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有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第一篇One night, Mr. Li dve his wife home fm work. She was a nse in a hospital.She was very。


有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第一篇

One night, Mr. Li dve his wife home fm work. She was a nse in a hospital.

She was very tired and fell asleep soon. Mr. Li looked at her and said with a ile that Mr.

Li was a careful and expeenced dver. He knew that it was safer to dve slowly in the dark night. After a while, he noticed a car following him.

It was moving very fast. Suddenly, it passed his car. The dver was in a hry.

He didn't see the truck coming to avoid hitting it. He adjusted the car suddenly. The car skidded off the ad and hit a big tree.

Both the dver and the passengers were injed. They were badly scratched by the windshield. Mr.

Li quickly pulled the car to the side of the ad for his wife The dver also stopped to Mr. Li dve to call the police. About 二五 minutes later, a police car and an ambulance arved.

The injed were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The police took down the details of the accident. Mr.

Li and the truck dver told them rything they remembered. The police thank them for their . Mr.

and Mrs. Li got on the car and continued their joney home.




有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第二篇

A public outcry over photos of young school children clambering up a sheer 八零零-meter cliff face on rickety wooden ladders, the only way they can get from their village homes to school, has prompted swift action from local authorities.


Atuleer, home to people from the Yi ethnic group in the southwest of Sichuan Province, has no road connection and the residents depend on subsistence farming of potatoes, walnuts and chili peppers.


While many urban residents have expressed shock and disbelief that there are still people struggling for a basic living and education in the world's second-largest economy, experts said that there is still a long way to go to lift those left behind by China's modernization out of poverty.


A work team of 五零 from Zhaojue county's transport, education and environment departments arrived in Atuleer to look into the situation after photos of the children's struggle caught the nation's attention in the past two days, The Beijing News reported.


Lin Shucheng, Party secretary of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, said that authorities would build a set of steel stairs as a temporary solution to ensure the security of the village residents, while more permanent solutions were sought, the report said.


Home to 七二 families, the only way residents can reach the outside world is to risk the climb down a series of 一七 ladders made from tree branches and vines precariously fixed to the cliff, The Beijing News reported. The village children, aged from 六 to 一五, board at their school and are only able to return home twice a month, when their parents take turns escorting them up and down the mountain.


Yu Shaoxiang, an expert on social security and poverty relief legislation at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the Global Times that the news went viral because it shows the sharp contrast between the relatively comfortable lives of China's urban majority, and the harsh life in villages like these.


"It warned the public that even though some people have a good life, China is still in the initial stages of socialism and so development is uneven," said Hu Xingdou, a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology and expert on China's social problems.


有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第三篇

On October 一 this year, I went to Beijing railway station to pick up a fend of mine. He was going to Beijing for a holiday. This was the first time I went to the railway station to meet someone, so I didn't know what to do.

I arved there half an ho ago and asked the officials for some information. Thanks for their , I found my fend easily. I walked for about 一零 minutes fm the South Gate of North University to Weiming lake, walked along the May 四th ad for about a few minutes, and tned ght at the end of the ad.

You can see that the library on the left walks about a few meters, then tns left at the first tning and walks along this ad If you can't find it, you will find Weiming lake on the left. You can ask the students on campus. They are very ful.

Last weekend, I went shopping in Ginza super with my fends. We found that a lot of goods were on sale. So we bought a lot of things, including food, dnks and other things that we often use.

We think they are both good and cheap. My fends and I often go to Ginza super Becse it is not far away fm o university, and it is a reliable super. There is a "Oental family mament" school in Luquan City, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Pvince.

It is the only secondary school specialized in family mament in China. Since last year, it has recruited poor students fm poverty-stcken areas in the whole pvince. The school lasts for o years, and the accommodation subsidy of yuan tuition and living expenses per year is exempted.

After graduation, students will learn fm the school The school issues the certificate and arranges the work. When the students begin to work after class, they will retn the salary of the first three months to the school, which will continue to be used as the fund for the implementation of the education poverty alleviation pgram.



有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第四篇

Dear foundation ozer: my name is Jerry Lu, a student crently studying in XX middle school in Shanghai. On behalf of my clasates, I am wting to apply for value fund to lnch a plan to economically disadvantaged students gw up without worrying about food. Being at the negotiation table does not necessaly mean that o unfortunate peers will be forgotten.

We would appreciate it if you could sponsor o pject. Here is how we will use the money we will spend in to buy some stationery for poor students in o school. It's worth noting that we're going to inform them to pick up school supplies themselves, rather than we distbute them, so that we don't embarrass those who we want to the rest of the fund, and they'll invite an inspirational speaker to discuss how to get d of poverty by the ght academic and pfessional decisions, although o efforts may sound modest, I We beli that if you can reply yo sincere thanks as soon as possible at yo convenience, we beli that they will warm some people's hearts and make you at a disadvantage in economy and forget yo living wealth.


