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长城的英语作文 第一篇Since I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a lot of people co。


长城的英语作文 第一篇

Since I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to the site when I have a chance. I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the books, I also watch it through TV.

Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to there.

长城的英语作文 第二篇

What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world. It's not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China. _It's glorious._ I think. It looks like a big dragon running across the mountainous area. It starts Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. It's so long that nobody can walk from the beginning to the end.

It was firstly built in Qin Dynasty and prolonged in Ming and Qing dynasties. It was used to protect the enemies from invading in the past, but now it has bee the place of interest which attracts so many tourists both at home and abroad.

When I was standing on the top of the Great Wall, I felt as if I were in ancient days. I could see many laborers working very hard. How could they finish this extremely difficult task by hand?

长城的英语作文 第三篇

As the saying goes, “not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall”, climb the Great Wall have the constancy, and never quit the perseverance and determination, can't give up halfway! We can watch while climbing. I'll introduce the Great Wall for everybody: the Great Wall is composed of GuanCheng, beacon tower pier of watchtowers, smoke, and the barbican, wall, wall, the crenel, perforation, hole, etc. Beacon tower pier and smoke is used to transfer the situation of the enemy. In smoke on the pier burning smoke during the day, how much smoke the heap represents the number of enemy soldiers. Night can't see the smoke, a fire on the beacon tower. This way of passing information at that time is the most rapid and most effective, the beacon tower has played a very big effect.

At this moment, I saw a kid to climb on the wall. I put him down for everyone, said: “please note that can't climb on the wall, it is very dangerous. Outside the wall is dangerous mountain, it's no fun to fall down!” Here, I'll tell you something about a story about the Great Wall: once upon a time, a man named meng jiangnu, she went to send clothes for repairing the husband of the Great Wall. She reached the Great Wall, but didn't find her husband. She hurriedly ask others, others say that he had been buried in the Great Wall. Her sad cry, cry for many years, finally, her tears fell the Great Wall, finally saw her husband.

The Great Wall is very beautiful, very spectacular, winding, welcome you to touring!

长城的英语作文 第四篇

hello everyone! My name is Li Zijian. Today, I'll show you the magnificent and magnificent Great Wall. I'm the guide of the little fat rabbit travel team. Today, let me take you to see the scenery of the Great Wall!

In February 一九八七, the Great Wall was listed as a cultural heritage, with a total length of 六七零零 kilometers, passing through seven provinces and autonomous regions. It took about 二零 percent of the working people to build the Great Wall, which is located in the central and northern parts of China. The Great Wall, with an average height of 六-七 meters, is made of bricks, tiles, lime and wood. There are rows of crenels more than two meters high on the outer edge of the Great Wall. Above the crenels are square lookouts and shooting ports for lookouts and shooting. On the wall, there is a square platform every 三零零 meters, which is a fortress. When fighting, cities and Taiwan can echo each other. Just look at the countless stones on the Great Wall. One of them weighs Jin. At that time, there were no trains, no cars, no cranes, so we had to rely on countless shoulders and hands to lift them up the steep mountains step by step. How many working people's blood, sweat and wisdom have condensed into the great wall without head in front and tail in back. Looking at the Great Wall from a distance, it is like a long dragon winding between the mountains. From Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west, it is more than 一三零零零 Li. The Great Wall was built in the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. After the supplement of the past dynasties, almost all the great walls we can see now were built in the Ming Dynasty. This is the outpost of Juyong Pass, an important pass of the Great Wall, with an altitude of 一零一五 meters. The terrain is dangerous and the Chengguan pass is strong. It has always been a place for military strategists. Such a magnificent project is a great miracle in the history of the world.

Well, you should all want to visit. Now you are free to visit. I'll give you three hours, but remember to come back on time and gather under the Great Wall in three hours.

长城的英语作文 第五篇

This morning, my mother and I went to climb the Great Wall.

My mother and I arrived at the foot of the Great Wall, and I immediately rushed up and walked less than 一零零 meters. I was tired and tired. I couldnt walk any more. I rested for 一零 minutes and found that my mother had reached the top floor. I immediately raced to catch up. When I caught up, my mother walked about 一零零 meters, so I had to run. My mother stopped to rest, too, and I took advantage of my mothers rest, and I ran for a while to get to my mother. My mother and I went on and on to the exit. My mother and I walked for about 三零 minutes to the plum garden, walked past meiyuan, and then it was fast to the exit, and I sped up to the exit.

When we got to the exit, we went back happily!

长城的英语作文 第六篇

My dear friends, first of all, congratulations on you will become a real “hero”, because today we are going to be on the Beijing badaling Great Wall, really realize the artistic conception of “not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall”.

The Great Wall is the symbol of the Chinese nation, is the pride of Chinese people, this is the world's longest defensive in ancient buildings. The earliest the Great Wall built in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, after two thousand years, it throughout northern China, winding, grand thin, from space can use one of the wonders of the human eye can see two human. Everyone knows that there are to sings: “the Great Wall Wan Lichang...” How long is the Great Wall? Really have Wan Lichang? Only appeared in the history of China's one of the Great Wall?

The Great Wall in the history of China can be more than one, its length is different also. As early as the Great Wall of qi in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, according to the Great Wall of qi. Then, a ChuChangCheng. Later, yan, zhao, qin and other countries have also built the Great Wall, the minority nationalities in the north of defense. But the length of the Great Wall is no more than one thousands of miles, so cannot be called “Great Wall”. The presence of a truly Great Wall in Chinese history after qin shi huang unified China.

In 二二一 BC, the qin dynasty destroyed the six countries and unified the world. In order to be able to keep jiangshan, Jesus Christ, to the starting of the throne of the emperor qin shi huang sent prince ying fusu and general meng tien, north to the wall connection, reinforcement of all countries, and extended, thus formed in the history of China's first truly “Great Wall”. It stretches more than ten thousand, shi said qin wall. In the han dynasty, the emperor on the one hand, general wei ch 'ing, huo qubing crusade against the huns, on the other hand sent zhang qian to the western regions, on the surrounding of the ethnic minority areas to take tough love. Not only that, in order to “do not call ma degrees yinshan hu”, not only reinforce the original qin wall, and built an article in the north of the former qin wall outside the Great Wall, the length of the Great Wall to nearly 二 miles. The han Great Wall the Great Wall is the longest in the history of our country. After the han, many dynasties have all completed the Great Wall, only two dynasties have not completed before the Ming dynasty Great Wall, you know what two dynasties?

History, practical yuan dynasty did not repair the Great Wall, the reason is that datang power is strong, the diplomatic success, WaiFan, Great Wall area of datang land on either side, so have not completed the Great Wall. The yuan dynasty was founded Mongol dynasty, is a force to conquer the global powerhouse, is the largest country in the territory in the history of our country, who dare to make? Is coupled with the mongols from the north of the Great Wall in the central plains, why the outlet from building walls it?

The last time in the history of large-scale repair the Great Wall is the Ming dynasties, Ming emperor wrest power from the mongols, its capital in nanjing, in order to strengthen border, resist the Mongolian remnant, so after the succession sent general managed and four late emperor zhu di, north to build the Great Wall. A total overhaul of Ming dynasty Great Wall 一八 times, has lasted for more than 一五零 years, until you're done, this is the east of shanhaiguan, west to jiayuguan this Duan Ming the Great Wall, the total length of more than 一二七零零, this is the Great Wall we said today.

Today, the Great Wall is no longer a military defensive measures, and join the people of the world become the bond of friendship. In 一九八七, UNESCO listed in the catalog of world cultural heritage to the Great Wall.

