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备忘录英语作文模板 第一篇写备忘录,改稿胡用英语来写比用汉字似乎快一点,因为汉字比英文字母要繁杂得多。下面是我给大家整理的备忘录英语范文,供大家参阅!敬晌To:All StaffFrom:Jasmin。


备忘录英语作文模板 第一篇


敬晌To:All Staff


Date:一五 December 二零一 一

Subject:Christmas Party You are sincerely invited to our annual celebration on Friday, December 二三,二零一一,in

the Staff Center,from 七:零零 pm to 一零:零零 pm.

Don’t forget to dress you up. (四六 words)


To:All Staff


Date:二四 June 二零一一

Subject:Utility Costs

Our spending on office’s utility is increasing and it will be much more than our budget by the end of this year. Thus we would like to start a campaign to publicize the need to save

Energy. The money saved will be used to update our ! (四九 words)

To: All Staff

From: Ada Petal,Personnel Manager

Date:December 二五,核拦二零零九

Subject: New Year’s Holiday

The New Year’s Holiday will begin from January 一,二零一零 to January 三, will be much appreciated if your desk could be cleaned up before you leave.

Have fun. (四零words)

备忘录英语作文模板 第二篇


To:All Staff


Date:二四 June 二零一一

Subject:Utility Costs

Our spending on office’s utility is increasing and it will be much more than our budget by the end of this year. Thus we would like to start a campaign to publicize the need to save

Energy. The money saved will be used to update our ! (四九 words)

备忘录英语作文模板 第三篇

To:All Staff


Date:一五 December 二零一 一

Subject:Christmas Party You are sincerely invited to our annual celebration on Friday, December 二三,二零一一,in

the Staff Center,from 七:零零 pm to 一零:零零 pm.

Don’t forget to dress you up. (四六 words)

备忘录英语作文模板 第四篇

Dear Xiaoli,

I found an advertisement of rental housing on the internet,the adress is in the East Street,there is a apartment with two beedrooms in the second also has a kitchen,bathroom, ,there has the telephone and the you want to know more about it,you can call Jim,五六四二八一七六 after 六pm only.

Yours sincerely,

Wang Gang

备忘录英语作文模板 第五篇

To: All Staff

From: Ada Petal,Personnel Manager

Date:December 二五,二零零九

Subject: New Year’s Holiday

The New Year’s Holiday will begin from January 一,二零一零 to January 三, will be much appreciated if your desk could be cleaned up before you leave.

Have fun. (四零words)

备忘录英语作文模板 第六篇




二.收件人的姓名、头衔、地址(Address’s Name, Title, Address)


四.结束语(Complimentary Close)



收文人或单位的姓名、头衔、地址写在左上角。称呼顶格写,一般用Dear Sir, 对政府官员可用Sir。“事由”一项较少使用,可以在称呼之前或之后,其前加Re或Docket,subject。写在称呼前时要顶格写,在称呼之后时写在信笺的正中,词句简练。


Date: March 四, 二零零四

To: University Apartments Residents

From: Lynn Perigo, Manager

Subject: Swim Lesson

The University Apartments Office would like to offer Swim Lessons this

summer .If enough interest is shown, Swim Lessons will be offered again during the Fall semester, and if participation continues, it will become a routine program for the residents of University Apartments. There will be a $ registration fee for 三 persons, and $ fee for 四 or more. The increase in cost from the last time we offered swim lessons is to help defer some of our costs and also to make this program a continuous event. If you are interested, call the University Apartments Office by April 一二th at 二七三-六二三二 or stop in the office during our office hour, 八:零零 .— 五:. If no interest is shown, Swim Lessons will not be offered.


Suppose you are an HR manager of a company, and your department is organizing a

computer course for all the company''s employees. Write a memorandum to the staff about the details of the training, including the purpose and content of the course, the time and place of class, and any other relevant information.

You should write about 一零零 words on ANSWER SHEET 二.


To:All full-time employees

From:HR Manager, Li Ming

Date:May 九th, 二零零七

Subject: Computer course

An investigation conducted by the HR Department last month reveals the fact that a high rate of computer illiteracy contributes to a severe inefficiency of our company. As a result, it has been decided that all full-time employees are to attend a computer course—which will take place every Monday night from 七pm to 九pm in the company meeting room A and B—for the duration of two months. Employees are able to sign up for the basic or advanced levels of the course according to their present computer skills. Please register for the course at the company reception desk before May 一五th. Further suggestions will be appreciated so that the program can be more fruitful.







Dear Lee,

I have somthing important to tell you. I knew you wanted to rent a house,but I just happened to see an advertisement for you. The house is located at East Street and the apartment is on the second floor with two bedrooms,kitchen,bathroom,furniture,telephone and the you have well considered,then please call Jim only after 六pm at 五六四二八一七六 .


Wang Gang(望御御轿采纳拆闹)镇肆

以上就是备忘录英语作文的全部内容,二、听力部分为分:短新闻三段共分;长对话两篇共分;听力篇章三篇共一四二分;三、阅读为分:词汇理解分;长篇阅读七一分;仔细阅读一四二分;四、翻译为分。英语作文中备忘录格式 一是信头,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
