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英语不会单词怎么写作文 第一篇考研英语一图画作文主要分为两类:人生态度类(常考积极方面),社会现象类(常考消极方面)。首段:As is vividly depicted in the photo/pi。


英语不会单词怎么写作文 第一篇



As is vividly depicted in the photo/picture,图画描述,which successfully attracts our , the photo/picture has shown an implied meaning that 寓意,which needs to be given further analysis.



In theory,several reasons may bring about the event shown in the picture,but for my part,the following two are the most main reason is that 原因Ⅰ.In addition,there is the other point that no one can issue also results from that 原因Ⅱ.



In summary,the analysis I have made so far should at least make readers aware of the all the measures,it is people’s actions that in this way can we embrace a bright future.



There are two 图画人物 in the pictures captioned “图画标题”.One is 人物I在做的事,while the other 人物Ⅱ在做的事.



The pictures show us two distinct ways of 人生态度/品质/处事等,which reflect thier different attitudes towards 人生/时间/困难等.The person on the left stands for 优秀品质/积极态度等.It is generally acknowledged as a contributing factor to 成功/成就等.Another potential benefit of it is 其他好处,which will go a long way to 成功/成就等.In contrast ,the one in the right picture obviously does not have such a personal is not hard to imagine that a lack of 优良品质/态度等 will ultimately lead people of this kind to 失败/堕落等。



To sum up,it is able for everyone,especially us college students ,to develop 好习惯/优良品质等.We may start with small steps such as 阅读/做家务/锻炼等.



As is shown in the picture,描述图画.Words in it reveal the implication of the picture:写出图中文字.



It is intended to sound the alarm over a prevalent phenomenon that 指出问题.People nowadays have enjoyed an increasingly prosperous life in the wake of enormous social and economic at the same time,we may forget that the consequence brought about by 问题 is looming large instance,写一个例子.Fortunately,解决问题 has been put at the top of the agenda in a majority of ’s obvious that many of them still haven’t adopted concrete measures to prevent things from getting worse.



To tackle the problem,it is necessary to complete relevant laws and regulations and firmly complete rules alone will not be sufficient,which must be accompanied by persuation and education that helps raise public awareness of 法律/环保等.We should remember that our future depends upon what we do right now.



英语不会单词怎么写作文 第二篇







英语不会单词怎么写作文 第三篇












开门见山表明请求的内容+说明请求原因+(根据需要进一步请求)+ 表示感谢并期待回复



②正文应写 一-三 段,五-七 句即可;



g一六CBM_>二零一五 年考研英语二小作文

英语不会单词怎么写作文 第四篇



个人:Dear Sir/Madam/Judy/Jack,(用逗号)

专业:Dear Mr. Wang, / Dear Professor Wang, / DearEditor Wang,

二.正文缩进四字(英文四个字母),通常分三段。首段说明写信目的,第二 段具体展开,第三段通常表达感谢,并期待对方回复。


Yours truly, / Yours faithfully,/ Yours sincerely, NAME。

Para一: 表明写作目的:表示感谢并简要提及原因。


Para三: 再次表达感谢并表达回报的愿望。


一. Iwould like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for kindness to …

amwriting this letter in purpose of expressing/conveying my appreciation for yourwarmth and hospitality during…

hospitalityhas brought me great comfort…

has given me great joy…

appreciate what you have done for me…

tell you how delighted I was with the decorate present you gave me.

七. Again,special thanks to all of you.

八. Finally,I feel most obliged to your generous help, and I am looking forward to yourvisit to … indue time in the future.

Para 一: 说明信息来源,表明写作目的。

Para 二: 提供个人信息(优点),适当询问相关问题。

Para 三: 表达求职愿望,提供联系方式,表示感谢。



’m writing this letter for the purposeof applying for the post mentioned in your advertisement on the Internet.

二. I am writing to express my interest inyour recently advertised position for a…

三. I am very interested in exploring thepossibility of obtaining a position as a…

四. I graduated from …University majoring in…. I have therefore attained professional knowledgein this field.

五. Not only do I have excellent academicperformance in my courses, but also possess the rich experience of management…

wish to be considered as an applicantfor the position.

will be grateful if you could considerme favorably as an applicant for the position.