长城的英语作文 第七篇

长城 The Great Wall

What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world. Its not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China. ”Its glorious.“ I think. It looks like a big dragon running across the mountainous area. It starts Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. Its so long that nobody can walk from the beginning to the end.


It was firstly built in Qin Dynasty and prolonged in Ming and Qing dynasties. It was used to protect the enemies from invading in the past, but now it has become the place of interest which attracts so many tourists both at home and abroad.


When I was standing on the top of the Great Wall, I felt as if I were in ancient days. I could see many laborers working very hard. How could they finish this extremely difficult task by hand?


风中之烛 Candle in the Wind

Would you smile, if I asked you to smile?


Would you dance, if I asked you to dance?


Would you come, if I asked you to come?


And would you save my soul, this moment?


Of course, you will, cause you love me.


I will not forget you, because you love me.


I will not leave you, because you had saved me.


I will not laugh at you, because you are my candle.


Of cause, I will not, cause I love you.


The pure, the bright, the beautiful is you.


You dream of love and warmth.


The spirit is yearning cry.


To struggle for the better hope


These things can never die.


Let love pass for every hand


You are my sunshine and you are my everything.


长城的英语作文 第八篇

Hello, everyone! I'm Mi Hanxiang, the tour guide. The place of this tour is the Great Wall, the cultural heritage of our country. You all know something about the Great Wall, and you will experience it with me later.

Starting from Beijing, we should have arrived at the foot of Badaling Great Wall within a hundred miles. There are crenels on the Great Wall, more than two meters high, and there are square lookouts and shooting ports on the crenels. We can see the beautiful scenery in the lookouts and feel the feeling of shooting in Ancient Wars at the shooting ports. Do you think it's very interesting!

Looking up again, on the top of the city wall, there will be a square platform every three hundred meters. In ancient times, if we found the enemy coming, our ancients were very clever. He would light a fire on the platform and tell other troops that when the enemy came, we should get ready to fight. In addition to this role, he also plays a role as a fortress for garrison troops. When fighting, cities and Taiwan can echo each other.

Standing on the Great Wall, you can think of the wisdom and sweat of the ancient working people. At that time, without cranes, trains and cars, they relied on countless shoulders and hands. How many working people fell because of the construction of the Great Wall.

By the way, when we play, we should not litter on the Great Wall, and do not scribble on the wall of the Great Wall. The most important thing is to pay attention to safety. Now let's enjoy the great wall and have a good time!

长城的英语作文 第九篇






长城的英语作文 第一零篇

Dear passengers, good morning! I am the guide from today, I'm Yang Ding, everybody call me tintin.

Today, we are going to place is the Great Wall.

The Great Wall, is one of the world's heritage, beginning in the qin dynasty, total length of thirteen thousand li, so called the Great Wall. Today I want to go to is by famous badaling Great Wall. On the Great Wall every 三零零 meters there is a square ChengTai, that is for the use of station troops fort, war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

But, you know? The Great Wall is ruthless, it is cost millions of lives of the people to build up, every stone gray with prisoners and exile and tears! After the verve magnificent Great Wall, there is a touching story of meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall. The ancient times have a woman, her name is meng jiangnu, married to a man, a happy life in a small town by the sea. The emperor qin shi huang ordered to build the Great Wall, except for over 六零 years old the old man and the women and children, other people will go to building the Great Wall. The news soon got around, meng jiangnu parents don't want the good life be destroyed, just hide meng jiangnu's husband, but he was seen by qin shi huang soldiers found it.

Day after day, year after year, meng jiangnu's husband hasn't come back yet. So she decided to go to find her own husband. Meng jiangnu with woolies, through hardships, came to the Great Wall, but get news of her husband died of cold and tired. Meng jiangnu painful, tao weep aloud, meng jiangnu cry, the Great Wall fall down more than a dozen kilometers, finally, meng jiangnu jumped and died in despair.

About the Great Wall I was introduced to here, everyone to pay attention to safety when I climb the Great Wall, the Great Wall each brick is on the state protection of cultural relics, so don't carved on the Great Wall “so-and-so to visit” and other words, don't steal to take away any bricks on the wall.

Two hours later we focus here, then we go to visit the temple of heaven. Okay, please comply with the time, visit freely.

长城的英语作文 第一一篇

The Great Wall, the world's cultural heritage, is also the Chinese and the world's only, majestic, magnificent, is enormous, engineering hard building, one of is also one of the wonders of the world, overlooking the astronauts in space to earth is the only building the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is the symbol of our country, it rolling, winding, east of shanhaiguan, west to jiayuguan, passed in liaoning, hebei, _n, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, shanxi, shaanxi, ningxia and gansu nine provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, 七三零零 km, the walls of the Great Wall have different height, average meters, the Great Wall and something important - beacon tower, beacon tower stood a man, if you have the army aggression, in the fire on the beacon tower, this is a reminder of the army have resistance.

The Great Wall is like a leap of the dragon, because we are all descendants of the dragon, the Great Wall is the pride of our Chinese people, also is our Chinese nation ancestors with sweat, blood and of wisdom, and I'm proud of it.

长城的英语作文 第一二篇

The Great Wall is a symbol of China. Far from the majestic wall, like a long dragon winding between mountains and mountains, from shanhaiguan to jiayuguan, there are more than 一三,零零零!

From Beijing, only a few tens of kilometers can reach the foot of the Great Wall. Ah, the Great Wall is long and long, at first sight, as if the giant snake lay on the mountains to rest. The Great Wall is made of many stone and brick. The top was paved with square bricks, and it was as neat as a broad road, and five or six horses could walk abreast. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, above the square at the mouth and the nozzle, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, a ChengTai every few hundred meters - ancient war can mutual echo. The Great Wall is not a single wall, but a complete engineering system composed of walls, enemy buildings, guancheng, pierburg, camp city, wei place, town tower, and other fortifications.

Standing on the Great Wall, it is natural to think of the ancient working people who built the Great Wall. If you look at the stone, it weighs two or three kilograms. There were few tools at that time, and it was only by the hands of countless people on the shoulders of countless people, and one by one, they lifted up the steep mountains. The blood sweat and wisdom of the working people, the Great Wall of the Great Wall, which has not been seen before, is not seen. Such an ambitious project is a great miracle!

长城的英语作文 第一三篇

hello everyone! Welcome to Beijing. My name is Tang Jingnan. Today, let me show you around the Great Wall, which was established as a cultural heritage in 一九八七!

The Great Wall, where we are now, is made of brick, tile, lime and wood. The Great Wall is 六-七 meters in average and 四-五 meters in width. In ancient times, there were no trains, cars or cranes, so we had to rely on countless shoulders and hands to lift up the steep mountains step by step. It took 二零九零 working people to build the Great Wall. There is a monument on the Great Wall, which is called ”no hero without reaching the Great Wall“. It has been more than years. The Great Wall was built in the spring and Autumn period. With a total length of 六七零零 kilometers, the great wall passes through seven provinces and autonomous regions. It starts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the West.

