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英语作文关于五个家人的职业 第一篇Manpower Inc with workers is the largest temporary employment agency in the world。


英语作文关于五个家人的职业 第一篇

Manpower Inc with workers is the largest temporary employment agency in the world. Its employees go into the offices and factories in the United States every morning to find a job for a day's salary. Industrial giants like General Motors and IBM are struggling to reduce the number of employees in order to survive.

The Milwaukee, Wisconsin based human resources company is booming. Its economy continues to recover. The United States is increasingly becoming a country of part-time and temporary workers.

This _labor force_ is the most important in today's American business, and it is changing people and workers As a loyal employee, the benefits and significance of this point come from [a] swarm [b] big stride [C] split [D] slip [D] the benefits and significance of this phenomenon provide enterprises with a way to maintain global competitiveness, avoid the increasingly heavy burden of market cycles and employment rules, medical expenses and workers' pension plans, which means the end of security [a] because [C] starts [b] from [b] to [C] to [D] starts from [a], even [b] now only [C] has [C] provided [a] durable [b] disposable [C] available [D] transferable [a] method [B] flow [C] fashion [D] trend [a] reverse immediately [C] basically [D] sufficient [a] but [b] both [C] and [D] and [a] imposed [b] restricted [C] indicates [D] restricted [D] restricted [C] indicates [D] Limited [C] restricted [D] Limited [D] restricted [C] indicates [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] is [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D a) excited [b] letter The importance of passion: a c c d a B D C B a D.


: ① ② ③:, ④:, ⑤:and,or ⑥ ⑦, Manpower Inc with workers,是世界上最大的临时职业关于所,其员工每天早上都会走进美国的办公室和工厂,为了一天的薪水找一天的工作。像通用汽车和IBM这样的工业巨头为了生存而挣扎着减少员工数量,总部位于威斯康星州密尔沃基的人力资源公司正在蓬勃发展,其经济继续复苏,美国正日益成为一个由兼职和临时工组成的国家,这种“劳动力”在当今美国商业中是最重要的,它正在改变人们与工作之间的关系这一现象为企业提供了保持全球竞争力的途径,避免了市场周期和就业带来的日益沉重的负担规则,医疗费用和工人的养老金计划这意味着安全的终结,作为一个忠诚的员工,这一点的好处和意义来自于 [a]swarm[B]大步[C]分开[D]slip [a]因为[C]从[B]到[C]到[D]由 [a]开始,即使[B]现在只有[C]提供了 [a]耐用[B]一次性[C]可用[D]可转让的 [a]方法[B]流动【C】时尚【D】趋势 【A】立即反向【C】基本上【D】充分 【A】但【B】同时【C】和【D】而 【A】强加【B】受限【C】说明了【D】受限的 【A】兴奋【B】信念【C】热情【D】重要性 :A C C D A B D C B A D。

英语作文关于五个家人的职业 第二篇

Career and family when it comes to career and family, people always hold different views. Some people think that pursuing career is more important, while others think that family is the most important aspect of life. Undoubtedly, career plays a key role in our life first.

Occupation gives us a goal that is to live on and enrich our life without career Most of our life time will certainly be boring. What's more, career can provide us with a means of life. Most people make a living by working for money.

On the other hand, family is an integral part of life, because many people will admit that family has always been regarded as a kind of life. Here we can escape the pressure of life, and we can feel the bug with family 。 In addition, we can get a sense of belonging from family. As far as I am concerned, anyone will feel lonely and desperate.

Career and family are not antagonistic. We can focus on our work while we are at work. After work, we can have a happy time with our family so that they can promote each other and life will become better and better.



英语作文关于五个家人的职业 第三篇

I would like to introduce my family, including my parents, my brother and my father. He is a businessman. He is always very busy.

He is a person who does not over expose himself. But he is very concerned about us. He usually takes himself as an example.

He is a hard-working man. He focuses on his own career. When he comes home with a tired body, I am worried He, so I told myself, as my father, I should study hard and repay him with my good grades.

My mother is a housewife. She is a kind and diligent person. She cares about me and my brother very much.

Sometimes I think she is boring. But when I came to the University, my parents went to see him off the night before I left. My tears couldn't control.

I didn't Thinking of my mother was very boring at that time, I was looking forward to her tuition. My brother was a few years younger than me. He was a smart and naughty guy.

My family was very happy. I love my family. I decided to study hard and have a bright future to repay my parents.