亲爱基金会组织者:我名字是Jerry Lu,一个目前就读于上海XX中学学生,我代表我同学写信,申请币价值基金,以发起一项旨在帮助那些在经济上处于不利地位学生在不必担心食物情况下长大计划。在谈判桌上不一定意味着我们不幸同龄人会因此而被遗忘,如果您能赞助我们项目,我们将不胜感激。以下是我们将如何使用我们将花费币钱为我们学校贫困学生购买一些文具。


有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第五篇

As we all know, water plays an important le in people's daily life. The demand for water in modern society is increasing, so we should try to save water. Now many places are short of water.

For example, at the beginning of this year, Southwest China, especially Yunnan Pvince, suffered a sre dught. Millions of people did not have enough water to live. Many vers and lakes were polluted.

What's worse, many people are seously wasting water. In order to ptect water, what can we do to fight against rything http://syscus


众所周知,水在人们常生活中起着重要作用,现代社会对水需求越来越大,因此我们应该努力节约用水。现在许多地方缺水,例如,今年年初西南部特别是云南省遭受了一场大旱,数百万人没有足够水供应生活很多河流和湖泊都被污染了更糟糕是,许多人在严重浪费水,为了保护水,让我们做些什么来对抗一切http://syscus Let's do something to help them.

As students, we can give away our pocket money, school things, our clothes or toys. We can also donate some books to them in order to open up their eyes to the outside world. We may raise money for charity by collecting used bottles, plastics, waste paper and so on, or by doing part-time jobs, such as, handing out advertisements, selling newspapers and so on. Making pen pals with them will be a better way to help deal with problems in their study.

The more we do, the better world would be!

有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第七篇

While we are sitting in our bright classroom, remember there are lots of children in the poor areas needing our help badly. Let's do something to help them.

As students, we can give away our pocket money, school things, our clothes or toys. We can also donate some books to them in order to open up their eyes to the outside world. We may raise money for charity by collecting used bottles, plastics, waste paper and so on, or by doing part-time jobs, such as, handing out advertisements, selling newspapers and so on. Making pen pals with them will be a better way to help deal with problems in their study.

The more we do, the better world would be!

有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第八篇

My good fend my good fend is a girl of mine. She is my clasate. I am very tall and thin.

She has big eyes and long hair. She likes listening to music and reading books. Sometimes we listen to music together.

She likes summer bee she can swim in summer vacation. She likes pink and white. She usually goes to school by motorcycle in class 四, grade 六 and meish.

Sometimes she goes to school on foot. We often go together on weekends Shopping, we will become good fends, bee my good fend, I have a good fend, she is my clasate, she is a betiful girl, she studies in no middle school, she is in class, she studies hard all day, she can speak English and Chinese very well, so she often s me learn English. Thank her for her , I her learn mathemati, bee my mathemati is very good, we learn fm each other, Help each other Tracy often wears a white T-shirt and a black skirt.

We all think she is a lovely girl. Tracy likes sports very much. He likes playing basketball and baseball.

We often play table tennis and bton. O family has a big family. There are nine people in the family.

They are her mother, her father, her bther and sister, her uncle, her nt, her grandparents. She loves her family very much.




有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第九篇

China's achievements in poverty alleviation

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 三零 minutes to write an essay based on the chart should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China's achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least 一五零 words but no more than 二零零 words.


The graph above exhibits the tremendous change of poor population in rural China from the year of 二零一二 through 二零二零. It was about 八零 million, approximately 一零% of the total population in the beginning. But the number of the poor has been gradually reducing in the following years. Till 二零二零, it turned zero, symbolizing the success of China’s poverty alleviation.

The remarkable achievements attribute to the poverty elimination project by Chinese government. First of all, it had set up the platform to connect villages and cities, so that the poor people in rural places can work in cities to increase income. Secondly, the plan also worked hard to support the agriculture to raise peasants’ earning. For example, certain technicians were assigned to go there, providing free help to farmers. Their professional knowledge has greatly strengthened farmers’ skills in breeding and planting.

Thanks to the successful implementation of poverty alleviation project, our country has got rid of poverty. And we are sure to greater in the future.

【六月一二日 一九:零零 四六级考后直播解析】

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有关家乡扶贫的英语作文 第一零篇

Learning English is very important. English is widely used all over the world, so many people speak it as a second language. If you don't know English, you will find a lot of English information.

How can you learn about the world and how to gain knowledge in international conferences? English is also an official language. Without good English, you can't express it well in such meetings We can't intduce China to the outside world.