In the process of building the Great Wall, it is said that there is a touching story, that is ”Meng Jiangnu crying down the Great Wall“. In the Qin Dynasty, it is said that there was a kind woman named Meng Jiangnu. Once, when Meng Jiangnu was planting flowers in the garden, she saw a man. He was afraid of the woman's barking and shook her hand. Meng Jiangnu asked, ”what's your name?“ ”My name is fan Xiliang,“ he said Meng Jiangnu asked fan Xiliang to live in her house. After a few days, Meng Jiangnu fell in love with fan Xiliang, and fan Xiliang also fell in love with Meng Jiangnu. One night, when Meng Jiangnu and fan Xiliang entered the bridal chamber, the birds were flying outside. Some troops were stationed, so they took fan Xiliang away to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu had been waiting for a long time and decided to go to the Great Wall to find fan Xiliang. After three days and three nights, she finally reached the Great Wall. He asked the workers, ”have you seen fan Xiliang? “He fell at the foot of the Great Wall when he built it,” the worker said. “Meng Jiangnu cried for three days and three nights and collapsed a section of the Great Wall. Seeing fan Xiliang, Meng Jiangnu and fan Xiliang went.

Next, I'll give you two hours to visit. We'll meet under the Great Wall.

长城的英语作文 第一四篇

To the northwest and north of Beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags it's way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. This is the Great Wall, which is said to be visible from the moon. 对西北地区和北京北部,一个巨大的,锯齿状壁曲折,它的方式向东、西沿起伏的山脉。这是长城,它是说是从月球上看到的。

Construction of the Great Wall started in the 七th century . The vassal states under the Zhou Dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defence purposes. After the state of Qin unified China in 二二一 ., it joined the walls to hold off the invaders from the Xiongnu tribes in the north and extended them to more than 一零,零零零 li or 五,零零零 kilometers. This is the origin of the name Of the “一零,零零零-li Great Wall”.


The Great Wall was renovated from time to time after the Qin Dynasty. A major renovation started with the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 一三六八, and took 二零零 years to complete. The wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. With a total length of over 六,零零零 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west and to the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east. What lies north of Beijing is but a small section of it.


A Map of the Great Wall


The map shows the Wall running from Jiayu Pass of Gansu Province to Shanhai Pass of Hebei Province. Representative sections of the Great Wall built in Ming times are situated near Shanhai Pass, Gubeikou and Juyong Pass.


Badaling Section


The Badaling section of the Great Wall snaking along the mountains northwest of Beijing was built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty in the 一四th century. Being metres high and metres wide at the top on the average, it has battle forts at important points, including the corners.


长城的英语作文 第一五篇

The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 一九八七. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 六,七零零 kilometers (四,一六三 miles ) from east to west of China. With a history of more than years, some of the sections of the great wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

长城的英语作文 第一六篇

Good morning, everyone. I'm the tour guide of Great Wall Travel Agency. Welcome to the magnificent Great Wall. My name is Cheng. You can call me director Cheng. Now let me introduce the Great Wall!

The Great Wall is 六七零零 kilometers long. It is located in the central and northern parts of China, passing through seven provinces and autonomous regions. It starts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the West. It was made of brick, tile, lime and wood. You guess, how many meters is it high and how many meters is it wide? Hey, hey, nobody knows? It is 五-七 meters high and 四-五 meters wide. Let you guess how many troops it can hold? Gee, now someone knows. Come on. Ha ha, you guessed wrong. It can hold 九五八五八四 troops. Is it powerful? In 一九八七, it was called the symbol of China along with the terracotta warriors and horses. There is a stone tablet on the Great Wall, on which is engraved: if you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero. I tell you, the Great Wall has a history of more than 二零零零 years. It was built in the spring and autumn and Warring States period to resist the northern nomadic tribes. It uses one twentieth of the country's labor force. How's it going? How's it going?

During the construction of the Great Wall, many stories happened. Let me tell you the legend of Dingcheng brick. It is said that during the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a Guan craftsman named Yi Kaizhan, who was proficient in the 九九 algorithm and relied on it to calculate all buildings. He counted neither too much nor too much. But the supervisor who supervised the repair didn't believe it. He asked him to calculate how many bricks Jiayuguan would use. If there was one more brick and one less brick, he immediately cut off Yi Kaizhan's head and took the workers' wages as his own. After the Great Wall was repaired, the supervisor who supervised the repair was overjoyed to find that there was one more brick. He immediately sent someone to catch Yi Kaizhan. Yi Kaizhan said calmly, “this is the Dingcheng brick put by the immortals. If it is moved, the tower will collapse. From then on, people no longer dare to move that brick.

OK, I'm done. Free for five hours, gather at Badaling. Disband!

长城的英语作文 第一七篇

hello everyone! I'm the tour guide of moon travel agency. My name is Lu Siyu. Today I am very lucky to be your guide. I feel very honored. I will serve you wholeheartedly and enjoy the beautiful great wall together.

You know what? There is a stone tablet on the Great Wall, which says ”if you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero.“. The Great Wall is 六七零零 km long and about 一三三零零 Li long. It passes through Shanxi, Ningxia and Gansu There are seven provinces and municipalities.

Do you know, there is a story about the Great Wall: Once upon a time, there was a kind woman named Meng Jiangnu. One day, she was planting flowers in her yard. Suddenly, she saw a man hiding in her yard. Meng Jiangnu wanted to shout, but she heard the man whisper, ”please don't shout, don't shout.“ He also said that he was captured by the first emperor of Qin to build the Great Wall. I don't know how many people died. He said that his name was fan Xiliang. Meng Jiangnu was moved and saved him. Later, they fell in love with each other, and after their parents agreed, they were ready to get married. On the wedding day, the Meng family was very busy. It was dark. After their relatives left, they went into the bridal chamber together. Unexpectedly, a group of officers and soldiers came in and arrested fan Xiliang. Meng Jiangnu kept crying day and night. She thought she might as well go to the Great Wall to find her husband. When she came to the Great Wall, she was told that fan Xiliang was dead. She was so sad that she burst into tears. She finally met her husband, but he would never see her again. He was killed by Qin Shihuang.

OK, now let's move freely, and gather at the big tree at the foot of the Great Wall at 四:三零.

长城的英语作文 第一八篇

Holiday, my father and I went to Beijing tourism. We visited our great the Great Wall. The Great Wall a total of three species, they are sea the Great Wall, the Great Wall and the Great Wall hill road. The starting point of the Great Wall in Qinhuangdao, at the end of Jiayuguan, is about 六零零零 kilometers long.

First of all, we climbed up the mountain is the famous the Great Wall -- the the Badaling Great Wall. I saw the the Great Wall is like a dragon lying in the ups and downs of the mountain. Despite the hot weather, the slope high and steep, but I still to overcome difficulties, done in one vigorous effort to reached the top of the Great Wall, received a “less than the Great Wall of non hero” certificate. On the peak, I have a feeling to become an immortal.

The third day, we went to the sea the Great Wall -- Qinhuangdao Ning Haicheng attractions, it is to resist the enemy attack from the sea and the troops off the place. I picked up some shells, in the play under the sea, took several photos later went to the Great Wall road -- Shanhaiguan the Great Wall. It has “the best in all the land” said, “the best in all the land off” five words per word 一 meters high. Because of the way the Great Wall is not very long, so I only spent more than an hour to go over it.

By visiting our ancient the Great Wall, I think the ancients created is really great, I was a Chinese proud!

长城的英语作文 第一九篇

Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Everybody call me weeks. Today, I take you to visit the Great Wall of world-famous. During the visit, please protect the cultural heritage, the wall graffito of the scribble not, not disorderly garbage.

Chairman MAO once said: ”not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall.“ As a Chinese people why don't we go visit? Right! Now we will go when men, mounted the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall. There is a touching legend about the Great Wall: intelligent and hardworking meng jiangnu, in order to find the officers and soldiers to catch to built the Great Wall's husband, all the way to the Great Wall. After more than doubling about, but learned that her husband is alive dead tired! The news like a bolt from the blue, meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall, ”bang“ 一, the Great Wall in 八零零.

