范文网 总结报告 大数写作的方法 首段写作的9大主要方法(大全)

大数写作的方法 首段写作的9大主要方法(大全)

大数写作的方法 首段写作的9大主要方法1. 谚语法。由于谚语一般已经被大家所接受,用谚语提出自己的观点也容易被读者所接受。例如:As the saying goes,“Money makesthe mare go.”but there ar。

大数写作的方法 首段写作的9大主要方法

1. 谚语法。由于谚语一般已经被大家所接受,用谚语提出自己的观点也容易被读者所接受。例如:

As the saying goes,“Money makesthe mare go.”but there are many things we can"t buy with money,such as time andtrue love…

2. 定义法。定义法是通过对文章中的关键词做一些简单或正面或反面的解释,限定其范围,这样比较有利于引出主题。例如:

"Practice makesperfect" is an old saying. It tells us that it does not matter if we areclumsy at doing something. As long as we keep on trying and practicing, we willdo a good job in the end.

3. 提问法。通过提问一个或一连串的问题,可以激发读者的兴趣,从而引出主题。例如:

a) Do you have many friends?Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do youprefer?

b) What is a good student?Different people may have different answers to this question.

4. 概括法。概括法指先总结文章内容所涉及的现状,然后引出主题。例如:

In recent years, with thedevelopment of science and technology, the Internet has come into more and morehomes and is playing a more and more important role in our work and daily life.It has become a must to us,but at the same time,lnternet has also pought with ita lot of problems.

5. 故事法。故事法指用简单有趣的故事激发读者的兴趣,从而提出自己的观点。如“首段写作示例I "" Is Stress aBad Thing?"

6. 引语法。例如:

"Just as eating withoutliking harms the health, learning without interest harms the memory and can"tbe retained.”From Vinci"s words we can see how important it is to motivate thestudents in language learning.

7. 调查法。为了得到读者的认可,文章的开始可以引出调查数据等,借以提出主题。

8. 假设法。假设法是指通过假设提出一种选择,交代文章要涉及的问题,从而提出文章的主题。例如:

Suppose you were offered twojobs, one is highly-paid but rather demanding, the other is less demanding,butpoorly-paid , which would you prefer?…

9. 综合法。具体写作时,没有必要拘泥于一种方式,可以将上述方法综和起来使用。