八. I shall be very much obliged if you willoffer me an opportunity for an interview. I am looking forward to your earlyreply.

hope you will be kind enough to considermy application favorably.

一零. If further information is required,please contact me at…

you for your consideration and Iam looking forward to your reply.

Para 一: 关于推荐人以及与自己的熟悉度(同学,同事等)

Para 二: 对推荐人的评价,如学历、工作经验、性格特征等。

Para 三: 表达感谢,再次赞美推荐人综合素质并期待回应。


to your particular requirements, I shall, without reservation,recommend… asan ideal candidate.

二. It ismy great pleasure to write this letter in support of XX’s application to youresteemed university/ company.

三. I amwriting this letter for the purpose of recommending you a former student ofmine, Mr./Miss… forhis/her application for the position in your company/ for a further study inyour college.

四. Hehas proved to be industrious, responsible and skillful in carrying out hisassignment.

五. Heactively participated in discussions and raised questions and issues thatshowed a devotion to learning.

asked me for further clarification of points I covered in my lecture.

七. Herwork in the class consistently reflected a level of insightfulness andattention to detail that is unique to her.

八. Shouldyou favor him with a position in your company, I am sure that his futureconduct will prove worthy of your confidence.(尾段)

九. Therefore,I do not hesitate to recommend him as an ideal candidate for the post youadvertised. I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendationand kindly offer him such a promising position.

not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Para 一: 说明申请原因。

Para 二: 说明申请具体原因,可以适当询问相关信息。

Para 三: 恳请对方考虑该申请,并表达感谢,期望回复。


一. I amwriting this letter for the purpose of expressing my great interest in …. I wish to be considered as an applicant for the position.(幂学孙笑飞老师整理)

二. Iwish to apply for admission to your department as a graduate.

三. I amwriting this letter for the purpose of applying for pursuing graduate study inyour university.

four years study, I have passed all the required courses with satisfactorymarks.

五. Ishould be most grateful if you would give my request favorable consideration.

六. Iwould greatly appreciate it if you could kindly consider my application,

required more information, please feel free to contact me. I am lookingforward to your early reply.


stale personality and high sense ofresponsibility are fit for the position.

二. work well with a multi-cultural anddiverse work force

outstanding capability makeshim/me the ideal candidate for the position.

to my academic background and workexperience, I am qualified for the job.

五. His educational background and workexperience can make him qualified for the job.

六. I/He am/is highly motivated, energetic,and cheerful, and above all I/He have/has strong inter-personal skills.

七. Based on my observation of herabilities, I strongly believe…

八. She made a perfect impression on me dueto her pleasant personality.

九. He proved to be a capable and motivatedstudent with all of the qualities necessary to pursue further studies in…

一零. In view of his previous achievements inhis field, I am firmly convinced that he will make a qualified staff member.

一一. His /my interactive personal skills andteamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post.

一二. displayed impressive analytical skillsand a keen intellect.

一三. displayed confidence and eagerness tolearn.

一四. displayed a rigorous intellect and impressiveacademic abilities


mature, dynamic,honest, bright, enthusiastic, aggressive (applicants), initiative, creative, independent,self-motivated, strong-minded, industrious, cooperative, promising, profound,devoted, warm-hearted…

Para 一: 简短说明辞职的请求。

Para 二: 表达遗憾或感激,并具体说明辞职原因。

Para 三:希望对方同意辞呈,表达美好祝福。


一. I am writing this letter for the purposeof my decision to resign my current position in this company.

二. I am sorry to inform you of my decisionto resign my current position as an assistant in this company.

三. I am much grateful to be employed by youtwo months ago as a ….

四. I appreciate the opportunity of havingworked here with you and other colleagues. The experiences will beunforgettable throughout my life.

五. However, after a month work, Iunfortunately find the job is quite far from my expectations.

六. I have to say that my salary is far fromsatisfying, which barely sustains me in this expensive city.

七. Moreover, so far I have never had theresponsibility of any challenging task.

八. I find my present job doesn’t fall inwith my previous training and strength.