Now we are standing on the badaling Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall. Tourists, look at the countless stone, a two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders step by step, carry on the steep mountains. Look at these, you can think of the Great Wall is perhaps the epitome of many working people sweat and wisdom.

The beauty of the Great Wall, also don't say don't say it now, please walk to enjoy!

长城的英语作文 第二零篇

China's Great Wall is known to the world as one of the seven great wonders of the world. It is located in North China. It is over 六零零零 kilometres in length and is 二五 feet high in average.

The ancient people started to built the wall in the 七th Century BC with earth,brick and stone, and joined it in the Qin Dynasty. The Great Wall was built in ancient China to keep out invaders, however, it is now regared as one of the most important tourist spots in our country or even in the whole world. Every year, it is visited by thousands of peoplefromall over the world.

长城的英语作文 第二一篇

The tourists everybody is good, today I'll guide you to visit the Great Wall.

Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. From shanhaiguan east to west of jiayuguan, has more than thirteen thousand.

Now we have come to the Great Wall. This section of the Great Wall built in badaling, tall and strong, it is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brick on the top of the wall, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, buttress on the square? At the mouth and a nozzle for? With hope and shot. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, station troops fortress, war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Now we are standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, you will naturally think of the ancient working people to build the Great Wall. Single the countless stone, a piece of have two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane this steep ridge, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders to the time of the working people is great.

Such boldness of vision of the male project, in the history of the world but a great miracle!

Is the majestic of the Great Wall, the male of vast gray not let us deeply intoxicated? Then let you to use your experience.

长城的英语作文 第二二篇

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is situated in Huairou District of has a longer history and is bestowed with brilliant cultures. In according tohistoric record, Mutianyu Great Wall was supervised and built up by asubordinate general to Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da based on the relic of the Great Wallin Northern Qi . In 一九八七, Mutianyu Great Wall was appraised as one of the 一六scenic spots in new Beijing and in 一九九二, it was appraised as the World Best ofBeijing Tourism. In 二零__, it was appraised as 四A grade scenic area and is theessence of Great Wall.

The architecture of Mutianyu Great Wall is of special style. It has closelypacked enemy towers and [perilous passes. It was built up with battlements onboth side of walls. On southeast side, there is one general gateway platformconnected with three enemy

towers together, which is quite rare in the whole Great Wall; in northwestside, there are the Great Wall section named as Ox Horn Edge built above the sealevel of over 一零零零 meters and the sections named as Arrow Buckle and FlyingEagle Facing Upward built on the knife-steep mountain peak, which lookextraordinary and rugged. The whole section of Great Wall stretches and windslike a huge flying dragon.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is surrounded with mountains and is ofbeautiful scenery. In spring, fragrant flowers are vying with each other inbeauty and are blooming; in summer, mountains are covered with green coats andyou can listen to music of flowing lake; by autumn, it is fruitful and can seered leaves dancing; by winter, Great Wall is painted of pure white and coatedwith silver costume, showing a northland scene. It enjoys a reputation of“Mutianyu surpassing others of Great Wall” and is the best scenic spot.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is equipped with complete devices andfunctions and can provide you an all-around service. Within the scenic area,there are cable cars, running with complete automatic operation systems, soclimbing the Great Wall by taking the cable car will bring security, convenienceand rapidness. The cable car is reputed as “No. 一 Cable Car for Great Wall”. Themountain lodge of Great Wall sits in the root of Great Wall and its architectureis of ancient style. Its court is unsophisticated and elegant. It is bestowedwith fresh air and admirable scenery. In 二零__, it was appraised as the secondgrade of hotel and is able to accommodate 一零零 at the same time.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area will provide you abundant contents and itis built up with Chinese Dream Stone City and SHIBIDE slideway. Chinese DreamStone City has gathered rare stones and extracts collected from all over thecountry. SHIBIDE Slideway is named as Dry-Land Sledge. Taking SHIBIDE Slidewaywill bring you surprise and excitement, suitable for all ages of people. Thetourists can finish their visits of the whole travel area with one day.

The transportation to Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is quite Dedicated Line Bus runs from Beijing urban city to Mutianyu Great Walland it departs each morning in Xuanwumen and Dongsishitiao, directly reachingthe travel area. The travelers taking air can start from Capital airport towardnorth, and go through Jing-Mi Expressway, then turn left at Yingbing North RingIsland in Huairou and finally reach the travel Travel Area, withits beautiful scenery, superior service and grand Great Wall, welcomes yourpresence.

长城的英语作文 第二三篇

The famous Great Wall, like a dragon, lithe winding, PAM fell on the earth. It's east of hebei shanhaiguan, west to jiayuguan in gansu province. Its vertical and horizontal hebei, Beijing, shanxi, Inner Mongolia, ningxia, shaanxi, gansu and other seven provinces and autonomous regions, and total length of 六七零零 km, therefore is called the _Great Wall_.

The Great Wall has a long history, was founded in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, more than 二零零零 years history. Since the qin dynasty, built the Great Wall has been a big project. According to records, qin shi huang use nearly millions labor to build the Great Wall, 一/二零 of the population. There was no any mechanical, all labor by manpower, and the work environment is hills, cliff deep. As you can imagine, lots of people without hard work, is unable to complete the great project. Condensed the Great Wall of China's ancient working people of blood and sweat.

The Great Wall, the mountains, the cliffs, wear wasteland, horizontal amount, and at the top of the mountains, the other shore of the Yellow River and the coast of the bohai sea. , ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign people who have been to the Great Wall can't hold their wonder at the grand finale, grand scale. The Great Wall is like a towering monument, standing on the earth, standing in the heart of the people of the world.

The Great Wall, majestic, magnificent, is the epitome of the Chinese nation, is also a symbol of the Chinese nation civilization, is unique in human history, the only one like you!




长城的英语作文 第二四篇

The Great Wall

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon,It winds its way from west to east,across deserts,over mountains,through valleys till at last it reaches the 's the longest wall on the earth,also one of the wonders in the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than 二零零零 first part was built during the Spring and Autumn the walls were joined up in Qin tile work was done by of people died while building the the Great Wall came into existence.

Since then,it has been rebuilt and repaired many the Great Wall,the admiration of the world,has taken on a new 's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.




长城的英语作文 第二五篇

One day during the summer vacation,my mother and I went to the Great Wall to see the magnificent Great Wall.

My mother and I rode to the foot of the Great Wall,only to see the Great Wall rolling like a dragon,creeping slowly,reaching to the far know the history and orientation of the Great Wall while we go to the Great Great Wall of the Great Wall rises from the mountains and customs,the west to the jiayuguan pass,and the mountains. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese people. There were six beacon towers on the Great Wall of badaling,and it was said that the towers could spread intelligence thousands of miles away in ancient beacon tower is divided into two layers,the upper part is the observatory,the lower ground is where the soldiers eat and you find out the enemy,you can ignite the beacon and spread the word far away. It shows how important it was in the military at that time. Under the Great Wall,there were thick woods,and from time to time they heard the chirping of birds and the voices of the tourists,who marveled at the great wonder why the Great Wall,after more than two thousand years,is still so strong?It is a miracle in the history of architecture.

The Great Wall is too strong!It is reminiscent of the great motherland,and wish our beautiful motherland stronger and stronger.

长城的英语作文 第二六篇

The Great Wall is the symbol of China。 Far see the magnificent Great Wall, like a long dragon winding between mountains, from shanhai pass to jiayu pass, there are more than thirteen thousand!

