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特色产品英语作文 第一篇Ptect plants fm direct sunlight. This humidity s to ptect leaves in the daily cycle, mai。


特色产品英语作文 第一篇

Ptect plants fm direct sunlight. This humidity s to ptect leaves in the daily cycle, maintain a temperate, and make leaves and buds dlop and mate at a slower rate. In addition to geographical and climatic factors, the fate of tea also depends on human touch, becse all tea comes fm one plant, and its pcessing method is the art we taste in the last cup The leaves are immediately ded, then heated (steamed) or fired, and the tea remains green, retaining its unique flavor and health benefits.

Green tea is well known. If it is allowed to wither, the tea is converted into black tea thugh an oxidation (also known as fermentation) pcess. There are dreds of different vaeties beeen these o stages, namely exquisite oolong tea, which is partially oxidized tea when spread out in cool The longer the leaves wither and the oxygen they absorb, the deeper the color.

Therefore, a lot of black tea is completely oxidized. These teas are also cled into vaous styles, tastes and grades. This pcess also increases the uniqueness of the final pduct and is regarded as _the art of tea_.

In these refining pcesses, valuable whole leaves are removed fm the lower quality tea dust and fan. Unfortunately, most of the tea we come into contact with is extracted fm these residues after you have expeenced the real tea. The difficult it is to dnk the tea dust and tea fragrance.

Click here to view the tea pcessing flow chart.


特色产品英语作文 第二篇

INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in Hong Kong, China. It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it. So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period. INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 二零-year research.

The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made of light metal. Therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. The price is reasonable. It is a wise choice for English learners.

特色产品英语作文 第三篇






特色产品英语作文 第四篇






特色产品英语作文 第五篇



My hometown is in Zhengning County, Gansu Province, where to produce apples. Every April, apple blossom comes out, which is like a sea of snow. By the time of September, the apples will be ripe, like little red lanterns hanging on the trees.


At this time, the apple is big and round. It tastes very sweet. At this time, you come to my hometown, a warm and hospitable fellow, and will surely pick the biggest and sweetest apple for you to eat. At this time, vendors come here to buy apples. They went from house to house in the orchard to choose the best apples.


Then, they sorted the apples into different grades, packed them and transported them to the processing plants in the city to make all kinds of non-staple food for people to taste. Moreover, it has a high nutritional and medical value, and also has the purpose of eating and appetizing. It brings a lot of income to people in my hometown every year.


This is my hometown's specialty - Apple.

特色产品英语作文 第六篇

我的家乡在辽宁省鞍山市, 这有远近闻名的鞍钢炼铁厂,让人赞美的千山风景区和汤岗子温泉。 我今天要向大家关于我家乡的特产---“南果梨”。 春天,经过一冬的沉睡一颗颗梨树在绵绵春雨中苏醒了。它们尽情地吸收着春天的甘露,绽放出雪白的花朵,像刚下过一场雪一样。 如果你站在梨园之中,就会闻到一股芳香扑鼻而来,像入仙境一般。几天后花落了就会结出小果子。 夏天,太阳光的营养让梨树枝繁叶茂,春天结出的小果子也变大了,出现了黄褐色的斑点。 金秋十月,南果梨成熟了,一个个圆溜溜的南果梨绿中带红,在太阳的照耀下十分美丽。 秋天到了南果梨虽然熟了,可还是绿的,它们三个成伙,五个成群,把树枝都压弯了。 这时你把它们摘下来,放在箱子里闷上一星期左右,那时当你再次推开房门,整间屋子都是南果梨的香味,让你忍不住口水直流。你打开箱子,一个个金灿灿的南果梨摆在你眼前,你拿出一个南果梨轻轻咬下去,香甜的汁顿时布满了你的嘴,让你久久回味。 这就是我家乡的南果梨,欢迎各地的小朋友来我们这里品尝。

特色产品英语作文 第七篇

A long time ago, there was no tea in forei countes. Becse Zheng He's toists came into contact with their favote tea, a cup of tea after dinner became their habit. Tea can not only pmote digestion, but also adjust taste and to lose weight.

Therefore, a large number of tea demand has pmoted China's trade pspety. Japan and other western countes have also begun to plant tea. Until now, tea has become and popular Come and popular, especially China's Longjing Tieguanyin tea and green tea have really bught great changes to o lives.



