范文网 总结报告 完型填空 完形填空解题技巧(通用)

完型填空 完形填空解题技巧(通用)

完型填空 完形填空解题技巧(一)  During the past hundred years, the car, the radio, the cinema, and now television, have produced great。

完型填空 完形填空解题技巧

  (一)  During the past hundred years, the car, the radio, the cinema, and now television, have produced great ___1___ in the amusements with which people pass their ___2___ time.
  A ___3___ years ago, people were in the habit of making their own amusements. When a group of people ___4___ together, they talked, played cards, or other games, or went out riding, shooting, or walking together. Most people could sing a little, or play some musical instrument reasonably well; so at a party the guests amused each other. ___5___, conversation[聊天] was a(n) ___6___: amusing conversation could ___7___ people happy for hours.
  As for games such as football and cricket[板球], people were also in the habit of playing them themselves. Most of them did not play very well, but they ___8___ themselves and their friends.
  Nowadays we are amused by professional singers or players. Why listen to your friends singing when you can ___9___ the great singers of the world over the radio or on TV? Why play football with players who ___10___ very good when you can go to __11___ some of the best players in your country.
  ___12___ an important match? You may just sit comfortably ___13___ and watch the game without the ___14___ of going outside.
  The art of conversation and the ___15___ of playing and singing are ___16___; people are becoming more and more lookers and listeners, and ___17___ doers and talkers. This change does people ___18___; it is ___19___ to do something than ___20___ to sit and watch others doing it.
  1. A. harm B. pleasure C. changes D. danger
  2. A. busy  B. free C. good  D. day
  3. A. hundred  B. thousand  C. century D. few
  4. A. walked B. played   C. met D. gathered
  5. A. First of all B. Above all  C. After all D. At first
  6. A. art  B. interest C. fun D. importance
  7. A. let   B. make C. keep D. cause
  8. A. enjoyed B. played C. taught D. amused
  9. A. watch B. become C. hear D. admire
  10. A. is B. are C. is not D. are not
  11. A. join in B. play with C. see D. find
  12. A. acting B. enjoying C. joining D. playing
