范文网 总结报告 托福作文T132:你最想发明什么东西 托福作文(精选)

托福作文T132:你最想发明什么东西 托福作文(精选)

托福作文T132:你最想发明什么东西 托福作文托福作文185篇真题范文专项练习  topic132:假如你能发明一样东西,你最想发明什么?  topic132 if you could invent something new, what。

托福作文T132:你最想发明什么东西 托福作文



  topic132 if you could invent something new, what product wouldyoudevelop? use specific details to explain why this inventionisneeded.[参考提纲]132、发明一个英语学习机器(1)英语的重要性,很多人不会英语,又没有机会学,所以失去了发展的机会。

(2)能够节省很多人的学习时间。学英语时间很长。(3)能够让学校公司等更加集中于一个人最重要的方面中去[托福参看范文]topic:132ifi could invent something new, id invent a device or pillthat couldput people to sleep immediately and would have no sideeffects. theproper amount of sleep is important for ourconcentration, mentalhealth, and physical health.getting enoughsleep is a vital humanneed. for one thing, without sleep ourconcentration is stronglyaffected. were easily distracted, wecant remr things, and wedont notice whats happening around us.for example, a lot of caraccidents are caused by tired drivers.when we get enough sleep, ourpowers of concentration are sharper.were more focused on whatwere doing. we perform better.mentalhealth is also affected bylack of sleep. its easy to tell ifpeople dont get enough sleep.theyre on edge, cranky, and out ofsorts. they lose their temperseasily and over-react to situations.in fact, experiments have shownthat lack of sleep over a longperiod of time can cause a completemental peakdown. when we getour proper rest, were more alert andresponsive. our outlook ispositive, and were much easier to getalong with.our physicalhealth shows the strain of sleeplessness,too. we have less energy,and everything seems like a major effort.over a long period oftime, we become slow and unresponsive. thewear and tear on thebody from lack of sleep can be a very serioushealth problem. everydoctor will tell you that getting enough sleepis a basic factor inmaintaining good health.wouldnt it be great togo to bed everynight knowing you d have no problem getting tosleep, no matterwhats going on in your life? getting enough sleepis always goingto be an important pan of how you respond to yoursituation. ithink this device would be very helpful to all ofus.topic:132people will normally invent something that they wantvery muchin the real life if they have the ability . as a father ofatwo-year-old boy, i would make a baby sitter robot. the reasonsareas follows.in the first place, a baby-sitter robot can take careofmy baby when i go to work. there will be a dilemma in frontofparents when they have a child, who should stay at home andwhoshould continue to work, mother or father? with ababy-sitterrobot, they do not need to make a choice. parents willno longergive up their jobs because of their child.in the secondplace, ababy-sitter robot can make my baby stay away from danger. apersoncannot concentrate on one thing 24 hours a day. it willbedangerous when he/she is taking care of a baby. a baby issounpredictable that you never know what he/she will do in thenextminute.for instance, the baby may swallow a coin or fall totheground from the bed when you just do not look at him/her forasecond. however, a robot does not have such a problem becausesheis never tired. she can keep an eye on the baby all the time.anypotential dangerous action will be prevented. even when the babyissleeping, the robot can still watch the baby if youwant.inaddition, a baby-sitter robot can entertain the baby. songsandstories can be inputted in the robots memory and replayedwheneverthe baby needs them. it is so easy to change them that thebabywill never be bored on one song or story.in conclusion, iwouldlike to invent a baby-sitter robot not only because it cantakecare of my baby for me, but also because it can make my babysafeand happy.
