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专升本英文作文万能模板 第一篇Dear Petrie, I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks to you for visiting me in th。


专升本英文作文万能模板 第一篇

Dear Petrie, I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks to you for visiting me in the hospital yesterday. I really like the books you brought me. I think they are very helpful to my English study.

You don't have to worry about my homework during my absence because my classmate Wang Ming said he would come after school every day. This morning, the doctor told me that I could recover and return to school in two weeks. That's good news for me, and then I'll thank you again, Li Hua.



专升本英文作文万能模板 第二篇

My Favorite Scientist

My favorite scientist is Albert Einstein. He is widely considered as one of the most brilliant and influential physicists in history. Einstein’s work on the theory of relativity revolutionized physics challenging conventional understanding of space and time. His famous equation E=mc² demonstrated the equivalence of mass and energy and its impact can be seen in nuclear and particle physics.

What I admire most about Einstein is his creativity and imagination. He was able to think outside the box and question established theories. His approach to problem-solving was unconventional and it led him to discover new insights and principles. Einstein also had a strong sense of social responsibility and he used his influence to promote peace and justice.

Despite facing obstacles and persecution from the Nazi regime Einstein remained committed to his principles and continued to pursue his scientific work. His legacy continues to inspire generations of scientists and scholars.

Overall Einstein’s contributions to science and humanity are truly remarkable and I consider him as one of the greatest minds of all time.






专升本英文作文万能模板 第三篇

My Favorite Scientist

My favorite scientist is Marie Curie. She was a Polish-born physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first person to win two Nobel Prizes in different fields.

Curie made many important discoveries in her lifetime. She and her husband Pierre discovered two new elements polonium and radium. They also developed a new method for isolating radioactive isotopes. Curie’s work laid the foundation for many future advancements in nuclear science.

But Curie faced many challenges as a female scientist in a male-dominated field. She was often discriminated against and had to fight for recognition of her achievements. Despite these obstacles she remained dedicated to her work and continued to make groundbreaking discoveries.

I admire Marie Curie for her intelligence determination and perseverance. She showed that anyone can achieve great things with hard work and passion regardless of their gender or background.






专升本英文作文万能模板 第四篇

(一) 例如:for example, for instance, such as

(二) 以…… 为例:take …for example

(三) 等等:and so on, and so forth, and all, and others, and the like, as well

(四) 同样地:similarly, likewise, in the same way

(五) 事实上:in fact, in effect, as a matter of fact

(六) 特别是:particularly, in particular, especially

(七) 再者,更重要的是:what's more, more than that, the most important

(八) 此外:moreover, furthermore, in addition, in addition to that, besides

(九) 即,也就是说:that is , that is to say, or, namely

(一零) 换言之:in other words, or, that is

(一一) 正如前面所讨论的那样:as is previously discussed

(一二) 正如前面所提到的那样:as we have mentioned above

专升本英文作文万能模板 第五篇

关于信作文 传统文化








参考词汇:皮影戏 Chinese shadow play

Dear Bob

i'm glad to hear that you' re interested in traditional Chinese culture. i'm writing to tell you something a bout the study group for traditional Chinese culture.

As scheduled, the members of the group have lessons in the school hall every afternoon from Monday to Thursday. Up to now, forty students have joined us, ten of whom are exchange students from different countries. Welearntraditional Chinese art such as Beijing Opera andChinese shadow playunder theguidance of .

The group provides a good opportunity to learnabout traditional Chinese culture, especially for exchangestudents. I believe you'll like it the moment you join it.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


假设你是学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom 约好下周未去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请你根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:







Dear Tom

专升本英文作文万能模板 第六篇

My mother told me that I needed to change everything in my life because I didn't listen to other people's advice, so I started to change from wearing some new clothes, but the only thing I couldn't give up was my cowboy boots. I went to my mother and said, _I want to change a lot of things, but I don't think I have to give up my_ cowboy boots. _My mother said,_ I don't know if you You can't change it if you don't want to give it up.

_;_ well, _I said,_ I'll give up these boots for days just to show my determination to change. _ So, I bought a pair of tennis shoes, and after a few days without jeans, my feet no longer hurt I never stopped to think, boots hurt my feet, or some of my habits hurt my life, which means that if I do something different in such a small way every day, there may be some big changes note: determination n Source: syscus


专升本英文作文万能模板 第七篇

Dear Petrie, I remember you told me that you are interested in teaching in China. Our school is looking for a native speaker to teach some courses for high school students. If you come, you can choose from three of the following four courses: UK today and USA today, teach several hours a week, have at least three years of English learning experience, in addition to teaching, you will also serve as a consultant to our student English club or school English news.

If you are interested, please let me know and if you have any other questions, I will be happy to help.



专升本英文作文万能模板 第八篇

She is very concerned about the development of science and technology in China. Since the establishment of the laboratory in Southeast University on December, she has come back to give lectures many times. She died of heart disease, and then obtained her doctorate from many famous universities in the United States.

She devoted her whole life to physics research and won many awards in the United States and around the world. Four years later, she received her doctorate from the University of California. She is a Chinese American female physicist.

She was born in Taicang County, Jiangsu Province on May 一, and went to the United States for further study.



专升本英文作文万能模板 第九篇

(一) 然而:while, whereas, but, however, nevertheless

(二) 尽管如此:in spite of this, despite all this

(三) 不管,不顾:regardless of

(四) 但在另一方面:but on the other hand

(五) 但是说到….我们认为……:but, as regard to… , we say that

(六) 与……相比:in / by comparison with, as compared with/ be compared against

(七) 对比之下:in/ by contrast

(八) 与……相反:as opposed to, in opposition to, instead of

(九) 反之:On the contrary, instead

(一零) 不同的人对…有不同的看法:Different people look at …in different ways

(一一) 情况正好相反:The contrary is the case.

(一二) 反过来也是对的: The reverse is also true. / Vice versa.

(一三) 让我们把A与B作个比较:Let's make a comparison between A and B

(一四) 他们的区别如下:Their differences are/ can be described as follows.

(一五) A与B之间的不同在于:The difference between A and B is/lies in/ exists in consists in …; A is different from B in….; A and B are different in …

(一六) 然而,虽然A有很多优点,它也有自身的局限性:Advantageous as A is, however, it has its own limitations too.
