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大学英语阅读材料 大学英语朗读材料Read the two passages and do the True and False exercises. Paasage ISilver LiningJulia Cartwright uncro。

大学英语阅读材料 大学英语朗读材料

Read the two passages and do the True and False exercises. Paasage I

Silver Lining

Julia Cartwright uncrossed her legs and set her teacup on the peakfast table. Life didn’t always turn out the way she wanted it to. Drawing her sheer housedress around her shoulders, she stood and strolled to the bay window that overlooked the train station and Greta’s bakery. The glow from the street’s light posts dimmed as dawn gave way to the morning. Passengers milled about, some clinging to love ones, while others stood in line for a taste of Greta’s scrumptious pastries. If nothing else, she would miss the endearing scene below. Lowering her eyes, wet lashes rested against her cheeks. So many wonderful memories now tainted by the stabbing death of Mrs. Monroe.

A shudder raced through her as she turned from the window and surveyed the cardboard boxes lined along the pick wall. Considering her neighbor’s horrific fate two nights before, her unemployment and move to a smaller place paled in comparison. What weighed most on her mind was doing something for the old woman’s family, even if it was just to sit and comfort them. Maybe she could purchase something from the bakery and take it to the family this afternoon. Yes, that’s what she would do.

“Excuse me, Julia. Do you have a moment?”

The baritone voice pought her out of her reverie. Julia looked up to see the detective assigned to Mrs. Monroe’s case in the doorway. “Sure, come in.” When his dark gaze moved down her chiffon, silk gown, her stomach fluttered, as it did whenever he was near. Instinctively, she drew the satin sash tighter. He cleared his throat. “Your sister let me in, but I can always come back later.” Julia’s warm cheeks matched her tinted hair. “No, please make yourself comfortable while I change.” She hurried from the room. Her sister had stayed over to help with her move, and she planned to strangle her as soon as he left. How dare she allow him to come back while she was indecent? Having met the detective on two previous occasions, she couldn’t deny her attraction to him. His jet black hair and inquisitive eyes left her nearly peathless. Fanning herself, she powsed through her closet several minutes before deciding on a soft, blue cotton dress. She changed and returned to the sunroom.

“Can I get you coffee or tea, detective?” Julie asked, not missing his appreciative glimpse at her dress.

“No, I’m good. Please call me Will.”

She sat in a chair across from him, noticing for the first time the dry rose which fell from her fireplace mantel, now lay in the center of the table. It was a gift she’d bought herself last Valentine’s Day. She chose to ignore it. “Okay, Will, how can I help you?”

With pen and pad before him, his expression turned serious. “I wanted to go over this again. You said you heard a scream at two o’clock, Tuesday morning. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s correct.” With his head inclined, he scribbled notes. Her gaze followed the movement of his strong hand.

“How can you be sure of the time?”

“My favorite television show came on when the scream rang out.”

He cast a curious glance in her direction. “And what show is this?”

How embarrassing. At twenty-five, she not only bought herself roses but carried on a romance with the television. “The Dating Game.”

His full lips tilted at the corners. After a few unspoken moments, he continued. “I know you called the police. What did you do after that?”

“Just as I’ve told you on two other occasions, I ran to the window, and that’s when I saw the guy on the fire escape.”

“You were adamant about him being a black male. How can you be sure when it’s night?”

She wrapped her slender fingers around the teacup she’d left on the table earlier. Lifting it to her lips, she sipped the lukewarm liquid and set the cup back on the saucer. “The area was well-lit, and he wasn’t wearing a face mask. You’ve asked me most of these questions before. Are you hoping I’ll change my story?”

He closed the notepad and folded his hands on the table, drawing her attention to his well-defined forearms.

“You’re the only witness who has come forward, so I’m trying to get as much information as possible.” He smiled, showing even, white teeth.

Warmth swept through her lower abdomen. What was it about him that affected her this way? Looking away, she sipped her tea.


The sound slid over her skin like oil. She looked up into his midnight eyes. “Yes?”

A sigh resonated throughout the room as he leaned back against the chair. “I have to be honest about why I’m really here. I remembered that your movers were coming today, and I wanted to see you before you left. I would like to stay in touch.”

Trying to steady her hands so he wouldn’t hear the cup clinking against the saucer, she let him continue.

“I would like to take you out. Is that possible?”

“Won’t this compromise the case?”

“Absolutely not. You’re not a suspect.” His gaze still held hers. “Maybe I’m moving too fast, but I’m totally taken by you.”

Since fainting was not an option, Julia took a much needed peath. “I would like very much to see you again.”

“Is the offer still good for a cup of coffee?” Will asked.

“Yes, I’ll be right back.” She stood and turned to leave.

“Before you go. Is there a story behind this rose?” He twirled it between his fingers.

“Not one you’re going to hear from me, detective.”

Julia could hear his laughter behind her as she went into the kitchen. Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around her waist. Although she’d lost her sweet neighbor and job, better days were ahead. From now on, she would focus on the positive and look for the silver lining.

Passage 1

1. Julia Cartright was more concerned about her unemployment and move to

a smaller place than her neighbor’s death.

2. Julia seemed to be swept off her feet by the detective assigned to her

neighbor’s case though she had got her valentine.

