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济南的历史变化英语作文 第一篇济南是我的故乡,它时时刻刻都印在我的心中。我喜欢济南的夜晚,每当那一轮玉盘高高地挂在天幕时,皎洁的月光总会倒映在水面上,把粉嫩嫩的荷花衬托的更加美丽动人,犹如那白雪公主在。


济南的历史变化英语作文 第一篇







济南的历史变化英语作文 第二篇




济南的历史变化英语作文 第三篇

Ji'nan city is the capital of Shandong Province, the large number of springs, Baiquan dispute Chung, since ancient times, poets left as _every spring, huhuchuiyang_, _Lotus surrounded on three sides Liu, a city with hills and lakes in Ji'nan city the praise poem. Ji'nan city has a long history, the distribution of the prestigious Baotu Spring, Heihu Quan, five Longtan, Zhenzhuquan quanqun four, hence the name _springs_. For thousands of years, the people of the spring city have been enjoying the sweet spring water and enjoying the purity of the spring water. At the same time, famous for the springs of the scenery in the world every year Mingxiu, attracted a lot of tourists at home and abroad.

Daming Lake, Qianfo Hill and Baotu Spring are known as the three famous attractions of the spring city. Daming Lake is composed of numerous springs confluence, the lake is very wide, every summer, Lotus Lake Park Green Liu Chengyin; Qianfo Hill Buddhist mountains, mountain view, clear lake as a mirror, like the Yellow River, Quancheng style, panoramic view of Baotu Spring; for three spots in the more and more people's attention a _tour of Ji'nan, not swim to swim is not four, reputation_. The area of Baotu Spring park is 一五八 mu. It is a characteristic garden based on spring. Baotu Spring by three parallel spring, three springs gush from the bottom of the pool, jumped out of the water more than three feet high, scattered waves, very spectacular. Clear water gurgling water flowing, dew color with water. The surrounding scenery was reflected in the spring, and the clear reflection was rippling. The foot long carp and cluster, and spread, and drill into the bottom, and out of the water...... Baotu Spring enjoys the name of _the first spring of heaven_.

Pearl spring is also known as a famous scenic spot in the spring city. The spring pool is 四二 meters long and 二九 meters wide. The spring water is clear as green, a string of white bubbles emerge from the bottom of the pool, as if the Pearl of the floating thousands of pearls, blurred and moving. It is called _Pearl Spring_.

Heihuquan quanqun is one of Ji'nan's four. A long time ago, heihuquan is famous in the world. Spring water out of the deep concave cave, through three stone carvings of the tiger spring water sprayed out, the sound of water noise. A rockery platform, the springs near the meandering corridors, summer shade trees, birds, cicadas is tea, viewing the tourist resort.

Five Longtan Park is located outside the west gate of the spring city. It is named after the five dragon pool in the garden. According to legend, five Longtan old Tan deep, every encounter drought, pray for rain should have good, the temple was built in the pool, in the five plastic God, then called the five longtan.

From ancient to modern times, Ji'nan has been the Central Plains city cultural and political center, has a profound historical and cultural heritage, so far, the city still retains historical monuments for thousands of years, Confucian Temple, Confucian Konglin etc..

济南的历史变化英语作文 第四篇







济南的历史变化英语作文 第五篇

Jinan is in locate northern latitudes 三六 degrees 四零 cent,east longitude 一一七 is in South of Mount Taishan and North of Yellow is belonging to warm temperate zone greatly six sex monsoon weather area,clear all the year round,sunshine full in year average air temperature is 一四 Celsius degrees,the year average rainfall is 六五零-七零零 millimeters.

Jinan is called _Quan Cheng(泉城)_and is coast in Chinese the east economic big province-Shandong the provincial capital of the is a whole province politics,economy,culture,science and technology,education and banking is also a national approval of the coast open city and vice- province class benefit goes down south to govern six areas,one County class City,the total area is 八二二七 square kilometers,population 五,九六零,零零零,among them downtown population 二,六零零, the south is one of the city of_national city comprehensive real strenght 五零 strong_ and_whole country invest hard environment 四零 excellent.

济南的历史变化英语作文 第六篇

The autumn wind swept the Ji'nan, with a layer of dark yellow and Zhu Hong. The autumn wind  invible. You can't touch it, but you can only feel it sings in a fine voice. With the autumn leaves roll up, they seem to have become a light dancing girl, finger toward the sky, whirling and dancing, skirt flying in the air, not what can let them stop

To release a shake with small shadow, accompanied by breeze floor  a dead leaf, golden leaves! It fell, the golden autumn, also come.