特色产品英语作文 第八篇





特色产品英语作文 第九篇

关于狗的作文四零零字 小雪娃





特色产品英语作文 第一零篇








特色产品英语作文 第一一篇

关于美食的作文四零零字 生煎包

Hi,大家好,我是一个名副其实的吃货。各种各样的美食我都尝过,有北京的烤鸭,山西的肉泡馍,南京的鸭血粉丝汤,常州的_糕……最让我难忘的还是我们家乡的风味小吃——生煎包 。

生煎包不仅味儿好,看相也好。一个个小巧玲珑的生煎包形态饱满。上半部撒上了黄橙橙的芝麻和绿油油的葱花,下半部则呈金黄色,十分诱人;还时不时地散发出迷人的香气,真是让人垂涎三尺! 生煎包的做法也很简单。以发酵后的白面粉做皮,把准备好的猪肉切成肉沫,倒入盆中配上香油来回搅拌,直到香油被肉沫吸收以后再揉成一个个肉球,用皮把肉馅包捏好后还要蘸上葱花和芝麻,涂上素油,最后再放入油锅中煎熟,一盘色香味俱全的生煎包就做成了。 生煎包吃起来也十分有趣。拿起一个生煎包,先将边缘的薄皮咬一小口,再慢慢品味其中的汤汁。吃馅心,我总爱先吃一块面皮,再配上一块肉,那可真是美极了!


特色产品英语作文 第一二篇

Tea watching, tea, summer tea and tumn tea picking seasons are very delicate fresh tea elements. In the fo leaf or five leaf compact summer tea, one bud tlobite or fo leaf compact tumn tea is the best when taking out one bud, o leaves and one bud tlobite tea. In fnt of the tomb (Gregoan calendar, also known as strange tea, then tea is not insect, tea can be regarded as _green food_.

After Tomb Sweeping Day and insect gwth, most of o country Tea gwers are all chemical pesticides. Here you can imagine the pduction pcess of tea: there is no fermentation pcess in the pduction of green tea. After picking, green tea is directly killed, pressed and ded, and the tea is fresh and pe.

Due to different methods, it can be divided into fed green tea and fed green tea.



特色产品英语作文 第一三篇






特色产品英语作文 第一四篇











特色产品英语作文 第一五篇

As the picture given depicts, the socialist market-oriented economy in our country is developing rapidly, just like a truck running at a high speed. But the general public is surprised to find that there are more and more fake and inferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our marker economy. Consumers have to be very careful in purchasing goods and services they need; otherwise they will fall into the traps set by the illegal manufacturers who make fake and inferior products.

There is no doubt that fake and inferior products are extremely harmful. In the first place, they endanger people's health, giving rise to a lot of injury accidents. For instance, inferior-quality medicines not only aggravate a patient's condition, but also tend to threaten his life and, what's worse, to result in his death. Secondly, fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap. In many cases they interfere with the normal economic order in our country, affecting the market of many high-quality goods. This in a great degree, hinders the development of our socialist market economy and harms the interests of our state. Therefore, we can say that fake and inferior products are a dangerous _tumor_ in our healthy economy, which must be cut away as soon possible.

In my opinion, several strong measures should be adopted to fight against fake and inferior products. On the one hand, those who make them must be severely punished by the law. On the other hand, due to the growing complexity of the market, consumers are often faced with deceptive practices. Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace. Hence, consumers should learn to discern between true and false. Only in this way can they defend their own legal rights and interests.

特色产品英语作文 第一六篇

Thismodeloftypedin,with convenient transportationa of our products comply standard sandaregreatly appreciate dinavariety of differen tmarkets throughout the world.

Coveringanareaof(工厂占地面积)squaremeters,wenowhaveover(员工人数)employees,an annual sales figure thatexceedsUSD(销售额)andare currently exporting(出口比例)ofour production world wide.

Ourwell-equi pedfacilitie sandexce llent quality control throughoutall enable sustoguaran teetotal customer have received(填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO九零零一)。

Asaresulto four high quality product sandout standing customer service,we have gainedag loba lsalesnet work reaching(主要出口国家)。If you are intereste dinanyo four product , looking forward to forming successful business.

relation ship swithnew client saround the world inthenear future.






特色产品英语作文 第一七篇

关于自己的作文四零零字 我







特色产品英语作文 第一八篇

关于美食的文章六零零字 小巧玲珑的马卡龙





你别看马卡龙小小的,看似简单,实际上做法错综复杂,异常考验烘焙功力。为什么马卡龙这样难做?秘密就在于它那层美丽的“裙边”,“ 裙边”它即不是错乱无章,也不是整齐有序,每一位甜点师都有自己的风格。



特色产品英语作文 第一九篇

关于自己的作文七零零字 美德少年







特色产品英语作文 第二零篇

A general-purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporarily or permanently.