Starting from Beijing, but will a few tens of kilometers to reach the Great Wall。 Ah, the Great Wall for a long long, endless blocks, as the serpent lay to rest on the mountains。 The Great Wall is built against the many stone and ChengZhuan。 On the square brick on the top, very neat, like a broad road, WuLiuPi horses to go side by side。 Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, above the square at the mouth and the nozzle, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, a ChengTai every few hundred meters - ancient war can mutual echo。 The walls of the Great Wall is not a separate, but by the walls and watchtowers, GuanCheng, pier fort, city, defend the beacon tower city, town and other fortifications of plete system engineering。

If standing on the Great Wall, will naturally think of the ancient working people built the Great Wall。 Look at the stone, a piece of have two or three one thousand catties。 Less tools at that time, only by countless people’s shoulders numerous hand, step by step to carry on the steep mountain terrain。 How many working people sweat and wisdom, is the former see first, after see the Great Wall of China! Such a spirit grand project, is a great miracle!

长城的英语作文 第二七篇

The Great Wall of China, also known in China as the Great Wall of 一零,零零零, is an ancient Chinese fortification built from the end of the 一四th century until the beginning of the 一七th century, during the Ming Dynasty, in order to protect China from raids by the Mongols and Turkic tribes. It was preceded by several walls built since the 三rd century BC against the raids of nomadic tribes coming from areas now in modern day Mongolia and Wall stretches over a formidable 六,三五零 km (三,九四六 miles), from Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Gulf in the east, at the limit between China proper and Manchuria, to Lop Nur in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The first major wall was built during the reign of the First Emperor, the main emperor of the short-lived Qin dynasty. This wall was not constructed as a single endeavor, but rather was created by the joining of several regional walls built by the Warring States. It was located much further north than the current Great Wall, and very little remains of it. A defensive wall on the northern border was built and maintained by several dynasties at different times in Chinese history. The Great Wall that can still be seen today was built during the Ming Dynasty, on a much larger scale and with longer lasting materials (solid stone used for the sides and the top of the Wall) than any wall that had been built before. The primary purpose of the wall was not to keep out people, who could scale the wall, but to insure that semi-nomadic people on the outside of the wall could not cross with their horses or return easily with stolen property.

长城的英语作文 第二八篇




The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(一) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(二), is one of the great wonders of the world.

Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 一二,七零零 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces--Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 六五六 . during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century . when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 二二一 ., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(二零六 BC--一六四四 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (一三六八--一六四四) when altogether 一八 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.

The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is meters high and meters wide at its base, narrowing to meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 四零零-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like ”climbing a ladder to heaven“. The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze.

A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night. Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications.

There stand 一四 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 五零 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

Known as ”Tian Xia Di YI Guan“ (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (一六四四-一九一一)

Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the ”Strategic pass Under the Heaven“ as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (二零六 ), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall meters high and 七三零 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 一五-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 一三th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(一二零六-一三六八). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 六零零 years ago in Sanskrit(三), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(四), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.

As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: ”Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events.“ The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 一九八七, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.


一. the Taj Mahal in India 印度的.泰姬陵

二. the Hanging Garden of Babylon 巴比伦的空中花园

三. Sanskrit 梵语

四. Uigur 维吾尔语


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the Great Wall. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yale River in Leaning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 一二,七零零 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces--Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 六五六 . during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century . Walls, then, was built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 二二一 . The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (一三六八--一六四四) when altogether 一八 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.

The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors.

The Wall of those sections is meters high and meters wide at its base, narrowing to meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 四零零-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like ”climbing a ladder to heaven“.

There stand 一四 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 五零 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

长城的英语作文 第二九篇

The Great Wall

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon,It winds its way from west to east,across deserts,over mountains,through valleys till at last it reaches the 's the longest wall on the earth,also one of the wonders in the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than 二零零零 first part was built during the Spring and Autumn the walls were joined up in Qin tile work was done by of people died while building the the Great Wall came into existence.

Since then,it has been rebuilt and repaired many the Great Wall,the admiration of the world,has taken on a new 's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.

长城的英语作文 第三零篇

Far to see the Great Wall, it is like a dragon, circling in countless mountains. It rose and rose, sometimes hidden among the mountains, sometimes leaping out of the mountains, as if it were going to rise to the sky.

Father hold me, go up along the steep steps, I looked at the Great Wall, it is hard to find a flat place, all of them are steep, slope, the steps of each slope and the steps of the joint has a tower. These towers are like huge, majestic castles.

Climbing to the top, the Great Wall is crowded with people. Some are photographed with the Great Wall, some are admiring the majesty of the Great Wall, and people say, _well, the badaling Great Wall is truly famous!_ And the beautiful scenery. Even foreigners come to China to enjoy the Great Wall. Looking down from the Great Wall, the mountains were rolling and rolling, a thick forest of trees into our eyes, gloomy, endless.

The Great Wall was made of huge stones and bricks, and the walls were paved with square bricks. Outside the walls are rows of _Windows_ and _gaps_.

The Great Wall is a great building in the world.

长城的英语作文 第三一篇

hello everyone! Welcome to Beijing. My name is Tang Jingnan. Today, let meshow you around the Great Wall, which was established as a cultural heritage in一九八七!

The Great Wall, where we are now, is made of brick, tile, lime and Great Wall is 六-七 meters in average and 四-五 meters in width. In ancienttimes, there were no trains, cars or cranes, so we had to rely on countlessshoulders and hands to lift up the steep mountains step by step. It took 二零九零working people to build the Great Wall. There is a monument on the Great Wall,which is called ”no hero without reaching the Great Wall“. It has been more than二零__ years. The Great Wall was built in the spring and Autumn period. With atotal length of 六七零零 kilometers, the great wall passes through seven provincesand autonomous regions. It starts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends atJiayuguan in the West.

In the process of building the Great Wall, it is said that there is atouching story, that is ”Meng Jiangnu crying down the Great Wall“. In the QinDynasty, it is said that there was a kind woman named Meng Jiangnu. Once, whenMeng Jiangnu was planting flowers in the garden, she saw a man. He was afraid ofthe woman's barking and shook her hand. Meng Jiangnu asked, ”what's your name?“”My name is fan Xiliang,“ he said Meng Jiangnu asked fan Xiliang to live in herhouse. After a few days, Meng Jiangnu fell in love with fan Xiliang, and fanXiliang also fell in love with Meng Jiangnu. One night, when Meng Jiangnu andfan Xiliang entered the bridal chamber, the birds were flying outside. Sometroops were stationed, so they took fan Xiliang away to build the Great Jiangnu had been waiting for a long time and decided to go to the GreatWall to find fan Xiliang. After three days and three nights, she finally reachedthe Great Wall. He asked the workers, ”have you seen fan Xiliang? “He fell atthe foot of the Great Wall when he built it,” the worker said. “Meng Jiangnucried for three days and three nights and collapsed a section of the Great fan Xiliang, Meng Jiangnu and fan Xiliang went.

Next, I'll give you two hours to visit. We'll meet under the GreatWall.

长城的英语作文 第三二篇

Last summer, I went to Beijing to travel. There were so many scenic spots, but the most memorable thing I had to remember was the the Badaling Great Wall.

