范文网 总结报告 【大学英语写作教学初步探讨】大学英语写作模板(集锦)




  关键词:英汉差异;写作; 逻辑;英语教学
  Given time, technology will completely replace the traditional teacher in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree?
  Technology has been increasingly used throughout the world. This is very apparent in classrooms today. It is disagreed that technology will replace teachers in the classroom. This will be proven by analyzing how teachers can cater to the needs of the students as well as motivate and discipline them.
  A very important aspect of teaching is the ability of the teacher to shape their teaching style to the needs of their students. As an example, ……As a result, technology will not replace teachers.
  Motivation and discipline are key to a student’s academic success in the classroom. …… After analyzing this, it is clear that teachers will always be needed in the classroom.
  Following the analysis of a teacher’s ability to cater to the students as well as their capability of guiding students towards success, it is clear that technology will never replace teachers in the classroom.
  句间连接失败的案例:Effective advertising tends to change people’s behaviors. Some advertisements show very dark lungs of people who have smoked a lot; many people have quit smoking. Other advertisements feature glamorous people smoking; young people start to smoke. The influence of advertising on young people, many cigarette advertisements are not allowed on TV or near schools. These rules have been effective for a long time, but the number of young smokers has doubled. If this is not advertising, what’s the reason?
  句间连接成功的案例:Effective advertising tends to change people’s behaviors. Some advertisements show very dark lungs of people who have smoked a lot; consequently, many people have quit smoking. Other advertisements feature glamorous people smoking; As a result, young people start to smoke. Because of the influence of advertising on young people, many cigarette advertisements are not allowed on TV or near schools. These rules have been effective for a long time, but the number of young smokers ahs doubled. If this is not due to advertising, what’s the reason?
  It is cruel to conduct experiment on animals._____________, I strongly oppose this course of action.
  It is cruel to conduct experiment on animals._____________, it is necessary for the advancement of science and technology.
  It is cruel to conduct experiment on animals._____________, it deprives animals’ rights for survival.