The computer and all equipment attached to it are called hardware.

The instructions that tell it what to do are called _software._ A set of instructions that perform a particular task is called a _program_ or _software program._

特色产品英语作文 第二一篇

People can find fake products everywhere, the fake products imitate the brandproducts, because of the low price of the fake products, people are willing tobuy them. The difference between the fake products and brand products is thematerial, the former have bad quality, the latter are in high quality and thematerial is comfortable. The fake products should be taken away by the policeand the manufacturer should be punished by the law. But the fact is that lessChinese people have the consciousness of copyright, people don’t know toprotect the consumer’s right. That is why the fake products popular all thetime.


特色产品英语作文 第二二篇





特色产品英语作文 第二三篇

关于自己的作文四零零字 五一零班向善学生






特色产品英语作文 第二四篇

Cui Shengjun drew a drawing of China's past lottery drawing on a white board on the wall. All the figes are circled nd on a white board. You just need to study it very carefully.

I am an expert now. The dishonored of a convenience store in Beijing said that it is obvious that he boasted that he did not lose money has its limitations, although he admitted that he had nr been like China Millions of other people have won the grand pze, but he is fascinated by lottery tickets. He plays real-time s on video terminals, selects his own Powerball number ry day, and bets on football matches ry week.

His story is no different fm other people except for one important exception: gambling is illegal in China, but Mr. Cui is not a cminal: he played state-owned lottery in the late 's In order to increase rnue, the government made an exception to ban all gambling activities stctly cared out since Mao Zedong day, and set up lottery tickets to support the dlopment of welfare . This abnormal phenomenon has dloped into the biggest lottery sales boom in the history of the world, and its annual sales volume is almost ice that of the initial stage.

China is expected to become the world's largest lottery in the next decade; last year, lottery sales se nearly percent, the industry worth US $billion, just behind the United States, said Cheng Haiping, a pfessor at the China lottery Research Center at Beijing Normal University. With the impvement of living conditions, Chinese people want to have fun and have a bader expeence, and a stnger desire to gamble is one of them part.



特色产品英语作文 第二五篇






特色产品英语作文 第二六篇

Spicy lobster is a delicious dish and is very popular in China. It's a lobster made fm a mixte of spicy sce and chili sce. It's hot and spicy.

When it's sold on the street, it's famous for its taste, n if ry restaant sells it, and business is rywhere. Spicy lobster seems to be attractive than most other addictive street food bee it has Chinese charactesti: horse and La, which means spicy and spicy nowadays, is becoming and popular among foreiers.




特色产品英语作文 第二七篇

A general-purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporarily or computer and all equipment attached to it are called instructions that tell it what to do are called _software._ A set of instructions that perform a particular task is called a _program_ or _software program._

What a Computer Does

The instructions in the program direct the computer to input,process and output as follows:


The computer can selectively retrieve data into its main memory (RAM) from any peripheral device (terminal,disk,tape,etc.) connected to processing the data internally,the computer can send a copy of the results from its memory out to any peripheral more memory it has,the more programs and data it can work with at the same time.


By outputting data onto a magnetic disk or tape,the computer is able to store data permanently and retrieve it when system's size is based on how much disk storage it more disk,the more data are immediately available.

Processing (The 三 C's)

The computer performs all processing by _calculating,_ _comparing_ and _copying_ the data stored in its memory (RAM).


The computer can perform any mathematical operation on data by adding,subtracting,multiplying and dividing one set with another.


The computer can analyze and evaluate data by matching it with sets of known data that are included in the program or called in from storage.


The computer can move data around to create any kind of report or listing in any order.

Calculate,Compare and Copy

By calculating,comparing and copying,the computer accomplishes all forms of data example,records are sorted into a new order by comparing two records at a time and copying the record with the lower value in front of the one with the higher value.

The computer finds one customer out of thousands by comparing the requested account number to each record in the query statement:SUM SALARY FOR TITLE = _NURSE_ causes the computer to compare the title field in each record for NURSE and then add (calculate) the salary field for each match.

In word processing,ing and deleting text is accomplished by copying characters from one place to another.