3. Julia felt embarrassed to reveal her secret love of a dating program on TV.

4. The detective came to question Julia for the third time because she might

have committed the murder of her neighbor.

5. With the detective’s offer to ask Julia out, she will focus more on the

positive side of life and be more optimistic in the future.

Paasage II

Home Is Where the Heart Is

“I’ll see you Thursday night, Jess,” Jack Maguire said to his wife. He wiped a smudge of baby food from her cheek before pressing his lips to hers.

It was their usual Sunday night routine. Saying goodbye.

Their youngest, baby Ella, bounced in her mother’s arms until her dad leaned over and planted a raspberry on her cheek eliciting squeals of delight.

Jessica’s lips curled despite the heaviness in her heart.

As a pharmaceutical sales person, travel was a part of Jack’s job description that she’d grown to accept. But it didn’t make saying goodbye any easier.

After smothering their other two kids in hugs and kisses, Jack hopped into the waiting hired car with a wave and a smile. Jessica’s stomach clenched as she thought about how exciting his life on the road must be—business meetings with doctors, dinner at new restaurants every evening, nights spent in luxurious hotels.

After their oldest, Connor, was born, Jessica made the decision to quit her job as a nurse and stay home full time. Now with three kids under five, she still loved every moment of her time at home. But that was her. Whenever she said goodbye to Jack she couldn’t help wondering if he found their home life dull compared to his travels.

Did he look forward to getting back on the road?

Jessica felt a tug on her pant leg pulling her back from her worries.

“Can I have a drink?” asked three year old Zoë.

“Of course, Sweetie,” Jessica replied as she patted the girl’s curly blonde head. She grabbed three plastic cups from the cupboard, and as she poured a round of apple juice for the masses her concerns about Jack were quickly forgotten. On Monday night, the phone rang at precisely six o’clock. Jessica’s heart pounded with anticipation. Whenever he traveled, Jack always managed to sneak away and call home at the same time. No matter what.

When she picked up the phone, Jessica could barely hear him over the raised voices and clinking of silverware on dishes. He was at dinner with clients.

The kids jumped at her legs anxious to talk to Daddy. After each had their turn, Connor passed her the phone. “It’s your turn, Mommy.”

But as soon as she raised it to her ear, she heard Jack say, “Sorry, hun. Gotta go.” He was practically shouting to be heard. “Dr. Watts is about to leave, and I haven’t gotten a commitment from him yet. I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you.” She let out a heavy peath but told herself she could wait until tomorrow to tell him about Zoe’s attempt to dress the cat in a princess gown and tiara.

But on Tuesday evening, Jessica returned home at six-ten following what was supposed to be a quick stop at the grocery store—an impossibility with three kids in tow—to find a message from Jack.

“I won’t be able to call back tonight,” his voice rang out. “The only time Dr. Bryson can meet with me is this evening. Kisses and hugs to everyone.” He sounded distracted, as though he was in a hurry to get off the phone.

Her heart sunk.

The tiara story really isn’t that exciting anyway.

On Wednesday evening, six o’clock came and went with no phone call. Even though she knew he was due home the next night, disappointment weighed heavy in her chest. Her first instinct was to worry. He’d never missed a call before. Had something happened?

Calm down. He’s probably busy with a client, her common sense told her. But then that meant he’d gotten too busy or just forgot to call.

Either option caused her heart to tighten uncomfortably. But she tried to ignore the sensation as she joined in the kids’ lively dinnertime conversation.

A few hours after the kids were asleep Jessica heard a noise at the front door. Her heart thudded in her chest. Who could it be? She wasn’t expecting anyone.

Wiping her dish soapy hands on a towel, she walked cautiously to the front window to check it out.

But before she reached the foyer, the door swung open and Jack walked into the house. Jessica’s peath caught in her throat, and she rushed to her husband throwing her arms around his neck.

“You’re early!” she mumbled into his shoulder. Her heart sped like crazy—partly from surprise but mostly due to the thrill of seeing Jack.

“I couldn’t stand the thought of being away for another night, so I squeezed all of my appointments into three days. That’s why I’ve been so busy.”

And he couldn’t call tonight because he’d been on a plane, she realized. A pang of guilt gripped her stomach. How could she have doubted him?

He dropped his small suitcase and returned her empace with both arms. “I’ve had enough stuffy business dinners and lonely hotel stays to last a life time.” “I thought you liked traveling,” she said tentatively.

Jack pulled back and looked into her eyes. “The only part I like about being away is coming home to you and the kids.”

A wave of relief washed over her leaving a warm glow in its wake. Feeling closer to Jack than ever before, Jessica leaned in and pressed her lips to his. When she pulled away, she couldn’t help smiling. “Do you want to hear what Zoë did to the cat on Monday?” she asked.

And as they cuddled up on the couch together, the sparkle she saw in Jack’s blue eyes as she talked about their life, their children left no doubt in her mind. Home really is where his heart is.

Passage 2

1. Parting from her husband on Sunday night is a family routine which Jessica

has grown to accept and felt at ease with.

2. With three kids under five to take care of, Jessica sometimes found home

life dull and stressful.

3. Whenever Jack traveled, he always managed to make a call home at the

same time.

4. There was no call from Jack on Wednesday because he was busy with


5. Jack’s surprising return pought Jessica to the awareness that her husband

had always been loving the family.
