范文网 论文资料 英语模拟国际学术会议(通用)




































The 4th simulated international academic Conference

Opening Speech

The purpose of this meeting is to further strengthen the academic exchanges, expand the international perspective of graduate students, so that we can understand the form of international academic exchanges, and create a strong academic atmosphere. The goals of this conference are twofold. First, it should provide a forum for the exchange of information between participants in this interdisciplinary meeting. Second, it should stimulate the interest and ambition of postgraduate from different grades to build a better tomorrow. I hope that the conference will provide the opportunity for personal exchange of academic results, facilitate the making of new acquaintances and to strengthen the friendship among participants from different grades. I also wish that everyone can enjoy yourself in this conference. 开幕词


Closing Speech Thank you to everybody who has contributed to the conference with reports and introductions. More than 10 students have come here to discuss some problems and some of them give their possible solutions. All of you did a really good job and I believe that our conference is a great success. It went smoothly as scheduled. All the students were very illuminating and informative. And the heated discussions were very stimulating and fruitful. It’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of our department to a new stage. 闭幕词



1. Introduction Thank you very much. Mr. Jiao, for your kind introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! My name is Lijia, came from Harbin Engineering University. I am honored to have been invited to speak at this conference. Before I start my speech, let me ask a question. Do you know what can affect the properties of foam concrete? Do yo

Today, my topic is about Influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete. I want to share our interesting research result on reinforced concrete frame with you. The content of this presentation is divided into 4 parts: In section 1, I will introduce what is the foam concrete. In section 2, I will talk about Parameters investigated and mix compositions. In section 3, I will give Effect of water–solids ratio on design density. And finally, I will make a conclusion. 2. Body Section 1: the foam concrete Now, I will introduce the foam concrete. Pre-formed(成型的) foam concrete is manufactured(加工)by adding foam, prepared by aerating(充气)a foaming agent solution, to cement paste or cement mortar(灰

浆). The composition(合成物), physical properties(性能)and uses of foam concrete were discussed in detail(详细的)by Valore, Short and Kinniburgh, Rudnai and Taylor. Although several investigations have been conducted on the properties of foam concrete, most of them deal with cement–sand mixes, neat cement paste with or without partial replacement(局部替换)using admixtures(掺合料). Few studies report on the influence of filler type on the properties of foam concrete. By using fly ash(粉煤灰)as filler (fine aggregate细骨料) instead of sand, the high volume(体积)utilization(利用)of fly ash becomes possible可能, thus providing a means of eco-nomic(经济)and safe disposal(处理)of this waste product. Comparison(比较)of strength of air-cured foam concrete made with cement-sand and cement–fly ash for masonry(砌体结构)by Durack and Weiqing show that for products of comparable density(比较密度), mixes with fly ash as fine aggregate in place of sand gave relatively higher strength. Section 2: Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions(组成成分)

So much for the foam concrete, now I will move on to Parameters(参数)investigated and mix compositions. As the experimental programme(实验程序)was aimed at studying the effect of the fillers on the properties like density(密度), flow behaviour(流动特性), water absorption(吸水率)and strength of foam concrete, the following mixes

were investigated by keeping the basic filler–cement ratio constant(恒定不变)at 1:1 by weight. The foam required for three densities(密度)of foam concrete viz. 1000, 1250, 1500 kg/m3 were arrived at as per ASTMC 796-97. In the cement–sand–fly ash mixes 50% of the sand is replaced with fly ash and in the cement–fly ash mixes all the sand is replaced with fly ash. Section 3: Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density That bring me to Effect of water–solids ratio(水砂比率)on design density. I think this part is the most important in my presentation, I will explain in detail. As the foam is added to the wet foam concrete mix, the consistency(稠度) of the wet mix is very important to get the design density. Fig. 2(a) and (b) show the variation of density ratio(密度变化率)(measured fresh density divided(分离)by design density) with water–solids ratio for mixes with different filler type for each of the design densities, viz., 1000 and 1500 kg/m3, respectively(分别地). It is observed that at lower water–solids ratios, i.e., at lower consistency, the density ratio is higher than unity(个体). The mix is too stiff(严格地)to mix properly thus causing the bubbles(气泡)to break during mixing resulting in increased density. At higher water–solids ratios there is also an increase in density ratio as higher water contents make the slurry(泥浆)too thin to hold the bubbles resulting in segregation(分离)of the foam from the mix along with segregation of the mix itself thus causing

