示“是否”的一般疑问句的宾语从句。 But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there. 本句为主从复合句,主句为 I believe, that 引导宾语从句。

I wonder if it`s similar to theWater Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Provine. 本句也是主从复合句,但引导宾语从句的引导词为if, I wonder为主句。

Step 8: Homework 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart. 2. Copy the sentences with the objective clause and learn them by heart.


Unit 2

I think that mooncakes are delicious! Period 1

section 1a—2d 1. Key vocabulary: put on, in two weeks, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year 2. Target Language: Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there. I wonder if it`s similar to the Water Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Province.