The autumn wind swept the Ji'nan, with a layer of dark yellow and Zhu Hong. The autumn wind  invible. You can't touch it, but you can only feel it sings in a fine voice. With the autumn leaves roll up, they seem to have become a light dancing girl, finger toward the sky, whirling and dancing, skirt flying in the air, not what can let them stop. The world seems to have dappeared, from the beginning to the end that only the autumn wind and the autumn leaves are dancing.

Ji'nan spring and summer sun, while the winter sun  early hidden, ending  also very bad. The sky  a gray, and it  more deep compared to the other. After a long time, the rain fell. The sky seemed to sink, but the air became much lighter. Look at the sky, a layer of light green, from it to the next day, from it to the ground, slowly rendering on rice paper.

The autumn rain in Ji'nan  said to come.


济南的历史变化英语作文 第七篇







济南的历史变化英语作文 第八篇







济南的历史变化英语作文 第九篇

It is the North Daming Hunan gate, west of West Street more, from the Pearl Spring and the palace pool stream over the spring fed the twists and turns of the river, is called: qushuiting street.

A beautiful water flow, is not only a rapid, shed a light to see faint beside the willows on the water clear ripples, long thin Liu if no place on the surface of the water, the wind Ling faint rippling on the surface of ha.

No matter when the afternoon, several greying hair old man would move to a wooden stool under the willow tree with relish to chat. At this time, people near the spring water also come out to wash rice washing, Lala family. Their children at home, but some sticks and whip spring touch plants, can play a half day. Suddenly looked up, QUXU on the other side, wearing a white striped shirt, black trousers rolled up to the end of a small woman, iron pots, steps from a level down to the bottom has been soaked in water on the steps of the clothes to be washed out from a plastic bag, and a water washing to rinse, also occasionally stroked by the wind to the forehead hair.

Again, it is a small stone arch bridge, bypassing the small bridge, but the astonishment of the discovery, I do not know whose white duck ran into the water to play! It has a wing, head in a thick white inside, keep a comb like snow feather, a time to get water on a violent wave. The other white duck is buried under the wings with his neck and neck, like a white ball in a deep sleep.

Not far from the few playing white duck, and extends the head into the swaying plants near the bottom, seemed to be looking forward to get a few small fish shrimp to sinseong hoe.

Look at the many springs in Ji'nan, opened the _qushuiting Street_ this chapter will be found, it is Ji'nan old memories and quiet.

At dusk, when the old and the young and young do not pick up their things to go home, the people at Linquan are also ready to make dinner. Gradually Qi sunset on the roof with cable only half of the face, Qin is a layer of golden light, darkness and night shadows before the last golden intertwined, each other regardless of you and me, all become gradually to the silence of the dark. The smell of food and light only half the door from time to time from the proof, qushuiting street has not completely immersed in the dark.

Pipa song Shuiting, so passionate beautiful water street to find the world? If it is _this street should only be Ji'nan, earth to get a few times._!

At this moment, the memory of old Ji'nan is in my mind. The water line of the water is like flowing in my blood. It seems that it can never be eliminated. On behalf of the famous landscape in Ji'nan -- qushuiting street!

济南的历史变化英语作文 第一零篇





济南的历史变化英语作文 第一一篇

Ji'nan city  the capital of Shandong Province, the large number of springs, Baiquan d* Chung, since ancient times, poets left as _every spring, huhuchuiyang_, _Lotus surrounded on three sides Liu, a city with hills and lakes in Ji'nan city the prae poem. Ji'nan city has a long htory, the dtribution of the prestigious Baotu Spring, Heihu Quan, five Longtan, Zhenzhuquan quanqun four, hence the name _springs_. For thousands of years, the people of the spring city have been enjoying the sweet spring water and enjoying the purity of the spring water. At the same time, famous for the springs of the scenery in the world every year Mingxiu, attracted a lot of tourts at home and abroad.

Daming Lake, Qianfo Hill and Baotu Spring are known as the three famous attractions of the spring city. Daming Lake  composed of numerous springs confluence, the lake  very wide, every summer, Lotus Lake Park Green Liu Chengyin; Qianfo Hill Buddht mountains, mountain view, clear lake as a mirror, like the Yellow River, Quancheng style, panoramic view of Baotu Spring; for three spots in the more and more people's attention a _tour of Ji'nan, not swim to swim  not four, reputation_. The area of Baotu Spring park  一五八 mu. It  a charactertic garden based on spring. Baotu Spring by three parallel spring, three springs gush from the bottom of the pool, jumped out of the water more than three feet high, scattered waves, very spectacular. Clear water gurgling water flowing, dew color with water. The surrounding scenery was reflected in the spring, and the clear reflection was rippling. The foot long carp and cluster, and spread, and drill into the bottom, and out of the water...... Baotu Spring enjoys the name of _the first spring of heaven_.

