范文网 总结报告 宾语从句及动词不定式专项练习 (精选)

宾语从句及动词不定式专项练习 (精选)

宾语从句及动词不定式专项练习 宾语从句及动词不定式专项练习宾语从句及动词不定式专项练习一、完成下列句子:1. Can you tell me _________________________________ (哪张画最好)?2. I do。





1. Can you tell me _________________________________ (哪张画最好)?

2. I don’t know __________________________________ (他们班有多少学生).

3. I asked her ___________________________________ (是否去过北京).

4. She asked me _________________________ (谁的父亲在这工厂工作).

5. I am not sure ________________________________ (他现在是否在家).

6. Jim asked ______________________________ (谁发现了那个笔记本).

7. Can you tell me _____________________________ (你妈何时入党)?

8. He said _______________________________ (他已经学了三年英语).

9. Do you remember ___________________________ (我昨天说的话)?

10. Do you know _____________________________ (他在哪儿工作)?

11. He didn’t know ________________________________ (今晚住哪里).

12. The teacher said ________________________________ (地球是圆的).

13. You can tell me ___________________________ (为何不跟我一起去).

14. Nobody knows _________________________ (他到底发生了什么事).

15. I want to know __________________________ (他长大了要做什么).


1. Do you know what are they talking about?

2. He left the classroom until he closed the window.

3. I’ll tell you as soon as I’ll know that.

4. I’d like to know when John is back tomorrow.

5. Because I like him, so I went to his hometown with him.

6. I asked her that where she lived.

7. While I was a child, I liked to collect stamps.

8. I’ll go to see you if I will be free.

9. He spoke very fast that I couldn’t understand.

10. Even although he is very old, he can work.


1. The teacher asked us ____________________________ (努力学习).

2. (学好一门外语) ________________________________ is not easy.

3. I saw him ______________________________________ (出去了).

4. He wants ____________________________________ (成为医生).

5. We don’t know ____________________________ (下一步怎么做).

6. Her wish is _________________________________ (跟我交朋友).

7. She came __________________________________ (看她的父亲).

8. It’s good ____________________________________ (帮助别人).

9. I have _________________________________________ (没事做).

10. We heard her ___________________________ (在房间了唱歌).

11. I don’t know __________________________ (要不要给他回信).

12. She told us _____________________________ (别在街上玩球).

13. Can you tell me _________________________ (去车站怎么走).

14. I need a piece of paper _________________________ (来写字).

15. I don’t wish ____________________________ (改变我的观点).

16. It’s not a bad place ________________________________ (住).

17. I was very pleased _________________________ (昨天见到你).

18. It’s easy _______________________________ (犯这样的错误).

19. I like ___________________________________ (在床上看书).

20. I am sorry __________________________ (错失了这样的机会).

21. It’s important for her ____________________________________ (他被邀请参加我们的晚会).

22. It’s nice ___________________________________ (在这里陪你谈话).

一、 把下列的句子变成间接引语:

1. “I’m leaving for London next week.” My sister said to me.

2. John said, “Mr. Smith has come here.”

3. She said, “Do you want me to help you?”

4. “Did the man in the shop understand him at last?” She said.

5. Mum said, “Can you speak English?”

6. “How many people are there in your family?” He asked the boy.

7. “Don’t worry.” The mother said to the children.

8. He said, “Please give me a book.”
