范文网 总结报告 on The go The,Study,on,Newspaper,Group,New,Media,Strategy(全文)

on The go The,Study,on,Newspaper,Group,New,Media,Strategy(全文)

on The go The,Study,on,Newspaper,Group,New,Media,StrategyAbstract: Recently, the new media constantly emergency power ne。

on The go The,Study,on,Newspaper,Group,New,Media,Strategy

  Abstract: Recently, the new media constantly emergency power newspaper form "double divided-flow", together with the problems in the operation strategy, the industry overall recession has become a fact of life. With 2005 inflection point, in the home, the traditional newspapers began to witness large-scale "landslide" high-speed growth for the 20 years after; And in foreign countries, Brooks""s situation is not optimistic. Much famous newspaper, the New York Times and the San Francisco pioneer had to reduce our staff in a large profits arising as a result of shrinkage. Can think newspaper industry is facing a profound operational crisis. How to deal with the crisis into a safe and get long-term development is a major theme of the newspaper industry.
  Key words: Newspaper Group; New Media Strategy; Digital Times
  As is known to all, the traditional newspaper industry adhere to the "disseminator-oriented" mode, generally speaking, the workers collect and editing news newspaper office information and provide the information service for readers through the wide of the actual carrier "newspaper". Therefore, it is characteristic of the "single media are the only paper media; drab news text only two text is character and picture". [1] this unilateral linear transmission only provides the reader what in the newspaper to meet you communicate and readers of receiving information requirements at any time anywhere, therefore, it features some delays and drab. Especially today, and the rapid development of information technology on the shortcomings in the traditional newspaper industry become more evident in the heat of the influence of the new media, the Internet and mobile phone and make it suffered from history "winter" in advance, therefore, the whole newspaper industry needs in a desolate appearance. First of all, in the circulation, global press association survey data provide that from 1995 to 2003, in the United States, the newspaper circulation of the rate of 5% down, and in Europe and Japan is 3%, 2%, respectively. According to statistics, in the 1960 s, in the average every five American, four people read the newspaper; And now only half of the population remains the habit of reading newspapers, "readers have suffered great loss. In China, the data plan issued by the national bureau of statistics and financial according to the general administration of press and publication in 2005, said a total of 220 newspaper, the average number of printing of 27454900 pieces, a decrease in a 4.62% interest rate, and the total printing number is 5504, the rate of 4.41% decline. Among them, the first 10 newspapers in China began to appear in the first half of the 2005 negative, August this year in southern China sports daily and ball." stop circulation continuous [3] if cycle decreases at this rate, it can be predicted in the near future, the traditional "newspaper" will disappear completely from the planet. Second, advertising revenue, the newspaper industry at home and abroad have witnessed the weak economic growth, even fell sharply. For example, the biggest newspaper chain gannet saw profits down three two consecutive quarters of 2005, among them, the third quarter profit decline rate is 4.3%; The dow Jones company experienced net profit fell 54%, the first quarter of 97% in the second quarter compared respectively, the same cycle in the last several years. In two different advertising revenue source for the Wall Street journal, advertising revenue fell by 19%, and financial advertising revenues shrink nearly 20%. "[4], by 2007, the American newspaper advertising revenues fall to lowest record. The environment is of the global recession newspaper advertising market, China newspaper ads also. Flat meet" cold current ", in 2005, the growth rate fell 22.9% in the same period than advertising a few years ago, and in 2007, the newspaper of the advertising revenue in China has suffered the industry actual low growth of more than 1%, apparently in low ebb. In contrast, pessimistic traditional newspaper industry development, new media is emerging powerful. As an example to the Internet, "until February 2008, most of the Chinese Internet users (Internet citizens) has more than 221 million as the world""s first, the number of the blog has exceeded 57 million years through, and online AD revenue growth has witnessed the 40%. "[5] the fact vigilance newspaper operators emerging the impact of the media, keep the traditional" news newspaper "stubbornly can""t adapt to the information the demand of readers, it is necessary to base on" readership-oriented "information transmission concept to absorb new technology has lofty goals, keep open thought in" multimedia "to promote beyond the traditional" newspaper "digital" multimedia ". So, the authors believe that it is wise to reform two aspects: first, strengthen the integration of media industry crisis. The newspaper is fierce competition all kinds of media and the division of the readers and advertising media clients. Paper the advent of the information age, the future of the newspaper industry determined to develop a response of change, make great efforts to realize the media mode and the interaction with a traditional media and new media and reasonable use of new media operator, because mobile phones, website, QQ, MSN and electronic mail, and other information in response to the spread of newspaper readership, and strengthen the different interaction and contact readers and therefore to build digital network and opened the paper operation mode with the media and the Internet, paper in multimedia video and audio media forms. Practice proves, "by the use of the new technology, change report, provide more style background information and analysis and exploration in-depths report, the newspaper industry is not just broke the destruction of the prophecy, but also more and more and more development. [6] Secondly, to innovate the content of our newspaper. Content is the guarantee of our life newspaper the core competitiveness of the lies. Therefore, in the new era, the newspapers should fully make full use of it interview right and to the original news release unique and professional interview and editorial team for effective choice, processing and large information first task. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize innovation of expression and space design news content, for example, the U.S. newspaper industry, in order to improve readability in the newspaper, Narrows the page through the half an inch of newspaper, the more pictures and form the stock market information and reduce the six pages to 2 pages and positive direct readers know the stock market the online version of the newspaper or mobile version. This practice not only reduces the cost, but also with the media and the network media paper more unique function, and won""t simple repetition. Therefore, only when the transition and outstanding direction from the traditional "news files" modern "multimedia" is the successful implementation, and different media integrated fully to form a whole newspaper industry operation link, can become the newspaper report real-time 24 hours a day and efficiency newspaper advertising is to promote sustainable development of the maximization of the newspaper industry.