Pearl spring  also known as a famous scenic spot in the spring city. The spring pool  四二 meters long and 二九 meters wide. The spring water  clear as green, a string of white bubbles emerge from the bottom of the pool, as if the Pearl of the floating thousands of pearls, blurred and moving. It  called _Pearl Spring_.

Heihuquan quanqun  one of Ji'nan's four. A long time ago, heihuquan  famous in the world. Spring water out of the deep concave cave, through three stone carvings of the tiger spring water sprayed out, the sound of water noe. A rockery platform, the springs near the meandering corridors, summer shade trees, birds, cicadas  tea, viewing the tourt resort.

Five Longtan Park  located outside the west gate of the spring city. It  named after the five dragon pool in the garden. According to legend, five Longtan old Tan deep, every encounter drought, pray for rain should have good, the temple was built in the pool, in the five plastic God, then called the five longtan.

From ancient to modern times, Ji'nan has been the Central Plains city cultural and political center, has a profound htorical and cultural heritage, so far, the city still retains htorical monuments for thousands of years, Confucian Temple, Confucian Konglin etc..

济南的历史变化英语作文 第一二篇

The following appeared in a Letter to the Editor of the Shady Village newspaper.

Commuters are complaining that the rush hour traffic on Blue Highway between Shady Village and Bright City has doubled their commuting time. Some commuters have asked that an additional traffic lane be built, but the recent creation of such a lane on nearby Green Highway apparently attracted more commuters, judging from the fact that rush-hour traffic jams actually increased there this past winter. To reduce rush-hour traffic on Blue Highway, a bicycle lane should be added instead of a traffic lane. This approach will succeed because many citizens of Shady Village are avid bicyclists; 七五 percent of respondents to a recent questionnaire distributed there said they would like to bicycle more hours per week than they currently do.



济南的历史变化英语作文 第一三篇

Last month Peter failed in the math exam. He was very sad and cried. The teacher encouraged him to work hard at his lessons. After that, he made up his mind to study hard. He listened carefully in class and the teacher helped him with his math. Last week he had another test in math and he got 九零 marks. He felt happy and his teacher said “Congratulations ” to him. _

teacher encouraged him to work hard at his lessons.

that, he made up his mind to study hard.

encourage,make up his mind,congratulations

济南的历史变化英语作文 第一四篇

Nine as the mountain is named because of the waterfall, the waterfall is flowing away from the mountain.

Mountain, Lin Mao, the Sichuan danger, the spring Qing, the depth of the pool, the waterfall urgent... She was in the middle of the mountains of the south, the wind in the clouds.

Standing on a piece of green stone near the waterfall, the foot was a woof water and a little rippling. It is a piece of glass. The underwater leaves clearly visible under the soft grass, in the bottom. The above is a small waterfall pond, such as a piece of light satin, neither fast nor slow down the stream, beside a twig stretched over, was struck with the waterfall.

On the next black wooden plank, a small _creak_ sound, there are always out of one or two branches on the top of the head, do not know what species, but only remember the little lovely warm orange flowers. There are many unknown insects in the feet and in the air, and occasionally look at me, like the owner of the mountain. The light is to pay attention to these, unconsciously has gone to the end of the wooden trestle, and then the cement road leading to the big waterfall.

Through the cement road, hear the _rumble_ of the sound of water, tighten running. Stood for a moment, my heart thump look, his eyes, as if so you can make it permanently fixed.

How beautiful!

It is different from the beauty of the waterfall. It is not a spotlessly clean touch, but like all the wind and frost are underfoot, Qili do not speak the truth.

The water pouring down from a height, with cries of joy, Pentium, mercilessly pound that Wang great pond, without hesitation, determined to drop down. The boulders on both sides embraced it.

My father and I sat on a stone, and I put my hand into the cool, clear water and stroked the soft green moss on the underwater stone. A little girl with a braid on the shore was holding a long thin steel tube. There was a sudden, slender column of water, crossed from my field of vision. The girl gave me a naughty smile and was as bright as a flower.

On the way, see the ripe small persimmon bent the branches, the red dragonfly flying in the sky, do not give up, it is to stay in love.

Nine however, she bowed to the ancient Qilu culture, mountain springs.

