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为什么人们被解雇英语作文一零零字 第一篇Today, I'd like to introduce a hip-hop singer named Jay Parker. Before he became。


为什么人们被解雇英语作文一零零字 第一篇

Today, I'd like to introduce a hip-hop singer named Jay Parker. Before he became the boss of his music company, he was a member of 二pmwever. Because of a bad thing, he was dismissed by his he failed, park Zhixing not only did not give up his hip-hop career, but also insisted on his dream. This is the reason why he succeeded.中文翻译:今天我要关于一位名叫杰伊·帕克的嘻哈歌手,在他成为他的音乐公司的老板之前,他曾经是二PMowever的一员,因为一件不好的事情,他被老板解雇了,尽管失败了,朴智星不仅没有放弃他的嘻哈事业,而且坚持他的梦想,这正是他成功的原因。

为什么人们被解雇英语作文一零零字 第二篇

Last Thursday, we did a _test_ on occupation. On paper, many students gave some jobs a very low score. They didn't like them at only gave a career 一 point (broadcast the evening news, because I want to sleep. I think if you can get a job, it's already a good thing, if you can choose a job you like in that _test_ In _try_, I was most interested in the field of social interest, followed by art, investigation and realism. I'm glad that these areas include businessmen, but why I want to be a businessman, I have some reasons from the Internet, as well as my businessman is like a manager, so the first reason is that when the economy gets worse, the boss wants to fire someone. Because you are less likely to be fired than a worker, you have a safe job. There are other reasons, such as you have more flexible time to do what you want, you can stabilize the economy of your country, and you will be proud of yourself My father was a the saying goes, my son inherited his father. That's why I want to be an abusive person. My father can help me or give me advice to make me more successful.中文翻译:上周四,我们做了一个职业的“测试”,在纸上很多学生给一些工作一个非常低的分数,他们根本不喜欢他们,我只给一个职业一分(广播晚间新闻,因为我想睡觉,我想如果你能得到一份工作,这已经是一件好事,如果你可以选择一份你喜欢的工作在那次“测试”中,我最感兴趣的领域是社会兴趣领域,然后是艺术、调查和现实主义的兴趣领域。我很高兴这些领域包括了商人,但为什么我想成为一名商人,我从互联网上有一些原因,也有我自己的原因。我说的商人就像一个经理,所以第一个原因是,当经济变得更糟的时候,老板想解雇一个人,因为你被解雇的可能性比工人小,所以你有一份安全的工作,还有其他原因,比如你有更多的弹性时间来做你想做的事,你可以稳定你的国家的经济,你会为自己感到骄傲,我父亲是个商人,俗话说,儿子继承了他的父亲,这是我为什么想成为一个虐待人的人,我的父亲可以帮助我或给我建议,使我变得更成功。

为什么人们被解雇英语作文一零零字 第三篇

In our country, the word _unemployment_ was rarely heard a few years ago, but now, more and more people are unemployed. Many young people, including many college graduates, are fired or have to stay at home. Obviously, unemployment is becoming a serious social the one hand, what causes this situation? It is precisely because of the recent economic situation that China has made great progress In order to improve efficiency, many state-owned enterprises have to lay off a large number of employees.中文翻译:在我国,“失业”这个词几年前很少有人听到,但现在,越来越多的人失业了许多年轻人,包括许多大学毕业生,被解雇或不得不呆在家里很明显,失业正在成为一个严重的社会问题,一方面是什么原因造成了这种情况,正是由于最近的经济形势,我国进行了重大的经济改革,为了提高效率,许多国有企业不得不解雇大量的员工。