an increase in measured density. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), a density ratio of unity or nearly unity is achieved only at a particular consistency. This consistency requirement for the mix before adding foam to it can be expressed in terms of water–solids ratio. It is also observed that the water–solids ratio required to obtain a density ratio value of one, depends on the filler type.

Section 4: Conclusion The conclusions drawn from this study and summarized below are applicable(合适的)to the characteristics of the materials(材料特性)used and the range of parameters(参数范围)investigated: (i) the consistency of pre-formed foam concrete mixtures (defined as the water–solids ratio for achieving the target(目标)density) mainly depends on the filler type, i.e., relatively higher for mixes with fly ash as filler compared to mixes with sand; (ii) the flow behaviour mainly depends on the foam volume and as the foam volume increases the flow decreases. For a given density, foam concrete with fly ash as filler showed relatively(相当的) higher flow values; (iii) for a given density, an increase in fly ash content of the mix results in increased strength. In comparison(比较)to cement–sand mixes, cement–fly ash mixes showed relatively higher water absorption(吸收). That’s all. Thank you! Are there any questions?

The picture on this slide is

So much for ......, now I will move on to...... This slide shows the calculation result

As we know, the target user usually has taken a list of courses rather than a course, so we need to extent our probability calculation formulars. For example, suppose T={a,b}, Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b preceding it; Pr[x﹁T] the probability x occurs without either an a or b following it. This probability can be calculated exactly. So how to calculate it?

That bring me to Recommendation Algorithms. I think this part is the most important in my presentation, I will explain in detail.

In conclusion, we proposed a novel precedence mining model, developed

To sum up, first, I introduced the motivation and the outline of work; second, I gave the definition of precedence mining model; third, I described some new recommendation algorithms using precedence information; forth, I showed our experimental results to compare the new algorithms with traditional ones. Finally, I made a conclusion of our work..

That’s all. Thank you! Are there any questions?



1. 有关会议的一般信息


conference academic conference annual meeting/symposium/conference

international conference forum, international forum

symposium workshop (2)日期

dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点

location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题

issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference topic of interests

conference themes/topics 2.论文征稿、提交与录用

call for abstract/proposal/paper

paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline

deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by… deadline for authors notification

camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册

deadline/closing date for registration registration fees and items

telegraphic transfer only

registration form official invitation letter bank transfer

registration information

payment bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及内容

conference schedule/program

preliminary conference program

final conference program

opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session

keynote speech oral presentation

poster presentation

tea/coffee break (buffet) lunch/(buffet)supper


5. 会议具体细节


question and answer

introduction to speaker comment on speaker

theme/paper presentation closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语

学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(Question and Answer Session)是同行之间交流的良好机




① 准备工作

学术报告中的提问者往往是相关领域中的专家,对报告的内容非常熟悉,因此所提出的问题可能会有相当的深度、广度以及不可预见性,有时甚至直接指出研究工作中的不完善之处或漏洞所在。由于时间关系,回答者在现场一般没有充分的时间进行考虑,这就要求报告人要事先进行充分的准备。在报告前,报告人应将对答环节的准备作为准备工作的一部分,进行深入考虑,全面的预测听众可能提出的问题,可以假设一些问题,并准备好最合适的解答。如果会议没有统一安排每个报告的问答环节,报告者在进行报告时就要预先告知听众随后的Q&A Session,这样可以让听众为提问做好准备。

