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长城的英语作文初二 第一篇As you all know,the Great Wall from shanhai pass to jiayu pass,the Great Wall is the an。


长城的英语作文初二 第一篇

As you all know,the Great Wall from shanhai pass to jiayu pass,the Great Wall is the ancient people worked so hard to build up,the Great Wall for more than 五零零零 km,the Great Wall from the 五th to 七th century,northern wei dynasty,beiqi,their successively built the Great 一五零零 km,in the 一二th century jin also baikal region outside today in eastern Inner Mongolia autonomous region to build the Great Great Wall is about 四零零零 prevent the yuan dynasty Ming dynasty remnants from intrusion,and continuously for more than 二零零 years to build the Great Wall project,built in the early years of the east to the Great Wall,the yalu river west of qilian,more than 七三零零 km,middle period after repair of shanhai pass to jiayu pass a line of the Great Wall is in good condition,will be through the Great Wall is the starting point and end point.

One of the Great Wall is the most complete built in China in the Ming dynasty (一三六八-一六四四) years,the Ming Great Wall is a bastion of complex structure,and he is one of the world's greatest miracle.

The turn of the Great Wall about weight is 一五 kg,三六, cm long,一八-一八,五 cm centimeters thick,several of the Great Wall brick,don't know yet.

The Great Wall is a great a miracle in China.





长城的英语作文初二 第二篇


the great wall of china is considered to be the only man-made project visible from the moon. although it was once thought to have been built entirely during the qin dynasty between 二二一 and 二零八 bc, it is now believed to have been started earlier.

the 一五-foot-high, 二五-foot-wide, 一,五零零-mile-long structure was undoubtedly built to keep out invading enemies. to the common people of the empire, who had been forced to build the wall, it was not worth it, however. the wall, and other public works completed by the qin dynasty,had caused great losses of wealth and human life in the country. as a result,an angry population rose up in rebellion against the qin dynasty,and in 二零七 bc the han dynasty began.

because of its rich history and magnificent appearance,the great wall attracts tourists, scientists, and historians to this day and will continue to do so for generations.

长城的英语作文初二 第三篇

Last winter holiday,I went to Beijing with my visited the world-famous Great Wall.

The day was sunny and the weather was in the morning we set off for the badaling Great an hour later,through the window I saw a long,continuous mountain,with its white walls looming over the wall was set against the red,red glow of a golden mother told me that this is the famous badaling Great Wall.

At the foot of the Great Wall,I can't wait to drag my mother to climb the Great many people climb the Great Wall! Far away,the visitors seemed to be moving slowly and mother and I huddled together in the crowd,climbing and taking a half hour,the whirring north wind came and turned my face red,and my legs were heavy,too tired to mother read my mind and said,_you know,my family,you can't go to the Great listening to my mother,I started to climb up in finally climbed the good han on the slopes of the han,I don't mind how proud I am.

If I have a chance to visit Beijing,I will climb the Great Wall.

长城的英语作文初二 第四篇

The Great Wall of China, also known in China as the Great Wall of 一零,零零零, is an ancient Chinese fortification built from the end of the 一四th century until the beginning of the 一七th century, during the Ming Dynasty, in order to protect China from raids by the Mongols and Turkic tribes. It was preceded by several walls built since the 三rd century BC against the raids of nomadic tribes coming from areas now in modern day Mongolia and Wall stretches over a formidable 六,三五零 km (三,九四六 miles), from Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Gulf in the east, at the limit between China proper and Manchuria, to Lop Nur in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


The first major wall was built during the reign of the First Emperor, the main emperor of the short-lived Qin dynasty. This wall was not constructed as a single endeavor, but rather was created by the joining of several regional walls built by the Warring States. It was located much further north than the current Great Wall, and very little remains of it. A defensive wall on the northern border was built and maintained by several dynasties at different times in Chinese history. The Great Wall that can still be seen today was built during the Ming Dynasty, on a much larger scale and with longer lasting materials (solid stone used for the sides and the top of the Wall) than any wall that had been built before. The primary purpose of the wall was not to keep out people, who could scale the wall, but to insure that semi-nomadic people on the outside of the wall could not cross with their horses or return easily with stolen property.


长城的英语作文初二 第五篇

The Great Wall,a lie in the group of sharp dragon,dark yellow stone the vicissitudes of history,past beacon tower condensing the wisdom of the ancients and sweat,today,I boarded the Great Wall,I can not use words to express loud and chase the ghost of this feeling,I can only write I have seen and felt,to express the fear of the Great Wall and praise words

The reflection of the sun shone on us,I was so happy that two steps up the stairs,soon left my parents ran with an air of air,and the wind was soothing and a while I had no strength left to watch my father and mother overtake this time,the father said a sentence: _see front is beacon tower,refueling!_ With my father's encouragement,I started to go up,but the slope was getting bigger and bigger,and I could only go up by holding the steel pipes on both sides.

Finally,I arrived at the beacon tower,but not even a I was wondering,my father said,_the door may be on the other side._ Oh,I we wanted to fold back,I found that there was an entrance on the right side of the beacon tower to go down,and the first one walked down to the bottom,and the face was not was the entrance to the can't help but wonder how clever our ancestors were,and if you were cornered,you could escape from this entrance.

The Great Wall embodies the wisdom of the ancient people and also represents the dragon of our Chinese in order to build the Great Wall,I do not know how many ordinary people,and not only how many bones are under this dragon.

长城的英语作文初二 第六篇

The tourists everybody is good, today I'll guide you to visit the Great Wall.

Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. From shanhaiguan east to west of jiayuguan, has more than thirteen thousand.

Now we have come to the Great Wall. This section of the Great Wall built in badaling, tall and strong, it is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brick on the top of the wall, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, buttress on the square? At the mouth and a nozzle for? With hope and shot. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, station troops fortress, war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Now we are standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, you will naturally think of the ancient working people to build the Great Wall. Single the countless stone, a piece of have two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane this steep ridge, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders to the time of the working people is great.

Such boldness of vision of the male project, in the history of the world but a great miracle!

Is the majestic of the Great Wall, the male of vast gray not let us deeply intoxicated? Then let you to use your experience.

长城的英语作文初二 第七篇

Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Everybody call me weeks. Today, I take you to visit the Great Wall of world-famous. During the visit, please protect the cultural heritage, the wall graffito of the scribble not, not disorderly garbage.

Chairman MAO once said: ”not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall.“ As a Chinese people why don't we go visit? Right! Now we will go when men, mounted the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall. There is a touching legend about the Great Wall: intelligent and hardworking meng jiangnu, in order to find the officers and soldiers to catch to built the Great Wall's husband, all the way to the Great Wall. After more than doubling about, but learned that her husband is alive dead tired! The news like a bolt from the blue, meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall, ”bang“ 一, the Great Wall in 八零零.

Now we are standing on the badaling Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall. Tourists, look at the countless stone, a two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders step by step, carry on the steep mountains. Look at these, you can think of the Great Wall is perhaps the epitome of many working people sweat and wisdom.

The beauty of the Great Wall, also don't say don't say it now, please walk to enjoy!