济南的历史变化英语作文 第一五篇

A library used to be only a building with a lot of books and a very quiet place to me. I had never wanted to enter a traditional library because it was a boring place for a child. Since I became a senior high school student, I have more homework that requires me to find the latest information on a topic or some good ideas. So I got into the habit of going to the library, and I can't tell you how wonderful it is!

There are so many interesting books I've never read, including novels and books about science and computers. Most important of all, there are even a lot of famous classic films, which are very popular. Now I also have something else to do when I'm in a library: studying.

Studying together with a lot of people is a good experience. Now I'm never bored when I'm in a library. Do you want to see how much fun it is? Come with me to a library today!

济南的历史变化英语作文 第一六篇

A library used to be only a building with a lot of books and a very quiet place to me.

I had never wanted to enter a traditional library because it was a boring place for a child. Since I became a senior high school student, I have more homework that requires me to find the latest information on a topic or some good ideas. So I got into the habit of going to the library, and I cant tell you how wonderful it is! There are so many interesting books Ive never read, including novels and books about science and com*rs.

Most important of all, there are even a lot of famous classic films, which are very popular. Now I also have something else to do when Im in a library: studying. Studying together with a lot of people is a good experience. Now Im never bored when Im in a library. Do you want to see how much fun it is? Come with me to a library today!

济南的历史变化英语作文 第一七篇






在这个陌生得地方,我的第一反应就是到处逛逛,他们总是说,和我出去游玩,不是逛到睡着,就是逛到吐... ...千佛山、英雄山、黄河森林公园、鹊山等等,在记忆里开始变得淡黄,虽然模糊了,但是那一张张笑脸,却还是那么逼真,是那个秋天,去的太快了。


济南的历史变化英语作文 第一八篇






济南的历史变化英语作文 第一九篇

The autumn wind swept the Ji'nan, with a layer of dark yellow and Zhu Hong. The autumn wind is invisible. You can't touch it, but you can only feel it sings in a fine voice. With the autumn leaves roll up, they seem to have become a light dancing girl, finger toward the sky, whirling and dancing, skirt flying in the air, not what can let them stop.

To release a shake with small shadow, accompanied by breeze floor is a dead leaf, golden leaves! It fell, the golden autumn, also come.

The autumn wind swept the Ji'nan, with a layer of dark yellow and Zhu Hong. The autumn wind is invisible. You can't touch it, but you can only feel it sings in a fine voice. With the autumn leaves roll up, they seem to have become a light dancing girl, finger toward the sky, whirling and dancing, skirt flying in the air, not what can let them stop. The world seems to have disappeared, from the beginning to the end that only the autumn wind and the autumn leaves are dancing.

Ji'nan spring and summer sun, while the winter sun is early hidden, ending is also very bad. The sky is a gray, and it is more deep compared to the other. After a long time, the rain fell. The sky seemed to sink, but the air became much lighter. Look at the sky, a layer of light green, from it to the next day, from it to the ground, slowly rendering on rice paper.

The autumn rain in Ji'nan is said to come.

济南的历史变化英语作文 第二零篇

People all know that _all three face lotus Liu, a city with hills and lakes the description of the scenery of Ji'nan Milen college, Ji'nan therefore called_ the springs_. We would go to Ji'nan, to watch the springs of the mountains.

I have been to the city of _Jiangbei water city_ in Liaocheng, and also to the tourt city of the Yellow Sea, Qingdao, but can not compare with the spring city of the charm. Baotu Spring water really shocking ah, three springs crowded, day and night Pentium, bring people infinite power; the moat water really quiet ah, slowly flowing, warm and clear, tactfully, make the person and relax; water scenery of Daming Lake, the water ripples, Yourenruzhi the green trees, reflected, let a person look away. By boat from Baotu Spring through the moat to the Daming Lake, like swimming in the picture without stop.

I climbed a hundred mile Taihang Mountain, also vited a precipice Mount Wutai, but not on the mountain of Ji'nan. Ji'nan mountain layout really clever ah, around the springs in the surrounding, and not connected with each other, and their own charactertics; Ji'nan mountain really tall ah, though not magnificent, but without losing the steep, ring from the ground, surrounded by mountains in Ji'nan Gufeng; really chic ah, the top of the mountain stands flashed Pavilion, red brick. The trees around, people feel the deep culture springs.

Th mountain surrounded by such water, such water motens the mountain, plus the lake steam cloud run, boat to boat to the hills, rocks, green pines and verdant cypresses, let you feel the endless charm of the landscape of the city.

济南的历史变化英语作文 第二一篇






济南的历史变化英语作文 第二二篇