特色产品英语作文 第二八篇





特色产品英语作文 第二九篇

关于狗的作文五零零字 我喜欢的动物

“方块脸,小耳朵,爱吃肉骨头”你们猜对了吗?对,小狗。它是我的好朋友名叫“布丁”。它为什么叫布丁是因为它最爱吃布丁,一次最少吃五个或更多,有一次它又和我一起吃布丁,你瞧! 今天我和妈妈带着布丁一起去超市买布丁粉,来到超市,妈妈对我和布丁说:“今天多买一点布丁粉,布丁,好久都没有吃到小布丁了。”妈妈说完,我还没回答,“布丁”就“汪汪汪”地叫了几声,像是在说:“对多买点”弄得我和妈妈哈哈大笑。





特色产品英语作文 第三零篇

Fake goods, also known as Shanzhai products, are quite common in China. These products usually have the similar names with the real product, or just exactly the same out-looking with the products. In the remote area, this situation could be worse. The markets are swamped with these fake and poor quality goods. On Taobao, some bad sellers mix up the good and fake products, you can’t even tell the differences between them. Such behavior has harmed greatly to the people’s rights and health. For example, if a consumer buys the fake the cosmetics, she may get allergic. And this may lead to horrible result. What’s worse, the fake goods also exist in the medicine markets. If a patient buys the fake goods by accident, he may lose his life.


The cause of this situation is that some people only care about money making; they don’t know the aftermaths of such behaviors could bring. The local governments do not look into their illegal activities. The consumers’ right must be protected. Only in this way the market can develop healthy and steady. The justice must be done.


特色产品英语作文 第三一篇





特色产品英语作文 第三二篇

All over the world,there are many different products in many different town or city,for example,Anxi and Hang zhou are widely know for their course,in my town,also has a femous thing-yellow flower. Next,let me introduce them for are made by hand from people,so they are simple to made,you just throw down seeds in the field,then through some time,you go there water them,and you must also cut down some grass in the filed,then,you can wait them to grow are used for making oil,and helping person to are so special because they are made just in my town,and so many visitors come here from time to time,then take photos with family,it looks like so beautiful.

I am pround of them,if you have free time,please come here.

特色产品英语作文 第三三篇




特色产品英语作文 第三四篇

Nowadays in the society, there are enormous fake commodities. When you go to the supermarket, you may buy some fake food commodities. When you go to the pharmacist’s, you may buy some fake medicine.

The deep root of this phenomenon lies in someone’s greed for money. In order to get a large amount of money in a short time, they try every means to produce fake commodities, without any regard for other people’s benefit and health.

Fake commodities can do great harm to both consumers and society. For example, when a person bought fake medicine, it was useless in curing his disease and really a waste of money. Sometimes fake medicine can even cause death. Fake commodities are usually sold in a lower price. It causes unfair competition in the market economy and puts the whole society in disorder.




特色产品英语作文 第三五篇

In China, the problem of pirated products has been the big problem, the products such as CD and tap can be copied any time. Pirated products are challenging some industries, because pirated products not only much cheaper in price but also damage the copyright. As the pirated products are cheap, so the products’ quality is not good, people spend money to get the bad one.

What’s more, as more people buy the pirated products, it will have negative effect on the original products which have the copyright.

The manufacturers will loss the profit and don’t have the enthusiasm to produce the good products.

People should have the consciousness to support the genius products, at the same time, more stricter laws and regulations should be carried out to punished the one who sells the pirated products. I believe this problem will be solved gradually.

在中国,盗版产品的问题是一个很大的问题,那些像CD 和录影带的产品随时都有可能被抄袭。盗版产品挑战着一些产业,因为盗版产品不仅仅在价格上很便宜而且也危害了版权。由于盗版产品很便宜,因此产品的质量不好,人们花费很多钱却买来不好的'。而且,随着越来越多的人买盗版产品,给原来有版权的产品带来了不好的影响。生产商会失去利润,没有热情去产品好的产品。人们应该有支持正版产品的意识,同时,要去执行更严格的法律法规,严惩贩卖盗版产品的人。我相信这样的问题会慢慢得到解决。

特色产品英语作文 第三六篇

one possible version:

instant-dict is an e-dictionary made in hong kong, china. it is the latest product of hongyun company ltd. with a large vocabulary of i million words and phrases stored in it. so you can look up any word you meet in your senior period. instant-dict is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the companys 二零-year research. the body of the instant-dict is made of light metal. therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. the price is reasonable. it is a wise choice for english learners.

特色产品英语作文 第三七篇

when it comes to advertisement and products, some people believe successful selling of products can’t be separated from advertisement. to begin with, advertisement keeps people informative about the price and function of products; what’s more, advertisement can help to improve products’ brand awareness and its reputation.

but on another hand, only with good quality can advertisement arouse customers’ interest in the products. otherwise, advertisement can be misleading and what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that honest and colorful advertisement brings benefits to products, but at the same time, products’ quality can’t be ignored.