People say, “no the Great Wall is not a good man.” That day, I take the bus to the Badaling Great Wall, after Bear Park, at the foot of the Great Wall, far see the Great Wall, it is like a long, winding between the high mountains and lofty hills. The Great Wall Shanhaiguan East, West to Jiayuguan, about more than 六七零零 km. The the Great Wall are built on steep mountains, is magnificent and arduous, of great momentum, like the Dragon Pentium, called the symbol of the Chinese nation. The Great Wall is located in the Badaling, tall and sturdy, is built with huge stone and thousands of tons of bricks, the middle of the road, don't look at it just to leave, this road can hold five or six horses parallel walls, along with more than two meters high on the battlements, those at the mouth and shoot mouth, for watching and shooting war, when necessary. Every certain distance on the the Great Wall, there is a square city platform, in the war between the city and Taiwan can meet each other, people call it “Beacon Tower”. After more than 二零xx years of construction, it is the longest artificial building in the world and one of the seven wonders of the world.

Don't look at the the Great Wall is so majestic, but you have not thought about that time in the Qin Shihuang unified, it is difficult to build the Great Wall no longer difficult, at that time, no train, no car, no crane, we as can be imagined: “the Great Wall was built?” With countless shoulders and countless hands, it was very difficult to carry the steep mountains step by step. Because of hard work, many people are ill and can not be treated, and they are eventually tortured to death by the disease. Even some of them starved to death because of the lack of food. The hard work of people, with their own sweat and wisdom, it condenses into this before does not see the head, but not the tail of the the Great Wall.

Thinking about the great contribution of building the Great Wall, I had to put up my thumbs up and say it! I'm just getting on the top of this small part and “rest”, and how amazing it is to create that long dragon like the Great Wall. Such an ambitious project is a great miracle in the history of the world.

长城的英语作文 第三三篇

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than 二零零零 years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the the Great Wall came into existence.

Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts of the country and the world.

长城的英语作文 第三四篇

【关键词】:城乡 学习 英语 差异













长城的英语作文 第三五篇

Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, my name is wang, everybody call me Wang Dao is ok. Today I take you to visit is the badaling section of the Great Wall in Beijing, hope we can have a good time, play happy!

You listen to me carefully. In order to secure the adults must bring their own children, mind your own luggage. Do a civilized ChuHangRen, mind your own mouth, do not say dirty words; Mind your own hand, do not litter.

The Great Wall is the great symbol of the Chinese nation, we concentrated the working people of ancient China's two thousand architectural history, has been included in the ”world heritage list“. See the Great Wall, he is like a huge dragon winding between mountains. You don't believe it, can stand on top of the Great Wall have a look, confirm it.

We have come to the Great Wall. Now we began to climb the Great Wall. Hurry up, keep friend behind!

Standing on the Great Wall I want to tell you a legend about the Great Wall: long long ago, that is, when the just began to build the wall, the rulers in order to build the Great Wall all men grasp to go to the Great Wall, meng jiangnu's husband - Fan Qiliang is grasp to go to repair the Great Wall. After many days, meng jiangnu no news of her husband, meng jiangnu was to look for one person. After untold hardships, finally get the news of her husband, but her husband has gone, the voice of grief she burst into tears, astounding Great Wall collapsed... ”

Charm of the legend after, we immediately to the “bawcock slope”. The meaning of “bawcock slope” is only men can go on. Remember that not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall! Now everybody slowly climb, I will not be involved. The remaining free time activities.

Yes, I have a camera, to look for a picture! “One, two, three” “cheese”. Ok! Say the last sentence, two hours after collection at bus stop! Remember two hours!

长城的英语作文 第三六篇

The Great Wall is the world heritage and spirtual

symbol of winds its way through the northern part of China,with a total length of over 六三五零 kilometers and all over 一六 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions.

Due to the well-kept part of the Great Wall inside Beijing,

Beijing became the best location for visiting knows

how many people's aspirations have been inspired by the sentence_if you haven't climbed up the Great Wall, you are not

a real man_!Badaling Great Wall lies not far away from north of Qinglong Bridge of Yanqing County,and its location

is called Jundu Mountain.

长城的英语作文 第三七篇

The Great Wall of China spans over 五五零 km and remains one of the Seven Wonders of the is located in Beijing, Great Wall is made of stone and first Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang built the new wall to prevent attacks from is said that the Great Wall can be seen from the went to the Great Wall once and the view there was so am proud of being a Chinese.


长城的英语作文 第三八篇

The Great Wall is a place I have long yearned for. This summer holiday, my mother took me to Beijing to play, I can finally go to the Great Wall. We drove to the Great Wall early in the morning. In the car, I was very excited!

Sitting in the car already saw the Great Wall. Far from it, the Great Wall is like a dragon sleeping in the mountains, winding and not seeing the head and tail of the dragon. What a long wall! In the car, we came to the foot of the Great Wall, looked up, the Great Wall is so high, there are several stories tall!

We started the Great Wall from the entrance to the black bear park. At the beginning, I was very confident, like the visitors, I was very fast.

When we got to the foot of the good han slope, my clothes were already wet. Look up, the battlements look like they're on my head. Look at the slope at the foot, like a straight stairway to the highest beacon. No wonder the saying goes _no man is a man who is not a good man_. I dried my face and continued to climb to the top of the Great Wall. Standing at the top of the tree, the trees are as low as grass, and the people at the foot of the wall are like thousands of small ants.

The Great Wall experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, is the witness of history, is the ancient labor people's wisdom and blood sweat crystallization. Standing on the highest beacon, I felt that I was a brave man who guarded the Great Wall and was filled with pride!

长城的英语作文 第三九篇


欢迎大家来到长城,我们参观的是秦朝修建的。从东头的山海关,到西头的嘉峪关,大约有一万三千多里。 从北京出发,不过一百多里就来到长城脚下,这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,大家看,长城是用巨大的'条石和城砖筑成的,城墙外还有瞭望口和射口,是屯宾的堡垒,打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。

Welcome to the Great Wall, we visited the Qin Dynasty built. From the east to the west of Shanhaiguan, Jiayuguan, about ten thousand more than 三零零零. Starting from Beijing, but a hundred Li came to the foot of the Great Wall, this section of the Great Wall built in Badaling, you see, the the Great Wall is built with huge stone and bricks, walls and lookout and nozzle, Bing is Tun fort during the war, the city of Taiwan can correspond with each other.


In fact, the most worthy of our thinking is that the Great Wall was built in the Qin dynasty. The technology is so backward, then no plane, no boats, no crane......

有的只是劳动人民的双手和双肩。 他们就是这样一步一步地,把一块块几千斤重的石条抬在山上,再用双手一块一块地建成了这样前不见头,后不见尾的万里长城。

Only working people's hands and shoulders. They are one step at a time, to a thousand pound stone lift on the mountain, and then hands a piece of land and built a does not see the head, not the tail after the great wall.


Without them, none of this would be a great miracle in the history of the world. We need to treasure it!

长城的英语作文 第四零篇


The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is called the ”Ten thousand Ii Great Wall“ in Chinese。 In fact, it' s more than 六 零零零 kilometres long。 It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea。 It is one of the wonders of the world。

The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries。 The first part of it was built during the Spring and Autumn Period。 During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms。 It was during the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the dif ferent parts into one empire。 To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up。 Thus, the Great Wall came into being。

The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side。 Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch。 Fires were lit on the the towers as a warning when the enemy came。

It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines。 All the work was done by hand。 Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built。 The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men。

Today the Great Wall has bee a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world。 Many of them have e to know the famous Chinese saying: ”He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man。“

长城的英语作文 第四一篇

“North scenery, freeze, you spend a lot. Look inside and outside the Great Wall, but a more vast...” Hello everyone, I am the guide from the trip - xue guides. This time we will go to one of the historical and cultural heritage, the Great Wall.

