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记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一篇In my mind, often one or two things in the hearts of lingering, so I can not suppres。


记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一篇

In my mind, often one or two things in the hearts of lingering, so I can not suppress ... ...

That's my fourth grade. A dawn, I and my cousin riding a bike came to the beach to enjoy the breath of the sea that very fresh air. I happened to find a crab crawling on the beach and sharing the sun with us. I let the cousin and I walk over to see.

We stared at the crabs, and they did not seem to find us, they shook its sharp _knives_ and walked around. The cousin told me that the crabs were _doing morning exercise_. I am amazed, and they will _do morning exercise_. My heart had a thought, I carefully squat, hand a catch. The result was escaped by the hateful guy. I thought: good I copied you! Cousin can not stand still, but also came to help. In our concerted efforts, the guys have been caught by us.

It has been two years after this matter, but it has been branded in my heart.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第二篇

The door opened. and in came the English teacher said we had made remarkal progress in the last exam before NCEEwith a certain boy being the top. Everyone was guessing who it was until at last Iagain couldnt help tears. tears of joy.

Three months before on a similar occasion. Mr. Yang seriously declared that the results of the final exam were disappointing with a certain boy being at the bottom and suggested guessing who it was. Suddenly I found all the eyes were fixed upon me. Feeling it unbearable,I couldnt keep back tears of humiliation Class over Mr. Yang apologized for not keeping it a secret. So we decided to

catch up with the others by having extra remedial lessons. Painstaking efforts proved fruitful resulting in the joy mentioned above.

I owe my progress to the incident of humiliationwhich was so impressive that it will be buried in my heart forever.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第三篇

It happened one night...

“Ah! 三九 degrees! Get to the hospital!” “Said the mother anxiously. Hurriedly carrying me, riding on the car, ”shua“ of the way to the hospital. Because it was urgent, my mother almost got fined for running a red light.

At the hospital, a tall, bespectacled male doctor examined me and wrote out a prescription. Mother took the salt water, antipyretic medicine, race against time ”shua“ to run the first floor, second floor, third floor...... When he reached the place where the salt water was hanging, he sat down to rest.

When hanging salt water, my mother gave me water, sweat, take a book...... Always by my side.

Finally at about 一零:三零, the salt water ”dried up“, I was relieved, then I saw my mothers face ooze beans big beads of sweat, but she just wiped the sweat to send me home.

The incident still sticks in my mind.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第四篇

Everyone will experience many things in his life. In the face of setbacks, we should move forward, not retreat, have the courage to face it and overcome it. And I overcame timidity once and became my unforgettable memory.

I remember when I was in first grade, one day my father patted me on the shoulder and said to me, _son, you should learn to be independent when you grow up. From tonight on, you will be separated from your mother and sleep alone._ Then he pulled me into a newly decorated small room and looked at the warm little bed, brand-new cartoon bedding and a mini table lamp beside the bed. The most interesting thing was that my mother was afraid of me kicking the quilt at night and installed a yurt like mosquito net for me. As long as I zipped around, no matter how I kicked the quilt, it wouldn't fall to the ground. _Oh, great! I have my own little bed. I can sleep alone._ Having my own little bed for the first time, I said happily. In the evening, I climbed into my little bed early and touched here and there, looking forward to the early arrival of night. Finally, the stars in the sky showed a smiling face. My mother, who was busy with housework, told me a few stories, then covered me with a quilt, pulled on a mosquito net, smiled and said good night to me. The room that closed the door suddenly turned dark. At this time, inexplicable fear occupied my heart. In the dark, I suddenly thought of the witch in the fairy tale and the man eating monster in Altman. I was not only shaking with fear, but also wrapped myself like a big zongzi with a quilt. The night is getting deeper and deeper. Trembling, I continue to encourage myself, cheer myself up, and imagine myself as Altman, a brave little red riding hood who can overcome everything. Gradually, I fell asleep in a daze. In my sleep, I dreamed that I was lying in my mother's arms, smiling happily. Vaguely, I wanted to kiss my mother. As a result, I kissed the cold wall. I was awakened and opened my hazy sleep eyes. I found that the day was already bright.

My story is over. Do you think it's interesting? This matter is still fresh in my memory. How brave I was at that time. In the future, we will encounter more _first times_ on the road of growth. I hope everyone can overcome difficulties and achieve more and greater success!

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第五篇




记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第六篇










记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第七篇

When I was young, there was a funny thing that I wanted to laugh at all.

Once, grandma from the flower market bought a bowl of ornamental red pepper. I see, those small fruit crystal translucent, in the sun shining under the light. They are like a _red lantern_ as in the green leaves against the background, very beautiful. I think: these fruits so red, certainly as delicious as cherries.

So, while the grandmother did not pay attention, I picked one, learn the way the grandmother wash to eat. Mouth a bite, suddenly pepper like a fried the same, spicy my mouth like a fire as uncomfortable. I quickly drink cold water, drink a lot, but still no use. At this time, my grandmother came, and saw my mouth, his face flushed, asked me how, but at this time I have been chili hot can not speak.

Although this thing over the past few years, but has been recorded in my heart, when to think of it wanted to laugh. Because it records my beautiful, ignorant childhood.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第八篇

Open my album, see a lot of photos, think of an interesting thing. But what impressed me most was...

One afternoon seven years ago, my mother wanted me to pick some vegetables in our small vegetable garden. She said she would pick just one plate.

She first gave me a small basket, I sat on a small stool, put on my shoes. Ready to pick vegetables.

To the vegetable garden, I saw my mother asked me to pick the food, I quickly ran past, the results first fell a _dog bite mud_. I stood up tenaciously again.

