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共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第一篇At present, more and more cities appear haze, the environment around us is getting w。


共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第一篇

At present, more and more cities appear haze, the environment around us is getting worse and worse, so how to protect the environment?

When I came back to Fuzhou during the Spring Festival, I found a very strange thing. There were many rows of black and white bicycles on both sides of the road. It seemed that they had not been ridden for two or three days. So, I ran to have a look, it says _shared bike_. What is _shared bike_? My father told me: _Because of the heavy traffic and serious environmental pollution, people come up with the method of sharing bikes, using it to ease traffic congestion, reduce environmental pollution and improve the utilization of idle bikes._ Later, I learned that all the _shared bikes_ look exactly the same, the original car should have been ridden, but placed in the same position!

Later, I found that more and more people are riding _shared bikes_ instead of driving their own cars.

One day, the father said: _today do not drive the car, we also come to a big action of environmental protection!_ My father took us to a roadside bike stop and we all went for a ride on one bike. Along the way, we saw some usually sitting in the car can not see the beautiful scenery, such as roadside flowers there are small butterflies flying, small bees in the hard honey, is really unexpected surprise!

_Shared bike_ is really a good invention, it can not only let people exercise more, but also can protect the environment. As long as people insist on driving less, the car tail will be much less steam, the sky will become blue again.

共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第二篇

Hello, everyone, I am a shared bike, you can also call me yellow car. Do you see the brand on me? It is the QR code, or ID card. We have a special QR code for each car.

Every day, I wake up to the sun, the dazzling sun, hot shine on me, I have to wake up. When I open my eyes, it's usually early in the morning when people are busiest. The staff would arrange us neatly the night before. Some of us would be put at the entrance of the subway, some would be put at the entrance of the shopping mall, or the entrance of the community. We would be seen everywhere along the road, and my day's work would start from here.

I hope that my master is kind, after using me carefully put me back, and then lock me up again, abide by the rules, do not hurt me hurt me or discard me, let me patiently wait for the next kind master, I will be very grateful to him.

And my birth is like a beautiful dream, in order to solve those busy people in the city, only a short distance of distress, they need me, to help them speed up to go to work, or do other things, wind and rain, I work hard, meet all the things I can do, don't let everyone suffer.

I hope that we can light up every route of the city, looking for different kind hosts.

共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第三篇

Every time out of the community, we will see the sidewalk neatly placed rows of eye-catching color bicycles, blue, orange, white, green, they have a common name - sharing bikes.

Each shared bike has a QR code, which is its _ID card_. Take out the phone to the QR code gently scan, the car will emit a _ding_ sound, the lock will open. Then we can ride it and ride around freely! The road, the street, the community, everywhere can see its figure: there is a riding it to school, uncles and aunts riding it to work, and grandparents riding it out to buy food...... You see, shared bikes are not only convenient and practical, but also healthy and low-carbon and green!

However, there are a few people who do not cherish it. Under the big trees, beside the bus station, in the corner, often can see the shared bikes lying on the ground. Some can be lifted up and ridden, while others are damaged and can no longer be used. Some parents for convenience, let the children sit in the basket. This is not only uncivilized, but also particularly dangerous, once encountered traffic accidents, the consequences are unimaginable! I hope you will see such behavior must be timely stop.

When we enjoy shared bikes, we should also share civilization, so that shared bikes bring more convenience to our life!

共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第四篇

Modern technology is very developed, there are all kinds of public transportation, these public transportation has brought us a lot of convenience, but many people do not cherish the public resources, even damage these public resources.

Shared bike, everyone familiar? It brings us a lot of convenience, not only the cost is cheap, but also very easy to ride. But more people use it than send it home. Many people use it and then just throw it away. Another is only a short distance from the area where the shared bike is parked, and he or she doesn't bother to push the shared bike across. That's why we find them on sidewalks, in grass, in ditches, etc. Other people who want to take the shared bikes as their own will break or take off the locks on the shared bikes, so that the GPS locator will be broken or taken off, and then there will be one less shared bike. We shouldn't do this.