② 过程控制


③ 答问方式

应首先仔细听清问题,在回答之前应将问题清楚的重复一遍,这可以保证对问题的正确理解,确保每个人都能听清楚问题,同时给自己一些时间来思考,表述答案前可做片刻停留,这既引起了听众的注意,又表明了对答案的谨慎态度,同时也给自己留更多的思考空间。不要对问题进行评价,避免说类似“That was a great question”的话,如果想要对某一问题进行肯定,可以用“Thanks for asking that question”或“I get asked that question by many people.”等中性的表述,还可以让听众感到平等。回答问题时应尽可能简洁,切题。在回答中应尽可能多地提及报告中的内容,这有利于听众对报告内容加深印象,并有利于控制问答环节的主题。

④ 问题的类型


⑤ 时间的把握


⑥ 提问者的礼仪




① 提问

I would like to ask/address/raise a question about… I would like to know(whether)… I would be glad to know(whether)… I have a question about…

May I ask (a question about)…? My question is/concerns//is concerned with… What I would like to ask is… What I am asking is …

I wonder if you would like to explain/comment on the point of…

I would be grateful/appreciate/obliged/for(to have) some explanation about…

I wonder if you would be kind enough to explain/comment on/give some example for… I wonder (What I am wondering is)…

I am curious about/interested in/keen on(whether/why/how/what/when)…? Could you please tell me whether/why/how/what/when…? Do you mind showing me whether/why/how/what/when…? I could not understand what you really mean by… Do you have any ideas about…? What do you think of/about…? Could you back…up? Could you give us an example about…? Could you provide any example to prove what you have said about…? Could you give any example that shows…? ② 回答

a. 对问题进行确认

Are you asking me the question about…? I am not quite about the question? Do you mean…? I am not quite sure what your question is. Could you address your question more specifically? What do you mean by…? I don’t known whether I have understood your question correctly. Do you mean….? b. 肯定会否定的表示 Yes. /I do.

The answer is (not) correct/true/right… Exactly! Precisely! I think so. I think you’re right. I don’t think so. That is just what I mean. That is not what I mean. I (don’t) believe/consider/suppose/regard the viewpoint is true. Sure. /Absolutely. /Certainly. /Definitely. No, (absolutely/certainly/definitely) not. I’m in complete agreement. I (quite) agree. I couldn’t agree more. c. 正面回答

My answer(to the question) is…

To answer this question, I would like to say that… The direct/simple/brief answer to the question is… Let me answer your question by same examples of… I’d like to make a few comments on/explanation about…

I think I can give you a few general comments on/explanation about…

To comment on the question of you, I have made comparison between… and… I’d like to present/offer/give/express/state my opinion on…

In my opinion, the conclusion can be supported by the experimental result that… To answer your question, I’d like to repeat what I said just know. I think this picture will be helpful for your understanding. Here, I’d like to explain it briefly. My idea is on the basis of two points. The first is…, and the second is… I will explain by some examples. d. 非正面回答

Now I can only present same estimation about that…

As far as I know, little in-depth research has bean carried out yet. I can only provide/I have only a partial answer to that question. That’s one possible explanation, but not the only one. I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult for me to present some experimental data at the moment to support the theory since my idea is mainly out of theoretical consideration. I’m afraid the question is too complicated to be answered with a few words. I’d like to discuss it with you after the session. I think the answer to the question needs some further study. I’m afraid is not within the field of the presentation. I’m not sure if what you’re saying has any relevance here. I’m not sure if what you’re saying has anything to do with our problem. I’m not sure if what you’re saying really matters in this case.

