范文网 作文大全 失物招领英语作文万能模板(全文)


失物招领英语作文万能模板 第一篇A good student came to school this afternoon. He found a wallet on the ground. There。


失物招领英语作文万能模板 第一篇

A good student came to school this afternoon. He found a wallet on the ground. There was no cash in it.

He was worried that if no one picked it up, it would be damaged, and then he stood there and looked at it for a while, because no one was going to pick it up. He took it to the teacher's office and the wallet was brand new. On one side of it was a piece of paper with a poem saying goodbye to Cambridge in Chinese.

Please contact the office of American English Department on October 八,.



失物招领英语作文万能模板 第二篇

The last time the mobile phone showed up was on the afternoon of October. There were three shining star stickers on the back cover of the black mobile phone, and there was a fat Blue Bear Ornament beside it. If you find it, please contact me and return it to me, and will give us dollar reward.

My phone number is thank you for your cooperation. Lost and found in the playground, I found a red pencil box with apes and others in it If this is yours, please call me.



失物招领英语作文万能模板 第三篇

On the evening of January 四, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading room on the third floor of the new library in the East District of our school. The electronic dictionary can be roughly described as follows: it is brand-new metal gray, portable electronic dictionary as big as a cake, as thin as an ordinary magazine. The owner of the electronic dictionary can contact me now.

My room phone number and mobile phone number are respectively. Please make an appointment in advance.