The Great Wall from the qin dynasty began to build, to resist the invasion of the huns was built. From jiayuguan to shanhaiguan, full length more than thirteen thousand. Today we'll visit the Great Wall at badaling. You see, it is tall and strong, with huge stone and ChengZhuan built in. Everyone to see, on the top of the walls covered with square brick, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress mouth and nozzle, is for the benefit of the outlook and shooting. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops. War, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Everyone look at the countless stone, with 二 - one thousand catties a there was no train, car, no crane, rely on countless countless hands and shoulders, step by step and carried on the steep mountains. How many working people sweat and wisdom, to condense into the former does not see the head, after the end of the Great Wall.

Everyone who knows the great probably how many people died? To fix the working people of the Great Wall with ninety-six percent of people are in the process of the Great Wall and completed less than two weeks to death. “Meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall” is to prove it. Is really “the dead times comparable to hurt, still hold pestle” zombies!

Now, there are many people on the wall disorderly painting, carving, and litter. If you want to keep the beauty of the Great Wall, don't damage the Great Wall. It is built against the many working people's wisdom and sweat! Let us act, to protect the Great Wall, to protect the motherland good things!

Visitors, now we have the Great Wall, the end of the today's trip to the Great Wall. Thank you for your support, we see you next time.

长城的英语作文 第四二篇

The Great Wall, is the symbol of the Chinese nation, its magnificence, is the place we look forward to the people of the world.

The Great Wall is like a huge dragon winding is located in the badaling, ups and downs in the mountains, ancient and solemn.

Look forward to the Great Wall, the Great Wall no head, looked back, the Great Wall is not the tail. Ah! Really not the kui is called the ”Great Wall“. So how long wall built in? You might ask, how much manpower has been spent on the Great Wall? Chinese ancient working people with intelligence, just built the world famous Great Wall, thus, we the Chinese people are great!

Grass at the foot of the Great Wall, slightly nod, the flowers waved. The wings of the butterfly flapping shine. Valley cloud, like a white gauze covered in the whole valley. Swallows dancing lightly over the valley, scissors tail like flash. What a beautiful view!

Point of view, the Great Wall not only attracts people with its majestic, but also attracts people with beautiful scenery.

I love my countrys long history, splendid culture, the more love it was splendid.

长城的英语作文 第四三篇

hello everyone! I'm the tour guide of moon travel agency. My name is LuSiyu. Today I am very lucky to be your guide. I feel very honored. I will serveyou wholeheartedly and enjoy the beautiful great wall together.

You know what? There is a stone tablet on the Great Wall, which says ”ifyou don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero.“. The Great Wall is 六七零零 kmlong and about 一三三零零 Li long. It passes through Shanxi, Ningxia and Gansu Thereare seven provinces and municipalities.

Do you know, there is a story about the Great Wall: Once upon a time, therewas a kind woman named Meng Jiangnu. One day, she was planting flowers in heryard. Suddenly, she saw a man hiding in her yard. Meng Jiangnu wanted to shout,but she heard the man whisper, ”please don't shout, don't shout.“ He also saidthat he was captured by the first emperor of Qin to build the Great Wall. Idon't know how many people died. He said that his name was fan Xiliang. MengJiangnu was moved and saved him. Later, they fell in love with each other, andafter their parents agreed, they were ready to get married. On the wedding day,the Meng family was very busy. It was dark. After their relatives left, theywent into the bridal chamber together. Unexpectedly, a group of officers andsoldiers came in and arrested fan Xiliang. Meng Jiangnu kept crying day andnight. She thought she might as well go to the Great Wall to find her she came to the Great Wall, she was told that fan Xiliang was dead. She wasso sad that she burst into tears. She finally met her husband, but he wouldnever see her again. He was killed by Qin Shihuang.

OK, now let's move freely, and gather at the big tree at the foot of theGreat Wall at 四:三零.

长城的英语作文 第四四篇

The Great Wall of China is called the _Ten thousand Ii Great Wall_ in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 六 零零零 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.

The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. It was during the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the dif ferent parts into one empire. To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being.

The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the the towers as a warning when the enemy came.

It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.

Today the Great Wall has bee a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world. Many of them have e to know the famous Chinese saying: _He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man._

长城的英语作文 第四五篇

A: the tour of the Great Wall

Holiday, my father and I went to Beijing tourism. We visited our great the Great Wall. The Great Wall a total of three species, they are sea the Great Wall, the Great Wall and the Great Wall hill road. The starting point of the Great Wall in Qinhuangdao, at the end of Jiayuguan, is about 六零零零 kilometers long.

First of all, we climbed up the mountain is the famous the Great Wall -- the the Badaling Great Wall. I saw the the Great Wall is like a dragon lying in the ups and downs of the mountain. Despite the hot weather, the slope high and steep, but I still to overcome difficulties, done in one vigorous effort to reached the top of the Great Wall, received a ”less than the Great Wall of non hero“ certificate. On the peak, I have a feeling to become an immortal.

The third day, we went to the sea the Great Wall -- Qinhuangdao Ning Haicheng attractions, it is to resist the enemy attack from the sea and the troops off the place. I picked up some shells, in the play under the sea, took several photos later went to the Great Wall road -- Shanhaiguan the Great Wall. It has ”the best in all the land“ said, ”the best in all the land off“ five words per word 一 meters high. Because of the way the Great Wall is not very long, so I only spent more than an hour to go over it.

By visiting our ancient the Great Wall, I think the ancients created is really great, I was a Chinese proud!

长城的英语作文 第四六篇


The Great Wall was renovated from time to time after the Qin Dynasty. A major renovation started with the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 一三六八, and took 二零零 years to complete. The wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. With a total length of over 六,零零零 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west and to the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east. What lies north of Beijing is but a small section of it.

A Map of the Great Wall

The map shows the Wall running from Jiayu Pass of Gansu Province to Shanhai Pass of Hebei Province. Representative sections of the Great Wall built in Ming times are situated near Shanhai Pass, Gubeikou and Juyong Pass.

Badaling Section

The Badaling section of the Great Wall snaking along the mountains northwest of Beijing was built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty in the 一四th century. Being metres high and metres wide at the top on the average, it has battle forts at important points, including the corners.

Located 一零 kilometers south of the Badaling section of the Great Wall and built in an valley, the pass has always been an important gateway northwest of Beijing. The name is believed to have its origin in the workers and slaves conscripted to build the Great Wall in ancient times. Cloud Terrace, built in 一三四五, was originally the base of a pagoda over looking the main road of the town of the pass. The arched gate of the terrace and the walls inside the arch are decorated with carvings. of elephants, lions, birds, flowers and heavenly kings as well as charms in six languages-Sanskrit, Tibetan, Phats pa (Mongolian), Uygur, West Xia and Han.

Mutianyu Section

The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall, 七零 kilometers northeast of Beijing, is linked to the Gubeikou section on the east and the Badaling section on the west. It is one of the best sections of the Great Wall.

The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall is crenelatted for watching and shooting at the invading enemy. Some of the battle forts on the wall are as close as 五零 metres apart.

Jinshanling Section

Located in Miyun County northeast of Beijing, the Jinshanling division of the Great Wall, like the Simatai division, belongs to the Gubeikou section of the colossal defence barrier.

The battlements in the Jinshanling division of the Great Wall are built along the ridge of a mountain, where the soldiers can resist the invading enemy by taking advantage of the high terrain.

A decrepit battle fort at dusk often reminds one of the battles in ancient times.

Simatai Section

Located to the east of Jinshanling, the Simatai division of the Great Wall is 三,零零零 metres long and has 三五 battle forts. The wall rises and falls with the precipitous mountain ridge, while the battle forts are located high up the hills.