I went to pick vegetables, because I was only five years old at the time, so I didn't know what a plate was. All I think is to pick more anyway.

After I think well, began to pick _vegetables_. I grabbed first and pulled hard. _Yi? How can not pull out._

Finally, I finally tried my best to pull out, I finished picking, back home. As soon as my mother saw me, she asked, _Did you fall? So dirty._ I nodded warily.

My mother saw me pick the _food_ said: _Meng Meng you pick really is food? It's grass!_

I've done a lot of stupid things in my life and this is the one that stands out to me the most.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第九篇

Years ago, my father and I went back to the hometown of Fengyang, Anhui Province to drink the wedding, on the way home I saw the highway written Ningluo high-speed, I do not know what it means, and then asked my father to know that is from Nanjing to Luoyang high-speed. Ning is the abbreviation of Nanjing, Luo is the abbreviation of Luoyang, and Shanghai is the abbreviation of Shanghai, I learned the knowledge again, ha ha!

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, it was my seventh birthday. My mother bought me a cake made of blue jam and white cream chocolate. It was beautiful! I cant bear to eat it.

I also participated in the aunts wedding, aunts wedding is held in the church, sacred and solemn, I and good friend Zhao Yaqi when flower girl, help aunt pull skirt, there are a lot of people have attended. When I had a meal, I was so happy that I drank several big cups of orange fruit. I had loose bowels in the afternoon, which was very serious. I also knew that I was wrong, and I would never drink so many cold drinks again.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一零篇

On Monday, the teacher gave out the examination papers, looking at the papers written on red 八九. To my disappointment, all of a sudden like to vent the gas ball like, hung his head, not a bit.

After school, the students happy like a happy bird, fly out of the classroom, and I am like a snail, slowly walk. Back home, my mother asked my grades, I - I - I hesitated to say a word, throat like a card on a fish bone like, choked. My mother was very worried and said in a loud voice; _what do you get?_ I am afraid, heart is like playing the drums like _Dong Dong_ jump. I whispered: _I got 八九._ My heart is like a rabbit, _beating_ jump straight, so nervous! I can not imagine how my mother said softly: _it does not matter, as long as you work hard, must do well in the exam._ I was extremely delighted. Hear this word, my heart is like the summer breeze blowing up a comfortable.

Ah, this thing really memorable ah!

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一一篇

It was a nice day in summer I woke up in the morning,Mom and Dad had already gone to the breakfast,I opened my red circle on the calender attracted my eyes:today's Mom's birthday!Mom even didn't notice me before!

It was late for me to buy a gift for Mom,what should I do?An idea suddenly came into my the following time,I swept the floor,cleaned the window and did the was exectly 一二 o'clock when I finished all the above minutes later,seeing the happiness in Mom's eyes,I knew that's the best gift for Mom's birthday!This is the most unforgettable thing I've ever had.



记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一二篇


After coming to this school, I felt the most unforgettable thing was that I went to cold water river with my English teacher and some of my classmates.


I feel that it was the last time we went out together in our dormitory. I seldom go out with my classmates. I feel that friends and classmates can deepen their friendship by going out and relaxing together when they are not busy. Another unforgettable thing is to go to South Lake with my aunt and my mother. I only remember that there were many people on that day, and the boat was crowded. We also saw peacocks, monkeys and many other animals that day really had a good time. I havent been so happy for a long time.


I really want to remember many things, unforgettable things for many people.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一三篇








记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一四篇

There is one thing I still remember now。It is the first day I went to the zoo。

When I was only five years old my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely I thought. Every day the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一五篇








记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一六篇

There were all sorts of things that happened to me when I was growing up, some I saw, some I heard, some I experienced, but one of the things that stood out most to me was going to the ski resort last year.

Remember that day, just to the ski resort, I was fascinated by the scenery in front of me, I can't wait to put on the ski shoes, step on the skis, take the snow fight, began to ski. At first, I struggle to move, not to slide up, next to the uncle looked at my anxious appearance, hurriedly said to me: _children, as long as you bend over, arm force a little, you can slide up._ I did as my uncle said, and indeed I slipped up. I kept practicing and became more and more skillful. So, I stood on the _magic carpet_, riding it to the top of the slope, standing on the top, my heart beat very fast, I took a long breath, began to downhill, halfway I fell twice, I don't want to slide again, but my mother encouraged me, said: _children, don't lose heart, you are great! Do it again!_ The second time, I didn't fall. Next, I slid several more times, all successfully reached the bottom of the slope.

Ah! Skiing is fun! Now think of it let me aftertaste endless......

记忆深刻的一件事英文作文 第一七篇

In the life of life, we are in the happy growth, in the process of growing brigade, is often Kankan rough, in this rough happy happy days, often there will be some things that make you memorable.

It was a sunny afternoon, I happily ran home, suddenly, a stone stumbled me, pants broke, and blood flow in the wound, I hurt the _quack_ barking, Suddenly, the next came a cordial greetings caused my attention: _children, how, and pain?_ I heard, turned and looked at the past, _nothing, I can go._ Finished, try to stand _I'll help you go home!_ She helped me up and asked, _where is your home?_ I told my home address, she was slowly To help me go home.

On the way home, she said to me: _You go home only after it, do not hand to touch the wound, use disinfectant cleaning, and then apply medicine, this time to pay attention to, know? I heard, should be a cry. After a while, I got home and said to her, _I am here, thank you._ _No thanks, the next time be careful, do not be so careless._ _Ah_ I looked at her back, tears In the eyes of the spin, slowly, drop by drop across my cheek. Although aunt and I never met, but she is so meticulous care about me, take care of me, thank you, aunt!