九. I would like to take this opportunity toexpress my gratitude to you for the rewarding experience that I have achievedduring my employment.

一零. I sincerely wish you could approve of myresignation, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience thus caused.

Para 一: 表明写作目的(给出建议)

Para 二:写明具体建议,二~三点。语气要客气礼貌。

Para 三: 感谢对方对信件的关注,希望建议对对方有帮助。


一. I am writing this letter for the purposeof making some suggestions concerning…

二. I am writing this letter to draw your attentionto the fact that …. I will try to make some conductive/ concerning…

三. I would like to suggest that…

四. It would be beneficial that…

五. It is proposed/ suggested that…

六. In my humble opinion, you would be wiseto take the following action

七. To begin with,… Also, …Plus,…

八. I hope you will find these proposalsuseful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you about furtherdetails.

prompt attention to this emailwould be highly appreciated.

hope you will find theseproposals/suggestions/ recommendations practical.

Para 一: 简要写明投诉的主要问题。

Para 二: 写明投诉原因、具体问题、解决方案或期望补偿方式。

Para 三: 写明个人联系方式,客套一下,象征性表示感谢。


一. I am writing to express my complaintagainst…

二. I am writing to complain about the poorservice of your…. Ihave been pleased with your services for years, but now I feel verydisappointed.

三. There are mainly two/three reasons formy dissatisfaction with…

四. For one thing… Foranother thing… What’smore…

五. 具体问题:faulty products/ bad service/ delayeddelivery/ loyal customer/ after-sale service/ customer service department…

六. I claim to exchange it for another newone or declare a refund.

七. I strongly request that a be given and effective measures should be taken to improve yourservice and the quality of your products.

八. It would be highly appreciated if youcould take my problems into careful consideration and give your due attention.

九. I am looking forward to your promptreply.

Para 一:说明写作意图以及与收信人的关系。



一. I am writing this letter for the purposeof inviting you to…

二. I am writing on behalf of … toinvite you to give a lecture/ deliver a speech on the topic of …in…

三. It would be highly appreciated/ obligedif you could…

四. I am sure that it would be immenselybeneficial to all of us if you would consider giving us an update on this.

五. An appreciation dinner party will beheld by…at XX hotel on October 一零, 二零一八.

六. Will you come and join s wo share thepleasure of …?

七. During your stay in our university, wewould like to offer you accommodation arrangements, which are free of charge,schedule planning and activity program.

八. I hope you have no previous engagementand we would meet there for the enjoyable evening.

九. We would highly appreciate it if youcould confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.

would be looking forward to yourcoming with great pleasure.

Para 一: 表达得知喜讯的激动喜悦之情。

Para 二: 对喜讯的积极评价(夸奖)。

Para 三: 再次表达祝贺以及对未来的美好祝愿。


一. I am writing this letter for the purposeof congratulating you on…. I am proud greatly of what you have achieved.

二. All of us feel proud of your .

三. Allow us/ me to give most on this exciting occasion.

四. Facing your brilliant achievement, Iwill never forget your painstaking labor and excellent ability.

五. Thus, I compliment on your success and Iam looking forward to your bright future.

六. Please accept my most on your success. May all the years ahead fulfill all your hopesand dreams.

Para 一: 简短重述自己做错的事,并诚挚表示歉意。

Para 二: 说明道歉的具体原因,态度诚恳,可以提出补救方法。

Para 三: 再次表达歉意,请求对方谅解。


一. I am writing this letter for the purposeof apologizing to you for

二. Had I paid more attention then, I wouldn’thave made such a mistake.

三. Now something must be done to solve theproblem

四. First of all,…Moreover, … Lastbut not least…

五. I sincerely hope you can understand mysituation and accept my apologies.

六. I sincerely wish you could understand mysituation and accept my apology, and I apologize in advance for anyinconvenience thus caused.

Para 一: 表明写作意图,说明这封信想问什么方面的信息。

Para 二: 就某一具体问题询问。(幂学孙笑飞老师整理)

Para 三: 提供个人联系方式,表达感谢,期盼回复。


一. I am writing this letter for the purposeof inquiring about some necessary information regarding…

二. I am writing this letter in hope of yourassist to …

三. I would be very grateful if you could bekind enough to provide me essential information about the above-mentionedaspects.