Alarm was raised by means of smoke signals, at night by fire. Smoke was produced by burning a mixture of wolf dung, sulfur and saltpeter. Shots were fired at the same time. Thus an alarm could be relayed over 五零零km within just a few hours.

The Great Wall in Four Seasons

长城的英语作文 第四七篇

The Mutianyu Great Wall, located in the Huairou District of Beijing, wasbuilt by Zhu Yuanzhang, the grand commander of the Huairou, on the site of thethe Great Wall in the 一三六八. It is the essence of the Ming Dynasty's the GreatWall. It is 七三 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing, with a totallength of 五四零零 meters. It is the longest Great Wall in China. It is also one ofthe 一六 famous scenic spots in Beijing and a national AAAAA tourist area. In thescenic area, there are many mountains with a vegetation coverage rate of morethan 九零%. Most of them are built on the steep cliffs outside the scenic section of the great wall connects Gubeikou in the East and Juyongguan inthe West. Since ancient times, it has been a military stronghold to defend thecapital. There are many famous landscapes, such as zhengguantai, dajiaolou,yingfeidaoyang and so on. The wall of the Great Wall remains intact, whichbetter reflects the ancient charm of the Great Wall. In the scenic spot, thereare domestic first-class cable cars, Chinese dream stone city, shibide slide andother projects, forming an organic combination of Great Wall culture, stoneculture and sports fitness and entertainment. Former British Prime MinisterMajor, former US President Clinton and many other foreign leaders have visitedthe great wall of Mutianyu.

Mutianyu Great Wall tourist area is surrounded by mountains with beautifulscenery. In spring, the flowers are blooming; in summer, the mountains are greenand the water is flowing; in autumn, the mountains are covered with red leavesand fruits; in winter, the mountains are covered with snow and snow, and thescenery of northern China is so beautiful that it enjoys the reputation of ”theunique show of Mutianyu on the Great Wall“ at home and abroad.

Mutianyu Great Wall has a long history and splendid culture. It has acertain popularity and influence in Beijing and even the whole after the 二零__ Olympic Games, the popularity and reputation in theworld has been effectively improved. It is precipitous and rugged, like a giantdragon flying. It was rated as one of the 一六 scenic spots in Beijing in 一九八七,the top tourist spot in Beijing in 一九九二, 四A scenic spot in 二零__ and 五A scenicspot in 二零__.

Mutianyu used to be a small mountain village, located in beixinyingtownship (now Bohai town) of Huairou County, where the mountains are undulatingand the trees are luxuriant. The Great Wall winds from southeast to northwest onthe top of the mountains. Because the mountain is gentle and steep, withalternating curves and straight lines, it is very three-dimensional. Due to theimportant geographical location of Mutianyu, it is known as ”Weiling Xiongguan“.The Mutianyu pass was one of the important gates that supported the capital andimperial mausoleum in Ming Dynasty. There were many wars here. The great wall ofMutianyu is connected with Juyongguan in the West and Gubeikou in the East. Itis the eastern section of Huanghua Town, the north gate of the capital. It hasbeen known as the northern barrier of Gongwei capital and imperial mausoleumsince ancient times, and Mutianyu pass is one of the important gates supportingthe capital and imperial mausoleum in Ming Dynasty.

During the Northern Qi Dynasty (五五零-五七七 AD), the Great Wall was built inMutianyu. In the early Ming Dynasty, the great wall of Mutianyu was built by XuDa, a general under Zhu Yuanzhang (who was once named Zhongshan king, also knownas Zhongshan), on the site of the great wall of the Northern Qi Dynasty.(according to the records of Qian'an County in the 一二th year of Tongzhi: ”in theearly Ming Dynasty, Xu Zhongshan built a border wall, which reached Mutianyufrom the mountain customs in the West. It was more than 一七零零 Li, and the borderdefense was dense.“

In 一四零四 ad (the second year of Yongle in Ming Dynasty), the ”Mutianyu pass“was built. (see page 一五三 二四六六, Volume 一五三, frontier barrier, a study of the pastand the future).

In 一五六九 (the third year of Longqing), Qi Jiguang, a famous general ofemperor Mu Zong of the Ming Dynasty, specially appointed to fight againstJapanese invaders, led the army to renovate the two thousand li Great Wall,including the Mutianyu section. As of 二零__, the Great Wall preserved in Mutianyuis one of the best preserved sites of the great wall of the Ming Dynasty.

Mutianyu Great Wall is mostly built on the steep side of the cliff. It isclose to the mountain to control the disaster. The wall is 七八 meters high andthe top of the wall is 四五 meters wide. The main building material is granite,which is majestic and solid. On both sides of the top of the wall are built lowwall crenels, which can resist the enemy on both sides. On the outside, thereare horse blocking pits, which make the defense function more perfect. On bothsides of the top of the wall are crenels about 五 feet long, more than 一 footthick and more than 二 feet high. Both sides of the door are raised along theridge and turn over with the mountain. The crenels in these areas are notrectangular, but serrated. The shooting hole is built below the crenel. It isnot a round hole, but a square hole with an arc at the top.

There is also a fort in the dangerous place. There is also a ”Branch City“on the Great Wall. The so-called ”Zhicheng“ refers to the construction of asection of the Great Wall with high ridges and ridges on the inside and outsideof the Great Wall. The length of the section varies from several meters to tensof meters, and there are enemy towers built here. The local people call it ”DaoBa Lou“. In the Ming Dynasty, when the Mutianyu Great Wall was rebuilt, crenelswere added on both sides of the top of the wall, and at the same time, rollingwood stone and Thunder Stone holes were set up to attack and defend. Theconstruction of ”Dao Ba Lou“ can control the commanding height and reduce thethreat to the main city. Starting from the left side of zhengguantai, the greatwall of Mutianyu turns over with the mountains and runs to the distance.

The Great Wall stretches straight from the mountainside to the top of themountain. After setting up an enemy tower on the top of the mountain, itsuddenly descends, turns down to the mountainside, and suddenly rises againuntil it reaches an altitude of more than 九四零 meters. It makes a big bend. Itsshape is similar to the horns of a cow. It is vigorous and powerful. People callit ”the edge of the horns of a cow“. The great wall extends from ”niujiaobian“to a place called ”Jiankou“. Here is a mountain with an altitude of 一零四四 metersand steep sides. When building the Great Wall, we must pass through the cliffsoutside the top of the mountain, but we can't leave this commanding heightoutside. Obviously, we can't use bricks, stones and wood. So the clevercraftsmen used two big iron beams to support the cliff, and then built bricksand stones on it. This method is extremely rare in the history of theconstruction of the Great Wall.

Originally, the great wall extended to the northeast along the , when it reached an enemy tower, it suddenly separated a lot of morethan 一零零零 meters and opened a new way to the southeast. At the end of themountain, it suddenly stopped. At the end of the mountain, a very strong andmagnificent enemy tower was built. This section of the Great Wall, more than一零零零 meters long, is known as ”the edge of the bald tail“. In this way, thegreat wall here forms a landscape of three great walls converging on the firstfloor, and ”three extreme views of the dragon“. On both sides of the ”cattlehorn side“ of the Mutianyu Great Wall, there is a section of the great wallcalled ”arrow buckle“ and ”eagle flying upside down“. All the walls are built onthe exposed rock cliffs. The slope of the Great Wall is about 五零 degrees. Onesection of the wall is nearly 九零 degrees, almost vertical, and the steps areonly a few feet wide. The non brave dare not set foot in it.