If shared bikes are parked everywhere, they will turn our orderly cities into chaos. If a shared bike is dumped on the sidewalk, it will make it difficult for people to use it. Then, is it convenient? We should pick up the shared bikes and put them back in the parking area. We should not deliberately damage them, to cherish them.

The civilized use of shared bikes requires the participation of you and me.

共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第五篇

Because of inconvenient parking, difficult bus ride and other reasons, in the past two years, the streets, to many _new friends_, red, blue, green, they are wearing colorful clothes, form a beautiful scenery. We can ride and stop whenever we want, which adds a lot of convenience to our travel. Their name is _shared bikes_.

However, I found the shared bikes badly damaged. Some seats are missing, some tires are punctured, some locks are picked... And on the side of the road, many shared bikes fell into a piece, also ignored. They lurched, as if accusing someone of malevolent behavior.

This kind of behavior not only seriously endangers urban civilization, but also damages public property, which is illegal. It has a very serious negative impact on oneself, on others and on society.

Now we are building a national-level civilized city. Everyone should abide by the law and maintain order. Therefore, I suggest: first of all, you can install a self-detection fault instrument for the bicycle, so that as long as someone is not civilized use of the car, the detector can be timely alarm, ask for compensation; Then, set up a _reward report_ software, who reported the person who damaged the bike, after verification will be awarded a bonus; Finally, full-time staff or volunteers can be invited to strengthen management and better maintain the shared bikes.

However, I hope that everyone can have a sense of public ethics, jointly take care of public property and our shared bikes, so that the shared bikes can better serve each of us.

共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第六篇

There are already many shared resources in our life, and they are gradually changing the way we live. Shared resources are also evident on the streets.

On our way home from school, there were two neat lines of shared bikes on both sides of the road. But look inside. Some bikes are missing a pedal; Some even lost their wheels, missing arms and legs. So, today I'm going to share a thing about shared bikes.

Remember that time, I went to travel, saw the side of the road sneaky standing a person, saw, his eyes have been staring at a bicycle motionless, hands tightly holding the card to return the car, I thought: he is doing? Why not borrow a car when you have a card in your hand? He's not trying to...

Thinking about this, I immediately ran over to him and asked, _What do you want to do?_ The man did not speak, but said in sign language that someone had borrowed the car and had forgotten to take the card. See me in shame bowed his head and said to him: _I accompany you to wait for him._

Soon the owner came, thanked us, and left. At this time I also said to the man: _Sorry, I misblame you._

Even though shared resources are now broken, there will still be good Samaritans. I hope we will have a better sharing era in the future. Let us live a conscientious life, see someone damaging public goods, to stop immediately.

共享单车破坏四零零字作文 第七篇

_Plaintiff, what do you have to say?_ Only one judge to talk to.

_I was parked on the side of the road with my friends the other day and I saw them come and take us away._ _Then he took the tires off and all the parts apart,_ the bike share said angrily, pointing at the defendant. _We already have many brothers and sisters._

The defendant is a middle-aged man who seems to be well-behaved, but he did something like this. It's unbelievable. The defendant angrily shouted, _If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to do this. It's because of you that our bicycle rental business is not thriving. It's you. We're paying hundreds of dollars a month. We're going out of business. I just did it._

Shared bike said: _Then you can't do this ah, now is the age of science and technology can not destroy us because of their own ah, now choose more convenient rather than to rent, to rent, but also to go to the regulations of the parking point, we are different from you, so that the business is prosperous._

Everyone in the audience talked about it and thought it was reasonable. The judge knocked on the alarm and said order. The noise disappeared in an instant. The judge asked, _Defendant, I find you guilty of vandalism._ _I was willing to be punished,_ the defendant said. _I did it on impulse._

_Court adjourned! _Said the judge. The bike-sharing theft spree is over.