I’m not sure if what you’re saying is relevant to our problem. e. 无法回答时的表述

I’m sorry my experience/knowledge about your question is very limited so I think I cannot give a good answer to your question. I’m sorry I really don’t know the answer to the question. Unfortunately I cannot answer the question at the moment. I’m afraid I have no idea how to answer your question (about that). Sorry, I’m afraid I know little about that matter, so I don’t think I can answer your question right now. It’s quite difficult for me to answer that question now. I can’t really recall; I’ll have to get back to you on that. I can’t quite remember; I’ll need to do a little checking and get back to you. I can’t fully remember; I’ll have to check up on it. I can’t recall all the facts; I’ll have to get back to you. f. 回答之后的表述

I wonder whether my question is helpful to you. Does that answer your question in a right way? Is my explanation clear enough? Is that what you wanted me to answer? Would anyone like to and anything (to what I’ve said)? Would anyone care to comment? Would anyone like to give their ideas on this? Would anyone care to add their thoughts(to the discussion)?


Affirms [əˈfɜrm] 断言,肯定 (v) "This case affirms that law enforcement is active across the globe. Offshore does not mean off-limits."


aware of [əˈwer] 意识到,认识,认识到,觉察到,发现,注意到;(un) Neither the US nor the Saudis were aware of his planned departure, said the official, calling it a "clever, canny" trick.


Contemplates [ˈkɑntəmˌpleɪt] 预示(v) The mind, by a power of her own, contemplates the universals in all things.心灵自有其机能,潜观默察一切事物的共性

Convinces [kənˈvɪns] 使确信,说服,使承认(v) He convinces me of his honesty.


Declares [dɪˈkler] 声明;断言(v) He declares that this escapade is his own idea and that Hitler was unaware of it beforehand.


Deeply disturbed [dɪˈstɜrbd] 深表忧虑

We were all deeply disturbed when we heard the news.


Deeply regretting [rɪˈɡret] 深表遗憾

Desire [dɪˈzaɪr] 想要,渴望,希望(做某事) (v) Though Russians do not now believe it, there was a genuine upsurge of goodwill in the west, and a desire to help.


Emphasizes [ˈemfəˌsaɪz] 强调,着重(v) The visit by lawmakers emphasizes the fact that the U.S. government is now a major investor in the American automobile industry.


Expects [ɪkˈspekt] 期待,预期,预料(v) The IMF expects it to grow by over 6% a year during the next five years. Panama will soon overtake Costa Rica and Venezuela in GDP per head. IMF预计,今后5年,该国经济年增幅仍将在6%以上。巴拿马的人均GDP很快就会超越哥斯达黎加和委内瑞拉。

Expressing its appreciation [əˌpriʃiˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 赞赏

Expressing its satisfaction [ˌsætɪsˈfækʃ(ə)n] 赞扬

Alarms [əˈlɑrm] 向...告急,向...报警,警戒 (v) Some prominent economists are beginning to sound alarms as well.


Strongly condemns [kənˈdem]

The Chinese Government strongly condemns this attack. We convey our profound condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured.


Regrets [rɪˈɡret] 遗憾,抱歉;后悔,悔恨;痛惜,惋惜,哀悼(n)

悔恨,后悔,懊悔(过错,失去的机会等);以(不能...)为憾,抱歉,抱憾(v) "I have no regrets about that. I think history will look back and say the President of the United States met his responsibilities," he said.


Reminds [rɪˈmaɪnd] 使想起,使记起,提醒(v) This research reminds us that the best traders can only be understood as part of a network.


Requests [rɪˈkwest] 郑重或正式)请求,要求,恳求,恳请

(something; somebody to do; that ...) (v)

请求,恳求,恳请;要求,需要(n) If Libya requests it, the west should be ready to provide technical assistance in this process. 如果利比亚提出请求,西方应当准备好在这一进程中提供操作上的协助。

Trusts [trʌst]信任,信赖(n)

信任,信用,信赖(v) She says she trusts him. She will some day feel sorry for her words, however.

她说她信任他。然而总有一天她会为这些话而感到遗憾的 Urges [ɜrdʒ] 敦促,催促,强迫;促进,奖励,鼓励,劝告,怂恿;号召(v)

刺激,冲动,迫切要求(n) She urges me to take steps in the matter. 她催促我处理此事。

Reaffirms [ˌriəˈfɜrm] 重申(v) Government reaffirms enhancement of estate agents professionalism

