范文网 总结报告 强化版写作词汇搭配:写作词汇(精选)


强化版写作词汇搭配:写作词汇教育类:初级教育primary education 中等教育secondary education高等教育higher/advanced/tertiary education 维持学校纪律 maintain sc。



初级教育primary education 中等教育secondary education

高等教育higher/advanced/tertiary education 维持学校纪律 maintain school disciplines

压抑个性suppress/stifle/repress one’s individuality 实现共同的目标accomplish a common goal

根据学生能力调整课程adjust curriculum to students’ aptitude阻碍个人发展 hamper/hinder/impede sb’s development 打下坚实基础lay a solid foundation 对…很熟悉 keep oneself well-informed of …

增强道德标准意识heighten one’s awareness of moral standards承担责任assume/take responsibility

传授知识impart/pass on the knowledge to students 对…有很清晰的认识have a clear concept of… 梦想的实现fulfillment of dream 融入环境immersion into the environment

借鉴前人知识draw on the empirical knowledge of the generations before us

扭曲事实distort the truth 对学生因材施教teach students in accordance with their own characteristics and differences 模仿父母的言行方式 imitate the way parents speak and behave 明辨是非tell/distinguish right from wrong

解决实际问题 cope/deal with real-life problems 缺乏资历lack of qualification

过分依赖电脑excessive reliance on computer use 专注于学习have the full commitment to schoolwork 厌倦学习be fed up with studying 对工作的热爱the fondness for the job

专注于户外运动exert oneself to outdoor sports 少年犯罪juvenile delinquency

不让孩子接触暴力limit children’s exposure to violence 扩大社交圈enlarge/expand one’s social circle 转移学生学习的注意力divert students’ attention from study 个人偏好的问题a matter of personal preference 解决问题的能力 problem-solving skills 以学者为中心learner-centered/oriented

交流观点the sharing of ideas 专业化知识specialized knowledge


渴望新机会crave for new chances 盲目追随潮流follow fashion blindly

减少获得光明工作前景的可能性lessen the possibility of a pight job prospect

过着高压力和快节奏的生活live a high-pressured, fast-paced life

培养良好的心态cultivate a good state of mind 不良影响detrimental effects

就业压力employment pressure 家庭观念family values

信息爆炸information explosion 信息安全information security

生活节奏pace of life 久坐的生活方式sedentary lifestyle

晋升的机会promotion opportunity 社会财富social wealth

失业率unemployment rate 网瘾web addiction


传播产品信息disseminate product information 接触更多广告higher exposure to advertising

说服/吸引潜在的消费者 persuade/induce potential consumers 夸大产品的品质make exaggerated claims about the properties of products 充斥着广告be bombarded with advertising

做出成熟的判断make sophisticated judgments about 做出不合理的购买决定make insensible buying decision 造成畅销的假象create a best-seller image 警惕广告影响keep alert to the influence of advertising 充斥着be fraught with 竞争力competitive power

购买欲desire to purchase 扭曲事实distort the truth

虚假信息false information 对价格敏感的price sensitive

可支配收入disposable income 分配预算allocate budgets

潜在用户intended users


冲动犯罪impulsive crime 酒后驾驶drunk driving

增加警力和巡逻reinforce the police and increase patrol 增加道路安全意识boost the sense of road safety 减少到了事故和伤亡reduce the accident and casualties on the roads保护守法公民protect law-abiding citizens 严厉的惩罚severe punishment 死刑death sentence/penalty

适得其反achieve unexpected outcomes 和犯罪做斗争struggle with/combat crimes

警惕犯罪keep alert to crimes 提醒人们有被犯罪侵害的危险alert people to the risk of being victimized by crimes 青少年犯罪adolescent offence 性格缺陷character flaw

家庭暴力domestic violence 滥用毒品drug abuse

违法者law peaker 执法机构law enforcement

改造罪犯rehabilitate criminals 惯犯repeat offender


维持自然生态系统maintain natural ecosystem 可持续发展sustainable development

濒临灭绝的动物endangered animal/threatened species 物种的灭亡extinction of a species

尊重其他物种的权利respect/recognize the rights of other species珍稀动物rare animals

生存权利the right of life 有生存权be entitled to possess one’s life

侵犯动物权利violate animals’ rights 栖息地减少shrinking space of habitat

利用动物开展实验conduct animal-based experiments 欠发达国家underdeveloped country

恶化环境deteriorate environment 环境恶化environment degradation

可替代能源alternative/substitutable energy 资源无节制使用reckless use of resources

开发可再生能源develop renewable resources 最优化利用make optimal use of

遵守环境标准adhere to/comply with environmental standard 限制人们使用汽油discourage people from using petrol 减轻…对环境造成的影响alleviate the environmental effect caused by 温室气体排放greenhouse gas emission 垃圾排放discharge of refuse 一次性产品short-lived/disposable items