四. Your prompt and favorable attention tomy inquiry would be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to your earlyreply.

五. Thank you for taking the time toconsider my request.

六. You can reach me at 六六六六六六八 or via emailat….


Date: October 一st,二零一八

To: ProfessorZhang

From: Linda

Subject: Thearrangement of meeting


英语不会单词怎么写作文 第五篇


①XX provides arguments both for and against YY. (提取自英一二零一五Text一)


仿写例句:The advertisement on Wechat provides arguments both for and against the commercial operation of big data.


②XX is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing. (提取自英一二零一四 Text 一)


仿写例句:It is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get.


③The conventional view that XX should be one of the very highest priorities for YY is wrong. (提取自二零零九 Text 三)


仿写例句:The conventional view that school education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting personal growth is wrong.


④Voices now come from many quarters insisting that…… (提取自英一二零二零 Text 二)


Voices now come from many quarters insisting that academic burden is the cause of suicide cases on the campus, that measures should be taken to relieve that burden.


①In other words, XX may be the heart of the issue.(提取自英一二零一八 Text 二)


仿写例句:In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue.


②XX demands too little effort from YY to do sth and subsidize laziness.(提取自英一二零一四Text 一)


仿写例句:Financial support from doting parents demands too little effort from young adults to build their own careers, and subsidizes laziness.


③The most glaring flaw of XX is that……(提取自英一二零一二Text 一)


仿写例句:The most glaring flaw of the economic stimulus is that it doesn’t work very well for very long. 经济刺激最刺眼的不足是:它的作用不会很长久。

④:AA have come up with the finding that XX have far less impact on YY than is generally supposed. (提取自英一二零一零 text 三)


仿写例句:Some graduates have come up with the finding that certificates have far less impact on job-hunting than is generally supposed.


①XX,for example, poses thorny …… issues/problems. (提取自英一二零一九 text 三)


仿写例句:The coming use of facial recognition technology, for example, poses thorny privacy issues.


②Yet this isn’t the case with all AA.……(提取自英一二零一七 text 三)


仿写例句:Yet this isn’t the case with all graduates. Some of them have made huge progress in both knowledge and ability since they entered the workplace.


③If you then examined AA, you would find this phenomenon to be even more pronounced. (提取自英一二零零七 text 一)


仿写例句:If you then examined those people who have no interest in self-growth, you would find this phenomenon to be even more pronounced.


④Illustrated with an array of examples both home and abroad, the trend that…… is unmistakable. (提取自英一二零零五 text 四)


仿写例句:Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples both home and abroad, the trend that an increasing number of people are crazy about traveling is unmistakable.


①It is fair to criticize and question……but……. It is wise to ……with gratitude and grace.(提取自英一二零一四 text 三)


仿写例句:It is fair to criticize and question negative comments but they are always informative and enlightening. It is wise to take those seemingly unfriendly comments into careful consideration with gratitude and grace.


②Or, put another way, expert performers—whether in XX or YY —are nearly always made, not born. (提取自二零零七 text 一)


仿写例句:Or, put another way, expert performers—whether in schools or the workplace —are nearly always made, not born.


③:Clearly,XX encompasses more than YY. (提取自二零零七 text 二)


仿写例句:Clearly, success encompasses more than social status and wealth.



①This absence of XX was wounding YY,making it more likely that …(提取自二零一五text 四)


仿写例句:This absence of moral purpose was wounding companies,making it more likely that they would lose their way as they had with widespread scandals.


②The widespread availability of XX has thus brought about a crisis in YY.(提取自二零一一text一)


IqoOuGiS_>仿写例句:The widespread availability of e-books has thus brought about a crisis in the traditional publishing industry.


③By giving in to XX now AA are inviting YY. (提取自二零一零text四)


By giving in to low-quality goods now consumers are inviting pressure to make more concessions.


①XX combined with YY and ZZ, have resulted in……(提取自二零一七text一)


仿写例句:Their unrealistic expectations, combined with a rise in the population of qualified graduates and the job market in the dumps, have resulted in the predicament that their graduation amounts to unemployment.


