范文网 作文大全 [Analysis,of,Cooperative,Principle,in,Students’,Criticism] in spite of(精选)

[Analysis,of,Cooperative,Principle,in,Students’,Criticism] in spite of(精选)

[Analysis,of,Cooperative,Principle,in,Students’,Criticism] in spite of【摘 要】文章通过学生被老师批评所作出的反应进行个案简析,从而对合作原则的违背现象进行研究。  【关。

[Analysis,of,Cooperative,Principle,in,Students’,Criticism] in spite of

  【摘 要】文章通过学生被老师批评所作出的反应进行个案简析,从而对合作原则的违背现象进行研究。  【关键词】合作原则 学生 违背现象 个案研究  【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-4810(2012)16-0025-02
  In 1975, the philosopher of language H. P. Grice published a seminal article entitled “The Co-operative Principle” that created quite a stir on the linguistic scene and generated a large number of linguistic publications that built on Grice’s postulates. The basic assumption is that any discourse, whether written or spoken, is a joint effort. Both the speaker and the addressee have to follow certain pragmatic, syntactic, and semantic rules in order to communicate effectively. They have to co-operate. It is no doubt that most of conversations follow this principle, but there are still some exceptions, for example, the case when students are being criticized.
  Ⅰ Theoretical framework
  The English language philosopher Paul Grice(Grice, 1975) proposes that in ordinary conversation, speakers and hearers share a cooperative principle, and points out how the cooperative principle works with another. Speakers shape their utterances to be understood by hearers. From the cognitive level, hearers may observe, flout or violate what speakers said before. Grice analyzes cooperation as involving four maxims: quantity, quality, relation, and manner. The maxim of quantity is presented that speakers should be as information as is required, that they should give either too little information nor too much. The second maxim is that of quality, which says that Speakers are genuine, and sincere, speaking “truth” or facts. Utterances are assumed to be saying something that is relevant to the context of the speech, or what has been said before. This is called relation. The last maxim is manner, which says that speakers try to present meaning clearly, orderly and concisely, avoiding ambiguity(Cited in Cutting, Joan, 2002).
  1.quality: speaker tells the truth or provable by adequate evidence
  2.quantity: speaker is as informative as required
  3.relation: response is relevant to topic of discussion
  4.manner: speaker’s avoids ambiguity or obscurity, is direct and straightforward
  Ⅱ My case study
  1.My case
  This conversation was selected from my students’ answers in a higher vocational college. At the school gate, 2 students, two boys, one by one, were just caught being late by the principal. They were ordered to stand in a line and questioned in turn. The following is a dialogue between the principal(P)and the two students(S):