不顾对…的潜在影响disregard the potential impact on… 道德判断moral judgment

臭氧层ozone layer 原材料raw material


履行政府责任fulfillment of the government’s responsibility 收取高额费用levy a high fee on…

减轻负担ease sb’s burden 收费charge fees

知识为动力的经济knowledge-driven economic 疾病预防disease prevention

基础医疗服务工作primary health care 提供公共服务和投资provide public services and investment 法律的执行enforcement of law 有资格得到政府资助be entitled the government’s financial support 对…产生影响exert an influence on… 增加政府责任increase the government’s accountability 协调预算coordinate the budgets 为经济发展做准备pave the way for economic development 优先考虑give … the foremost consideration/give priority to 丰富文化生活enrich cultural life

没什么进展make little progress 徒劳无益的投资unrewarding investments

民族团结ethnical unity 医保体系health care system

住房短缺housing shortage 娱乐休闲设备leisure facility

市场驱动的market driven 新的前沿new frontier

营利的profit seeking 相关产业related industries

国家荣誉感sense of national pride 科技竞争力technological competitiveness

紧缺的预算tight budget 个人的责任individual responsibility


当地文化/外来文化local/exotic cultures 在…观点上的分歧the discrepancy of on some issues 持有不同的观点harbor different perceptions 大量外来人的涌入the upsurge in new arrivals 深入了解当地的风俗和传统get an insight into local customs and traditions

使本地文化处于灭绝的危险状态put indigenous cultures at the risk of extinction

丢弃传统价值/传统信阳abolish the traditional values/traditionally-held beliefs

对文化传统的拒绝rejection of cultural heritage

保留有价值的传统并传给后代preserve and pass on the valuable heritage to future generations

民族特性ethnic identity 社会凝聚力social cohesion

把旅游业和文化遗产相结合integrate tourism and cultural heritage文化冲突cultural shock

不同文化的融合union/convergence of different culture 过分依赖rely excessively on

融入新文化和新社会中merge into the new culture and integrate into the new society

接受不同的价值观和文化 empace different values and cultures 激化竞争intensify competition

加深对多元文化的理解promote multicultural understanding 消除文化障碍 remove cultural barriers 文化特性element of a culture 全球语言global language

进口产品importing goods 自给自足的经济self-contained economy

席卷一切的潮流sweeping trend 生活成本the cost of living.


根据年龄对人的歧视discrimination against people on the grounds of age年龄偏见age prejudice

老龄化人口的增加swell of aging population 导致医疗保健费用增加result in escalating health care cost 增加家庭和社会的负担impose a burden to family and society 承担照顾孩子的责任undertake childcare responsibilities 看重家庭关系value strong ties among family members 肩负更多家庭责任shoulder more family responsibility 性别不平等和性别歧视gender inequality and discrimination 做理性的决定make sensible decisions

低人一等的社会地位lower social standing 语言障碍language barrier

解决年轻人文盲的问题eliminate illiteracy


科技的巨大进步the tremendous advance in technologies 新技术的大量涌现the proliferation of new technology 现代科技的出现the advent of modern technology 带来很大方便ping a considerable convenience 对.. 有直接和长期的影响have both immediate and long-term impacts

人们过度依赖便利people ’s obsession with the convenience 丰富人们的生活enrich people’s life

被证明是不可缺少的be proven indispensable 跟上节奏keep pace with

用被困者和受伤者的手机信号定位locate trapped or injured people using the signal from their mobile phones 增加工作灵活度increase the flexibility of working

使人们从长途奔波中解脱release working people from lengthy commute

习惯于不活动的生活方式be accustomed to the sedentary lifestyle

减少了人与人之间的交流reduce/dwindle personal interaction

不受地理位置和时间的约束be free from the constraints of geography and time

以前人们无法理解be previously out of the reach of people’s comprehension

方便读者使用的电子书reader-friendly electronic books

日益变得有教育意义become increasingly educational and instructive

使人们受启发并展示极强的创造力enable people to become enlightened and exhibit a high degree of creative power 抑制人们的创造力并使他们成为被动和机械的享乐者stifle people’s creativity and make them passive and mechanical entertainment seeker.

增大图书馆的储量amplify the lipary’s storage

长时间阅读让眼部疲劳增加extended reading time cause more eye strain


具有文化和社会的重要性be of cultural and social importance

使人们想起他们文化的许多不同特征remind people of many distinct characteristics of their culture.

在现在和过去的历史之间架起桥梁pidge the present and the past history

拆除老建筑deconstruct/demolish/pull down the old buildings

具有审美、考古以及建筑价值be of aesthetic, archaeological and architectural values

从行业前辈那里获得灵感draw inspiration from the predecessor/precursor

没有继续维修的理由provide no justification for continued maintenance

破坏城市风光的整体性destroy the integrity of the cityscape

削弱建筑风格的独特性impair the uniqueness of an architect style

不同年代不同类型的建筑的混合the architectural combination/blending architecture of different ages and types