②In the case of XX,…… appears to result from YY.(提取自二零零八text三)


仿写例句:In the case of academic papers, the suspicion about their validity appears to result from the increasingly common practice of plagiarizing.


③XX and YY are the main forces for ZZ. (提取自二零零六text一)


仿写例句:The fierce competition in the domestic university entrance examination and the better education in foreign universities are the main forces for the mounting number of people studying abroad.


①XX underlines the need for YY: ……(提取自英一二零一八text一)


仿写例句:The challenge of coping with an aging population underlines the need for the whole society to remove outworn beliefs about the elderly: Older people should be treated as an economic asset rather than a burden.


②Relying on XX rather than YY to address …… may be the best step.(提取自英一二零一六text一)


仿写例句:Relying on law rather than ethical persuasion to address the misuse of the Internet may be the best step.


③Even better would be to do sth. (提取自英一二零一六text一)


仿写例句:Even better would be to help elevate notions of success beyond the material standards. 比这更胜一筹的是促使成功的概念提升到超越物质标准的层次。

英语不会单词怎么写作文 第六篇


常规句:We can adopt all the good things.

突破句:We can adopt all the good things, both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.


评:两组成对使用的形容词修饰good things, 凸显事物广泛来源,更加饱满生动。


常规句:A young man who sits comfortably in a chair says to himself...

突破句:A young man, sitting comfortably in a chair, says to himself...





A crop of new graduates who are faced with a career selection dilemma are wearing a puzzled look.

突破句:A crop of new graduates,faced with a career selection dilemma,are wearing a puzzled look.




常规句:One man is wearing a gloomy look. He covers his forehead and curses his is lamenting, “It’s all gone!”

突破句:Wearing a gloomy look, one man covers his forehead and curses his luck, lamenting, “It’s all gone!”




常规句:When teenagers are pressured by school work and encouraged by their peers, they often resort to pursuit of stars.

突破句:Pressured by school work and encouraged by their peers, teenagers often resort to pursuit of stars.



With 结构作伴随状语

常规句:Two one-legged young men form a powerful union and run forward steadily. Their crutches are left behind and leaning upon each other.

突破句:Two one-legged young men form a powerful union and run forward steadily,with their crutches left behind and leaning upon each other.


评:With 结构作伴随状语,将原来的两句合二为一,更能凸显画面两部分之间的联系,体现图画主题“合作”。

What 从句作主语

常规句:The bright and confident smile on his face makes the boy exceptionally brilliant.

突破句:What makes the boy extraordinary is the bright and confident smile on his face.


评:What 从句作主语引出图片中男孩最值得关注的特征:(虽万般辛苦,但仍然)展现出阳光自信的笑容。


常规句:Their helpless old father crouches in the middle of the “football field ”.

突破句:In the middle of the “football field ” crouches their helpless old father.




常规句:This drawing reflects a prevailing trend that various cultures can exist together and integrate with each other.

突破句:This drawing reflects a prevailing trend—the co-existence and integration of various cultures.


评:名词同位语替代that同位语从句对a prevailing trend进行解释说明,使表述更简洁干脆,且更能契合图片形象。

which 引导的非限制性定语从句

常规句:As time spent on the Internet is on the rise, facetoface communication has experienced a rapid drop. That may result in feelings of distance and isolation.

突破句:As time spent on the Internet is on the rise, facetoface communication has experienced a rapid drop, which may result in feelings of distance and isolation.




常规句:Everybody’s success depends on his ability to remain optimistic in the face of adversity.

突破句:There is hardly a person whose success does not depend on the ability to remain optimistic in the face of adversity.




常规句:Youngsters can become kind, calm and strong individuals by accumulating selfconfidence and experiencing challenges with it.

突破句:Only by accumulating selfconfidence and experiencing challenges with it can youngsters become kind, calm and strong individuals.



It is... that ...句式强调条件、主体等

常规句:White pollution can be reduced when people voluntarily refuse to use plastic bags.

突破句:It is only when people voluntarily refuse to use plastic bags that white pollution can be reduced.译:只有人们自愿拒绝使用塑料袋,白色污染才能减轻。
